What Does Santa Claus Have To Do With Christianity?

Obviously, you have as little understanding of the word "imaginary" as you do of the word "ambiguous".


adjective \i-ˈma-jə-ˌner-ē, -ˌne-rē\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; } : not real : existing only in your mind or imagination

Full Definition of IMAGINARY

a : existing only in imagination : lacking factual reality

So duhs maintains that santa claus exists only in our imaginations, and lacks factual reality.

Imaginary - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This guy disagrees:


In holding with that belief, St. Nicholas didn't exist, peeps.
[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]St. Nicholas Day 2013[/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]AFEDJ invites you to support needy children in the Holy Land [/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]by celebrating on/near December 6th[/FONT]​

St. Nicholas Day 2013 - American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

The modern tradition of St. Nick quite accurately reflects the philosophy of the original St. Nick.

Including the red clothing (the trappings of a bishop) and the funny hat.


It ends up being translated in different ways, through the ages and in different areas, but it's quite recognizable, and quite true to the original.
wow now that's credible...and a PRIME EXAMPLE OF DENIAL IN ACTION,

How white was Ancient Greece?

Calling them white is anachronistic: “white” is a Western invention used to excuse slavery and colonialism during the last several hundred years. The ancient Greeks certainly did not think of themselves as white: they divided the world not by race but by language: those who spoke Greek were Greeks, those who did not were barbarians.

More: “White” is based not just on looks – it is based on culture too. You see that with Arabs: in the Middle East they are not seen as white by Americans, but if they come to America and take on White American ways, they are – like Steve Jobs and Ralph Nader.

In that sense, then, the Ancient Greeks were no more white or Western than the British are “Nigerian” or “Australian”. It is backwards thinking.

Thinking that leads to some strange and curious things:
1.The West “begins with the Greeks”. Not because it does – despite the way some White Americans talk, civilization is not a white invention. Their civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East by way of Greece and Rome. But they see it as starting with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt.
2.The Greeks seem to have amazing intelligence. Because Westerners are taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics, etc, all came straight out of Egypt. Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt. “The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.
3.Ancient Greeks are seen as “universal”, not “ethnic” by Anglos, who play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks. They do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who they look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
4.The Ancient Greeks were seen as white before Greek Americans were. Just as Jesus was seen as white before the Jews were. In the 1920s laws were passed to keep Greeks and other such undesirables from coming to America in large numbers – in part to keep them from destroying the country culturally and genetically.
How white was Ancient Greece? | Abagond


You're mentally ill, aren't you?


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wiki works for basic definitions.

Not so much for debunking political/science stuff, because as we all know, anyone can get on there and tweak it.

--- says the poster who tried to use Wiki to "prove" the existence of St. Nicholas three days ago...

oh but we 'forgot' about that thread, along with anthropology... :eusa_whistle:


Cuz after all, St. Nicholas didn't really exist. He's a figment of the Christian imagination.


Exactly. An early form of PR, advertising and marketing. The early Church needed a (tithe) base, and the myths were already long established and popular, as was the seasonal celebration, so they took a myth from here, a myth from there and invented a guy who could then be associated with the super Solstice holiday they invented to pave over the existing one. Same as they did inventing "St. Valentine" to find a way around the wanton fertility rites associated with that day. More on which in two months...

But it's not really plagiarism as they didn't have copyright law yet. It's what we call the "folk process".
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Obviously, you have as little understanding of the word "imaginary" as you do of the word "ambiguous".


adjective \i-ˈma-jə-ˌner-ē, -ˌne-rē\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; } : not real : existing only in your mind or imagination

Full Definition of IMAGINARY

a : existing only in imagination : lacking factual reality

So duhs maintains that santa claus exists only in our imaginations, and lacks factual reality.

Imaginary - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This guy disagrees:


In holding with that belief, St. Nicholas didn't exist, peeps.
another long way round dodge...
[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]St. Nicholas Day 2013[/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]AFEDJ invites you to support needy children in the Holy Land [/FONT]​

[FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]by celebrating on/near December 6th[/FONT]​

St. Nicholas Day 2013 - American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

The modern tradition of St. Nick quite accurately reflects the philosophy of the original St. Nick.

Including the red clothing (the trappings of a bishop) and the funny hat.


It ends up being translated in different ways, through the ages and in different areas, but it's quite recognizable, and quite true to the original.
wow now that's credible...and a PRIME EXAMPLE OF DENIAL IN ACTION,

How white was Ancient Greece?

Calling them white is anachronistic: “white” is a Western invention used to excuse slavery and colonialism during the last several hundred years. The ancient Greeks certainly did not think of themselves as white: they divided the world not by race but by language: those who spoke Greek were Greeks, those who did not were barbarians.

More: “White” is based not just on looks – it is based on culture too. You see that with Arabs: in the Middle East they are not seen as white by Americans, but if they come to America and take on White American ways, they are – like Steve Jobs and Ralph Nader.

In that sense, then, the Ancient Greeks were no more white or Western than the British are “Nigerian” or “Australian”. It is backwards thinking.

Thinking that leads to some strange and curious things:
1.The West “begins with the Greeks”. Not because it does – despite the way some White Americans talk, civilization is not a white invention. Their civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East by way of Greece and Rome. But they see it as starting with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt.
2.The Greeks seem to have amazing intelligence. Because Westerners are taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics, etc, all came straight out of Egypt. Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt. “The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.
3.Ancient Greeks are seen as “universal”, not “ethnic” by Anglos, who play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks. They do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who they look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
4.The Ancient Greeks were seen as white before Greek Americans were. Just as Jesus was seen as white before the Jews were. In the 1920s laws were passed to keep Greeks and other such undesirables from coming to America in large numbers – in part to keep them from destroying the country culturally and genetically.
How white was Ancient Greece? | Abagond


You're mentally ill, aren't you?


no, but you are !
Since this has suddenly become about race:

Early anthropologists commonly believed that the Hellenes belonged principally to the Mediterranean race. This was the view shared by Sergi and Ripley. In a more recent study of the problem of Race, John R. Baker in says that later studies “do not appear to have disproved” these views. Buxton in shares this general view, although he observes that brachycephals were a part of the Greek population from the beginning and that the Greeks were a mix of Alpine and Mediterranean people from a “comparatively early date.” The American anthropologist Coon in agrees when he asserts that the Greeks are an Alpine/Mediterranean mix, with a weak Nordic component, being “remarkably similar” to their ancient ancestors.
The most complete study of Greek skeletal material from Neolithic to modern times was carried out by American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel who found that in the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family. Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present “racial continuity in Greece is striking.” Buxton who had earlier studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus and Sicily, finds that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”
The most extensive study of modern Greeks has been carried by the Greek anthropologist Aris N. Poulianos. Poulianos’ study included the collection and study of more than seventy anthropometric measurements from a large sample of thousands of Greeks from different parts of the country. His main conclusions are that both Greeks and their neighboring populations are basically a mixture of Aegeans (a Mediterranean type local to the area) and Epirotics (Dinarics and are descended from the ancient inhabitants of the lands in which they live. The presence of individuals which approximate the Nordic subrace is minimal, and does not exceed 4-6% even in the most depigmented groups of Greece. More frequent are individuals which approximate the Alpine race of Central Europe. These reach up to 20-30% of some groups and are often blended with more southern racial types. Poulianos’ conclusions of Greek continuity are not simply the wishful thinking of a modern Greek. In a critical review of his book, J. Lawrence Angel states that “Poulianos is correct in pointing out ... that there is complete continuity genetically from ancient to modern times.”
Nikolaos Xirotiris, more recently, surveyed Greek skeletal material and a number of genetical and anthropometrical studies on modern Greeks. His discoveries were that like in antiquity, the Greek terrain which favors isolation, has led to the formation of local types by micro-evolution. He too concludes racial continuity in Greece, not finding traces of any significant alteration of the Greek racial complex, from prehistory, through classical and medieval, to modern times."

The Ancient Greek DNA
Narrow minded ignorami seem to think that if they haven't been exposed to something, it doesn't exist.

Trust me, modern Christians (think Eastern Orthodox) have a vibrant, current and accurate concept of St. Nick.

"Concepts" are useful, aren't they? I made a few bucks off the tooth fairy in my younger days... :eusa_angel:

Useful mythical concepts are as old as dirt. Seventy-two virgins if you blow yourself up... Iraq has WMD... North Vietnam attack in the Gulf of Tonkin... Kindly old "saints"... "God"... step right up, step right up.
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Examples of Ancient Greek types: “Mediterranean”: Pericles, 5th c. BC statesman, narrow-faced and fine-featured; “Alpine”: Plato, 4th c. BC philosopher, broad-faced and broad-headed; “Dinaric”: Aristippos, 4th c. BC philosopher, short and high-headed, salient nose

The Ancient Greek DNA
Since this has suddenly become about race:

Early anthropologists commonly believed that the Hellenes belonged principally to the Mediterranean race. This was the view shared by Sergi and Ripley. In a more recent study of the problem of Race, John R. Baker in says that later studies “do not appear to have disproved” these views. Buxton in shares this general view, although he observes that brachycephals were a part of the Greek population from the beginning and that the Greeks were a mix of Alpine and Mediterranean people from a “comparatively early date.” The American anthropologist Coon in agrees when he asserts that the Greeks are an Alpine/Mediterranean mix, with a weak Nordic component, being “remarkably similar” to their ancient ancestors.
The most complete study of Greek skeletal material from Neolithic to modern times was carried out by American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel who found that in the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family. Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present “racial continuity in Greece is striking.” Buxton who had earlier studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus and Sicily, finds that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”
The most extensive study of modern Greeks has been carried by the Greek anthropologist Aris N. Poulianos. Poulianos’ study included the collection and study of more than seventy anthropometric measurements from a large sample of thousands of Greeks from different parts of the country. His main conclusions are that both Greeks and their neighboring populations are basically a mixture of Aegeans (a Mediterranean type local to the area) and Epirotics (Dinarics and are descended from the ancient inhabitants of the lands in which they live. The presence of individuals which approximate the Nordic subrace is minimal, and does not exceed 4-6% even in the most depigmented groups of Greece. More frequent are individuals which approximate the Alpine race of Central Europe. These reach up to 20-30% of some groups and are often blended with more southern racial types. Poulianos’ conclusions of Greek continuity are not simply the wishful thinking of a modern Greek. In a critical review of his book, J. Lawrence Angel states that “Poulianos is correct in pointing out ... that there is complete continuity genetically from ancient to modern times.”
Nikolaos Xirotiris, more recently, surveyed Greek skeletal material and a number of genetical and anthropometrical studies on modern Greeks. His discoveries were that like in antiquity, the Greek terrain which favors isolation, has led to the formation of local types by micro-evolution. He too concludes racial continuity in Greece, not finding traces of any significant alteration of the Greek racial complex, from prehistory, through classical and medieval, to modern times."

The Ancient Greek DNA
it's always been about race and your defense of a myth...
an excerpt "Greeks and their neighboring populations are basically a mixture of Aegeans (a Mediterranean type local to the area) and Epirotics (Dinarics and are descended from the ancient inhabitants of the lands in which they live. The presence of individuals which approximate the Nordic subrace is minimal, and does not exceed 4-6% even in the most depigmented groups of Greece.

still not white people.
Ah, then you can appreciate how foolish you come across.

BTW, the people who do the light design have zero insight into the language...it doesn't make you an expert of language, dodo.
not by itself it doesn't but that and 3 decades of plays, movies and back ground research. for the aforementioned sure as shit makes me far more qualified in languages then you..
btw you don't no dick about show business so saying shit like this: "the people who do the light design have zero insight into the language"-kg
makes you even more ignorant!

I don't no dick?


I *no* that the lighting guy for my kids' plays, an employee of our playhouse, comes across as one of the most ignorant people I have ever had the pleasure of attempting to carry on a conversation with. And yet...he does the lighting! And quite well, ultimately.
Ah, then you can appreciate how foolish you come across.

BTW, the people who do the light design have zero insight into the language...it doesn't make you an expert of language, dodo.
not by itself it doesn't but that and 3 decades of plays, movies and back ground research. for the aforementioned sure as shit makes me far more qualified in languages then you..
btw you don't no dick about show business so saying shit like this: "the people who do the light design have zero insight into the language"-kg
makes you even more ignorant!

I don't no dick?


I *no* that the lighting guy for my kids' plays, an employee of our playhouse, comes across as one of the most ignorant people I have ever had the pleasure of attempting to carry on a conversation with. And yet...he does the lighting! And quite well, ultimately.
your kid plays:lol::lol::lol:
your playhouse:lol::lol::lol::lol:
you'd have done better not mentioning that...:lol::lol:
do you always make false comparisons...?
Oh look, another term you don't understand.

Anyway, the lighting guy is not the *go to* person when it comes to the correct usage of language.
You think the dialogue coach has insight into the language?

They're accent coaches, you nitwit. They coach actors on delivery. Not on grammar and vocabulary.
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You actually used it right that time, sort of.

Though it's not so much ambiguous as straight up sarcastic, but someone as impaired as you have proven yourself to be would never be able to see the difference. So close enough for government work, as they say.
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