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What does everyone think of Ben Carson?

What the US cannot do, is to fight them and win, while carrying the dead, counter-productive weight of the Ideological Left... .

See the solution?
You can't win period. You're trying to kill an idea. No matter how many bodies pile up, it survives. The Left is doing little more than you reminding you of the reality that you wish to ignore.

And the left founded this nation, my country not yours. If you don't like it, get the fuck out.
I've been reading a book of his and I'm liking what I'm hearing.

Although I don't think Ben has a shot at political office in such a corrupt and incestuous political system as the US has now, I think he would be an excellent President.

What say you?
he won't make it, decent people can't do well in Washington

but he'd make a great VP (jimny cricket) in the ear of who can win

Putting Carson on as VP would be a waste of time and because of that, he wouldn't accept it

Besides, 'they' said the same thing about Ronaldus Magnus... and he turned out to be precisely the right guy, at precisely the right time... .
RR had been a pol for some time when he ran
What the US cannot do, is to fight them and win, while carrying the dead, counter-productive weight of the Ideological Left... .

See the solution?
You can't win period. You're trying to kill an idea.

Ideas are killed all the time. Check with the "Idea" that was "Japanese Imperialism" and see how its doing. Check with those who advocated for the "THOUSAND YEAR RIECHT!", see how its getting along.

Ya see, scamp, ideas rest in the mind and when the mind dies, so dies the idea.

What you cannot kill is that which is greater then you, which is the truth intrinsic to nature and the laws thereof.

So it follows that the same means that nature used to kill the irrational political ideas of the Left, will be the same means by which nature will kill the political ambitions of the cult of Islam. Historically, Nature has used the simple tactic of Killing each and every human being who advocates for those ideas.

Now here's the really cool part of that: the ranks of those who adhere to those ideas shrinks exponentially, as the numbers of those who fail to turn are killed, as former adherents TURN FROM THOSE IDEAS to avoid being so killed.

Works like a CHARM! Some call it a MIRACLE... .

I just call it, "How it is".

You call it anything ya like. Just understand, that will not change: How it is.
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And the left founded this nation, my country not yours.

I keep hearing this. From the Left, of course.

The same people who point out the Constitution was written by "rich, white slaveholders".

The same party whose standard-bearer has complained how the Constitution is a set of "negative liberties".

The same people who SO want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" this country.

Well, whatever. Whatever you feel supports your agenda.

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I've been reading a book of his and I'm liking what I'm hearing.

Although I don't think Ben has a shot at political office in such a corrupt and incestuous political system as the US has now, I think he would be an excellent President.

What say you?
he won't make it, decent people can't do well in Washington

but he'd make a great VP (jimny cricket) in the ear of who can win

Putting Carson on as VP would be a waste of time and because of that, he wouldn't accept it

Besides, 'they' said the same thing about Ronaldus Magnus... and he turned out to be precisely the right guy, at precisely the right time... .
RR had been a pol for some time when he ran

Yep... but he did not govern as a politician, he governed as a man of principle and it was his steadfast adherence to that principle which got him elected in a landslide victory and that which provided for him toward the destruction of the Soviet Union. As well as to overcome to catastrophic failure of socialist policy set into US policy.
And the left founded this nation, my country not yours.

I keep hearing this. From the Left, of course.

The same people who point out the Constitution was written by "rich, white slaveholders".

The same party whose standard-bearer has complained how the Constitution is a set of "negative liberties".

The same people who SO want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" this country.

Well, whatever. Whatever you feel supports your agenda.

Leftist Elites founded this nation, and serious changes need to be made after 230 years. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Leftist Elites founded this nation, and serious changes need to be made after 230 years. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


Now, at some points folks, we will learn that allowing people to advance such nonsense in public is counter productive to freedom.

The Founders of this nation understood that... which is why they declared the principles of nature that established their right to separate themselves from such and the moral justification to destroy those who would otherwise try to prevent them from doing so.

The moment that we come to finally realize that, is the moment that we turn from failure, death and destruction and back toward the sound, sustainable principles that provide for viability.
And the left founded this nation, my country not yours.

I keep hearing this. From the Left, of course.

The same people who point out the Constitution was written by "rich, white slaveholders".

The same party whose standard-bearer has complained how the Constitution is a set of "negative liberties".

The same people who SO want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" this country.

Well, whatever. Whatever you feel supports your agenda.

Leftist Elites founded this nation, and serious changes need to be made after 230 years. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

So you're defending the fact that the rich, white slaveholders who wrote the Constitution were "Leftist Elitists"?

And I never see the Left saying that "serious changes" need to be made to the Constitution. Examples of ideas that have been put forth?

It's good to see you don't like the Constitution, though. That admission is not often made.

I like Carson......very smart guy and accomplished surgeon

Politically, he is inept

He has no understanding of national politics and what it takes to build a coalition that can get you elected, Obama sure did. Spouting rightwing talking points can get you guest spots on Fox but will never get you elected


You should look that word up.

Carson is the guy who stood up along side the Peasantpimp of the United States and openly rejected everything the Peasantpimp stands for, identifying the disease in the Peasantpimps reasoning, demonstrating the fatal nature of such, leaving the Peasantpimp surgically discredited.

That is a skilled political acumen of the profound variety.
Once again showing how politically inept he is. He chose the National Prayer Breakfast, a historically non-partisan event to verbally attack the president.
Made him a hero to the far right who have no social mores but was more of an embarrassment to Carson than Obama
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will
Obama and the dims claim to have fixed health care. Are you suggesting otherwise?
I am saying on Medicare if have problems I did not have before.

I am not sure the hassles and paper work would have been any less without Obamacare.

I just happened to get on Medicare at the same time Obamacare started.

I paid into it for decades, and now, to have the same coverage I had before, I have to pay a Medicare premium and my old policy too, which is now my secondary insurance.

Now, BCBC raised my deductible from $300 to $1,000, and my copays 50% across the board.

I suppose that can be blamed on PPACA, which made Blue Cross accept pre-existing conditions from previously uninsured people.

I sure wish I could get some nice life insurance on my pre-existingly dead parents.
But keep in mind that Medicare is relatively unchanged; for now. The $500b ($700b?) taken out of Medicare - a pre existing program - will have to show up as reduced services or options.

I get the feeling it is hurry up and die insurance.

If they gave a shit about older people, they would cover dental.

I am healthy as can be, but, going broke over dental.
I can sympathize. I'm paying more than I ever did to keep what I still have. Sometimes the bet option is to have them all removed and get plates.

That can remove the risk of heart damage from gingivitis and probably from being overweight since food will become much less enjoyable to eat with plates.
I am going with implants.

Most of my problems are from having a shitty dentist my ex picked because she was a woman.

I never realized how brutal the bitch was, until after 20 years, I had to go to another dentist out of town, when one of her crowns came off.

He said he had never seen so much crap dental work, and where an injection from her felt like a bayonet being wiggled around in my flesh, I never felt his shots.

I am hoping within the year to get a few implants, and get back to eating right.

Eating way too much prepared food lately, but, still have no weight problem.

Well, today will put on some, I went all out for the kids.

Turkey, wild rice pecan stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce, traditional greenbeans my oldest likes, sweet potatoes, and of course, being in LA, rice and gravy.

Pie and ice cream too.
I got implants 10 years ago. I saved $10k by going with the removable over-plate rather than fixed. All together I spent $12k on that work.
I've been reading a book of his and I'm liking what I'm hearing.

Although I don't think Ben has a shot at political office in such a corrupt and incestuous political system as the US has now, I think he would be an excellent President.

What say you?

Seems intelligent and obviously is.

Seems to have some good ideas and morals.

Not enough experience to be POTUS

Our political leaders used to be average men and women from society at large, but now it seems that is no longer possible.

Now they must be career politicians. They must be men and women who have sold out to various political parties and have chosen a lavish retirement package rather than being a short time public servant and then going back into the world you have created.

Sad but true. Why I think he needs experience is the experience we have had for the last 6 old years. I just think a person has to have the up close and personal experience to get anything done in Washington. Connections need made and that takes time.

If he gets the nomination I will vote for him.


That only makes sense if you believe that obama is a failure because he lacked experience.

obama is only a failure where one sets success as would a reasonable person, assuming that your ideas of success are those held by obama and his cult.

From the communist perspective, which is one which seeks to cripple the means of the US to project influence over international affairs, obama has been a profound success.

Then I do make sense. Obama is a failure, he didn't unite the country. He didn't unite the government he is not a leader. And as you say, his foreign policy has been abysmal.
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will

Jake, he served 172 total days in the Senate, from January 4, 2005 to November 16, 2008
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will

(Points and laughs) go ahead list his many accomplishments in those taxpayer mooch positions...you can't their aren't any that lazy ass is a do nothing loser.
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will

Jake, he served 172 total days in the Senate, from January 4, 2005 to November 16, 2008

What did Obama do for the other 20 plus years since he graduated? Besides goof off. The Carson/Obama comparison is beyond laughable, libs just don't want to admit they elected a loser who couldn't land a real job even with a degree from Harvard.
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will

Jake, he served 172 total days in the Senate, from January 4, 2005 to November 16, 2008
That is four years
I can't believe that those who complained about Obama's lack of experience would think Carson will be any better.

Okay a dumb ass mooch lawyer with zero career accomplishments vs a chief of neurosurgery? Is that really the comparison you are making? Wow.

Are you serious?
Obama worked eight years in the Illinois Senate and four years in the US Senate. Carson has never held elective office and never will

Jake, he served 172 total days in the Senate, from January 4, 2005 to November 16, 2008

What did Obama do for the other 20 plus years since he graduated? Besides goof off. The Carson/Obama comparison is beyond laughable, libs just don't want to admit they elected a loser who couldn't land a real job even with a degree from Harvard.
You funny

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