What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
And the blacks according to you are these pristine innocent little angels that are just being picked on by these mean devil's who are whites, and for whom are doing it for never no reason other than just because of someone's skin color being black ???

When will people like you ever understand what Martin Luther King meant when he said that " he longed for a day when a man would be judged upon the content of his character, and not upon the color of his skin" ??

When blacks do bad things, then blacks like you say in affect that the white man is locking them up because of white racism which is pure bullcrap.

This idea pushed that blacks are the way they are because of white racism is pure bullcrap, and it attempts to put a race card in every black person's wallet that says throw this card down in any situation or emergency. Ohh, but we know the card is never thrown except in a true or real emergency don't we ??? The white liberals throw the card down for the blacks worse than the blacks themselves could ever throw it down, but what does this cause ?? It causes the card to be thrown to much, and therefore renders the card useless or balked at. Funny how all this is ignored as long as these fragile allied groups use each other to get what they want while hating each other all at the same time.

Their target - Conservative Christian republicans.
White people crack me up when the try to tell me or other Black people what MLK meant. You can just swallow that bullshit because I wont give it the time of day. :laugh:
You cracked up because you read the truth, and couldn't believe it was told.. lol
I crack up because you whites are clueless about MLK. You fools actually think MLK wanted white people not to see him as a Black person.
You wish we were clueless about MLK, but we aren't. Trying to change MLK's words won't work, and I know that the one line just kills the narrative you and your buddy pushes here. I bet you wish King wouldn't have been the fair and just man that he was, and would have been more biased when he spoke, but you're dealing with a Christian man, and King was loyal only to God, and he knew man's folly, so he worked hard to do God's will in concerns of man's folly.

Your allies want Christian's destroyed, but that doesn't bother you does it, because with you and your buddy it's all about a person's skin color, and not about his character.
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
And the blacks according to you are these pristine innocent little angels that are just being picked on by these mean devil's who are whites, and for whom are doing it for never no reason other than just because of someone's skin color being black ???

When will people like you ever understand what Martin Luther King meant when he said that " he longed for a day when a man would be judged upon the content of his character, and not upon the color of his skin" ??

When blacks do bad things, then blacks like you say in affect that the white man is locking them up because of white racism which is pure bullcrap.

This idea pushed that blacks are the way they are because of white racism is pure bullcrap, and it attempts to put a race card in every black person's wallet that says throw this card down in any situation or emergency. Ohh, but we know the card is never thrown except in a true or real emergency don't we ??? The white liberals throw the card down for the blacks worse than the blacks themselves could ever throw it down, but what does this cause ?? It causes the card to be thrown to much, and therefore renders the card useless or balked at. Funny how all this is ignored as long as these fragile allied groups use each other to get what they want while hating each other all at the same time.

Their target - Conservative Christian republicans.
White people crack me up when the try to tell me or other Black people what MLK meant. You can just swallow that bullshit because I wont give it the time of day. :laugh:
You cracked up because you read the truth, and couldn't believe it was told.. lol
I crack up because you whites are clueless about MLK. You fools actually think MLK wanted white people not to see him as a Black person.
You wish we were clueless about MLK, but we aren't. Trying to change MLK's words won't work, and I know that the one line just kills the narrative you and your buddy pushes here. I bet you wish King wouldn't have been the fair and just man that he was, and would have been more biased when he spoke, but you're dealing with a Christian man, and King was loyal only to God, and he knew man's folly, so he worked hard to do God's will in concerns of man's folly.

Your allies want Christian's destroyed, but that doesn't bother you does it, because with you and your buddy it's all about a person's skin color, and not about his character.
Youre clueless. Personally I dont care what you think he said. I am just letting you know that your opinion doesnt hold any weight with Black people that know better.

If you won’t admit then you think white men are the dominant race. Ie a racist who can’t admit your own bias’. We get it.

Talk is cheap. Your talk is worthless.

If I need someone to speak for me I'll find someone more intelligent than you. Say, a dried lump of donkey shit for example. You lie, misrepresent, and spread leftist hypocrisy then then beg our resident black racists to accept you into their bed like the brainless whore you are. They will play you for the useful idiot you are for as long as it suits them. Meanwhile, I will actually live my life in a manner that demonstrates my values much more clearly than your bullshit lies do yours, closet boat-boy.

In other words you, a white male, likes the status quo.
Cool. So now you admit that racism still exists. Excellent! And 99% of all the hiring managers in America are bias white males.

Ok, so maybe 99% is an exaggeration but the number whatever it is is too high.

But you wouldn’t have your company sign the diversity pledge. Ok but let’s see how diverse your company is in ten years. And you can say those minorities and women were given an unfair advantage but how can you when 9 out of 10 executives and board members are all white men?

You believe racism still exists but that the bias and discrimination isn’t holding blacks back? Explain.

So you do not believe in the job going to the most qualified individual. Why is that?
So you believe the job is going to the most qualified when 99 out of 100 jobs goes to a white man and not a minority or women?

Do you think white men are better than women and minorities? That makes you a misogynist racist. Women and blacks should vote against you then.

Republicans are making America great again but only for white men.

We are way to diverse of a nation to be so white in the boardroom. Republicans don’t believe bias plays a role. They believe white men are smarter and work harder than women and minorities.
How could I be whining when you asked me a question? I know you didnt like the answer so in the future I suggest you stop asking questions that may give you scary answers you cant deal with. :rolleyes:

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
They don’t want to address the fact the scotus and 190 CEOs have all admitted that racism exists in Corporate America and the justice system.

Do they deny it or just want to ignore this fact? I think they can’t deny so they must just want to ignore that key point. Republicans will do this. They just ignore points that don’t go with their beliefs. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance
How could I be whining when you asked me a question? I know you didnt like the answer so in the future I suggest you stop asking questions that may give you scary answers you cant deal with. :rolleyes:

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
They don’t want to address the fact the scotus and 190 CEOs have all admitted that racism exists in Corporate America and the justice system.

Do they deny it or just want to ignore this fact? I think they can’t deny so they must just want to ignore that key point. Republicans will do this. They just ignore points that don’t go with their beliefs. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance
Listen, the midterms with your last desperate push in trying to get votes for the Demon-crats isn't going to help. You all done messed up bad with that Kavanaugh thing, and you all are fixing to mess up even worse with the caravan thing. The problem I think, is that the demon-crats are being read like a cheap novel anymore. They have nothing but hate for this country unless it is controlled by them and their radical Agenda's. People are fed up with what they actually see on the ground, and what they see within the lies and bullcrap they've been told.

Thought you changed to republican anyways ???
How could I be whining when you asked me a question? I know you didnt like the answer so in the future I suggest you stop asking questions that may give you scary answers you cant deal with. :rolleyes:

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
They don’t want to address the fact the scotus and 190 CEOs have all admitted that racism exists in Corporate America and the justice system.

Do they deny it or just want to ignore this fact? I think they can’t deny so they must just want to ignore that key point. Republicans will do this. They just ignore points that don’t go with their beliefs. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance
Listen, the midterms with your last desperate push in trying to get votes for the Demon-crats isn't going to help. You all done messed up bad with that Kavanaugh thing, and you all are fixing to mess up even worse with the caravan thing. The problem I think, is that the demon-crats are being read like a cheap novel anymore. They have nothing but hate for this country unless it is controlled by them and their radical Agenda's. People are fed up with what they actually see on the ground, and what they see within the lies and bullcrap they've been told.

Thought you changed to republican anyways ???
I could never vote republican. It’s more if you can’t beat them join them.

I’m hoping the masses wake up. I believe they will. Trumps not on the ticket like obama wasn’t in 2010. Many trump supporters won’t show but anti republican voters can’t wait.

No one cares about Kavanaugh. Most believe the event in question probably happened.

Funny trump has said and done 100 bad things and he keeps on going but you think that one Kavanaugh event is still even remembered?

You forget how short people attention span is.

What I think you don’t see coming are all those anti gun kids In Florida who have forgotten about. Remember lots of young anti gun socialists are voting for the first time.

Polls don’t matter
How could I be whining when you asked me a question? I know you didnt like the answer so in the future I suggest you stop asking questions that may give you scary answers you cant deal with. :rolleyes:

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
They don’t want to address the fact the scotus and 190 CEOs have all admitted that racism exists in Corporate America and the justice system.

Do they deny it or just want to ignore this fact? I think they can’t deny so they must just want to ignore that key point. Republicans will do this. They just ignore points that don’t go with their beliefs. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance
Listen, the midterms with your last desperate push in trying to get votes for the Demon-crats isn't going to help. You all done messed up bad with that Kavanaugh thing, and you all are fixing to mess up even worse with the caravan thing. The problem I think, is that the demon-crats are being read like a cheap novel anymore. They have nothing but hate for this country unless it is controlled by them and their radical Agenda's. People are fed up with what they actually see on the ground, and what they see within the lies and bullcrap they've been told.

Thought you changed to republican anyways ???
I could never vote republican. It’s more if you can’t beat them join them.

I’m hoping the masses wake up. I believe they will. Trumps not on the ticket like obama wasn’t in 2010. Many trump supporters won’t show but anti republican voters can’t wait.

No one cares about Kavanaugh. Most believe the event in question probably happened.

Funny trump has said and done 100 bad things and he keeps on going but you think that one Kavanaugh event is still even remembered?

You forget how short people attention span is.

What I think you don’t see coming are all those anti gun kids In Florida who have forgotten about. Remember lots of young anti gun socialists are voting for the first time.

Polls don’t matter
So what will the Demon-crats pull next to keep the memory fresh ??? If the caravan don't work, what's next ??

Globalist are doing everything they can to lay siege to this nation, and that is unexceptable. The network that has been set up to steal this nation or rob it blind must be stopped.
No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!
Bullshit. The SCOTUS has admitted that systemic racism exists in the legal system. The bar to prove discrimination is so high you would have to be retarded in order to get caught as a white person doing it to a Black person. Nothings change except the methods. If you think thats whining then too bad. Cover your ears. :rolleyes:
They don’t want to address the fact the scotus and 190 CEOs have all admitted that racism exists in Corporate America and the justice system.

Do they deny it or just want to ignore this fact? I think they can’t deny so they must just want to ignore that key point. Republicans will do this. They just ignore points that don’t go with their beliefs. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance
Listen, the midterms with your last desperate push in trying to get votes for the Demon-crats isn't going to help. You all done messed up bad with that Kavanaugh thing, and you all are fixing to mess up even worse with the caravan thing. The problem I think, is that the demon-crats are being read like a cheap novel anymore. They have nothing but hate for this country unless it is controlled by them and their radical Agenda's. People are fed up with what they actually see on the ground, and what they see within the lies and bullcrap they've been told.

Thought you changed to republican anyways ???
I could never vote republican. It’s more if you can’t beat them join them.

I’m hoping the masses wake up. I believe they will. Trumps not on the ticket like obama wasn’t in 2010. Many trump supporters won’t show but anti republican voters can’t wait.

No one cares about Kavanaugh. Most believe the event in question probably happened.

Funny trump has said and done 100 bad things and he keeps on going but you think that one Kavanaugh event is still even remembered?

You forget how short people attention span is.

What I think you don’t see coming are all those anti gun kids In Florida who have forgotten about. Remember lots of young anti gun socialists are voting for the first time.

Polls don’t matter
So what will the Demon-crats pull next to keep the memory fresh ??? If the caravan don't work, what's next ??

Globalist are doing everything they can to lay siege to this nation, and that is unexceptable. The network that has been set up to steal this nation or rob it blind must be stopped.
Meanwhile trump the rich corporations and republicans have robbed the nation blind with tax cuts and we owe the debt. Your taxes will eventually need to go up and the social services they used to provide will be less.

Pay more get less. You’re being robbed now
You leftards really wanted a black pres. It is not inconceivable that you would lie.
Hence my comment about your ignorance. You get vetted by a non partisan group you fucking fool. :laugh:

You leftards turn everything partisan.

NOt trusting you is not unreasonable.
You cant turn it partisan if the POTUS is vetted by both sides you fucking fool.

Your opinion is noted. Your attempt to support it, with vulgarities is noted and laughed at, as evidence of your lack of intelligence.
You fucking fools are always laughing at yourselves. I consider it par for the course. :rolleyes:

We are big on self deprecating humor. It has to do with being sophisticated, confident and mature. You would not understand.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
And the question here is what does the Republican Party offer the nation?

They just spent eight years saying the first black president was born in Kenya.

How much more racist can you get?

Even George Wallace eventually figured it out.

Oh please. Obama’s editor apologized for publishing that by mistake. Give it up.

"Mistake"? Do you know how many times I have seen a mistake made about where some one was born?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
And the question here is what does the Republican Party offer the nation?

They just spent eight years saying the first black president was born in Kenya.

How much more racist can you get?

Even George Wallace eventually figured it out.

Oh please. Obama’s editor apologized for publishing that by mistake. Give it up.

A MISTAKE? How then did they just "happen" to come up with Kenya, where Obama has close relatives, Indonesia, where he lived and Hawaii where he also lived.

There are only a 195 countries. THe odds are only 195 to one, that happens all the time, right?

What does IM2 have to offer blacks? Pain and misery, hate for the white man? False hope for a reparations check that will never come?

Be better going on with your lives and praising God.
Hence my comment about your ignorance. You get vetted by a non partisan group you fucking fool. :laugh:

You leftards turn everything partisan.

NOt trusting you is not unreasonable.
You cant turn it partisan if the POTUS is vetted by both sides you fucking fool.

Your opinion is noted. Your attempt to support it, with vulgarities is noted and laughed at, as evidence of your lack of intelligence.
You fucking fools are always laughing at yourselves. I consider it par for the course. :rolleyes:

We are big on self deprecating humor. It has to do with being sophisticated, confident and mature. You would not understand.
Are you kidding? Trump can’t go to a White House correspondence dinner and Sarah huckleberry sanders cried her Smokey eyes about the fat jokes or the fact she’s a traitor to women.

Gosh so sensitive. Since when?
Once again, for the stubborn.

No one is passing such laws today nor have they in fifty years. This is 2018, instead of whining, following the race baiters lead, move on!

You're whining...again!

See? Don’t address any of my points and try to control the subject and change the conversation to what you want to talk about.

So you think the best are getting the jobs when 9 out of ten executives is a white male and white males are doing the hiring? Let me guess you’re a white guy or married to one or one is your daddy

I answered your question. You refused to answer mine.

You're living in the past. Why is that? Simple, you lap up the Cool Aid dished out by your race baiters.

Having been a successful Realtor in our Capital City for over 40 years, I've seen changes. No SUCCESSFUL executive or businessman/woman wants the best possible candidate for the job, regardless of race, religion, or sex. Wouldn't you?

Instead of demanding some sort of quota for executives, why don't you start working to provide more candidates for advancement? Teach young blacks that doing well in school, dressing well, and not coping an attitude is not "trying to be white". You know as well as me that there are many schools where the black students, doing well, bucking the trend, are ridiculed and bullied by other blacks.

So you do not believe in the job going to the most qualified individual. Why is that?
I don't watch blackish. I am black. I live blackish every day. You are neither poor or meddle class sealybobo. You have bragged about being wealthy.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over ...is

No, he doesn’t, you lying sack of shit.
Ok, so maybe 99% is an exaggeration ....

In other words, you were talking out your ass again.
My ass has said more than your mouth ever has.

If we did things your way in 100 years we would still have the same percentage of white men in the executive and board rooms. What would you say to all the blacks and women in 100 years why white men dominate such a diverse nation. You saying we are better than the rest? Or would you admit bias and favoritism played a role?

If you won’t admit then you think white men are the dominant race. Ie a racist who can’t admit your own bias’. We get it.

Do you believe that men and women are the same?

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