What Has Israel Become?

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Again, Israels actions have nothing to do with religion. You keep proving me that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about concerning Israel. Israel is a secular country with a relatively secular government. If you weren't brainwashed with anti Israel propaganda, you would know that.

Israel is a secular country--- where all the political power is held by one religion.


Did you make it to high school, Joe Blow?
Again, Israels actions have nothing to do with religion. You keep proving me that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about concerning Israel. Israel is a secular country with a relatively secular government. If you weren't brainwashed with anti Israel propaganda, you would know that.

Israel is a secular country--- where all the political power is held by one religion.


Poor Joe Blow, another total failure of the American educational system. Totally ignorant moron who doesn't have the even the most basic knowledge of how governmental systems work.
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Let me introduce you to Joe Blow, yet another fuming, raving mad anti-Semitic lunatic that wants Israel destroyed. How fucking unusual.

Most of the world will cheer when Israel is destroyed. Honestly, it would be a positive for the world. An Apartheid State tossed on the scrapheap of history.

Still spewing out the LIE that Israel is an apartheid state because it does not let foreign nationals vote in its elections. By your criteria every civilised western nation is an apartheid state then.
Ah I see. So it's okay for Muslims to have islamic state after a Islamic state where they oppress and kill religious minorities origins, but not okay for Jews to have a democratic Jewish state where non Jews are treated with respect and as equals.

Let me know when the Jews actually start one of those instead of the Apartheid slaughterhouse they are running now.

You don't slaughter 2000 people in a democracy, guy.

Now, for the Muslims, the fact is, they've had these religious minorities existing intheir countries for over a thousand years- Yazidis, Copts, Mandeans, Zoroasterians... so your argument they are a bunch of meanyheads is a bit silly.

Gaza is not part of Isreal moron, so it cant be apartheid because of Israel. And if hamas had not declared war on Israel then 2000 terrorists would nit be dead. Read the Geneva conventions that spell it out how the civilians lost their protected status when they became willing human shields.
They have and they culminated in outrage when it was an American that was beheaded. But as is usual the reports are ignored by neo Marxists and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS in favour of Israeli attacks on terrorists.

So where's the documentation on these hundreds of thousands of beheadings?


Will these do for starters

Islamic State ISIS and Syrian government accused of war crimes by UN World News Daily Express

Decapitation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

islamic state history of beheadings and executions - Bing Videos

Islamic State ISIS militants execute 250 Syrian soldiers World News Daily Express

ISIS beheadings and the success of horrifying violence - The Washington Post

250 does not equal hundreds of thousands. Again- where is your documentation for hundreds of thousands of beheadings. NOt, "They killed a few people and some of them were beheaded".

NOw, Isis is a nasty bunch of characters, and we never should have listened to Zionist shitballs like Kristol and Krauthammer who insisted that deposing Saddam was a great idea.
Still spewing out the LIE that Israel is an apartheid state because it does not let foreign nationals vote in its elections. By your criteria every civilised western nation is an apartheid state then.

The "foreign nationals" have been there longer than the European immigrants...

Another case of white people from Europe oppressing brown folks who live there.
Ah I see. So it's okay for Muslims to have islamic state after a Islamic state where they oppress and kill religious minorities origins, but not okay for Jews to have a democratic Jewish state where non Jews are treated with respect and as equals.

Let me know when the Jews actually start one of those instead of the Apartheid slaughterhouse they are running now.

You don't slaughter 2000 people in a democracy, guy.

Now, for the Muslims, the fact is, they've had these religious minorities existing intheir countries for over a thousand years- Yazidis, Copts, Mandeans, Zoroasterians... so your argument they are a bunch of meanyheads is a bit silly.

Israel slaughtered 2000 people? Show me.

Israel currently has about two million Arab Muslims that have the same exact rights as the Jews. Epic fail.

Those non Muslim communities you listed, ie Copts etc. that Muslims invaded and turned THEIR country into a Muslim state in which they are now an oppressed and persecuted minority, do you know how they are being treated, you stupid fuck?
Gaza is not part of Isreal moron, so it cant be apartheid because of Israel. And if hamas had not declared war on Israel then 2000 terrorists would nit be dead. Read the Geneva conventions that spell it out how the civilians lost their protected status when they became willing human shields.

So you are saying it's okay for Jews to kill Arabs but not for Arabs to kill Jews? Is this your argument?
Those non Muslim communities you listed, ie Copts etc. that Muslims invaded and turned THEIR country into a Muslim state in which they are now an oppressed and persecuted minority, do you know how they are being treated, you stupid fuck?

Yeah, because the majority of the people there said, "Wow, Islam sounds pretty sweet! 76 Virgins? That's awesome. That's a lot better than... hey, What's Our Life after death policy for being a Mandean, anyway?"
Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration

I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.
Translation..... "I want to see millions of Jews dead, because it's their fault i'm so miserable"... Who else could be responsible?:cuckoo:

Obviously, you have basic reading comprehension problems.

Frankly, you always strike me as one of these Jewish guys with a chip on his shoulder because the Goyim are in the majority.
Yes i do have a "Chip on my shoulder" Don't much care for crazy people who wish for dead Jews....Ok i realize you're a miserable person but that's nobody's fault but your own. You choose to be that. Psychological counseling my help you.

Nobody wishes for dead Jews, rather, we wish Jews would stop killing Christians and Muslims, for a start. Most do wish for an end to a Jewish State to be replaced with a secular state that guarantees equality for all people living within the area, whether Jewish or non-Jewish.

Yup, let's forget about all these hot stops all over the globe, including Israel, where Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing on non Muslims, or exhibiting the desire to, and focus on those evil JOOOOOOS.

And when Israel is destroyed, it will be replaced by a "secular" state with freedom and equality for all! Yup, like that happens all the time. Ha ha ha.

Do Hamas terrorist HQ know that you guys don't intend to establish an Islamic state?
Actually Joe, I always dismantle your arguments. But when you post the crap that you do and you can't handle the responses, than piss off and go post on stormfront or something where you belong.

BTW, your country has killed WAYYYYYY more children in WAYY less time. So you don't exactly have the high ground yourself.

I've never claimed the high ground for my country. Quite the contrary, I don't think this country has fought a just war since Korea.

But a lot of those wars would be unnecessary if you Zionist shitballs didn't have our politicians balls in a lockbox.

Israel didn't kill any of those Iraqis or Afghanis you dumb Nazi scum. Stop blaming Israel. Your president sent the troops to the ME, not Israel.
Ah I see. So it's okay for Muslims to have islamic state after a Islamic state where they oppress and kill religious minorities origins, but not okay for Jews to have a democratic Jewish state where non Jews are treated with respect and as equals.

Let me know when the Jews actually start one of those instead of the Apartheid slaughterhouse they are running now.

You don't slaughter 2000 people in a democracy, guy.

Now, for the Muslims, the fact is, they've had these religious minorities existing intheir countries for over a thousand years- Yazidis, Copts, Mandeans, Zoroasterians... so your argument they are a bunch of meanyheads is a bit silly.

So I guess America isn't a democracy then, right?
Dude, I never suppress my anger. YOu piss me off, you know it pretty fucking quick.

Dead Jews aren't going to make your life any better Joey

This isn't about my life, or me, guy.

This is about your coreligionists committing repeated atrocities against the Palestinian people.

After years of whining about the Nazis, you've become the Nazis. Most of the world sees this pretty clearly.

Why is Joe Blow so upset at Jews all the time, and has nothing to say what Moooooslems are doing?
Ah I see. So it's okay for Muslims to have islamic state after a Islamic state where they oppress and kill religious minorities origins, but not okay for Jews to have a democratic Jewish state where non Jews are treated with respect and as equals.

Let me know when the Jews actually start one of those instead of the Apartheid slaughterhouse they are running now.

You don't slaughter 2000 people in a democracy, guy.

Now, for the Muslims, the fact is, they've had these religious minorities existing intheir countries for over a thousand years- Yazidis, Copts, Mandeans, Zoroasterians... so your argument they are a bunch of meanyheads is a bit silly.

Apartheid slaughterhouse :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're more deluded than some of the pro Palestinians here. There is absolutely zero Apartheid inside Israel and every citizen has the same rights.
You people are psychotic. Israel murdered 100s of children and over a thouand innocent civilians this summer and we are to believe that disagreeing with that behavior is antisemitism. Grow up, Israel is not disliked because it is Jewish, it is disliked because it murders thousands of non-Jews on a recurring basis.

Damn those Jews just won't let the Palestinian Islamic terrorist animals commit genocide upon them. In fact they're really good at stopping them. :clap2:
I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.
Translation..... "I want to see millions of Jews dead, because it's their fault i'm so miserable"... Who else could be responsible?:cuckoo:

Obviously, you have basic reading comprehension problems.

Frankly, you always strike me as one of these Jewish guys with a chip on his shoulder because the Goyim are in the majority.
Yes i do have a "Chip on my shoulder" Don't much care for crazy people who wish for dead Jews....Ok i realize you're a miserable person but that's nobody's fault but your own. You choose to be that. Psychological counseling my help you.

Nobody wishes for dead Jews, rather, we wish Jews would stop killing Christians and Muslims, for a start. Most do wish for an end to a Jewish State to be replaced with a secular state that guarantees equality for all people living within the area, whether Jewish or non-Jewish.
A large number of Jews want that as well.

That's not a large number asshole, that less than 1% of the world jewish population.
Yup, let's forget about all these hot stops all over the globe, including Israel, where Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing on non Muslims, or exhibiting the desire to, and focus on those evil JOOOOOOS.

And when Israel is destroyed, it will be replaced by a "secular" state with freedom and equality for all! Yup, like that happens all the time. Ha ha ha.

Do Hamas terrorist HQ know that you guys don't intend to establish an Islamic state?

Actually, most Islamic countries are pretty secular. Hate to break that to you.

They still hate the zionists, though.
Why is Joe Blow so upset at Jews all the time, and has nothing to say what Moooooslems are doing?

You mean other than responding to our interference in their business.

Hey, Bin Laden and Saddam were both Mooooooslems we thought we could work with... until they turned on us.

We've invaded, occupied or bombed 15 Islamic countries since 1980. That probably has a lot more to do with why we have a problem with them. Oh, yeah, and propping up the hated zionists.

Ever wonder why the Muslims aren't attacking Japan? Oh, that's right. Japan isn't fucking with them.
Why is Joe Blow so upset at Jews all the time, and has nothing to say what Moooooslems are doing?

You mean other than responding to our interference in their business.

Hey, Bin Laden and Saddam were both Mooooooslems we thought we could work with... until they turned on us.

We've invaded, occupied or bombed 15 Islamic countries since 1980. That probably has a lot more to do with why we have a problem with them. Oh, yeah, and propping up the hated zionists.

Ever wonder why the Muslims aren't attacking Japan? Oh, that's right. Japan isn't fucking with them.

Wrong again, dipshit, anywhere there is Islam and Muslims, there is death and mayhem. No country is immune to it, China, Russia, USA, Israel, all of Western Europe, Australia, Canada, Philippines, India, etc.

Yes yes yes, it's always someone else's fault Muslim behave this way.

It's not Muslim inability to coexist with others (as well as themselves).

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