What happens on February 15th?

What happens on February 15th?

  • Congress sends a bill to President Trump he will sign

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • President Trump has to defend America from the leftists and declare a National Emergency

    Votes: 10 90.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Leftists are liars,That's a fact so there is practically ZERO chance even if some regular democrats and republicans come to an agreement in the house on a bill that includes the wall that Piglosi will let it come up for a vote,so she will force the government to shut down AGAIN since like all leftists she hates America and needs those illegals pouring across the border for votes once they can give them amnesty again and therefore I think president Trump will have to declare a National Emergency which of course will get held up for a few months once the leftists find a constitution hating judicial activist (otherwise known as judges) in the 9th court to block it and it will go to SC and they give him the green light therefore we won't need to battle the leftists over ANY of the funding for the wall because it will ALL get built the way president Trump wants it built! Its just sad to think how many more Angel Moms and Dads will be created in that period between the court battles and the wall being built all because leftists need more votes eventually. Sad.
Actually I wanted to vote for both choices. Even if the Bill doesn't have wall funding he will sign it to avoid another shutdown, then declare a National Emergency. The dems need a "Joint Resolution" to end the National Emergency. I'm betting that the Senate would not vote to end the emergency.
So called President Donnie "Benedict Arnold" Trump defects to the Fatherland?
OMG, someone needed to blink. Heartless Nancy would let the Fed workers with diabetes die w/o being able to buy insulin. At least Trump knows when to cut his losses. As a Leftist radical Nancy would never cave. The country, the economy, and public safety needed the shutdown to end. My wife likes that Trump caved, it shows he cares (more than Nancy), and my wife is no Trump fan.
Actually I wanted to vote for both choices. Even if the Bill doesn't have wall funding he will sign it to avoid another shutdown, then declare a National Emergency. The dems need a "Joint Resolution" to end the National Emergency. I'm betting that the Senate would not vote to end the emergency.
I think it will be up to the Courts to determine a legit emergency or not, but also that there will not be any construction money to spend while courts are deciding.
OMG, someone needed to blink. Heartless Nancy would let the Fed workers with diabetes die w/o being able to buy insulin. At least Trump knows when to cut his losses. As a Leftist radical Nancy would never cave. The country, the economy, and public safety needed the shutdown to end. My wife likes that Trump caved, it shows he cares (more than Nancy), and my wife is no Trump fan.
Although Trump shut down the gummit and was proud to own it.
Actually I wanted to vote for both choices. Even if the Bill doesn't have wall funding he will sign it to avoid another shutdown, then declare a National Emergency. The dems need a "Joint Resolution" to end the National Emergency. I'm betting that the Senate would not vote to end the emergency.
I think it will be up to the Courts to determine a legit emergency or not, but also that there will not be any construction money to spend while courts are deciding.
Actually no,the courts will determine if a President has the right to declare an emergency or not,which he does. The leftists judicial activists will of course rule wrongly because they couldn't give a shit about the constitution.
Odium, does it occur to you that quoting a dictator in your sig line is rather telling......?

What happens on February 15th?

Melania bitch slaps Trump for forgetting February 14th. :19:
Odium, does it occur to you that quoting a dictator in your sig line is rather telling......?

Telling of what? Almost everyone here knows my beliefs and I don't hide them see no reason to do so. I use quotes to get my point across no matter who they are from. I like several by Mussolini,Jack London,Aristotle etc etc as well.
The wall gets completed. Whether it's through house and senate. Or declaring the emergency on completing the wall. The Trump 2020 campaign has started early.
Actually I wanted to vote for both choices. Even if the Bill doesn't have wall funding he will sign it to avoid another shutdown, then declare a National Emergency. The dems need a "Joint Resolution" to end the National Emergency. I'm betting that the Senate would not vote to end the emergency.
I think it will be up to the Courts to determine a legit emergency or not, but also that there will not be any construction money to spend while courts are deciding.

Say for instance he does declare a national emergency. The left then goes judge-shopping in some liberal place like California, Oregon, or Washington, to find the most liberal judicial hack they can, and he or she issues an injunction. So then it goes before the Supreme Court.

Is there any doubt that the Supreme Court would overturn that circuit court hack's decision, just as they've overturned the majority of the 9th Circuit court's decisions?

And even if they did issue an injunction, there are ways to push it up to a high-priority to go before the Supreme Court. I say let them try. It would be worth it all to see them get their dicks permanently knocked in the dirt.
Three weeks to go for these bought and paid for democrat leaders to care about legal immigration. The wall is coming.
Three weeks to go for these bought and paid for democrat leaders to care about the legal immigration. The wall is coming.

I think Trump scared the hell out of Nancy and Chuckie. They probably believed that he didn't have the brass balls to actually shut down the government, and that he would easily cave.
Leftists are liars,That's a fact so there is practically ZERO chance even if some regular democrats and republicans come to an agreement in the house on a bill that includes the wall that Piglosi will let it come up for a vote,so she will force the government to shut down AGAIN since like all leftists she hates America and needs those illegals pouring across the border for votes once they can give them amnesty again and therefore I think president Trump will have to declare a National Emergency which of course will get held up for a few months once the leftists find a constitution hating judicial activist (otherwise known as judges) in the 9th court to block it and it will go to SC and they give him the green light therefore we won't need to battle the leftists over ANY of the funding for the wall because it will ALL get built the way president Trump wants it built! Its just sad to think how many more Angel Moms and Dads will be created in that period between the court battles and the wall being built all because leftists need more votes eventually. Sad.
How about some commas and the occasional period, word salad boi?
I'm going to go out on limb here and predict Mexico's check for the wall won't arrive by February 15.

Book it.
Three weeks to go for these bought and paid for democrat leaders to care about the legal immigration. The wall is coming.

I think Trump scared the hell out of Nancy and Chuckie. They probably believed that he didn't have the brass balls to actually shut down the government, and that he would easily cave.
Your post makes no sense. Apparently Trump did not scare them all that much. Trump caved not Nancy or Chuck.
Let it burn. We have too many government employees. The amount of them is reflective of just how big the federal government has grown to be.

Most every government agency is unconstitutional.

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