What does the current iteration of conservatives have in common with fascism?

This is the definition of fascism? Actually, no it's not.

This is the definition of fascism developed by a guy writing a book on the rise of right-wing extremists who seemingly decided to redefine fascism.

so, he redefined fascism to suit his purpose and sell his book and now we are supposed to accept that definition as the definition of fascism.

The US is not a fascist state. The GOP is not a group of fascists. Nor is the left, Barack Obama or Santa Claus. Not because I say so, but because they do NOT meet the definitions of fascism.


Please do define fascism for all of us. I await with anticipation a clear, concise and cogent definition of fascism, with descriptions such as listed in the OP. and reference to governments to fascist governments in history. A good start to begin an actual rebuttal, which you have not thus far attempted.

Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.
What to liberals have in common with traitors

  • They side with illegals who murder and rape American citizens
  • They kiss the ass of our enemies
  • They shit on our allies

What you have in common with bripat has already been posted above. Your ignorance is not willful, if this post is any indication of your lack of intellectual acumen.
This is the definition of fascism? Actually, no it's not.

This is the definition of fascism developed by a guy writing a book on the rise of right-wing extremists who seemingly decided to redefine fascism.

so, he redefined fascism to suit his purpose and sell his book and now we are supposed to accept that definition as the definition of fascism.

The US is not a fascist state. The GOP is not a group of fascists. Nor is the left, Barack Obama or Santa Claus. Not because I say so, but because they do NOT meet the definitions of fascism.


Please do define fascism for all of us. I await with anticipation a clear, concise and cogent definition of fascism, with descriptions such as listed in the OP. and reference to governments to fascist governments in history. A good start to begin an actual rebuttal, which you have not thus far attempted.

Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.
What to liberals have in common with traitors

  • They side with illegals who murder and rape American citizens
  • They kiss the ass of our enemies
  • They shit on our allies

What you have in common with bripat has already been posted above. Your ignorance is not willful, if this post is any indication of your lack of intellectual acumen.

When I need your opinion I'll give it to you lib, go attend a protest or whatever you people do since you don't work a job.
This is the definition of fascism? Actually, no it's not.

This is the definition of fascism developed by a guy writing a book on the rise of right-wing extremists who seemingly decided to redefine fascism.

so, he redefined fascism to suit his purpose and sell his book and now we are supposed to accept that definition as the definition of fascism.

The US is not a fascist state. The GOP is not a group of fascists. Nor is the left, Barack Obama or Santa Claus. Not because I say so, but because they do NOT meet the definitions of fascism.


Please do define fascism for all of us. I await with anticipation a clear, concise and cogent definition of fascism, with descriptions such as listed in the OP. and reference to governments to fascist governments in history. A good start to begin an actual rebuttal, which you have not thus far attempted.

Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.

Bullcrap. your nonsense was debunked and you are so busy crying about it that you've now grown to be what you claim to despise: Johnny Ad Hominem.

you have rebutted nothing of what I've said, which is simple common sense, but have instead now launched not one, but two ad hominem attacks.

Go have a good cry and come back when you're an adult again, dipshit.
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Please do define fascism for all of us. I await with anticipation a clear, concise and cogent definition of fascism, with descriptions such as listed in the OP. and reference to governments to fascist governments in history. A good start to begin an actual rebuttal, which you have not thus far attempted.

Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.

Bullcrap. your nonsense was debunked and you are so busy crying about it that you've now grown to be what you claim to despise: Johnny Ad Hominem.

you have rebutted nothing of what I've said, which is simple common sense, but have instead now launched not one, but two ad hominem attacks.

Go have a good cry and come back when you're an adult again, dipshit.

LOL - go help Trump make the country great again, maybe you might even earn a brown shirt in the process.
Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.

Bullcrap. your nonsense was debunked and you are so busy crying about it that you've now grown to be what you claim to despise: Johnny Ad Hominem.

you have rebutted nothing of what I've said, which is simple common sense, but have instead now launched not one, but two ad hominem attacks.

Go have a good cry and come back when you're an adult again, dipshit.

LOL - go help Trump make the country great again, maybe you might even earn a brown shirt in the process.

Not a trumper, as I've posted many, many times on this board. Not that I'd expect you to know, as I'm not the most prolific poster here, but that's what, strike 6? (counting your three ad hominems?) you really do love the ad hominem when you're not getting your way, now don't you.

do I win a liberal nut-bag prize of some kind for eliciting three consecutive ad hominem attacks from the OP who claimed he'd see nothing but ad hominems in his very first post and now has nothing but himself?

Please do define fascism for all of us. I await with anticipation a clear, concise and cogent definition of fascism, with descriptions such as listed in the OP. and reference to governments to fascist governments in history. A good start to begin an actual rebuttal, which you have not thus far attempted.

Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.

Bullcrap. your nonsense was debunked and you are so busy crying about it that you've now grown to be what you claim to despise: Johnny Ad Hominem.

you have rebutted nothing of what I've said, which is simple common sense, but have instead now launched not one, but two ad hominem attacks.

Go have a good cry and come back when you're an adult again, dipshit.

I agree, it is SIMPLE common sense, not sagacious, not panoptic and definitely framed in the manner of a logical fallacy by a coward, a coward who calls me a dipshit while hiding behind a keyboard.

Also, you might want to read the OP, and focus on each word sane you biases. You might - if someone mentors you - have some degree of understanding. Sadly, like most cons you emote without full understanding.
Do you really want me to post a simple definition that can be found in any dictionary.

I did rebut. Your bullet list is a redefinition of something to suit an agenda and is therefore nonsense.

now I should post a simple definition and rebut nonsense. m'kay.

1. Definition. you will find this is a fairly representative example
here's Merriam-webster- Definition of FASCISM

noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of fascism
  • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

  • : very harsh control or authority
Full Definition of fascism
  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

2. Rebuttal-
I can just as easily grab some nonsense about any group I'd like and use those characteristic and claim them to be the elements of fascism, and that group therefore fascist, which is all this guy did.

Liberals like to, ummm, let's see. They
1. Wear flags at rallies
2. Claim the US is great
3. support executive actions
4. hate republicans.

this, my friends, is the new definition of fascist. Therefore liberals are fascists. Cause I say so.

Wow, am I impressed (sarcasm). Let me guess, you were not and never have been a political scientist. I'm guessing a dilettante UB.

says the guy who posts a piece of political hackery worthy of any fringe nutter......

I give what I get; in your case you've posted nothing of substance in response to the OP, thus you are most likely one more ignorant person who was offended by seeing yourself in terms of the bullet points.

Bullcrap. your nonsense was debunked and you are so busy crying about it that you've now grown to be what you claim to despise: Johnny Ad Hominem.

you have rebutted nothing of what I've said, which is simple common sense, but have instead now launched not one, but two ad hominem attacks.

Go have a good cry and come back when you're an adult again, dipshit.

I agree, it is SIMPLE common sense, not sagacious, not panoptic and definitely framed in the manner of a logical fallacy by a coward, a coward who calls me a dipshit while hiding behind a keyboard.

I doesn't have to be complex to be correct.

And that's four in a row, dipshit.
  • Powerful and Continuing Expressions of Nationalism
-- Unlike Obama, tutored by a Communist, studied a Socialist, and mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American and his wife who was never proud of her country...

  • Disdain for the Importance of Human Rights
-- As opposed to Obama who flew down to Cuba to be with his new BFF, one of the largest Human Rights violators today...or his buddies in Iran or ISIS / terrorist buddies...

  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
-- As opposed to Obama who has blamed EVERYTHING on Others ('It's not MY 'Red Line' - it's the WORLD'S 'Red Line' :p)

  • The Supremacy of the Military/Avid Militarism
-- As Opposed to Obama and his daddy whose goal it was / has been to eliminate the US as a leading world power and influence

  • Rampant Sexism
-- As opposed to 'DNC HEROES' like Slick Willy who has sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, and raped women, engaged in affairs, and who has been connected with 'Pedophile Island'

  • A Controlled Mass Media
-- Who has proven to have been primarily in the tank for Liberals, Hacking CBs Reporters' computer

  • Obsession with National Security
-- By pointing out Obama's arming of Mexican Drug Cartels, refusing to secure the border, refusing to enforce US Law, refusing to keep jailed / deport violent illegal criminals, who refuses to end Sanctuary cities, who has engaged in Human Trafficking and has protected human traffickers, who has been cited for Contempt of court for non-compliance with court orders, for allowing repeated successful terrorist attacks on US soil, who has given terrorists visas and allowed them to come into the US WHILE mocking Americans abroad for voicing their concern for our national security and their safety...

  • Religion and Ruling Elite Tied Together
-- Except it is the Obama administration and other politicians defending Islamic extremism, persecuting Christians while sending out the DOJ to threaten Americans for speaking negatively against Islamic extremists, etc...

  • Power of Corporations Protected
-- says a Hilllary Supprorter, a woman who takes money from Wall Street, Special Interest Groups, as well as nations that support terrorism, oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and murdering gays

  • Power of Labor Suppressed or Eliminated
-- He means 'opposes allowing Big Labor from taking money from their workers' pockets to support politicians / agendas their workers do not support' and how Barry sued several states on behalf of the Unions to prevent workers in states having the right to work without being 'Labor union Slaves'

  • Disdain and Suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts
-- Opposition to billions taken from tax payers and fed to DNC hind-lickers like NPR

  • Obsession with Crime and Punishment
-- Condemning Americans who are upset that the current President refuses to enforce existing laws, has violated both the constitution and laws? Apparently asking the President of the united States to stop using the Constitution and Laws like a 'Chinese A La Carte Menu is too much to ask for liberals

  • Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
-- Fast and Furious, IRS Targeting, Illegally bugging / hacking the AP, Rosengate, Holder Perjury, Benghazi, Sebelius' attempt to extort money from businesses, Pigford Scandal, GSA Gone Wild, continuing VA abandoning Vets, Solyndra +12, Supporting terrorists, Waging War in Libya on his own, 'AKPD NOT A-OK', Sestak Bribery,

  • Fraudulent Elections
-- Charges dropped by Obama administration against Black Panthers intimidating voters with clubs, DOJ drops charges on woman who bragged to national media she voted for Obama MULTIPE (5+) times; voter fraud reported in every close state Obama HAD to win in 2012, targeting Conservatives prior to 2012 election to minimize their impact on the election...

Thank you SO MUSH, Wry for the trip down memory lane and the glaring example of how Liberals are not only hypocrites but the 'Poster child' for everything you TRIED to claim the GOP / Conservatives were / are.
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Wow just double down on stupid, why dont you?
The fact remains your post was an absurd jumble of unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked repeatedly.
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Wow just double down on stupid, why dont you?
The fact remains your post was an absurd jumble of unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked repeatedly.

They have not, you lie once again. I suggest you listen to the words of Trump, Cruz, Rubio and others on the far right and you might learn something (if that is possible). By the way, would you lie me to post all of your vulgar an prurient comments?
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Wow just double down on stupid, why dont you?
The fact remains your post was an absurd jumble of unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked repeatedly.

They have not, you lie once again. I suggest you listen to the words of Trump, Cruz, Rubio and others on the far right and you might learn something (if that is possible). By the way, would you lie me to post all of your vulgar an prurient comments?
Yes, collect all of them, you cocksucker.
People have repeatedly pointed out the Democrats are guilty of much worse and you tar all Republicans with one brush, because you arent very bright.
Some bullet points to consider:

  • Powerful and Continuing Expressions of Nationalism Yes, because breaking up everyone into special interests is what gives Democrats power. sorry, we are all people. Begrudgingly, even you
  • Disdain for the Importance of Human Rights The constitution covers it so we don't need left tards telling us what new rights we should live by
  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause Libs do it all day long. It's how they eat
  • The Supremacy of the Military/Avid Militarism Yep, we like being number one in the world. Move to Cuba maybe?
  • Rampant Sexism Rampant huh? Well it beats "vote for me, I have a vagina"
  • A Controlled Mass Media All but one are Democrat propaganda outlets
  • Obsession with National Security 9-11
  • Religion and Ruling Elite Tied Together Huh?
  • Power of Corporations Protected The Dims are good buddies with them too
  • Power of Labor Suppressed or Eliminated Huh?
  • Disdain and Suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts Liar
  • Obsession with Crime and Punishment Obsession? You don't like laws enforced?
  • Rampant Cronyism and Corruption That's Democrats to the core
  • Fraudulent Elections That's Democrats to the core
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.

LOL, from the OP of this thread, that's classic
BTW, Rabbi has once again proved to be prurient and vulgar without offering anything substantive or relevant to the thread. One wonders why the powers that be do not delete such garbage unrelated to the thread. Do they condone the perfidious and turpitude, and consider it within the borders of civil discourse and board rules? If so, why?

That said there is not one effort by cons to rebut the thread, denial is not a rebuttal and a lack of curiosity is not a characteristic of an intelligent / urbane / educated person.

For those curious as to the validity of this thread and its allegation, please see the link posted by Agit8r in post number 4 above and the comments made by the leader of the Third Reich at the end of the link.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Wow just double down on stupid, why dont you?
The fact remains your post was an absurd jumble of unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked repeatedly.

They have not, you lie once again. I suggest you listen to the words of Trump, Cruz, Rubio and others on the far right and you might learn something (if that is possible). By the way, would you lie me to post all of your vulgar an prurient comments?
Yes, collect all of them, you cocksucker.
People have repeatedly pointed out the Democrats are guilty of much worse and you tar all Republicans with one brush, because you arent very bright.

Do you ever wonder if you appear to be sane to normal people? I have taken the MMPI and been certified as sane to carry a gun by a competent psychologist to prove I'm fixed in reality. As someone who ran IA, and before that recruited and did background checks on applicants applying for Le position, I can assure you, with no hesitation, you would never pass a background check and never be employed in a LE career. You would never get passed the initial interview. But don't feel bad, 98% of the applicants to carry a badge and a gun wash out before securing a permanent position.

Did we make mistakes, in my career no; but we've seen among the tens of thousands of LE officers, deputies and agents a very few bad apples get through - and I'm sure you wouldn't have been one of them.
We point out that everything you write is even more applicable to the Democraps and your response is to call people names and claim they are engaging in ad hom fallacies.
It would be hysterical if it were not so pathetic.

Rabbi(t), no one but a fool does not understand that your posts are prurient, vulgar and lacking substance. Granted, your side of the aisle has a monopoly on foolishness, but if you were not dishonest too you would admit to being a pervert.
Wow just double down on stupid, why dont you?
The fact remains your post was an absurd jumble of unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked repeatedly.

They have not, you lie once again. I suggest you listen to the words of Trump, Cruz, Rubio and others on the far right and you might learn something (if that is possible). By the way, would you lie me to post all of your vulgar an prurient comments?
Yes, collect all of them, you cocksucker.
People have repeatedly pointed out the Democrats are guilty of much worse and you tar all Republicans with one brush, because you arent very bright.

Do you ever wonder if you appear to be sane to normal people? I have taken the MMPI and been certified as sane to carry a gun by a competent psychologist to prove I'm fixed in reality. As someone who ran IA, and before that recruited and did background checks on applicants applying for Le position, I can assure you, with no hesitation, you would never pass a background check and never be employed in a LE career. You would never get passed the initial interview. But don't feel bad, 98% of the applicants to carry a badge and a gun wash out before securing a permanent position.

Did we make mistakes, in my career no; but we've seen among the tens of thousands of LE officers, deputies and agents a very few bad apples get through - and I'm sure you wouldn't have been one of them.
Did the applicants have to submit to having you suck their cocks? You're right, under those circumstances I'd never be hired.
The O. P. threw out a list of highly provocative propaganda points..obviously developed by a Socialist...and pretended they were all accepted facts...the opposite being true. Then he says, like he has already made his case:

"Now, I fully expect many responses will be ad hominem insults, idiot-grams and emoticons, and no actual effort to rebut the argument that the conservative movement has devolved into fascism".

And he got the opposite...he got routed it looks like to me. He got beat about the head and shoulders by Logic and Reason. And he ended up resorting to responses that amounted to ad hominem insults and idiot-grams.

The conservative movement in America is based purely on Jeffersonian Ideal of individual Liberty and Responsibility. And there have been valid points made to that effect, and the O. P has simply lost his argument...leaving him with nothing more than the ultimate left-wing fallback--elementary school name-calling.


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