What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

Things usually go in cycles. It will level out. Eventually there will be another big war and the country will unite around the cause. Then all will be good again.
I see some never outgrew their after school cartoons and probably still think professional wresting is real.

Wouldn't it be instructive to see what America was like 20 years prior to get an idea of where America would be 20 years from now? We had a democrat in the White House which the right wing hated.

Here is what one conservative wrote in 2005 about President Clinton:

People hated Clinton and still do because the entire time he was president, he was a monumental LIAR. His "Slick Willie" moniker is true, but understates his level of dishonesty. My entire life, when any president would come on TV, I would tune right in with full attention because it would be something important and, at least, appear truthful. When Clinton came on, I had to change the channel as quick as I could get to the TV, I mean I would jump up and fly across the room because I could not stand to even look at Clinton. He was so phony, so fake, and every word out of his mouth was some kind of lie. - See more at: History News Network Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton An Exchange Among Conservatives

Gee, sound familiar? Anyway, we had division, irrational hatred, and dispute then. Nothing happened.

Today, we have division, irrational hatred, and dispute. Nothing will happen.

The volume, on the other hand, is louder thanks to the Internet. Had the same level of on-line-saturation existed in 1994....you would have heard the same volume of idiocy out of the right.

Hey there, Candy. You one purty little thing. You ever slap a pig's ass with yer bare hand? It's loads of fun, and them pigs like it two.
It may just be my imagination (relatively high microbrew and single-malt scotch intake may cause delirium over time, who knows), but it seems to me that people I meet nowadays are far more quick to anger than they used to be. When I meet with new and prospective clients, politics often finds its way into the conversation because it ultimately effects a family's finances. And holy shit, I hear some stuff that rivals what I see here, and what I see the pundits saying on teevee and the radio.

The postings here, of course, are rooted in the fact that anonymity provides great protection. It just seems to me that the nasty stuff I see here and the stuff I hear in real life are getting a wee bit closer.

My view. If you aren't angry, you haven't been paying attention. People SHOULD be angry. and, yes, while it is too easy to blame Bush or Obama, the fact is, for a lot of us it is a struggle, and it shouldn't be, this being the "greatest country in the world" and all.

Unfortunately your attitude that it shouldn't "be a struggle"" contributes to the social nastiness, racism, homophobia and other ills we see daily.
It should always be a struggle to some degree, only adversity builds charactor and that is solely missing in today's Americans.
Our first impulse is to look at anyone different, point at them and blame them for our falling level of comfort.
Unfortunately, those who would ignorantly presume to know my political convictions will go to their graves before they would admit that the shipping of jobs overseas by big business was meant in part to weaken the middle class.
The destruction of unions was meant to weaken the middle class, the powerful turn the ignorant against those on the lower and middle classes of society by telling them that Black people and minorities have stolen their jobs, while hiding the fact that entire industries were shipped out of this country.

Certain people have always had to struggle and many times those people are able to adapt and survive without going crazy.
Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


Regular violence is already occurring. It's just not quite as articulate as what is seen online. It looks just like it did 100 years ago and 200 years before that. In about 20 years about half of these clowns will be sleeping 16 hours a day and on medication while someone else wipes their ass. They won't remember anything.

I'd like to say that the most vocal will have have decided to circumvent the political theater but they won't. In fact, there has been so much invested into creating individuals as products, mascots and teams that I am not too hopeful with the future generations. And at the same time, they don't understand how and why a lot of people don't buy their brand of shallow, gold tooth smile brand of BS. There is a lot of money in faux rage and making sure that people are divided.

It won't change until people are ready to deal with the actual issues.
The United States will complete its breakup. Disintegration is already in progress and can't be stopped.
Funny, I see the reverse happening. Integration with Canada, Mexico and Europe will be complete. Maybe even Africa? The globalists are winning with each staged event that the people are drawn into.

Getting them to fight a war over a couple beheadings? Really?

Not sure what "integration" means, but I agree in principle that the world will continue to shrink, and national borders may become more "porous," primarily in the Global Business sense, e.g. NAFTA. If it is profitable, it will happen.

There will be a significant barrier.

If national security breeches occur as a result of "integration," the process could easily be delayed by decades: 9/11 2001 through 9/11 2014, the world changed. It can change again.
An illustration of the problem.

Partisan ideologues see only their side of the argument, they block everything else out.

It's impossible to fix a problem when so many people on both ends approach everything like that.

And the decay continues.


How long could a message board exist with mainly objective discussions?

You'd have a fraction of the membership.

The primary attraction for many here is to give them exactly what USMB advertises: A VOICE to express the radicalized partisan POV's that are otherwise shunned as the Blather of Crack-pots.
I'm not in favor of war in the United States. Only assholes who have no idea of "war" wish such a thing. However, the old adage "We are all Americans" doesn't hold true any longer. There is a minority sector of society that hates America - look around you on this forum. This shit didn't start with Obama, but he sure as hell escalated it with his "fundamental transformation" of this country. It emboldened these weenies. They would never take up arms - they are cowards. However, they have learned a lesson - we are a "nation of laws". Get enough of these shit-stains together and they "change" laws in the middle of the night. They then count on the ballooning police enforcement agencies to do their bidding - which they do gladly. Can the situation change and this country be turned around? Possibly. But there will have to be a boat load of liberals going to bed crying for it to happen. As long as they are allowed to "have their way" - this country is doomed.
Indeed. I have the same abject hatred of liberals. I (literally) despise these worthless scum. They cheat, they steal, they lie and they undermine. They have had their "lunch money" taken from them since childhood and now, that they parse laws, they are getting even. I am being completely honest here. I despise their worthless asses.

So your complaint is that LIberals are making America a bad place for Bullies?

You are (supposedly) a grown-assed man. You STILL worried about bullies? What a fucking pussy. No wonder you are an abject failure in life. Grow a pair of balls son....
I'm not in favor of war in the United States. Only assholes who have no idea of "war" wish such a thing. However, the old adage "We are all Americans" doesn't hold true any longer. There is a minority sector of society that hates America - look around you on this forum. This shit didn't start with Obama, but he sure as hell escalated it with his "fundamental transformation" of this country. It emboldened these weenies. They would never take up arms - they are cowards. However, they have learned a lesson - we are a "nation of laws". Get enough of these shit-stains together and they "change" laws in the middle of the night. They then count on the ballooning police enforcement agencies to do their bidding - which they do gladly. Can the situation change and this country be turned around? Possibly. But there will have to be a boat load of liberals going to bed crying for it to happen. As long as they are allowed to "have their way" - this country is doomed.
Indeed. I have the same abject hatred of liberals. I (literally) despise these worthless scum. They cheat, they steal, they lie and they undermine. They have had their "lunch money" taken from them since childhood and now, that they parse laws, they are getting even. I am being completely honest here. I despise their worthless asses.

So your complaint is that LIberals are making America a bad place for Bullies?

You are (supposedly) a grown-assed man. You STILL worried about bullies? What a fucking pussy. No wonder you are an abject failure in life. Grow a pair of balls son....


The Conspiracy Forum is down the hall, third door on the right.
What does this country look like in 20 years?

If the shades of the Future remain unchanged...

What does this country look like in 20 years?

If the shades of the Future remain unchanged...


You know, I just hope that I can pitch my tent under the fucking trees.

When I see this "House" pitched out in the open in a mud puddle I can only guess it was a US Government Administered Program from which the inhabitants depended.
What does this country look like in 20 years?

If the shades of the Future remain unchanged...


You know, I just hope that I can pitch my tent under the fucking trees.

When I see this "House" pitched out in the open in a mud puddle I can only guess it was a US Government Administered Program from which the inhabitants depended.
Section VIII Housing, Next-Gen, after the money runs out...
I'm not in favor of war in the United States. Only assholes who have no idea of "war" wish such a thing. However, the old adage "We are all Americans" doesn't hold true any longer. There is a minority sector of society that hates America - look around you on this forum. This shit didn't start with Obama, but he sure as hell escalated it with his "fundamental transformation" of this country. It emboldened these weenies. They would never take up arms - they are cowards. However, they have learned a lesson - we are a "nation of laws". Get enough of these shit-stains together and they "change" laws in the middle of the night. They then count on the ballooning police enforcement agencies to do their bidding - which they do gladly. Can the situation change and this country be turned around? Possibly. But there will have to be a boat load of liberals going to bed crying for it to happen. As long as they are allowed to "have their way" - this country is doomed.
Indeed. I have the same abject hatred of liberals. I (literally) despise these worthless scum. They cheat, they steal, they lie and they undermine. They have had their "lunch money" taken from them since childhood and now, that they parse laws, they are getting even. I am being completely honest here. I despise their worthless asses.

So your complaint is that LIberals are making America a bad place for Bullies?

You are (supposedly) a grown-assed man. You STILL worried about bullies? What a fucking pussy. No wonder you are an abject failure in life. Grow a pair of balls son....

Hmmmmm....... Well, dumb fuck, we have something in this nation called elections. If your ideas are so stupid that they cannot win an election, they don't get put into action. On the other hand, if the majority likes your opponents ideas, they do get put into action.

You 'Conservatives' have been putting out really stupid ideas for years now, and steadily losing elections because of them. So, once again, you want to talk violence. There are plenty of Americans out there with dd214's that want no part of that, and would set you fellows straight in a heartbeat.

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