What does it take to be a good President?

What will make someone a good President?

  • Leadership skills, administrative talent, executive experience, international experience, etc.

  • I agree with their politics

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Judging by the retard in the whitehouse now, it doesn't take much. All you have to do is sign anything the Deep State drops on your desk and be able to convince half of the voters that the crimes committed by the Deep State is good for "Democracy" and fights racism.
My answer has changed in the past seven years. Now, it's whether the candidate (a) is free of obvious mental illness, (b) possesses a fundamental degree of adult temperament and behavior, (c) has a basic working knowledge of global politics, (d) possesses an above average intelligence and standard human curiosity, and (e) can be depended upon to be civil, articulate and decent, and not constantly engage in behaviors for which we would scold our children.

Then the normal standards for a President would apply. But not before then.

Prior to 2016, I never had to even think about that first part.
!) I like a president who has an understanding of right and Wrong ... who doesn't lie and who will answer a question presented to them ... I Don't feel yes and no answers are acceptable to ask a president ...they are designed to trap that president ...
2) Who is well-educated on procedures of the operations of the government who will work well with the House and Senate...
3) who has compassion for the poor and the sick who need help ...
4) a president who will be sure that the war they are going to is well thought out and understands any soldier who is injured for life, has the best medical care they can get ... stop all of this cutting of veterans taxes that pay for their care ....
5) finally a well-read president who understands all functions of government and doesn't take classified documents lightly ... who follows the laws of the united states ...
!) I like a president who has an understanding of right and Wrong ... who doesn't lie and who will answer a question presented to them ... I Don't feel yes and no answers are acceptable to ask a president ...they are designed to trap that president ...
2) Who is well-educated on procedures of the operations of the government who will work well with the House and Senate...
3) who has compassion for the poor and the sick who need help ...
4) a president who will be sure that the war they are going to is well thought out and understands any soldier who is injured for life, has the best medical care they can get ... stop all of this cutting of veterans taxes that pay for their care ....
5) finally a well-read president who understands all functions of government and doesn't take classified documents lightly ... who follows the laws of the united states ...
And that really isn't asking for all that much for that position.
Judging by the retard in the whitehouse now, it doesn't take much. All you have to do is sign anything the Deep State drops on your desk and be able to convince half of the voters that the crimes committed by the Deep State is good for "Democracy" and fights racism.
boy is this the most ignorant post yet ... you would rather have a president who lets out classified documents and who was making money from his business... the liar in cheif started lying 2017 ... the constant lying coming out of his mouth ... votes were never taken from him ...the covid vaccine wasn't killing millions of people or causing them to be crippled from the vaccine ... hell he's up to date with all of the covid shots ...who is responsible for a 1 million American deaths caused by his insecurities ... the so-called retard in the white house as you called him, went all out to stop the people of this country from dying ... the retard in the Whitehouse has turn the last president's mess around by getting more jobs in this country by starting of repairing the roads the water systems and now the gas problem is coming down ... he has reversed all of the other presidents messes... the stock mark is at the highest its ever been... employment is at the lowest in 50-plus years ... thats what the currant retard in chief has done.. ... what has the opther guy done other then tell lies ??? for 4 years all he did was pass a tax cut for the billionaiors ...
If you think Biden isn't totally screwing up the country you need deprogramming.

Trump was 1,000,000x better as president than the senile teleprompter reader we have now.
1,000,000 x 0 = 0
Hmmm... the poll is unanimous. But why does everyone choose the opposite when they vote?
Voting for senile Biden or his politics - certainly isn't helping the USA - but it's the only thing one can do, to prevent a scumbag from totally screwing up the country.
first of all every year, a president's health and mental facilities are checked ...as of this current election Biden's brain shows no signs of being senile ... just you saying it doesn't make it so ...as for his policies they are spot on ... they are turning trumps huge mess around...as for helping the USA they have slowed down inflation ... they have created more jobs to date than any current president ... they have slowed down the cost of gas going up in my state a gallon of gas goes for 2.19 cents a gallon ... so i don't understand why you feel he's senile or doing a poor job his numbers just don't show it ...
If you think Biden isn't totally screwing up the country you need deprogramming.

Trump was 1,000,000x better as president than the senile teleprompter reader we have now.
I'm afraid you can't see how delirious your thinking is... nor do you not know how to judge mental problems because Trump is a nut case ... ah Biden ...have you ever memorized an 11/2 hr speech???? didn't think so ... there is nothing wrong using a telepromter
first of all every year, a president's health and mental facilities are checked ...as of this current election Biden's brain shows no signs of being senile ... just you saying it doesn't make it so ...as for his policies they are spot on ... they are turning trumps huge mess around...as for helping the USA they have slowed down inflation ... they have created more jobs to date than any current president ... they have slowed down the cost of gas going up in my state a gallon of gas goes for 2.19 cents a gallon ... so i don't understand why you feel he's senile or doing a poor job his numbers just don't show it ...
Jesus fucking christ man. That dude cant even walk on a sidewalk properly. He goes around in circles on a stage.
People that dont admit this, really freak me out. You guys have no business voting.
Every four years we watch a parade of people who want to take on the big job, and the country argues over who is best to do the work. But what makes someone a good option to be President of the United States?
Your options are ridiculous, and The People decide nothing.

They're presented with numerous horrible non-choices by the two criminal gangs and must vote while trying not to vomit.
I'm afraid you can't see how delirious your thinking is... nor do you not know how to judge mental problems because Trump is a nut case ... ah Biden ...have you ever memorized an 11/2 hr speech???? didn't think so ... there is nothing wrong using a teleprompter
I was going to just put a few quips in to show you that you are wrong, but I'll post the long version in case you are from Britain or some other non-US location.:

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016 and lost?? Biden got 81m votes my ass. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.

As for Biden using a teleprompter for long speeches, fine. As for ONLY using a teleprompter and NEVER doing a real press conference taking all questions on wide-ranging subjects demonstrating your total grasp of the details we both know "they" don't let Biden do those because he is too senile and too stupid.
Someone who understands that they are a servant to the people and not their ruler. When making decisions first ask themselves how this decision affects the average citizen. Will put the safety and prosperity of the nation first in all negotiations.
And be a good example to all the young people.

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