What Happened to Church?

But tragedy and suffering has a way of making people remember God
Very true...when all is lost, nothing left to do but pray to magical spirits (which, if you think about, is an admission of the fakeness and impotence of magical spirits)....that comes in handy, when brainwashing starving children abroad....

It is called the saeculum cycle and it has been going on since the beginning of man. The account of the Jews is a testament to it and a living parable of it.

You mock what you do not understand.
Clearly it is you who do not understand. People fall back on this nonsense in lieu of any rational, effective method. guess what? Nothing fails like prayer.
But tragedy and suffering has a way of making people remember God
Very true...when all is lost, nothing left to do but pray to magical spirits (which, if you think about, is an admission of the fakeness and impotence of magical spirits)....that comes in handy, when brainwashing starving children abroad....

It is called the saeculum cycle and it has been going on since the beginning of man. The account of the Jews is a testament to it and a living parable of it.

You mock what you do not understand.
Clearly it is you who do not understand. People fall back on this nonsense in lieu of any rational, effective method. guess what? Nothing fails like prayer.
Reason and experience say otherwise.

Your premise is flawed because you lack complete knowledge.
But tragedy and suffering has a way of making people remember God
Very true...when all is lost, nothing left to do but pray to magical spirits (which, if you think about, is an admission of the fakeness and impotence of magical spirits)....that comes in handy, when brainwashing starving children abroad....

It is called the saeculum cycle and it has been going on since the beginning of man. The account of the Jews is a testament to it and a living parable of it.

You mock what you do not understand.
Clearly it is you who do not understand. People fall back on this nonsense in lieu of any rational, effective method. guess what? Nothing fails like prayer.
You want to make it about magic when it isn’t. There is nothing magical about faith. Your problem is that because God doesn’t perform magic for you that you dismiss all aspects of spirituality and thus miss out on the power of spirituality.
Ah, I see the usual attempts at trying to discourage people from mentioning a key goal of you deviants, 'normalization' of pedophilia.

Statements Regarding Cardinal McCarrick - Archdiocese of Washington

More details emerge on latest sex abuse allegations against cardinal McCarric

View attachment 206542

A month after the Vatican suspended Cardinal Theodore McCarrick from ministry, saying the prominent former D.C. archbishop had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a teenager decades ago, four additional complaints about sexual misconduct by the cardinal have surfaced.

"While shocked by the report, and while maintaining my innocence, I considered it essential that the charges be reported to the police, thoroughly investigated by an independent agency, and given to the Review Board of the Archdiocese of New York. I fully cooperated in the process."

- trying to discourage people from mentioning ...

Picaro the christian knows first hand about pedophilia - they invented it when they wrote their book in the 4th century and have been screwing society by it ever since. lies over truth.

Naw, the Africans and Persians were into pedophilia long before Christians existed.
There is a practical aspect of faith.
That does not mean there is never a magical aspect. Faith as a concept is not magical; it's just a belief without evidence. You are right, insomuch as there is nothing magical about that.
There is a practical aspect of faith.
That does not mean there is never a magical aspect. Faith as a concept is not magical; it's just a belief without evidence. You are right, insomuch as there is nothing magical about that.
I believe there was very little and I don’t characterize it as magical.

The reality is that you are trying to define the rule by the exception. You are making nonsensical arguments.

There really is a natural law of compensation at work. It is perfectly natural and self correcting. It can be reasoned and observed. Elevate your game and have a real discussion.
The reality is that you are trying to define the rule by the exception.
Not really. I understand some, maybe most, people turn to faith before rationality and effective measures. and, boh oh boy, is that always a disaster.
There really is a natural law of compensation at work.
I don't disagree, it's quite natural to self soothe. It may have even been advantageous, in an evolutionary sense. I agree that it is hardwired into us to argue and believe from ignorance. Bigotry is also hard wired right into us, at every level, which could also have been advantageous. Best to stay away from the small red berries... even if you can't tell which are poisonous and which are not...

This does not, however, lend any support to the idea that faith should be respected or considered rational. It is irrational, by definition. And it is true....it is the last refuge.
There is nothing irrational about faith. Faith is entirely rational.
It is precisely not, by virtue of being belief without evidence. It is one thing to argue the truth of something, and can be quite rational; it is quite another thing to gain empirical evidence of it.
There really is a natural law of compensation at work.
I don't disagree, it's quite natural to self soothe. It may have even been advantageous, in an evolutionary sense. I agree that it is hardwired into us to argue and believe from ignorance. Bigotry is also hard wired right into us, at every level, which could also have been advantageous. Best to stay away from the small red berries... even if you can't tell which are poisonous and which are not...

This does not, however, lend any support to the idea that faith should be respected or considered rational. It is irrational, by definition. And it is true....it is the last refuge.
Do I seem like an ignorant person to you?
There is nothing irrational about faith. Faith is entirely rational.
It is precisely not, by virtue of being belief without evidence. It is one thing to argue the truth of something, and can be quite rational; it is quite another thing to gain empirical evidence of it.
So then you don’t believe there are behaviors which naturally lead to success and failure?
So then you don’t believe there are behaviors which naturally lead to success and failure?
We could nuke Chicago, that would be a success in stopping crime in Chicago. Anyhoo, I am not going to respect faith, regardless of whether or not it raises a test score. If you wish to do so on that merit, good for you, I guess.
There really is a natural law of compensation at work.
I don't disagree, it's quite natural to self soothe. It may have even been advantageous, in an evolutionary sense. I agree that it is hardwired into us to argue and believe from ignorance. Bigotry is also hard wired right into us, at every level, which could also have been advantageous. Best to stay away from the small red berries... even if you can't tell which are poisonous and which are not...

This does not, however, lend any support to the idea that faith should be respected or considered rational. It is irrational, by definition. And it is true....it is the last refuge.
Do I seem like an ignorant person to you?

He's just a sicko freak troll, playing "I Touched You Last !!!", and a sexual deviant just here to fling poo on the walls and wet its diapers. No need to expect honest answers from it.

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