What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


Ask Fox News to examine your concerns.
Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.

apparently you really don't give a fuck how the demoscum and libercrats are THE ones trying their damn best to turn America into a socialist shit hole, they want everything you get doled out by the Gvmt. even your freedom to choose your own lifestyle, and if you can not see this, i pity you.

what am i trying to accomplish ? on this forum ? NOTHING !, there are nothing but hardcore libercommies here, but in real life i do my best to get the fence sitters to see and understand where this country is headed if it continues to go towards communism.., something the liberfools here advocate.

did i convince you of anything ?
What does this country look like in 20 years?

The Soviet Union in 1950.
he meant this to be a serious thread.

That is a serious answer. If we continue on the path we are on now, we will essentially be the USSR circa 1950 in 20 years. Lines for toilet paper and all.

I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.

@80zephyr ^ See?

He's being honest.

We could use more honesty from both ends of the spectrum.


Indeed. I have the same abject hatred of liberals. I (literally) despise these worthless scum. They cheat, they steal, they lie and they undermine. They have had their "lunch money" taken from them since childhood and now, that they parse laws, they are getting even. I am being completely honest here. I despise their worthless asses.

Po' baby. So you were a bully in your youth, and are now prevented by laws from being the same as an adult.

I don't despise you, I just feel sorry for someone so immature that they have to ascribe to someone else all the shit that they have created in their own lives.

No problem. I despise you. Remember this - "You either stand for something, or you fall for anything". Must have been terrible getting your ass kicked every day and your lunch money stolen. Don't blame me. Blame yourself, fool. Grow the fuck up. And while you're at it - grow a pair of balls.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.
And the same was coming from the left during Bush, but I know you'll conveniently forget about that.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.
And the same was coming from the left during Bush, but I know you'll conveniently forget about that.

An illustration of the problem.

Partisan ideologues see only their side of the argument, they block everything else out.

It's impossible to fix a problem when so many people on both ends approach everything like that.

And the decay continues.

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I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

The one huge difference...debt. Our unfunded liabilities are skyrocketing, and with no jobs, and real income at 1970 rates, today isn't like yesterday.

It may just be my imagination (relatively high microbrew and single-malt scotch intake may cause delirium over time, who knows), but it seems to me that people I meet nowadays are far more quick to anger than they used to be. When I meet with new and prospective clients, politics often finds its way into the conversation because it ultimately effects a family's finances. And holy shit, I hear some stuff that rivals what I see here, and what I see the pundits saying on teevee and the radio.

The postings here, of course, are rooted in the fact that anonymity provides great protection. It just seems to me that the nasty stuff I see here and the stuff I hear in real life are getting a wee bit closer.

Maybe because the last 35 years of trickle down economics and how it ultimately effects family finances is manifesting...no one has any oats...

“If you feed enough oats to the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows (referring to "trickle down" economics).”
John Kenneth Galbraith
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

I was on another message board when the Senate failed to impeach Clinton. The level of hatred and vitriol that was spewing forth that day almost swamped the servers. I recall one of the more rational RW'ers posting that even he was scared of his own side given what they were posting. It was a literal torrent of irrational anger.

Nothing subsequently came of all that venting. No actual physical violence that I was aware of, the nation went back to business as usual.

Subsequently I recall seeing liberals getting angry at the Dems for caving in to the Bush administration but it wasn't on the same scale. In fact nothing since has been on the same scale. What we see today is most definitely louder than it has been in the past but I expect it to die down somewhat after the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The current level of anger is based upon the frustration that things haven't turned out as they were supposed to for the Boomers. They can't look forward to comfortable retirements which makes them resentful. Instead of looking at the reason why they are in this hole they simply lash out at whomever their partisan political allegiance tells them is the culprit.

Looking 20 years down the road the Boomers will be dying off. The Millenials are different than the Boomers in a number of ways. They don't see things in terms of race or gender. They are more pragmatic when it comes to the environment. They understand that for a society to work there has to be compromise.

Yes, some of them will still be a/holes because there will always be a/holes. But the next generation of politicians are not going to look like AWG's. They are going to have to deal with the problems that confront this nation that are different to those of today.

The hatred that exists today will die off with the Boomer generation in my opinion. What will drive partisanship in the future will depend upon different factors.

I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

I was on another message board when the Senate failed to impeach Clinton. The level of hatred and vitriol that was spewing forth that day almost swamped the servers. I recall one of the more rational RW'ers posting that even he was scared of his own side given what they were posting. It was a literal torrent of irrational anger.

Nothing subsequently came of all that venting. No actual physical violence that I was aware of, the nation went back to business as usual.

Subsequently I recall seeing liberals getting angry at the Dems for caving in to the Bush administration but it wasn't on the same scale. In fact nothing since has been on the same scale. What we see today is most definitely louder than it has been in the past but I expect it to die down somewhat after the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The current level of anger is based upon the frustration that things haven't turned out as they were supposed to for the Boomers. They can't look forward to comfortable retirements which makes them resentful. Instead of looking at the reason why they are in this hole they simply lash out at whomever their partisan political allegiance tells them is the culprit.

Looking 20 years down the road the Boomers will be dying off. The Millenials are different than the Boomers in a number of ways. They don't see things in terms of race or gender. They are more pragmatic when it comes to the environment. They understand that for a society to work there has to be compromise.

Yes, some of them will still be a/holes because there will always be a/holes. But the next generation of politicians are not going to look like AWG's. They are going to have to deal with the problems that confront this nation that are different to those of today.

The hatred that exists today will die off with the Boomer generation in my opinion.
What will drive partisanship in the future will depend upon different factors.


We boomers thought that the hate would die off when the old people before us died. What most don't seem to realize is that those young, idealistic Millenials will also get old, and they will become todays boomers.
People are people. In every generation.

The United States will complete its breakup. Disintegration is already in progress and can't be stopped.
Funny, I see the reverse happening. Integration with Canada, Mexico and Europe will be complete. Maybe even Africa? The globalists are winning with each staged event that the people are drawn into.

Getting them to fight a war over a couple beheadings? Really?
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

I was on another message board when the Senate failed to impeach Clinton. The level of hatred and vitriol that was spewing forth that day almost swamped the servers. I recall one of the more rational RW'ers posting that even he was scared of his own side given what they were posting. It was a literal torrent of irrational anger.

Nothing subsequently came of all that venting. No actual physical violence that I was aware of, the nation went back to business as usual.

Subsequently I recall seeing liberals getting angry at the Dems for caving in to the Bush administration but it wasn't on the same scale. In fact nothing since has been on the same scale. What we see today is most definitely louder than it has been in the past but I expect it to die down somewhat after the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The current level of anger is based upon the frustration that things haven't turned out as they were supposed to for the Boomers. They can't look forward to comfortable retirements which makes them resentful. Instead of looking at the reason why they are in this hole they simply lash out at whomever their partisan political allegiance tells them is the culprit.

Looking 20 years down the road the Boomers will be dying off. The Millenials are different than the Boomers in a number of ways. They don't see things in terms of race or gender. They are more pragmatic when it comes to the environment. They understand that for a society to work there has to be compromise.

Yes, some of them will still be a/holes because there will always be a/holes. But the next generation of politicians are not going to look like AWG's. They are going to have to deal with the problems that confront this nation that are different to those of today.

The hatred that exists today will die off with the Boomer generation in my opinion. What will drive partisanship in the future will depend upon different factors.



Until the people wake up and understand how the system has been hijacked, nothing will change. If they think that they have any control, they will continue to argue and fight among themselves. It's mind control. They need to stop watching the television, because it is controlled news by the corporate elites. It is MEANT to get people hating each other.

The next generation won't be any different. Nothing ever changes for a reason. The elites COUNT ON this division. It is how the Patricians in Rome ruled. They called it divide et impera. Divide and rule.

The United States will complete its breakup. Disintegration is already in progress and can't be stopped.

In 20 years you will still be chanting that nonsense like Rain Man and it will still not have happened. Hopefully you will be on a better regimen of drugs by then.
"What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?"

Hopefully, it "looks like" a place where people use the proper verb tenses.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

I was on another message board when the Senate failed to impeach Clinton. The level of hatred and vitriol that was spewing forth that day almost swamped the servers. I recall one of the more rational RW'ers posting that even he was scared of his own side given what they were posting. It was a literal torrent of irrational anger.

Nothing subsequently came of all that venting. No actual physical violence that I was aware of, the nation went back to business as usual.

Subsequently I recall seeing liberals getting angry at the Dems for caving in to the Bush administration but it wasn't on the same scale. In fact nothing since has been on the same scale. What we see today is most definitely louder than it has been in the past but I expect it to die down somewhat after the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The current level of anger is based upon the frustration that things haven't turned out as they were supposed to for the Boomers. They can't look forward to comfortable retirements which makes them resentful. Instead of looking at the reason why they are in this hole they simply lash out at whomever their partisan political allegiance tells them is the culprit.

Looking 20 years down the road the Boomers will be dying off. The Millenials are different than the Boomers in a number of ways. They don't see things in terms of race or gender. They are more pragmatic when it comes to the environment. They understand that for a society to work there has to be compromise.

Yes, some of them will still be a/holes because there will always be a/holes. But the next generation of politicians are not going to look like AWG's. They are going to have to deal with the problems that confront this nation that are different to those of today.

The hatred that exists today will die off with the Boomer generation in my opinion.
What will drive partisanship in the future will depend upon different factors.


We boomers thought that the hate would die off when the old people before us died. What most don't seem to realize is that those young, idealistic Millenials will also get old, and they will become todays boomers.
People are people. In every generation.


I agree that people are people and will follow the same patterns. However the divisions amongst the Boomers do not apply to the Millenials. They don't see gay marriage as an existential threat and therefore they have no reason to hate on that basis therefore that will die off with the Boomers.

As far as what will be divisive amongst the Millenials my crystal ball is as good as yours. Yes, they will have divisions but what they will be I am not about to make any predictions. And since neither of us knows we also cannot predict how they will handle their issues. What I do know is that they don't see violence as the first resort. They were raised to respect diversity and to embrace change. They have better means of communication than we did. They have access to far more information than we do. All of those factors will play a role but how must of an impact they will have is not something that can be foreseen.

What I do know is the Boomers will die off and with them will go the hatred that they hold for their fellow Americans. In that respect they won't be missed, and yes, I am one of them, even though I make a point to not allow hatred and anger to play any role in my life.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

I was on another message board when the Senate failed to impeach Clinton. The level of hatred and vitriol that was spewing forth that day almost swamped the servers. I recall one of the more rational RW'ers posting that even he was scared of his own side given what they were posting. It was a literal torrent of irrational anger.

Nothing subsequently came of all that venting. No actual physical violence that I was aware of, the nation went back to business as usual.

Subsequently I recall seeing liberals getting angry at the Dems for caving in to the Bush administration but it wasn't on the same scale. In fact nothing since has been on the same scale. What we see today is most definitely louder than it has been in the past but I expect it to die down somewhat after the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The current level of anger is based upon the frustration that things haven't turned out as they were supposed to for the Boomers. They can't look forward to comfortable retirements which makes them resentful. Instead of looking at the reason why they are in this hole they simply lash out at whomever their partisan political allegiance tells them is the culprit.

Looking 20 years down the road the Boomers will be dying off. The Millenials are different than the Boomers in a number of ways. They don't see things in terms of race or gender. They are more pragmatic when it comes to the environment. They understand that for a society to work there has to be compromise.

Yes, some of them will still be a/holes because there will always be a/holes. But the next generation of politicians are not going to look like AWG's. They are going to have to deal with the problems that confront this nation that are different to those of today.

The hatred that exists today will die off with the Boomer generation in my opinion.
What will drive partisanship in the future will depend upon different factors.


We boomers thought that the hate would die off when the old people before us died. What most don't seem to realize is that those young, idealistic Millenials will also get old, and they will become todays boomers.
People are people. In every generation.


I agree that people are people and will follow the same patterns. However the divisions amongst the Boomers do not apply to the Millenials. They don't see gay marriage as an existential threat and therefore they have no reason to hate on that basis therefore that will die off with the Boomers.

As far as what will be divisive amongst the Millenials my crystal ball is as good as yours. Yes, they will have divisions but what they will be I am not about to make any predictions. And since neither of us knows we also cannot predict how they will handle their issues. What I do know is that they don't see violence as the first resort. They were raised to respect diversity and to embrace change. They have better means of communication than we did. They have access to far more information than we do. All of those factors will play a role but how must of an impact they will have is not something that can be foreseen.

What I do know is the Boomers will die off and with them will go the hatred that they hold for their fellow Americans. In that respect they won't be missed, and yes, I am one of them, even though I make a point to not allow hatred and anger to play any role in my life.

If you're a boomer, you must remember how these same things were said about us. We were hippies, anti-war, etc. Remember the "never trust anyone over 30" mantra?

"We" have become our parents. Our children will do the same.

What I do know is the Boomers will die off and with them will go the hatred that they hold for their fellow Americans. In that respect they won't be missed, and yes, I am one of them, even though I make a point to not allow hatred and anger to play any role in my life.

Oh, hatred will die along with this or that generation? :lol: If you get news access in the underworld, your ghost is going to feel very foolish you said that.

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