What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

1. We will treat you like adults, and not children who need their hands held.

2. Better jobs and wages.

3. Law and order.

4. a better America to live in.

5. Better guns for the disproportionate number of blacks in the military.
why not? capitalism works. higher pay attracts more labor. there is no unemployment only underpayment.
Market dictates why can be paid. A $15 minimum wage makes no sense. Do you really think that will help?
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by equivalence.

solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through compensation for simply being unemployed; ensures capital still circulates in our economy. And, acts as that form of automatic stabilizer on our economy.
On one side yes. However cost of service, goods go up this taking away the purchase power. Some jobs just aren’t worth that money. Period. Anyone that wants to ignore the market valuation of said labor isn’t looking at the whole picture. Entry level jobs are just that. How did anyone come up with $15? The thought of such a plan is silly.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
Market dictates why can be paid. A $15 minimum wage makes no sense. Do you really think that will help?
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by equivalence.

solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through compensation for simply being unemployed; ensures capital still circulates in our economy. And, acts as that form of automatic stabilizer on our economy.
On one side yes. However cost of service, goods go up this taking away the purchase power. Some jobs just aren’t worth that money. Period. Anyone that wants to ignore the market valuation of said labor isn’t looking at the whole picture. Entry level jobs are just that. How did anyone come up with $15? The thought of such a plan is silly.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by equivalence.

solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through compensation for simply being unemployed; ensures capital still circulates in our economy. And, acts as that form of automatic stabilizer on our economy.
On one side yes. However cost of service, goods go up this taking away the purchase power. Some jobs just aren’t worth that money. Period. Anyone that wants to ignore the market valuation of said labor isn’t looking at the whole picture. Entry level jobs are just that. How did anyone come up with $15? The thought of such a plan is silly.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
On one side yes. However cost of service, goods go up this taking away the purchase power. Some jobs just aren’t worth that money. Period. Anyone that wants to ignore the market valuation of said labor isn’t looking at the whole picture. Entry level jobs are just that. How did anyone come up with $15? The thought of such a plan is silly.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
On one side yes. However cost of service, goods go up this taking away the purchase power. Some jobs just aren’t worth that money. Period. Anyone that wants to ignore the market valuation of said labor isn’t looking at the whole picture. Entry level jobs are just that. How did anyone come up with $15? The thought of such a plan is silly.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
Minimum wage is a starting wage not one to be considered the standard.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
we should be losing low wage jobs. why subsidize capitalists through substandard wages. social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. how did the private sector, come up with their numbers?
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
Minimum wage is a starting wage not one to be considered the standard.
yes; the goalposts merely need to be fixed at fifteen an hour, minimum.
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
The market comes up with the numbers. Burger flipping is only worth so much. Social services don’t even come into play since they are artificial.
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
Minimum wage is a starting wage not one to be considered the standard.
yes; the goalposts merely need to be fixed at fifteen an hour, minimum.
Why 15 why not 18 , 20, 8?
Government merely fixes the Goalposts. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. your inflation canard is simply that. Labor needs an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Your analogy is a non narrative. Cost of social services isn’t trelevant to the cost of labor or value in the market place. How is the minimum wage issue helping the rich get richer? Please cite actual data and not talking points. So far your arguments dint speak of anyone that understands economics.
It isn’t a Cunard. The government is the Cunard. Do you really think cost of goods and services won’t go up? Why is a fry cook making $1 hamburgers worth $15? Labor does not need an institutional upward pressure in labor. More taxes does not create more demand. More taxes created higher expenses thus making your earning potential less.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Out of curisoity , what is your profession?
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Your analogy is a non narrative. Cost of social services isn’t trelevant to the cost of labor or value in the market place. How is the minimum wage issue helping the rich get richer? Please cite actual data and not talking points. So far your arguments dint speak of anyone that understands economics.
only in a vacuum of special pleading. otherwise, the right wing has to stop whining about the cost of social services.
we have a first world economy and minimum wage labor has to contribute to our economy.

there is no need to subsidize capitalists for employing Labor.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Out of curisoity , what is your profession?
does it matter? i am not the one resorting to the most fallacies.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Out of curisoity , what is your profession?
does it matter? i am not the one resorting to the most fallacies.
Whatever that means. You state you understand economics, you obviously don’t. I was asking to see what your training was in regards to economics.
You are having two conversations with yourself.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Your analogy is a non narrative. Cost of social services isn’t trelevant to the cost of labor or value in the market place. How is the minimum wage issue helping the rich get richer? Please cite actual data and not talking points. So far your arguments dint speak of anyone that understands economics.
only in a vacuum of special pleading. otherwise, the right wing has to stop whining about the cost of social services.
The right wing? Please try and stay in the subject of cost vs market and spending. You change your narrative when you can’t back up your statements. Please provide quantifiable data.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Out of curisoity , what is your profession?
does it matter? i am not the one resorting to the most fallacies.
Whatever that means. You state you understand economics, you obviously don’t. I was asking to see what your training was in regards to economics.
the fewest fallacies.
i understand economics. we have a first world economy. we can Never compete on Labor with the Third World.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Your analogy is a non narrative. Cost of social services isn’t trelevant to the cost of labor or value in the market place. How is the minimum wage issue helping the rich get richer? Please cite actual data and not talking points. So far your arguments dint speak of anyone that understands economics.
only in a vacuum of special pleading. otherwise, the right wing has to stop whining about the cost of social services.
The right wing? Please try and stay in the subject of cost vs market and spending. You change your narrative when you can’t back up your statements. Please provide quantifiable data.
stop whining about the cost of social services if you don't want to pay fifteen an hour, right wingers.
You don’t understand economics very well if you want to raise wages arbitrarily if you are concerned about third world influence.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison; why help the rich get richer faster, on the Peoples' dime? are they not true capitalists?
Your analogy is a non narrative. Cost of social services isn’t trelevant to the cost of labor or value in the market place. How is the minimum wage issue helping the rich get richer? Please cite actual data and not talking points. So far your arguments dint speak of anyone that understands economics.
only in a vacuum of special pleading. otherwise, the right wing has to stop whining about the cost of social services.
The right wing? Please try and stay in the subject of cost vs market and spending. You change your narrative when you can’t back up your statements. Please provide quantifiable data.
stop whining about the cost of social services if you don't want to pay fifteen an hour, right wingers.
I’m not whining about the cost. I simply stated that has nothing to do with market value, which it doesn’t. Stop changing your narrative. You got caught talking out of your ass now you can’t reel it back in. Please use logic and economic fate to support why $15 an hour makes sense.

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