What IF It Was ILLEGAL To Vote?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Would YOU fight that group even if it meant being called "islamaphobic?"
What's MORE important, your ability to tolerate OR your ability to speak?

Found in Europe. Very interesting word's allow me to repeat them.

"NO one has the RIGHT to legislate but allah".

Do you sell out liberals see the issue here? NO ONE and that means YOUR dumb ass as well. No ONE. You Obo-tards better think this one through. Think about your base for a minute say the Homo's.

Sharia has a culture plan on the table for the Homo. THEY kill them, you COULD lose some of YOUR supporters you know.

Sharia has a culture plan on the table for you liberal feminists as well. Rape beat and KILL. Oh and you can say GOODBYE to property ownership and the right to drive and vote. Thought that stuff meant something to you. My mistake.

Sharia has a plan on the table for you Atheists as well. DEATH, no argument no science no nothing just DEATH. I myself see that as rather rash and harsh but hey I'm a Christian and I got this real STRONG feeling about CHOICE.

We just don't speak on that subject BUT damn even you have to admit not talking vs DEATH? Get real okay?

Sharia has a plan on the table for education as well. No. mind you IF you are Female you will by LAW be kept as ignorant as possible. EVEN when equally educated you will only be 1/4 as good as a man. That per Sharia.

And then we have social standards. Gang rape is of course legal so I guess a rule of thumb would be "Keep your mouth open during the rape and SHUT AFTER. I myself have an issue with that one as well BUT damn if you want it this IS America right?

It's American and you CAN still vote on it BUT WHAT IF? YOU Obo-tards NEED to take politics OFF the table and START looking at islam for what it TRULY is OR a LOT of the VERY people you CLAIM to support are going to be VERY VERY DEAD.

YEAH, I have had about enough of this {insert bad word} And I {insert another bad word} I TRULY think it's time you {insert TRULY foul word} democrats grew the {insert that WORD again} and dealt with this not the {insert sexual action} you truly are.


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You are a Teaper idiot.
Your teaper nonsense dumbs down this forum.
Your teaper hate (although encouraged by USMB) destroys the GOP and true conservatism

Only, Libs don't support voter suppression of any kind at all, and yes, little dark fury thingy, fantasizing about making voting illegal is indeed a form of suppression. This is where the OP fails immediately, and miserably. This will be yet another thread that we can laugh at for it's stupidity.

It is stupid first because it takes a phrase from a sign allegedly posted in EUROPE and then tries to apply it to US-politics. Since when do happenings in Europe have to do with American politics?

It is further stupid because there is no "what if" in the USA. There is a Constitution, including amendments, and there is federal, state and local law that is supposed to stem from it. Liberals stand by that Constitution, even parts that we think could have been better worded, while Conservatives, especially 2nd grade Tea-Pottiers, would love to rip out entire swaths of the Constitution in order to maintain their white priviledge, which will soon be a thing of the past.

So, little fury boy, some REAL facts:

5 of the 15 post-Civil-War amendments to our Constitution were ratified very speficically to deal with voting and voting RIGHTS in the USA, not voter suppression, which the OP seems to get wet-dreams about. Poor sop.

Here are the 5 amendments:

15th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified 1870:

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[1]"

Now, I can see why the 15th amendment can upset dark fury, who is an avowed racist in USMB, but history is history and fact is fact. As of 1870, our fellow Black citizens technically had the right to vote, well, Black males, that is.

Onward to the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1920:

Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

I can also see why this bothers dark fury, who is also a nasty, nasty misogynist and who says terrible things about women, but history is history and fact is fact. As of 1920, women could vote.

Onward to the 23rd Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1961:

Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Section 1. The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct:

A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

This amendment guaranteed the residents of Washington D.C., which is not a state, the right to vote. for 174 years, the people who lived in our nation's capitol had no right to vote in national elections. That problem was finally fixed in 1961.

Since dark fury hates Washington because he thinks it's infested with "Liberals", I can imagine why he hates this part of the US Constitution as well, but history is history and fact is fact.

Onward to the 24th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1964, 51 years ago:

Twenty-fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

In the case of state elections, the 14th Amendment was argued in Harper vs. Virginia Board of Elections, 1966, resulting in a win for 6-3 win for Mrs Harper in the Supreme Court, since the 24th Amendment did not specifically state that that law also applies to state elections.

This kept certain (cough, cough, former Confederacy...) states from keeping voters from getting to vote by erecting poll taxes. Of course, those who were most disadvantaged by this in the past were Black voters, so I can see why dark fury hates the 24th Amendment. But history is history, and fact is fact.

Onward to the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1971, 44 years ago:

Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation"

So, there you have it: a hodgepodge of Amendments that were needed to fix an easy problem in the US Constitution, namely, exactly who has the right to vote.

Please note that the WORDING of the 26th is different than the other amendments.

I can imagine that little fury boy hates this amendment, too, cuz it means that young people can express their choice of governance, but alas, history is history and fact is fact.

So, in order to vote:

1.) US Citizen
2.) 18 or older
3.) The right to vote cannot be abridged because of race, gender or economic status.

These are the things that we Liberals strongly support and things that dark fury, one of our resident racists/bigots/misogynists/ultra-nationalists/fascists, hates.

And so he once again places a flame-bait thread in this forum and once again, he fails miserably.

Oh, and dark fury, go suck an egg.

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Would YOU fight that group even if it meant being called "islamaphobic?"
What's MORE important, your ability to tolerate OR your ability to speak?

Found in Europe. Very interesting word's allow me to repeat them.

"NO one has the RIGHT to legislate but allah".

Do you sell out liberals see the issue here? NO ONE and that means YOUR dumb ass as well. No ONE. You Obo-tards better think this one through. Think about your base for a minute say the Homo's.

Sharia has a culture plan on the table for the Homo. THEY kill them, you COULD lose some of YOUR supporters you know.

Sharia has a culture plan on the table for you liberal feminists as well. Rape beat and KILL. Oh and you can say GOODBYE to property ownership and the right to drive and vote. Thought that stuff meant something to you. My mistake.

Sharia has a plan on the table for you Atheists as well. DEATH, no argument no science no nothing just DEATH. I myself see that as rather rash and harsh but hey I'm a Christian and I got this real STRONG feeling about CHOICE.

We just don't speak on that subject BUT damn even you have to admit not talking vs DEATH? Get real okay?

Sharia has a plan on the table for education as well. No. mind you IF you are Female you will by LAW be kept as ignorant as possible. EVEN when equally educated you will only be 1/4 as good as a man. That per Sharia.

And then we have social standards. Gang rape is of course legal so I guess a rule of thumb would be "Keep your mouth open during the rape and SHUT AFTER. I myself have an issue with that one as well BUT damn if you want it this IS America right?

It's American and you CAN still vote on it BUT WHAT IF? YOU Obo-tards NEED to take politics OFF the table and START looking at islam for what it TRULY is OR a LOT of the VERY people you CLAIM to support are going to be VERY VERY DEAD.

YEAH, I have had about enough of this {insert bad word} And I {insert another bad word} I TRULY think it's time you {insert TRULY foul word} democrats grew the {insert that WORD again} and dealt with this not the {insert sexual action} you truly are.


If the free exercise of religion is as all powerfully protected by our Constitution as most RWers would have us believe (at least when they're defending Christian beliefs)

then Muslim practices should have equal dominion and should have the equal right to be trump when other rights are at issue.

Why the hypocrisy?
Only a cretin like the OP believes that a skyfairy can "legislate".

As far as voting rights go I will even defend the misinformed OP's right to vote.

Oh, and where was the OP when it came to defending the rights of minority voters from the GOP's voter suppression? Want to bet that he was all in favor of it?
If the free exercise of religion is as all powerfully protected by our Constitution....

That's the flaw in your agument

See, gun loving, gay hating, Ayn Rand worshipping christians are actually under attack in the US. The evil kenyan, marxist muslim without a birth certificate in the oval office wants to take away their guns, let gay people get married, indoctrinate their children with sharia law in the communist schools and is saying their religious freedom to hate isn't protected under the holy constitution.

And if Hillary is selected things will only get worse, your country will end up just like Benghazi. The only thing that can save you is the Canadian who can see sharia law from his porch and knows how to protect you from it.

Hypocrisy has nothing to do with it.

If the free exercise of religion is as all powerfully protected by our Constitution....

That's the flaw in your agument

See, gun loving, gay hating, Ayn Rand worshipping christians are actually under attack in the US. The evil kenyan, marxist muslim without a birth certificate in the oval office wants to take away their guns, let gay people get married, indoctrinate their children with sharia law in the communist schools and is saying their religious freedom to hate isn't protected under the holy constitution.

And if Hillary is selected things will only get worse, your country will end up just like Benghazi. The only thing that can save you is the Canadian who can see sharia law from his porch and knows how to protect you from it.

Hypocrisy has nothing to do with it.



The war on Xmas needs a "surge"! ;)
What IF It Was ILLEGAL To Vote?

For some, it is.

But don't worry. Its only them uppity darkies and they would-a voted Dem anyway.

And sharia law is alive and well in the fundie christian community.
You are a Teaper idiot.
Your teaper nonsense dumbs down this forum.
Your teaper hate (although encouraged by USMB) destroys the GOP and true conservatism

And YOU Nutz are a muslim.
:lol: You teapers are pathetic. But you have one racist teaper agreeing with you. Nice group...full of hate and vitriol.

Fucking teapers...I can't wait until you guys start your revolution...holy shit, I cannot wait to smell the death of teaper traitors as they try to storm the White House.

Fucking teapers.

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