What Happened to the Civil Rights Movement?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I watched the terrific movie Hidden Figures last night and was so impressed by how these ladies overcame obstacles to the recognition of their outstanding abilities. However, in fast forwarding 50+ years I am perplexed by the current status of the civil rights movement. Instead of celebrating achievement and leading by example, this movement now seems to excuse mediocrity and promote a destructive victimization mentality. What happened?
All Americans continue to fight for the civil rights for all people but apparently, the RWNJ traitors believe that "civil rights" refers only to blacks.

Very bizarre and VERY ignorant.

Especially they are now throwing away their own civil rights, hands over fist.

Idiots. They won't even notice until the rights they take fro granted are gone.
All Americans continue to fight for the civil rights for all people but apparently, the RWNJ traitors believe that "civil rights" refers only to blacks.

Very bizarre and VERY ignorant.

Especially they are now throwing away their own civil rights, hands over fist.

Idiots. They won't even notice until the rights they take fro granted are gone.

This is the Race Relations/Racism Forum, not an LGBTQ therapy session.
Hidden Figures is a myth. Mediocrity is the reality. You feel?

The legal and illegal barriers faced by those women (and millions of others) are not a myth. My question is how the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s has turned into a partisan political ideology.
Hidden Figures is a myth. Mediocrity is the reality. You feel?

The legal and illegal barriers faced by those women (and millions of others) are not a myth. My question is how the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s has turned into a partisan political ideology.

Women's civil rights consisted of having a man harem throughout university while obtaining a degree. I feel sorry for the young girls today. They have to stand at the side of a road works with a traffic sign to get a man harem today.

Civil rights? SMH
Hidden Figures is a myth. Mediocrity is the reality. You feel?

The legal and illegal barriers faced by those women (and millions of others) are not a myth. My question is how the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s has turned into a partisan political ideology.

The so called civil rights movement failed because far too many brainwashed black people confused the "movement" for equal rights under the law with actually being viewed as equals.

After legislation was passed, black people generally abandoned their support of black owned businesses and defected to white owned establishments which ruined predominately black communities.

As an example, when Asian and Hispanic immigrants come to this country, they leverage their rights of citizenship to build and develop businesses in their OWN communities. They do not take capital out of circulation in their neighborhoods.

When MLK led the "movement", he invested too much effort in peddling the illusion of "brotherhood" when the focus should have been on using the rights of citizenship to economically empower predominately black communities through self reliance.
same place it has always been 1965




In some ways very positive. In the era of segregation and second class citizenship, the NOI had a visible community presence and helped to instill sense of personal pride and purpose in many young men who were raised in poverty and had very few options.

While I don't totally agree with their ideology from decades past, I personally knew quite a few NOI members and even attended some of their meetings.

Without exception they were disciplined and well mannered. They abstained from drugs, alcohol and tobacco. They had their own restaurants that cooked and served healthy food choices. So their lifestyle choices alone saved many young men and women from doing the wrong thing and being around the wrong people.
With the exception of liberal , jooish weaponization ; what purpose do the colored serve?
Hidden Figures is a myth. Mediocrity is the reality. You feel?

The legal and illegal barriers faced by those women (and millions of others) are not a myth. My question is how the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s has turned into a partisan political ideology.
Malcolm X was killed. Black Panthers infiltrated and destroyed.

Many Blacks felt spending their money where it was not wanted was the epitome of equality. Once they figured out the rules of white supremacy simply change to achieve the same effects it was too late. Now we are working to make up for lost time.
Once again , Assclepias , less than 10% of White Women prefer antiquated farm equipment.

Big deal , malcolm was just another field beast.
Once again , Assclepias , less than 10% of White Women prefer antiquated farm equipment.

Big deal , malcolm was just another field beast.
You wouldnt know what white women prefer. Youre a clueless white guy.

Big deal. Youre just another cave chimp.

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