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What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.

Sodomites..........kings and associated with idols and their temples
Immoral persons
Fornicators..........anyone engaging in sex outside of marriage
Revilers......... corinthians

at least in the KJ21

The name Sodom means strength. Sodomite was a later term based on misunderstanding of the reason for the destruction.
In hebrew the term qadesh means temple prostitute, male of female. That is what in other translations has come to be written as sodomite.

If gays can marry then they would no long be accused of fornication with the person they love.

So this interpretation of 'queers' as sinful is a christian idea outside the gospels, outside the teachings of Jesus.

If you really understand the bible and choose to use an english translation, at least find one that is more accurate. Stop making sins
where there aren't.

I personally find more truth in early christian works not in the canon than anything from Paul. Even the gospels were picked for political purposes and not for being factual or even inspirational. If you don't understand this you did not study how and why the codex was compiled and standardized. Nor do you understand the original text, translations are not accurate and translations of translations are worse.

Jesus might have used his own style of parables but the lessons he taught were OT. He was not teaching a new religion, but he was however including all people, even those on the fringe of society......that would include gays, not just the lame, diseases, those who have sex outside of marriage, tax collectors, soldiers, or those who are not born and raised jews.

You are lying.

Sodomites, people who commit sodomy. Sodomy, anal, oral sex, and other sexual deviance.
Catamites Yes.
Immoral persons
Fornicators Yes, which would include homosexuals because only people of the opposite sex can be married according to G-d.
Perverts Yes.
Effeminate Men who act as women.
Homosexuals Yes.
Revilers Mean they are to be reviled. Not a positive thing.

You lied that entire post.

>>As we see in the English there seems to be a relationship between the words in each rows A, B, C, D, and F. What about row E, though? What do “immoral persons, sodomites, and kidnappers” have in common? To answer this question we will need to explore the Greek. The three Greek words present in line E are: pornoi (pornoiV), arsenokoitai (arsenokoitaiV), and andrapodistai (andrapodistaiV).

Some commonly read Bible translations include King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), New King James (NKJ), Revised Standard Version (RSV), and New English Bible (NEB). These words were, respectively, translated in the following manner:

pornoi arsenokoitai andrapodistai

whoremonger them that defile themselves with mankind men-stealers
NIV: adulterers perverts slave traders
NKJ: fornicators sodomites kidnappers
RSV: immoral persons sodomites kidnappers
NEB: fornicators sodomites kidnappers
As we see there is no clear-cut agreement as to what these words mean, though the above translations agree on the general sense of such words. To determine the precise meanings, a lexicon will be used. A lexicon is a scholarly dictionary used to determine the meaning of biblical words. A search through the online Greek lexicon available at searchgodsword.org gives the following information on the Greek term pornos, which is the stem of the word pornoi, the first of the three words:

Pornos derives from the verb pernemi meaning “to sell” and the following three definitions are given:

  • a male who prostitutes his body to another’s lust for hire
  • a male prostitute
  • a male who indulges in unlawful sexual intercourse, a fornicator
Andrapodistes, the stem of the word Andrapodistai, the third word, returns the following definitions:

  • slave-dealer, kidnapper, man-stealer
  • of one who unjustly reduces free males to slavery
  • of one who steals the slaves of others and sells them.
Arsenokoitai, as previously indicated, is made up of the Greek words for male (arseno-) and beds (koitai). In Greek, the word koitai, literally meaning beds, is commonly used as a euphemism for one who has sex. Arseno- is an adjectival prefix, thus literally we could translate this as “male bedder.”

We should now be able to derive an exact understanding of the word arsenokoitai based on the two words that surround it. We have, first of all, the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. The New American Bible offers a footnote that might shed some light on the historical context of the time:

“The Greek word translated as boy prostitutes may refer to catamites, i.e. boys or young men who were kept for the purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world. In Greek mythology this was the function of Ganymede, the “cupbearer of the gods,” whose Latin name was Catamus…” (NAB)

There was a common practice in which men of Paul’s time would have slave “pet” boys whom they sexually exploited. These boys were prepubescent and without beards so they seemed like females. Today, this practice is referred to as pederasty. Regardless, however, the pornos is clearly a prostitute.

Keeping this in mind, let’s look back at what we have so far: the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. This contextual dynamic leads one to understand arsenokoitai as being the one who sleeps with the prostitute, the man who literally lies on the bed with him. It is as if Paul were saying, “male prostitutes, men who sleep with them, and slave dealers who procure them…” Not only does the syntactical and historical context point to this understanding, but also the very literal sense of the word arsenokoitai itself.<<

  • "pornoi" refers to an enslaved male prostitute.
  • "arsenokoitai" refers to a man who forces sex on an enslaved male prostitute
  • "andrapodistes" refers to a person who kidnaps and enslaves people.<<

Some people that take the bible so literally a the word of god, in english, should go back to the original text.

Stop hating gays because you don't understand your own bible. There are acts of pedophilia and sexual abuse that are wrong, but being gay is not a sin, it is the way god made them.

Look to yourself and your 'sins' and stop the abuse of others. If there is a god, he will judge them as good or bad people. He will balance their 'sins' against their good and loving acts. A single sin of disobedience to a parent should not mean they must die or burn in hell for eternity. Being what god made people, gay or hetero, should not be a sentence to hellfire. It is the life in total that is judged.

Worry about your own hateful behavior and not the love shared between two people that are different from you.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.

Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.

Sodomites..........kings and associated with idols and their temples
Immoral persons
Fornicators..........anyone engaging in sex outside of marriage
Revilers......... corinthians

at least in the KJ21

The name Sodom means strength. Sodomite was a later term based on misunderstanding of the reason for the destruction.
In hebrew the term qadesh means temple prostitute, male of female. That is what in other translations has come to be written as sodomite.

If gays can marry then they would no long be accused of fornication with the person they love.

So this interpretation of 'queers' as sinful is a christian idea outside the gospels, outside the teachings of Jesus.

If you really understand the bible and choose to use an english translation, at least find one that is more accurate. Stop making sins
where there aren't.

I personally find more truth in early christian works not in the canon than anything from Paul. Even the gospels were picked for political purposes and not for being factual or even inspirational. If you don't understand this you did not study how and why the codex was compiled and standardized. Nor do you understand the original text, translations are not accurate and translations of translations are worse.

Jesus might have used his own style of parables but the lessons he taught were OT. He was not teaching a new religion, but he was however including all people, even those on the fringe of society......that would include gays, not just the lame, diseases, those who have sex outside of marriage, tax collectors, soldiers, or those who are not born and raised jews.

You are lying.

Sodomites, people who commit sodomy. Sodomy, anal, oral sex, and other sexual deviance.
Catamites Yes.
Immoral persons
Fornicators Yes, which would include homosexuals because only people of the opposite sex can be married according to G-d.
Perverts Yes.
Effeminate Men who act as women.
Homosexuals Yes.
Revilers Mean they are to be reviled. Not a positive thing.

You lied that entire post.

>>As we see in the English there seems to be a relationship between the words in each rows A, B, C, D, and F. What about row E, though? What do “immoral persons, sodomites, and kidnappers” have in common? To answer this question we will need to explore the Greek. The three Greek words present in line E are: pornoi (pornoiV), arsenokoitai (arsenokoitaiV), and andrapodistai (andrapodistaiV).

Some commonly read Bible translations include King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), New King James (NKJ), Revised Standard Version (RSV), and New English Bible (NEB). These words were, respectively, translated in the following manner:

pornoi arsenokoitai andrapodistai

whoremonger them that defile themselves with mankind men-stealers
NIV: adulterers perverts slave traders
NKJ: fornicators sodomites kidnappers
RSV: immoral persons sodomites kidnappers
NEB: fornicators sodomites kidnappers
As we see there is no clear-cut agreement as to what these words mean, though the above translations agree on the general sense of such words. To determine the precise meanings, a lexicon will be used. A lexicon is a scholarly dictionary used to determine the meaning of biblical words. A search through the online Greek lexicon available at searchgodsword.org gives the following information on the Greek term pornos, which is the stem of the word pornoi, the first of the three words:

Pornos derives from the verb pernemi meaning “to sell” and the following three definitions are given:

  • a male who prostitutes his body to another’s lust for hire
  • a male prostitute
  • a male who indulges in unlawful sexual intercourse, a fornicator
Andrapodistes, the stem of the word Andrapodistai, the third word, returns the following definitions:

  • slave-dealer, kidnapper, man-stealer
  • of one who unjustly reduces free males to slavery
  • of one who steals the slaves of others and sells them.
Arsenokoitai, as previously indicated, is made up of the Greek words for male (arseno-) and beds (koitai). In Greek, the word koitai, literally meaning beds, is commonly used as a euphemism for one who has sex. Arseno- is an adjectival prefix, thus literally we could translate this as “male bedder.”

We should now be able to derive an exact understanding of the word arsenokoitai based on the two words that surround it. We have, first of all, the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. The New American Bible offers a footnote that might shed some light on the historical context of the time:

“The Greek word translated as boy prostitutes may refer to catamites, i.e. boys or young men who were kept for the purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world. In Greek mythology this was the function of Ganymede, the “cupbearer of the gods,” whose Latin name was Catamus…” (NAB)

There was a common practice in which men of Paul’s time would have slave “pet” boys whom they sexually exploited. These boys were prepubescent and without beards so they seemed like females. Today, this practice is referred to as pederasty. Regardless, however, the pornos is clearly a prostitute.

Keeping this in mind, let’s look back at what we have so far: the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. This contextual dynamic leads one to understand arsenokoitai as being the one who sleeps with the prostitute, the man who literally lies on the bed with him. It is as if Paul were saying, “male prostitutes, men who sleep with them, and slave dealers who procure them…” Not only does the syntactical and historical context point to this understanding, but also the very literal sense of the word arsenokoitai itself.<<

  • "pornoi" refers to an enslaved male prostitute.
  • "arsenokoitai" refers to a man who forces sex on an enslaved male prostitute
  • "andrapodistes" refers to a person who kidnaps and enslaves people.<<

Some people that take the bible so literally a the word of god, in english, should go back to the original text.

Stop hating gays because you don't understand your own bible. There are acts of pedophilia and sexual abuse that are wrong, but being gay is not a sin, it is the way god made them.

Look to yourself and your 'sins' and stop the abuse of others. If there is a god, he will judge them as good or bad people. He will balance their 'sins' against their good and loving acts. A single sin of disobedience to a parent should not mean they must die or burn in hell for eternity. Being what god made people, gay or hetero, should not be a sentence to hellfire. It is the life in total that is judged.

Worry about your own hateful behavior and not the love shared between two people that are different from you.

Yeah blaw blaw blaw. You are wrong. You have the right to remain wrong, and try and explain away that you are wrong, but as long as you hide behind your sinful thinking, you will be wrong until you die.

I don't need your rationalizations, thanks.
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.
Not the word homosexual. The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. The first appearance of the word was in the 19th century.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.

Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.
Not the word homosexual. The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. The first appearance of the word was in the 19th century.

Yeah, and the word "rapture" appears nowhere in the Bible, either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't speak extensively about Christ returning and taking believers to Heaven.

Just because people coin a phrase for something doesn't mean it was never talked about before that phrase existed.

He is a sabbitarian which is a heresy and makes him a heretic. The fact that he writes books on Christian ethics instead of theology and Bible puts him outside of orthodoxy.

The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting Winter Clark 9780802824332 Amazon.com Books

Bruce Winter is the director of the Institute of Early Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World, a fellow of St. Edmund’s College, and a member of the divinity faculty at the University of Cambridge

So what? I don't respect that college.
Not everyone that says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven and you are trusting in people who say the opposite of what the Bible says so their words are sand and God's word is the rock.

"I don't respect that college." (In reference to the University of Cambridge--an institution of learning and research that,arguably, is more prestigious and world-renowned than any college in the US!)

That's not true to begin with.

That said, who cares? What if Cambridge was the most prestigious in the whole universe. Does that make them 'infallible'?

Not to us.

I can argue with that!!

Also, please note we are talking about "respectable", not 'infallible'. A big difference which leads to the question "Which institution do you respect and why?"
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.

Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

Great. Repent of your sin.... and go and sin no more. Have Faith in Jesus, and reject the sinful act.

That doesn't mean "seldom". It means you reject sin, and stay pure to G-d.
He is a sabbitarian which is a heresy and makes him a heretic. The fact that he writes books on Christian ethics instead of theology and Bible puts him outside of orthodoxy.

The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting Winter Clark 9780802824332 Amazon.com Books

Bruce Winter is the director of the Institute of Early Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World, a fellow of St. Edmund’s College, and a member of the divinity faculty at the University of Cambridge

So what? I don't respect that college.
Not everyone that says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven and you are trusting in people who say the opposite of what the Bible says so their words are sand and God's word is the rock.

"I don't respect that college." (In reference to the University of Cambridge--an institution of learning and research that,arguably, is more prestigious and world-renowned than any college in the US!)

That's not true to begin with.

That said, who cares? What if Cambridge was the most prestigious in the whole universe. Does that make them 'infallible'?

Not to us.

I can argue with that!!

Also, please note we are talking about "respectable", not 'infallible'. A big difference which leads to the question "Which institution do you respect and why?"

Fine. They are wrong on this one. Thanks for stopping by.
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.
Not the word homosexual. The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. The first appearance of the word was in the 19th century.

Yeah, and the word "rapture" appears nowhere in the Bible, either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't speak extensively about Christ returning and taking believers to Heaven.

Just because people coin a phrase for something doesn't mean it was never talked about before that phrase existed.
My post is in response to the claim that the Bible uses other words for queer, Homosexual, perverts, etc....
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.
Not the word homosexual. The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. The first appearance of the word was in the 19th century.

Yeah, and the word "rapture" appears nowhere in the Bible, either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't speak extensively about Christ returning and taking believers to Heaven.

Just because people coin a phrase for something doesn't mean it was never talked about before that phrase existed.
My post is in response to the claim that the Bible uses other words for queer, Homosexual, perverts, etc....

And it does.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.

Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.

Samuel was a strict guy-------Nathan was even worse
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.

Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.

I think "eunuchs from birth"-----are boys with undescended testes----but I kinda like
your interpretation. "love above that for women"-------is----not a declaration of sexual attraction------I will check with my local expert----the actual wording of that lament
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.
I've read the Bible from G to R over and over since I was a wee lad. David was not bisexual.
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.
I've read the Bible from G to R over and over since I was a wee lad. David was not bisexual.

so true------DAVID "dallied" with lots of people------LOTS AND LOTS-----and they were all girls
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.

Samuel was a strict guy-------Nathan was even worse
Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense? Jonathan and David both had wives and children. David even adopted Jonathan's son, when most would have seen only a rival to his throne and had the boy killed.

The point of the bible stores shows over and over again that God loves his children no matter their flaws or sins. He does not reject them.
How can people that read the bible reject what god does not? Do they hold themselves superior to god? Do they think they know better what is a sin and and what is not?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.

I think "eunuchs from birth"-----are boys with undescended testes----but I kinda like
your interpretation. "love above that for women"-------is----not a declaration of sexual attraction------I will check with my local expert----the actual wording of that lament

Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.

Samuel was a strict guy-------Nathan was even worse
Fail? Total Fail. We are Christian. Jesus was a Jew. The entire Christian faith, is built on the foundation of the Jewish Faith. If there was no Jewish faith, there would be no Christian faith.

So.... yes, Bible-based Christians do care what the Jewish bible says.

No, David was not bi-sexual in any way. There is no possible way that one could even attempt to make that claim rationally.

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.

I think "eunuchs from birth"-----are boys with undescended testes----but I kinda like
your interpretation. "love above that for women"-------is----not a declaration of sexual attraction------I will check with my local expert----the actual wording of that lament

"Greatly beloved were you to me;
your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.”

Jonathan and David both had wives and children. David even adopted Jonathan's son, when most would have seen only a rival to his throne and had the boy killed.

The point of the bible stores shows over and over again that God loves his children no matter their flaws or sins. He does not reject them.
How can people that read the bible reject what god does not? Do they hold themselves superior to god? Do they think they know better what is a sin and and what is not?

Even Samuel called his son a pervert. I think people should go back to reread Samuel.
Neither god nor Jesus rejected good people for being gay, or bisexual.

This might help explain
The bible doesn't mention "queer" people. Not once. Doesn't even use the word.

No, it uses other words. Want a list?

Immoral persons

And hey, the Bible even calls them FAGGOTS. Don't believe me?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8

They shall burn like bundles of kindling.
Not the word homosexual. The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. The first appearance of the word was in the 19th century.

Yeah, and the word "rapture" appears nowhere in the Bible, either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't speak extensively about Christ returning and taking believers to Heaven.

Just because people coin a phrase for something doesn't mean it was never talked about before that phrase existed.
My post is in response to the claim that the Bible uses other words for queer, Homosexual, perverts, etc....

And it does use other words for it, just as it uses other terms for what Christians now refer to as the "rapture".
Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.

Samuel was a strict guy-------Nathan was even worse

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense? Jonathan and David both had wives and children. David even adopted Jonathan's son, when most would have seen only a rival to his throne and had the boy killed.

The point of the bible stores shows over and over again that God loves his children no matter their flaws or sins. He does not reject them.
How can people that read the bible reject what god does not? Do they hold themselves superior to god? Do they think they know better what is a sin and and what is not?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.

I think "eunuchs from birth"-----are boys with undescended testes----but I kinda like
your interpretation. "love above that for women"-------is----not a declaration of sexual attraction------I will check with my local expert----the actual wording of that lament

Why anyone would care what the jewish bible said is strange. But King David was obviously bisexual and Yahweh did not have an issue with it.
David was NOT bisexual. Having a close friend is not homosexuality. That's as idiotic as you twats claiming Bert and Ernie were gay because they were roommates or that Lincoln was gay because he shared a bed with another man. Very common in those days. You people make a lot of ASSumptions and prove anew what ASSES you are.

Go back and read Samuel again.

Samuel was a strict guy-------Nathan was even worse

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with homosexuality. Love does not equal sex. You have sleep with 100 prostitutes, and they are nothing more than night of physical passion to you, and you are nothing more than a good customer to them.

Love is not the same as sex. When it said that David loved Jonathan, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It had to do with a deep friendship. You talk to people who come back from war, and they have a type of friendship with someone that they bled and fought side by side with, that they simply don't have with their wife.

It not the same. The Bible makes it clear a thousand times over that Homosexuality is a sin. You will never prove that wrong, and no amount of randomly interpreting your own meaning into verses will change that.

You are still wrong.
No, the Bible makes clear that homosexual acts are a sin, not being homosexual. A homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. There are homosexuals that do not engage in homosexual sex. Some homosexuals seek only love and companionship and seldom if ever engaged in homosexual acts.

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Eunuchs who have been so from birth are gays

How do people read the bible and see only hate? Hate is the opposite of what Jesus preached.

People that hate, gays or others, should be ashamed to call themselves christisians.

We have seen in the news that the relatives of the church massacre could have compassion of the killer, but good christians have none for those born gay? How does this make sense?

Those who hate and see only sin in others need to go back to their bible and find out how to love others. Till they do, they should not call themselves followers of Jesus. They are not followers of god.

I think "eunuchs from birth"-----are boys with undescended testes----but I kinda like
your interpretation. "love above that for women"-------is----not a declaration of sexual attraction------I will check with my local expert----the actual wording of that lament

"Greatly beloved were you to me;
your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.”

Jonathan and David both had wives and children. David even adopted Jonathan's son, when most would have seen only a rival to his throne and had the boy killed.

The point of the bible stores shows over and over again that God loves his children no matter their flaws or sins. He does not reject them.
How can people that read the bible reject what god does not? Do they hold themselves superior to god? Do they think they know better what is a sin and and what is not?

Even Samuel called his son a pervert. I think people should go back to reread Samuel.
Neither god nor Jesus rejected good people for being gay, or bisexual.

This might help explain

*sigh* Stop projecting.

Let me translate that passage into modern terms for you:

"Bros before 'ho's".

Hope that helps.

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