What if Hillary switched parties and ran for president as a republican?

Hilary Rodham Clinton is done.


She had one shot at the Presidency.

Actually two shots, Former President Nimrod foiled her first pre-ordained coronation and King Donny killed her second.

What the Democrats see in her I'll never know, she has all the charm and personality of a rabid scorpion and the intellect and vision of a 3rd grade volleyball coach; without Bubba she'd still be a 2nd rate lawyer.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


So, you've invested half your retirement savings in buying a chicken. But wait a sec Sonny Jimbo in limbo, what you really love are birds of prey. Well damn, no chicken no day no how can be no bird of prey. So you go out get you some taxadermied hawks and falcons and you get busy clipping off their long disused wings, beaks and tail feathers. You take some of that there Elmer's Glue and Duct tape and needles and thread and get to sewing and taping and gluing bird of prey wings on your live, expensive, ground born, flightless chicken. Sorry Sonny Jimbo, that there chicken will never be a hawk, no matter how many new wings and feathers you tape and glue onto it.
Hilary Rodham Clinton is done.


She had one shot at the Presidency.

Actually two shots, Former President Nimrod foiled her first pre-ordained coronation and King Donny killed her second.

What the Democrats see in her I'll never know, she has all the charm and personality of a rabid scorpion and the intellect and vision of a 3rd grade volleyball coach; without Bubba she'd still be a 2nd rate lawyer.
Sadly, although I voted for her (oh-so-reluctantly) in 2016, I find myself agreeing.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Trump thrashed her in a landslide. Those 3 million were in california.
Hillary is, above all, a political creature. It's not about party for her, it's about power. She would have run as a Anarcho-Syndicalist if it meant getting to sit in the big chair ... a position she clearly believes she deserves

The Democrats offered her the best shot at getting what she wanted and she spent more than a decade building her power in that party.

If she thought she had the ability, and the time, to take another shot with the Republicans ... she'd be wearing a red dress and hunting grizzly bears in Alaska in a nanosecond.

However, with her political baggage, I don't think any Republican (or most Democrats) would trust her.
They’d need a BIGGER chair for her fat ass!
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Trump thrashed her in a landslide. Those 3 million were in california.
Let me guess...you don't think California voters count.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Trump thrashed her in a landslide. Those 3 million were in california.
Let me guess...you don't think California voters count.

No, they count. I was just placing this in perspective since the poster was gnashing teeth and squirming because trump won.
She could win if she had spent the last couple of years saying things like "you know what, we really got to do something about these wetbacks and shithole immigrants" -- then she can switch back into the anti-MeToo talk by saying "I feel you Brett, I know these bitches be tripping and making up shit, they did my husband the same way" -- then she can finish off with calling blacks super predators and how we need to just pre-emptively lock em all up...a few admissions of sexually assaulting men and women and she will win easily.
You do realise that you have obliterated the Republican party with Trump don't you? Something that is going to take the party decades to recover from.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Oreo the magnificent!

Sept 29,2016
it's very easy to see that Donald Trump is going to get hit by a freight train and dragged a 100 miles on election night. Not only will he lose the White House but with this kind of momentum going against him at the top of the ticket, Republicans are certain to lose the Senate, and even hanging onto the house is now questionable.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Trump thrashed her in a landslide. Those 3 million were in california.

You lost this one. Not only that but--it's coming, & I think it's going to be very hard for the American public to look at a Republican nominee for President in the future with confidence and trust.

5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments & 100's of criminal charges don't stop here.

There is a reason that Trump is stating at his rally's today, that if you don't vote for Republicans next month Democrats will "impeach me."---:auiqs.jpg:

No sitting President in the history of this nation has EVER stated that. They didn't need to. Bascially Trump is admitting guilt in that statement.

Trump is every bit as stupid as his supporters are.


In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed under sworn oath by James Clapper over a year ago. Here it is.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of the testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Vote blue next month because that is the only way you'll get rid of this emotionally unstable teenage drama queen that has a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. That is your Patriotic DUTY since you fucked up the first time.
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Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?

The pseudocons would fall over themselves to worship her.

After all, that's what they did when New York liberal Democrat Donald Trump changed the letter after his name from a D to an R.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Trump thrashed her in a landslide. Those 3 million were in california.

You lost this one. Not only that but--it's coming, & I think it's going to be very hard for the American public to look at a Republican nominee for President in the future with confidence and trust.

5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments & 100's of criminal charges don't stop here.

There is a reason that Trump is stating at his rally's today, that if you don't vote for Republicans next month Democrats will "impeach me."---:auiqs.jpg:

No sitting President in the history of this nation has EVER stated that. They didn't need to. Bascially Trump is admitting guilt in that statement.

Trump is every bit as stupid as his supporters are.


In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed under sworn oath by James Clapper over a year ago. Here it is.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of the testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Vote blue next month because that is the only way you'll get rid of this emotionally unstable teenage drama queen that has a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy. That is your Patriotic DUTY since you fucked up the first time.

Where's that collusion evidence? Lol. You don't need to answer.
Could she beat Trump? Would democrats vote republican?


It's true Hillary Clinton was a Republican, before she was a Democrat, but why on earth do you think she would run as a Republican? That's ridiculous.

Well she can't win as a Democrat, she tried twice already.


She did beat Trump by 3 million votes. Trump won on an accumlated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states. If not for a real screwed up electoral college she would be POTUS today.


Plus we all know now, that the goal posts were moved on her side of the isle. James Comey actually breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions and Vladimir Putin interference. Without them helping Trump it would have been a total wipeout of Trump.



Wrong...Trump won 3 states by 101,000 votes. Clinton won 4 states
by 96,000 votes. Trump was closer to winning 34 states than HRC
was to winning 27.

She won Calif by 4.5 million votes and the PV by 2.8 million. Summation,
The Donald beat her by 1.7 million votes in 49 states

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