What does it take to be a good President?

What will make someone a good President?

  • Leadership skills, administrative talent, executive experience, international experience, etc.

  • I agree with their politics

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Ideally it would take a willingness to put the country and its people ahead of any and all personal interests. Something I have not seen in my lifetime, save for maybe Jimmy Carter... he was a good man, but not so good a President... not the worst we've ever had, but mediocre at best.
you need to go and see what Carter did .... he lost the white house over the hostages taken in Iran that were taken for that whole year ... Reagan pushed the people on his not doing anything ...
Sucks to be you … I never seen this kind of behavior you speak if … he has tripped but so has every president to date … what bush was suffering from dementia when he could figure what go out or was it trump suffering dementia when he tripped coming out of Air Force one the walk the wrong way … it’s obvious you don’t know signs of dementia and falling down isn’t a sign of dementia Jesus fucking Christ do you even know the signs of dementia??? You need to go and look it up … morons ever where
Amazing how you losers let politics rot your brain so bad... smh
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?

It is an interesting question and one the American people seem to not know the answer to since we have not had a good president this century
you need to go and see what Carter did .... he lost the white house over the hostages taken in Iran that were taken for that whole year ... Reagan pushed the people on his not doing anything ...

I lived through it. I know exactly what he did. 444 days. The disaster rescue attempt. Lousy economy. I don't need you to tell me anything. His failings don't change the fact that he was a good man who I believe put country and people first, unfortunately that spelled a failed tenure in office.

I voted for Reagan. Twice. I didn't vote for Carter once.
Biden caused inflation so all those poor people have to pay much more for groceries, about $709 a month more than 2-years ago.
So you touting throwing money around actually created the inflation mess.

why do you distort what Biden has or hasn't done ... when he came into power the country was shut down all of the products coming from the ports were shut down ...who caused that oh-wise one with all the answeres ... I'll tell you ... in 2019 president Donald trump was told about a virus that has become loose in china ...he was told to shut down all people coming into the united states... trump didn't do that... trump said which is on tape of him saying it... he didn't want to look bad to the people by stoping tourist coming into the country ...so let millions of people die because he didn't want to look weak ...... the son of a bitch in 2017, the first thing he did pull out all the CDC in all countries every one of them ... because this was an Obama plan ... hell, even when trump came into office Obama and Biden gave them a heads up about the plan the CDC document on handling a pandemic... its what they learn the hard way ... obama and biden put together an early warning sysem on dangerious virsus... all trump had to do was follow what the book recomended ... but trump couldn't do that... Why??? because Trump took all the books on Obama's pandemic information and had them all trashed ... that's what your so-called great Trump did ... the CDC couldn't warn the WHO to warn the world because Trump pulled the CDC completely out of the picture ... trump said, he said he doesn't like Obama plans ... the stupid son of a bitch started telling lies about the vaccines ... you republicans got people dying because of this fool republicans dyeing because they refused the shot meantime this country is going down the toilet real fast ... in comes joe biden ... what does he see he see ???? trump had only ordered 500,000 doses of the vaccines ... 500,000 doses for 350 million people do you get the picture ... the county was going broke when Biden took charge ... and he slowed the whole mess down ... yes he had a problem but again all of his problems were created by the do-nothing republicans....thank god the democrats were in control when Biden took office ...
I lived through it. I know exactly what he did. 444 days. The disaster rescue attempt. Lousy economy. I don't need you to tell me anything. His failings don't change the fact that he was a good man who I believe put country and people first, unfortunately that spelled a failed tenure in office.

I voted for Reagan. Twice. I didn't vote for Carter once.
That is why we are in the mess ...you Republicans tend to screw everything up... Reagan was a nightmare ...would you rather Carter go to war than try to get the hostages out by force or peacefully?? tell me oh wise one ... how would you have the great Ronald Reagan do it ... he didn't have to do it ... because Carter got them released the last days in office ... nobody had to die ... unlike under Reagan... huh ...
1) it means that the chart was showing the public how much the Republicans are lying to the country ... and you try and make it into something that it's not ...you don't get 91 felony charges against you because you're misunderstood... you get them because either you are lying to the court or you have committed alleged crimes against the state or country ... Trump has done these crimes and he's trying like hell to get out of going to jail ...

2) let's tell it right... 0ne FBI agent falsified a document to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page ... he was caught fired from the FBI and convicted of the wrong doing ... it wasn't a warrant to spy on Trump none of these FISA warrants were for Trump ... the agent was listening to phone calls of Carter Page ... joe biden wasn't selling us out to anyone ... let's tell it right ...there is no documented evidence of joe biden selling anything to anybody ... its just your conspiracy theorist bull shit you are trying to push here ... the only document they have on biden is a 40,000 payment for a truck for hunter biden and that's it ... they have no money trails coming from biden to any country ...there were no highest bidders for anything stop making shit up ...

3) there is no evidence tell us your source of this so-called evidence that you call factual ... why don't you do that ??? Here is why none of the people who have written about this refuse to go to court ... why ??? they don't want to be arrested for lying under oath ... they will get all of their so-called evidence thrown out of court or the house ... why do you think nobody of this so-called evidence has been revealed in the house ??? because nobody will come to the house be sworn in and testify ... your post is total bullshit ...
1. Republicans lying? You get 91 counts because you ran on "getting Trump" and you're grasping at straws to find those counts, just like in a Banana Republic. We'll see how many stick after all appeals.

2. Carter Page was NOT convicted of anything dumbass. The FISA warrant was to use the "2-hop rule" to spy on Trump. Follow the Biden Crime Family money, from US adversaries thru shell companies, to Biden Family members. $millions of illicit dollars. You'll see at the Impeachment Trial.

3. Selling us out to China.


Additionally, the Oversight Committee uncovered compelling evidence alongside the $40,000 check, shedding light on a $200,000 payment from James Biden to Joe Biden. On March 1, 2018, the financially strained rural hospital operator, Americore, wired $200,000 into the personal bank account of James and Sara Biden.

Notably, on the same day, James Biden initiated a transaction from this exact bank account, issuing a $200,000 check to Joe Biden, supposedly framing it as a "loan repayment." Ultimately, James Biden received a total sum of $600,000 from Americore.

The rationale behind these substantial payments becomes clearer when considering that James secured them based on the representation to Americore that his last name, "Biden," possessed the unique ability to "open doors" and facilitate a significant investment from the Middle East, leveraging his political connections.

Again, there is no evidence of President Joe Biden ever making such a loan to his brother.
That is Tax Fraud and or Tax Evasion.
why do you distort what Biden has or hasn't done ... when he came into power the country was shut down all of the products coming from the ports were shut down ...who caused that oh-wise one with all the answeres ... I'll tell you ... in 2019 president Donald trump was told about a virus that has become loose in china ...he was told to shut down all people coming into the united states... trump didn't do that... trump said which is on tape of him saying it... he didn't want to look bad to the people by stoping tourist coming into the country ...so let millions of people die because he didn't want to look weak ...... the son of a bitch in 2017, the first thing he did pull out all the CDC in all countries every one of them ... because this was an Obama plan ... hell, even when trump came into office Obama and Biden gave them a heads up about the plan the CDC document on handling a pandemic... its what they learn the hard way ... obama and biden put together an early warning sysem on dangerious virsus... all trump had to do was follow what the book recomended ... but trump couldn't do that... Why??? because Trump took all the books on Obama's pandemic information and had them all trashed ... that's what your so-called great Trump did ... the CDC couldn't warn the WHO to warn the world because Trump pulled the CDC completely out of the picture ... trump said, he said he doesn't like Obama plans ... the stupid son of a bitch started telling lies about the vaccines ... you republicans got people dying because of this fool republicans dyeing because they refused the shot meantime this country is going down the toilet real fast ... in comes joe biden ... what does he see he see ???? trump had only ordered 500,000 doses of the vaccines ... 500,000 doses for 350 million people do you get the picture ... the county was going broke when Biden took charge ... and he slowed the whole mess down ... yes he had a problem but again all of his problems were created by the do-nothing republicans....thank god the democrats were in control when Biden took office ...
Stop trying to blame Trump. Joe Biden has been president for 3 long years. Biden's policies are disasters, period.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
What happens is someone frames an argument in Polar terms (which real solutions are ignored) and then tells us what we want to hear while telling us how awful their opponent is.

Truthfully the best Presidents are ones that see above the rhetoric and find real solutions to issues where everyone is happy long term and goals are achieved.
a good President will always put the US first, not Israel not the Ukraine but America First
a very positive experience. almost got my vote for mccain.
Why would you vote for a

John McShitstain sold the US out to the VC and sided with his fellow Democrats 100% of the time. He just switched parties for political convenience.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
First off the Founding Fathers never wanted career politicians-EVER! This is what President Trump got right. Come out of the private sector, serve for a period of time, then return. Not do what Joe BiDumbfuck did and spend more than half a fucking century wallowing at the government trough.

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