What does it take to be a good President?

What will make someone a good President?

  • Leadership skills, administrative talent, executive experience, international experience, etc.

  • I agree with their politics

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It's exceedingly easy. Just don't do the dumb thing they want you to do.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are drowning in propaganda, and cannot think beyond it.

I don't see this changing, as the effort and cost are too great for the individual.
Trump kept his promises, unlike stupid senile Joe, the teleprompter reader.

hum, you seem to be the senile one here ....
Mr. Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, passed in the Senate by a 50-to-49, party-line vote in March, was a sequel to the $2.2 trillion pandemic relief bill enacted during the Trump administration a year ago.
The centerpiece of the bill was a one-time direct payment of up to $1,400 for hundreds of millions of Americans, along with a $300 weekly federal supplement to unemployment benefits through the summer, and money for distributing vaccines.
It included $350 billion in emergency funding for localities — $195 billion for states, $130 billion for local governments, $20 billion for tribal governments and $4.5 billion for territories.

But it was also aimed at reducing long-term poverty. The plan provides $21.6 billion for federally subsidized housing, an enormous infusion of cash into a long-stagnant sector, with billions in emergency rental assistance and longer-term capital projects.

seems you have no idea what's being done here.... but you being the senile one I understand your dilemma ... now i see where you get your stuff Sean Hannity... I'm still laughing at you ... the guy is a first-class nut case who has no clue what's going on ... he just makes shit up so fools like you with the ring in your sheepish nose follow him right off the cliff ... you deserve what you get ...​

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Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are drowning in propaganda, and cannot think beyond it.

I don't see this changing, as the effort and cost are too great for the individual.
seems it is you who is the fucked up one here ...
I was going to just put a few quips in to show you that you are wrong, but I'll post the long version in case you are from Britain or some other non-US location.:

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016 and lost?? Biden got 81m votes my ass. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.
first of all was born in Denver Colorado ...so that's the first delusional thing you got wrong there is no Biden crimes ...what you are quoting here is all conspiracy theories bull shit ...seems you are one lost fool here thats lead down the road by your ring in your nose ... man the more I read this post I wonder what site you copied and pasted it from because you are so full of bull shit here
As for Biden using a teleprompter for long speeches, fine. As for ONLY using a teleprompter and NEVER doing a real press conference taking all questions on wide-ranging subjects demonstrating your total grasp of the details we both know "they" don't let Biden do those because he is too senile and too stupid.
boy are you delusional
In his first days in office, President Joe Biden moved to dismantle a slew of Trump-era regulations and make sweeping measures to bolster the nation’s Covid-19 response.

The new president also ordered the establishment a variety of environmental protections and changes to immigration policy.

As he embarks on his first full work week as president, Biden is poised to continue scrapping a number of the Trump administration’s policies, including the controversial transgender military ban.

Here’s a round-up of the measures that the president has taken so far.

Day One​

Memorandum freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency

According to Biden’s memorandum, all new and pending rules passed in the last days of Trump’s tenure will be reviewed by department and agency heads.

Executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change

Fulfilling one of his top campaign promises, Biden committed to putting the U.S. back in the Paris Agreement on climate change — an international pact aimed at curbing emissions that cause global warming. Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2017, citing costs to American taxpayers.

Executive order to promote racial equity

Biden ordered his government to conduct equity assessments of its agencies and reallocate resources to “advanc[e] equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.”

Glad you liked it. The truth explains why Trump has that chip on his shoulder, and why we want him to fix the government.
trump could fix a tack in his shoe ... you and your Hannity post here are delusional... do you see ghosts too ??? and what do they tell you about Biden we all need a laugh here ...
I like Nikki Haley, but that doesn't excuse how Trump was treated during his first term.
he got what he deserved both impeachments he deserved and he needed to be voted out of office... just like he will lose the next election ... if he doesn't go to prison first ...
1. Even though you low-IQ dems can't read, here is the proof

2. So you low-IQ dems like the MSDNC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC propaganda network? Here is scientific proof of anti-Trump media bias. Maybe you want that singing "Minister of Truth" to come back?

View attachment 880050

3. Mueller Investigation confirms no Russian Collusion by Trump
what your graph doesn't show here is if the positive or the negative is telling the truth or not... its just shows a negative side of reporting and a positive side of reporting ... and by no means is Fox News a 50 50 reporting cable program site ... it has been sue so many times and lost for printing or airing inaccurate stories seem this post you have here is showing every news outlet in the world is negative accept fox news ...they are the fair and balanced one ... I'm still laughing

After further examining your story what I found was this graph shows stories about Trump and his ability to lead the country ... you showed one story about an FBI agent who lost his job for putting information in a FISA report to get phone tapping on Carter page that wasn't right for him to do ...he lost his job got 12 months of probation and no fine ...but all your graph is showing is the amount of negative stories about trump ... it's in no way showing if they were right or wrong or true stories or lies ... it just shows them as not being in favor of trump ... thatsv it ... you need to do better and understand what you are posting here ...
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Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?

If I had to describe it, "meeting the moment". It also takes an enormous amount of luck.
hum, you seem to be the senile one here ....
Mr. Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, passed in the Senate by a 50-to-49, party-line vote in March, was a sequel to the $2.2 trillion pandemic relief bill enacted during the Trump administration a year ago.
The centerpiece of the bill was a one-time direct payment of up to $1,400 for hundreds of millions of Americans, along with a $300 weekly federal supplement to unemployment benefits through the summer, and money for distributing vaccines.
It included $350 billion in emergency funding for localities — $195 billion for states, $130 billion for local governments, $20 billion for tribal governments and $4.5 billion for territories.

But it was also aimed at reducing long-term poverty. The plan provides $21.6 billion for federally subsidized housing, an enormous infusion of cash into a long-stagnant sector, with billions in emergency rental assistance and longer-term capital projects.

seems you have no idea what's being done here.... but you being the senile one I understand your dilemma ... now i see where you get your stuff Sean Hannity... I'm still laughing at you ... the guy is a first-class nut case who has no clue what's going on ... he just makes shit up so fools like you with the ring in your sheepish nose follow him right off the cliff ... you deserve what you get ...​

Biden caused inflation so all those poor people have to pay much more for groceries, about $709 a month more than 2-years ago.
So you touting throwing money around actually created the inflation mess.

Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
Neither option.

Someone who delivers economic results and someone who can bring the national debt down. Been umpteen decades since America had a good president.
first of all was born in Denver Colorado ...so that's the first delusional thing you got wrong there is no Biden crimes ...what you are quoting here is all conspiracy theories bull shit ...seems you are one lost fool here thats lead down the road by your ring in your nose ... man the more I read this post I wonder what site you copied and pasted it from because you are so full of bull shit here

boy are you delusional
In his first days in office, President Joe Biden moved to dismantle a slew of Trump-era regulations and make sweeping measures to bolster the nation’s Covid-19 response.

The new president also ordered the establishment a variety of environmental protections and changes to immigration policy.

As he embarks on his first full work week as president, Biden is poised to continue scrapping a number of the Trump administration’s policies, including the controversial transgender military ban.

Here’s a round-up of the measures that the president has taken so far.

Day One​

Memorandum freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency

According to Biden’s memorandum, all new and pending rules passed in the last days of Trump’s tenure will be reviewed by department and agency heads.

Executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change

Fulfilling one of his top campaign promises, Biden committed to putting the U.S. back in the Paris Agreement on climate change — an international pact aimed at curbing emissions that cause global warming. Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2017, citing costs to American taxpayers.

Executive order to promote racial equity

Biden ordered his government to conduct equity assessments of its agencies and reallocate resources to “advanc[e] equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.”
1. Biden's open borders are a violation of US Law. He needs to be impeached for it
2. Biden's war on fossil fuels is adding to inflation
3. Biden's disastrous withdrawal from AFG got him held in CONTEMPT by US allies

Biden is a weak president. Putihn invaded Ukraine, Xi is considering invading Taiwan.
As SECDEF Gates said "Joe Biden has never been right about foreign policy, ever"
As Obama said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up".
what your graph doesn't show here is if the positive or the negative is telling the truth or not... its just shows a negative side of reporting and a positive side of reporting ... and by no means is Fox News a 50 50 reporting cable program site ... it has been sue so many times and lost for printing or airing inaccurate stories seem this post you have here is showing every news outlet in the world is negative accept fox news ...they are the fair and balanced one ... I'm still laughing

After further examining your story what I found was this graph shows stories about Trump and his ability to lead the country ... you showed one story about an FBI agent who lost his job for putting information in a FISA report to get phone tapping on Carter page that wasn't right for him to do ...he lost his job got 12 months of probation and no fine ...but all your graph is showing is the amount of negative stories about trump ... it's in no way showing if they were right or wrong or true stories or lies ... it just shows them as not being in favor of trump ... thatsv it ... you need to do better and understand what you are posting here ...
1. Bias means bias, not the truth. It means telling the truth in a negative way.
2. The FBI falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant to illegally spy on Trump, when the Bidens were selling us out to the highest bidders. Says a lot about the state of play in the FBI. "we won't let Trump and those smelly Walmart shoppers win".
3. Even now after Comer provided tons of evidence about the Biden Crime Family's shady influence peddling schemes the MSM keeps repeating that there is "no evidence". They will see the evidence during the Impeachment Trial.
Ideally it would take a willingness to put the country and its people ahead of any and all personal interests. Something I have not seen in my lifetime, save for maybe Jimmy Carter... he was a good man, but not so good a President... not the worst we've ever had, but mediocre at best.
I do. Accepting a dismal status quo gets us nowhere.
Reality does however demand it at present, aka to choose the lesser "disaster".

There is NO alternative party (nor a respective party leadership, of such a "new" party) in view, nor existence.
In order to block or "influence" the only two existing parties form continuing to screw up the country and the world.
Ideally it would take a willingness to put the country and its people ahead of any and all personal interests. Something I have not seen in my lifetime, save for maybe Jimmy Carter... he was a good man, but not so good a President... not the worst we've ever had, but mediocre at best.
i rate mr carter a little higher, but yea, an effective marine nco does not get in the chow line until his platoon has been fed.
1. Bias means bias, not the truth. It means telling the truth in a negative way.
2. The FBI falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant to illegally spy on Trump, when the Bidens were selling us out to the highest bidders. Says a lot about the state of play in the FBI. "we won't let Trump and those smelly Walmart shoppers win".
3. Even now after Comer provided tons of evidence about the Biden Crime Family's shady influence peddling schemes the MSM keeps repeating that there is "no evidence". They will see the evidence during the Impeachment Trial.
1) it means that the chart was showing the public how much the Republicans are lying to the country ... and you try and make it into something that it's not ...you don't get 91 felony charges against you because you're misunderstood... you get them because either you are lying to the court or you have committed alleged crimes against the state or country ... Trump has done these crimes and he's trying like hell to get out of going to jail ...

2) let's tell it right... 0ne FBI agent falsified a document to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page ... he was caught fired from the FBI and convicted of the wrong doing ... it wasn't a warrant to spy on Trump none of thesev eisa warrants were for Trump ... the agent was listening to phone calls of Carter Page ... joe biden wasn't selling us out to anyone ... let's tell it right ...there is no documented evidence of joe biden selling anything to anybody ... its just your conspiracy theorist bull shit you are trying to push here ... the only document they have on biden is a 40,000 payment for a truck for hunter biden and that's it ... they have no money trails coming from biden to any country ...there were no highest bidders for anything stop making shit up ...

3) there is no evidence tell us your source of this so-called evidence that you call factual ... why don't you do that ??? Here is why none of the people who have written about this refuse to go to court ... why ??? they don't want to be arrested for lying under oath ... they will get all of their so-called evidence thrown out of court or the house ... why do you think nobody of this so-called evidence has been revealed in the house ??? because nobody will come to the house be sworn in and testify ... your post is total bullshit ...
falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant

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