what do you want trump to do?

Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.
Trump will stop talking about it when the press stops asking him about it.

No shit.

That's why he's so fucking bad at his job.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

I voted for Trump, and in order to end the endless whining once and for all there is only one response that is possible.

Global Thermonuclar War. Yes, President Trump must launch an all out nuclear attack on Russia, North Korea, and China. I'm talking no holds barred, everything launched as soon as possible attack.

I know, this will kill more than half the population of the world, but that is a price we are willing to pay. Global Thermonuclear War is the only answer.

We can't just have Trump resign, because then Pence becomes President, and he was on the same ticket as Trump, which means you change the figurehead but not the history. If Pence also resigned, then Ryan becomes President, and he's a Republican.

The only answer is war. There are other benefits besides wiping us all off the map. Global Warming will be checked and reversed for decades. The inevitable Nuclear Winter will see to it that a vast majority of the survivors die from starvation, and then the Earth can start anew without our presence.

Come on Democrats, admit that Nuclear War is the only possible answer to get the Republicans out of elected office once and for all.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.
Trump will stop talking about it when the press stops asking him about it.

No shit.

That's why he's so fucking bad at his job.
No, that's because it's a faux scandal, a paranoid conspiracy theory, a con.
Almost 100% successful. That's great. You have more money than Warren Buffet?

And how would you come to that conclusion?
Seriously tell me how I can become as rich as Buffet because I really wanna know.
My best efforts only put the Wife and I into the top 10% and I want to step up my game.
Math. If you are "almost 100%" on your investments, you have to be doubling your stake fairly regularly. After 20-30 years, that is geometric. When President Trump took over, I felt like energy stocks would be good and I lost a bunch on them.

You made the mistake of thinking Trump can unduly affect oil prices in the short term.His decisions will eventually help the oil industry and bank stocks in Texas reflect that.

Oil prices are done. The Saudis divested $2.1T getting ready for the bottom to drop. Anyone with oil stocks will lose all or most.

And you show yourself as the fool you are.
Texas banks have retooled since the bust of the 80s and have diversified.
Austin is fast overtaking silicone valley when it comes to tech.

As a Texan you should be very concerned that the energy business is a huge economic concern in your State. When oil reaches below $10.00/bbl, there will be a huge economic issue that anyone vested in the State will have to eat. You also need to be concerned with the subsidies that tech received to come to Texas and who is going to pay those subsidies. (hint: it's you)
Presidential vs. psychobabble tweets.
Some people can't appreciate the good qualities of an excellent president. :)

Excellent for whom?, he hasn't done a damn thing for the middle class.
Are you paying less for gas? Thank Trump.

There's a long list of things he's already accomplished. :)

That's funny. Gasoline prices have been dropping since 2014.

Due to who and why?
This should be interesting.......

The commodities market.
Almost 100% successful. That's great. You have more money than Warren Buffet?

And how would you come to that conclusion?
Seriously tell me how I can become as rich as Buffet because I really wanna know.
My best efforts only put the Wife and I into the top 10% and I want to step up my game.
Math. If you are "almost 100%" on your investments, you have to be doubling your stake fairly regularly. After 20-30 years, that is geometric. When President Trump took over, I felt like energy stocks would be good and I lost a bunch on them.

You made the mistake of thinking Trump can unduly affect oil prices in the short term.His decisions will eventually help the oil industry and bank stocks in Texas reflect that.

Oil prices are done. The Saudis divested $2.1T getting ready for the bottom to drop. Anyone with oil stocks will lose all or most.

You keep thinking that while I reel in the bucks.

Your net is barely above inflation so at best you'll push.
I'm the middle class and he's helped me immeasurably.
Of course you'd have to give me a measurable when it comes to the middle class.

I have no clue any more what is poor and what is middle class. I am not wealthy. I like to feel I am rich in spirit.

Is 200k a year rich in your opinion?

...Leaving out investment profits.
Seems rich to me, but I guess everything's relative when you call stocks correctly 100% of the time.

Who calls stocks 100% of the time?

Smart investors.
Presidential vs. psychobabble tweets.
Some people can't appreciate the good qualities of an excellent president. :)

Excellent for whom?, he hasn't done a damn thing for the middle class.

I'm the middle class and he's helped me immeasurably.
Of course you'd have to give me a measurable when it comes to the middle class.

I have no clue any more what is poor and what is middle class. I am not wealthy. I like to feel I am rich in spirit.

I dont try either way.
I find wealth accumulation as a game.

If you're 65 today and retire, you'll need $1 million to $1.5 million or 10 to 20 times savings/income.
A days work Probably give to charity more than you make in a year

Sorry ....repubs give way more than libs.
I got Gates and Buffet Your call

And typical of a lib you call absolutely nothing.
I'd raise you but I feel sort of sorry for any trump supporter

I need Trump like I need socialism.....
on another topic one we talked about yesterday Buffet donated 3.17 billion to 5 charities
Some people can't appreciate the good qualities of an excellent president. :)

Excellent for whom?, he hasn't done a damn thing for the middle class.

I'm the middle class and he's helped me immeasurably.
Of course you'd have to give me a measurable when it comes to the middle class.

I have no clue any more what is poor and what is middle class. I am not wealthy. I like to feel I am rich in spirit.

I dont try either way.
I find wealth accumulation as a game.

If you're 65 today and retire, you'll need $1 million to $1.5 million or 10 to 20 times savings/income.

I retired at 46 six years ago.
Post #105 says it was you. I ain't hating, but I'm just saying if you have this sort of success over like 20 years you'd be richer than President Trump.

I base my stock purchases off who's in power and I base my sales the same way.
It's been almost 100% successful."

You come across as a moron.
Who has the investment capital of Trump or any liberal asshole you can come up with?
Grab a calculator and do the math. Start with $20K and give yourself a 95% track record on buys and sells over 20-30 years. You will exceed President Trump's wealth very quickly. And why the name-calling? Math is neither conservative or liberal. It's just math.

Show me where I said I won every time.
I will say I've won most every time since I started paying attention.
It allowed me to retire at 46 and thats all that matters.

you said "almost 100%" and I am not hating, I wish I was you. Let's assume you're only at a 90% hit rate because you maybe embellished a bit, that would still have you filthy rich.

We'll say I've been retired since I was 46 six years ago and the wife is right behind me and she puts my investment skills in the dust.

More math. If you're nearly 100% on picks, and she leaves you in the dust, what's her number?

Also, who doesn't use a Lipper fund or something like it as a benchmark? What's up with demeaning benchmarking. Maybe your point is that you're so close to 100% and your wife too that looking at benchmarks that we mere mortals use to gauge our performance against the market is nonsensical in your case. Math.
Sorry ....repubs give way more than libs.
I got Gates and Buffet Your call

And typical of a lib you call absolutely nothing.
I'd raise you but I feel sort of sorry for any trump supporter

I need Trump like I need socialism.....
on another topic one we talked about yesterday Buffet donated 3.17 billion to 5 charities

Nice charitable deduction!
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.

And what exactly would that accomplish?
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.

And what exactly would that accomplish?

It would accomplish not embarrassing the entire country with his petty twitter temper tantrums. It would also give the media less ammunition to use against him.

Every time Trump whines about the Russia investigation, it becomes news again.
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

Well, that ship sailed a while ago.

But if you're asking what he should have done, he should have said something along the lines of "Foriegn manipulation of an election is a serious problem, I trust the FBI to investigate and find the truth" - and then moved on to other business, and never mentioned it again, until the FBI released their results.
Trump will stop talking about it when the press stops asking him about it.

No shit.

That's why he's so fucking bad at his job.
No, that's because it's a faux scandal, a paranoid conspiracy theory, a con.

Even if that were true (it's not), doesn't constantly bringing in up, whining about it and making a fool out of the office seem like a bad move to you?
Those who think Russia hacked the election, whatever that means to you, what exactly do you think Trumps response should be?

1. Stop tweeting.

2. Take it seriously.

3. Stop publically trashing your own intelligence agencies and listen to them.

4. Stop tweeting.

5. Work with Congress, and develop a plan to counter it before we have another election.

6. Stop tweeting.

7. Realize you are not Putin's chum and this isn't a social event, hold his feet to fire if needed and consider how best to respond in such a way as to let him know you are aware of what he is doing, that you aren't letting it slide, and that there will be consequences if it continues....and...maybe there are already consequences.

8. Stop tweeting.

9. Stop tweeting.

10. Stop tweeting and trashing your agencies, fellow political leaders, past presidents etc - act like a president.
I like his tweets. It's a refreshing change from the sterile and rehearsed info we normally get from our government.
After watching everything he did to win the presidency, I learned not to question his tactics.
The guy is obviously much smarter than most realize.



that little gem means he is completely incompetent & putin deserves an oscar for keeping a straight face as trump was falling for it....
You're free to believe whatever you want.
Isn't this a great country? :)

lol.... well comrade yakov smirnoff, i bet *you* think so....:cuckoo:

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