What does it take to be a good President?

What will make someone a good President?

  • Leadership skills, administrative talent, executive experience, international experience, etc.

  • I agree with their politics

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yes, as Jill Stein has said.

Correct, but the game is rigged completely against them.

Some may recognize the futility in supporting candidates who cannot win due to duopoly criminality, but it is sad.

Easier said than done.
It's exceedingly easy. Just don't do the dumb thing they want you to do.
Leadership skills is a must. If those are absent then others will step in and take control. Just as Fauci and his cohorts did during the pandemic. Republicans, especially through their many governorships, have an impressive array of talent. I find the talent pool extremely lacking with the Democrats.
You have to be a good leader; a uniter, one who can work with the other party, one who can compromise.

Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. fit this criteria. Barack Obama and Donald Trump did not. They were at constant war with the other party and arguably even within their own party. Nan Pelosi made it very clear she was not going to work with Bush Jr. towards the end of his term.

As for Biden, 30 years ago when he was his own man, he had a solid track record of working across the aisle. Had he been President then, he’d be more like Clinton and Bush.
He wasn't treated nearly as harsh as he should have been.
So you're okay with the FBI (Waffen SS) falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant to illegally spy on Trump?
You're okay with the MSM being 95% negative in their coverage of Trump?
You're okay with the DOJ having the Mueller Investigation into Russian Collusion even though they knew it was a democrat lie?
I could go on and on, but Never-Trumpers are democrats as far as I'm concerned, enjoy the Biden presidency.
... but Never-Trumpers are democrats as far as I'm concerned, enjoy the Biden presidency.
and Trumpers are democrats as far as I'm concerned. Trump is a conservative only at the most superficial level. He parrots things he hears on Fox News and conservative talk radio. But he's done nothing to convince me that he has any real appreciation, or understanding, of limited government or individual rights.
So you're okay with the FBI (Waffen SS) falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant to illegally spy on Trump?
You can't even prove that happened. Don't waste my time with dopey magaturd conspiracies.
You're okay with the MSM being 95% negative in their coverage of Trump?
Yes, fuck that orange bag O' shit. He could (should) be hanging from a tree.
You're okay with the DOJ having the Mueller Investigation into Russian Collusion even though they knew it was a democrat lie?
Yes, fuck that orange bag O' shit. He could (should) be hanging from a tree.
I could go on and on, but Never-Trumpers are democrats as far as I'm concerned
Then you're an idiot.
and Trumpers are democrats as far as I'm concerned. Trump is a conservative only at the most superficial level. He parrots things he hears on Fox News and conservative talk radio. But he's done nothing to convince me that he has any real appreciation, or understanding, of limited government or individual rights.
Enjoy the Biden presidency and the Trump tax cut, and the new USSC justices, and RvW being overturned, and ISIS being destroyed, and ANWR, and Space Force, and fewer useless regulations, and....
You can't even prove that happened. Don't waste my time with dopey magaturd conspiracies.

Yes, fuck that orange bag O' shit. He could (should) be hanging from a tree.

Yes, fuck that orange bag O' shit. He could (should) be hanging from a tree.

Then you're an idiot.
1. Even though you low-IQ dems can't read, here is the proof

2. So you low-IQ dems like the MSDNC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC propaganda network? Here is scientific proof of anti-Trump media bias. Maybe you want that singing "Minister of Truth" to come back?


3. Mueller Investigation confirms no Russian Collusion by Trump
Enjoy the Biden presidency and the Trump tax cut, and the new USSC justices, and RvW being overturned, and ISIS being destroyed, and ANWR, and Space Force, and fewer useless regulations, and....
Yeah whatever. I'm not voting for shit candidates. Enjoy your shit President.
Jesus fucking christ man. That dude cant even walk on a sidewalk properly. He goes around in circles on a stage.
People that dont admit this, really freak me out. You guys have no business voting.
Sucks to be you … I never seen this kind of behavior you speak if … he has tripped but so has every president to date … what bush was suffering from dementia when he could figure what go out or was it trump suffering dementia when he tripped coming out of Air Force one the walk the wrong way … it’s obvious you don’t know signs of dementia and falling down isn’t a sign of dementia Jesus fucking Christ do you even know the signs of dementia??? You need to go and look it up … morons ever where
1. Even though you low-IQ dems can't read, here is the proof

2. So you low-IQ dems like the MSDNC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC propaganda network? Here is scientific proof of anti-Trump media bias. Maybe you want that singing "Minister of Truth" to come back?

View attachment 880050

3. Mueller Investigation confirms no Russian Collusion by Trump
See post #74. What he said.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
Well, first, you have to be a game show host. You have to be a serial adulterer. You have to be caught stealing from cancer kids. You have to run a fake university which steals the retirement nest eggs of the elderly. You have to lie at least twenty times a day. You have to have run gambling establishments into bankruptcy.

And you absolutely, positively have to be so in love with Vladimir Putin that you are literally incapable of ever saying a harsh word about him. This is an inviolable pre-requisite.

Once in office, you have to add to the debt at the fastest pace in history. You have to alienate every ally and suck up to communist dictators. Then you have to bungle the only crisis you have had to face so badly that over 100,000 Americans die from your incompetence.

Plus, you have to break every major promise you ever made.

Then you have to try to overthrow the government when voted out of office.

To get re-elected a second time, you have to make those exact same promises again because the rubes are just that stupid enough to be fooled by you twice.
You have to lie at least twenty times a day. You have to have run gambling establishments into bankruptcy.

To be fair, those are pretty remarkable accomplishments. I mean, most people would find those absolutely impossible.

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