What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

How is telling the truth about God's standard of morality hating or persecuting gays?

but wasn't jesus god in your church teaching? So wouldn't jesus words of kindness and love not be valid for those people you might want to dislike or distrust? Would the not judging apply to no judging gays?

to justify your hate you are as selective of what jesus said as you are at verse pecking through the OT?

Bible is supposed to teach love, so where is love for fellow humans who happen at god's making to be gay?

Jesus specifically commanded us to make judgments.

He also commanded us to bring the sinners to repentance and to wArn our neighbors of the consequence of sin .

Why do you falsely pretend that is hateful or unkind?

And how is the op lying about the bible's teachings on sodomy kind or loving? I tend to find people who lie to me to be unkind.

so jesus contradicts himself?

The judgement will be by him of god, not by you or on this earth.

"For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you"

You will be judged and treated the way you judge and threat others. You judge gays as sinful, you will be judged sinful. You treat people with scorn, you will be treated with scorn. You persecute others, you will be persecuted. You hate others, you will be hated. You curse others, you will be cursed...................

It is back to the golden rule, the way you view and threat others is how you will be viewed and treated. It is the mos basis of teachings throughout the bible.

How is a lesson so simple by Jesus so hard to understand? It is a simple give and take. Equal measures for all.

How do people who claim to be christians fail the most basis teaching?

If you want god to love you, you should love others the same way. If you want to be treated with kindness you need to treat others that way. It does not matter how you word it, it all come down to the same thing.

So no, Jesus is not telling you to judge others, it is not your place to judge or condemn, that will be done by god.
We all know you and your kind are not god. You are not even court judges.
How can so many people, christians and non-christians all understand and a handful of self-righteous bible thumping christians miss the most simple lesson that was taught?

The only 'queer' people are those that live in world where they choose to hate everyone not a mirror of themselves.

LGBT are just people and have the right to be treated that way.

Every bad thing you say about others will be how you are judge in the end.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.
Which one of the three versions is the one God gave us?

King James Version

I'm not aware of any groups declaring another translation to be an act of God. The King James is the only English version that was orchestrated by God.

If you find out otherwise then please let us know.
early followers of Jesus were communists.

I'm pretty sure everybody knows that.

They weren't Marxist Communist because Marx wasn't born yet. They owned no property. They had no social status. All were on economically equal footing.

They were communist in the purist sense. Anybody that refutes that hasn't read the Book of Acts.
Strawman fail, animals are not entitled to civil rights and equal protection.

You are right. The next battle will be polygamous marriages. The inter species marriages will be after the radical Mormons get their right to dominate the United States of America. However it will only take 5 or 6 generations for the radical Mormons to rewrite our Constitution into a Mormon theocracy once they get legal permission to engage in polygamy. They'll probably fight that off another 20 years or so but the radical Mormon cults will eventually win that one too.
LOL Atheists are funny, they scream there is no God and then spend hours talking about Him

Most atheist don't do that. Most atheist sit in church pews and play the game. Atheist are exactly the same as everybody else. They drive cars, they go to work and keep their personal beliefs to themselves.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

Well, shit happens. So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...

Negatives can't be proven. Where did you go to high school?
Being gay will cause you to be hated?

How is telling the truth about God's standard of morality hating or persecuting gays?

but wasn't jesus god in your church teaching? So wouldn't jesus words of kindness and love not be valid for those people you might want to dislike or distrust? Would the not judging apply to no judging gays?

to justify your hate you are as selective of what jesus said as you are at verse pecking through the OT?

Bible is supposed to teach love, so where is love for fellow humans who happen at god's making to be gay?

Jesus specifically commanded us to make judgments.

He also commanded us to bring the sinners to repentance and to wArn our neighbors of the consequence of sin .

Why do you falsely pretend that is hateful or unkind?

And how is the op lying about the bible's teachings on sodomy kind or loving? I tend to find people who lie to me to be unkind.

so jesus contradicts himself?

The judgement will be by him of god, not by you or on this earth.

"For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you"

You will be judged and treated the way you judge and threat others. You judge gays as sinful, you will be judged sinful. You treat people with scorn, you will be treated with scorn. You persecute others, you will be persecuted. You hate others, you will be hated. You curse others, you will be cursed...................

It is back to the golden rule, the way you view and threat others is how you will be viewed and treated. It is the mos basis of teachings throughout the bible.

How is a lesson so simple by Jesus so hard to understand? It is a simple give and take. Equal measures for all.

How do people who claim to be christians fail the most basis teaching?

If you want god to love you, you should love others the same way. If you want to be treated with kindness you need to treat others that way. It does not matter how you word it, it all come down to the same thing.

So no, Jesus is not telling you to judge others, it is not your place to judge or condemn, that will be done by god.
We all know you and your kind are not god. You are not even court judges.
How can so many people, christians and non-christians all understand and a handful of self-righteous bible thumping christians miss the most simple lesson that was taught?

The only 'queer' people are those that live in world where they choose to hate everyone not a mirror of themselves.

LGBT are just people and have the right to be treated that way.

Every bad thing you say about others will be how you are judge in the end.

No. Jesus didn't contradict himself. You guys just simply like to read what he said.out of context. Read John 7:24. It says the same thing essentially as Matthew 7:1 but people prefer Matthew because they can ignore the context easier.

The Lord has given us a brain to judge. We have a society built around the concept of judging. There is an entire book of the Bible named for judging.

The fall occured because Adam and eve ate of the fruit and learned to judge between good and evil.

The idea that simply stating that God opposes the sin of sodomy is judging unrighteously is absolutely ludicrous.

Nor is it putting people to scorn or hating anyone. We preach against premarital sex of all kinds but you don't act as if we hate fabricators. We preach against drinking and gambling. Does that mean we hate alcoholics or gamblers?

The idea is ridiculous. If we hated such people we wouldn't be constantly warning against such destructive behavior. We would just let them destroy themselves.

Does anyone advocate being unkind to someone or hating them simply because we are against lying to them?

It's a misrepresentation to present anyone like that.
Being gay will cause you to be hated?

How is telling the truth about God's standard of morality hating or persecuting gays?

but wasn't jesus god in your church teaching? So wouldn't jesus words of kindness and love not be valid for those people you might want to dislike or distrust? Would the not judging apply to no judging gays?

to justify your hate you are as selective of what jesus said as you are at verse pecking through the OT?

Bible is supposed to teach love, so where is love for fellow humans who happen at god's making to be gay?

Jesus specifically commanded us to make judgments.

He also commanded us to bring the sinners to repentance and to wArn our neighbors of the consequence of sin .

Why do you falsely pretend that is hateful or unkind?

And how is the op lying about the bible's teachings on sodomy kind or loving? I tend to find people who lie to me to be unkind.

so jesus contradicts himself?

The judgement will be by him of god, not by you or on this earth.

"For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you"

You will be judged and treated the way you judge and threat others. You judge gays as sinful, you will be judged sinful. You treat people with scorn, you will be treated with scorn. You persecute others, you will be persecuted. You hate others, you will be hated. You curse others, you will be cursed...................

It is back to the golden rule, the way you view and threat others is how you will be viewed and treated. It is the mos basis of teachings throughout the bible.

How is a lesson so simple by Jesus so hard to understand? It is a simple give and take. Equal measures for all.

How do people who claim to be christians fail the most basis teaching?

If you want god to love you, you should love others the same way. If you want to be treated with kindness you need to treat others that way. It does not matter how you word it, it all come down to the same thing.

So no, Jesus is not telling you to judge others, it is not your place to judge or condemn, that will be done by god.
We all know you and your kind are not god. You are not even court judges.
How can so many people, christians and non-christians all understand and a handful of self-righteous bible thumping christians miss the most simple lesson that was taught?

The only 'queer' people are those that live in world where they choose to hate everyone not a mirror of themselves.

LGBT are just people and have the right to be treated that way.

Every bad thing you say about others will be how you are judge in the end.

No. Jesus didn't contradict himself. You guys just simply like to read what he said.out of context. Read John 7:24. It says the same thing essentially as Matthew 7:1 but people prefer Matthew because they can ignore the context easier.

The Lord has given us a brain to judge. We have a society built around the concept of judging. There is an entire book of the Bible named for judging.

The fall occured because Adam and eve ate of the fruit and learned to judge between good and evil.

The idea that simply stating that God opposes the sin of sodomy is judging unrighteously is absolutely ludicrous.

Nor is it putting people to scorn or hating anyone. We preach against premarital sex of all kinds but you don't act as if we hate fabricators. We preach against drinking and gambling. Does that mean we hate alcoholics or gamblers?

The idea is ridiculous. If we hated such people we wouldn't be constantly warning against such destructive behavior. We would just let them destroy themselves.

Does anyone advocate being unkind to someone or hating them simply because we are against lying to them?

It's a misrepresentation to present anyone like that.

You judge your own actions and make decision and you decide that you should condemn gays as sinners and treat them differently than other people? You make judgements about other without really knowing them? You treat those who are not like you with prejudice?

This is what you believe Jesus wants from you? And you don't believe hate a sin?

And the rest of the world should judge you for you bias of gays and condemn you?

This is really all you get from the gospels? To hate gays. All the talk of love and not judging is irrelevant to your belief in hating gays. Nothing else that Jesus taught is valid?

It is not for you to judge other, only to make judgements about what you do. You make the judgement in spite of everything taught by jesus to hate people for what they were born as, for the way god made them. This is what you see as judgement? To hate one of god's creations? To hate a fellow man.

Throw the stones at yourself and only yourself. You are you are the only person you have a right to judge. God will take care of everyone else.
Who is condemning anyone? Warning of sin isn't a condemnation. It's an invitation to repent and make things right.

No one is talking about hating gays but you.

Maybe you should actually participate in the conversation you are in rather than the one you want to be in. But then I suspect you can't win the discussion you are actually in and that seems to be your goal.
The best way to show contempt for anyone is to simply ignore them. Christians do not want people to go to hell. But how shall they hear without a preacher? Is anyone saved by preaching a lie so as not to insult someone? Everyone has a "cross" to bear. To redefine a "cross" doesn't make it go away or become a blessing.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.
Which one of the three versions is the one God gave us?

King James Version

I'm not aware of any groups declaring another translation to be an act of God. The King James is the only English version that was orchestrated by God.

If you find out otherwise then please let us know.
You KJVO nuts crack me up. Yeah, I guess God left His Church without a Bible until 1611. How irresponsible of Him!
LOL Atheists are funny, they scream there is no God and then spend hours talking about Him

Most atheist don't do that. Most atheist sit in church pews and play the game. Atheist are exactly the same as everybody else. They drive cars, they go to work and keep their personal beliefs to themselves.
Atheists keep their personal beliefs to themselves? You don't know any, do you?
Who is condemning anyone? Warning of sin isn't a condemnation. It's an invitation to repent and make things right.

No one is talking about hating gays but you.

Maybe you should actually participate in the conversation you are in rather than the one you want to be in. But then I suspect you can't win the discussion you are actually in and that seems to be your goal.

Treating them like leper by not letting them be a normal part of society, but denying them the simple rights to love.
Denying the the right to commit to their partner in the eyes if the law and in the eyes of god. You should not have that right.
Your condemnation of them as sinners is hateful, harmful.
Who is condemning anyone? Warning of sin isn't a condemnation. It's an invitation to repent and make things right.

No one is talking about hating gays but you.

Maybe you should actually participate in the conversation you are in rather than the one you want to be in. But then I suspect you can't win the discussion you are actually in and that seems to be your goal.

Treating them like leper by not letting them be a normal part of society, but denying them the simple rights to love.
Denying the the right to commit to their partner in the eyes if the law and in the eyes of god. You should not have that right.
Your condemnation of them as sinners is hateful, harmful.
Funny how you think you can define marriage but others "should not have that right".
LOL Atheists are funny, they scream there is no God and then spend hours talking about Him

Most atheist don't do that. Most atheist sit in church pews and play the game. Atheist are exactly the same as everybody else. They drive cars, they go to work and keep their personal beliefs to themselves.
Atheists keep their personal beliefs to themselves? You don't know any, do you?

Not all. I wish more did keep to themselves and not make the world fit their belief. Even if it is not true, thee is something comforting about the idea of a creator or superior force of some kind keeping order in the universe. A petty, vengeful, cruel, judgmental, jealous, demanding god that needs to be worshiped like we need air or water is not my idea of anything worth respecting or recognizing. Something that makes us feel loved no matter, like a parent, perhaps.

The idea that there is nothing out there or that we just end after wasting this life is a bit sad. It does not matter if it is some cosmic spark or something more human like. If we believe or hope in something more advanced or some design, we might strive to keep improving ourselves and not become complacent. We keep evolving into that which might eventually that which we imagine as godlike or eventually pure mental energy without the need for a physical form. It really does not matter what each person uses as a motivation, but hope can be a powerful force. Love and hope, the world would be a sad place without them. The haven and hell part might be more fiction than fact, but that should in itself not be the goal. Being the best person and now even if there is no after should be the reward. Now should be our concern, not some other unknown myth. If we are good people, then we can be pleasantly surprised and rewarded.
Reward itself should not be our sole motivation, nor fear of punishment. This life is our gift, it should be reward enough.
Who is condemning anyone? Warning of sin isn't a condemnation. It's an invitation to repent and make things right.

No one is talking about hating gays but you.

Maybe you should actually participate in the conversation you are in rather than the one you want to be in. But then I suspect you can't win the discussion you are actually in and that seems to be your goal.

Treating them like leper by not letting them be a normal part of society, but denying them the simple rights to love.
Denying the the right to commit to their partner in the eyes if the law and in the eyes of god. You should not have that right.
Your condemnation of them as sinners is hateful, harmful.
Funny how you think you can define marriage but others "should not have that right".

They can define it for themselves but not prevent others from doing the same. Gays are not telling heterosexuals what marriage has to be for them. Heterosexuals should not define marriage for gays. Muslims and mormons each have their own ideas about marriage. It does not have to be the same for everyone. Some don't believe in divorce, some do. Some believe you should have children, others don't feel the need in their lives. Some think sex is only or procreation, others enjoy it as a bond between each other.

There is room for more than one idea. There is room for all types of love.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
The Bible does not condemn homosexuality. It condemns homosexual acts. Homosexuality means being attracted to a person of the same sex.

Lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple, and they generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship lasts. Many older homosexual couples rarely and some times never have sex, they are simple living in a loving committed relationship.

Sex is normally a part of both homosexual and heterosexuals relationships but certainly not always.
Who is condemning anyone? Warning of sin isn't a condemnation. It's an invitation to repent and make things right.

No one is talking about hating gays but you.

Maybe you should actually participate in the conversation you are in rather than the one you want to be in. But then I suspect you can't win the discussion you are actually in and that seems to be your goal.

Treating them like leper by not letting them be a normal part of society, but denying them the simple rights to love.
Denying the the right to commit to their partner in the eyes if the law and in the eyes of god. You should not have that right.
Your condemnation of them as sinners is hateful, harmful.
Funny how you think you can define marriage but others "should not have that right".

They can define it for themselves but not prevent others from doing the same. Gays are not telling heterosexuals what marriage has to be for them. Heterosexuals should not define marriage for gays. Muslims and mormons each have their own ideas about marriage. It does not have to be the same for everyone. Some don't believe in divorce, some do. Some believe you should have children, others don't feel the need in their lives. Some think sex is only or procreation, others enjoy it as a bond between each other.

There is room for more than one idea. There is room for all types of love.
None of....all that....changes the fact you think you have more of a right to set the definition of marriage than I do. You don't.
You KJVO nuts crack me up. Yeah, I guess God left His Church without a Bible until 1611. How irresponsible of Him!

Are their nuts out there declaring another English Bible as inspired? Perhaps I just haven't encountered it yet. The King James Bible is the only English translation that has nuts. You are free to correct me if I am wrong. I love learning new things.

Which translation of the Bible do you recommend?

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