What if Obama did this?

If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Doesn't matter. Only 10% of his records have been submitted, and 42,000 of them didn't show up until the night before.

Which will make him illegitimate appointee number two of the Trump administration.

But when the Democrats win the House this November, they will be able to subpoena everything, and it will be made public in a very ugly way.

Which may not be as interesting as Trumps children being forced to testify in front of different committees next year, followed by Don Jr., which is going to make for must see TV next year.

Which is going to be hard for dotard to get any tweets in, because he's going to be to busy trying to figure out how to continue funding his administration after the Democrats cut all of the money off.

Better stock up on tissues.

But when the Democrats win the House this November, they will be able to subpoena everything, and it will be made public in a very ugly way.

Really? The House gets to look at internal White House documents?
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Doesn't matter. Only 10% of his records have been submitted, and 42,000 of them didn't show up until the night before.

Which will make him illegitimate appointee number two of the Trump administration.

But when the Democrats win the House this November, they will be able to subpoena everything, and it will be made public in a very ugly way.

Which may not be as interesting as Trumps children being forced to testify in front of different committees next year, followed by Don Jr., which is going to make for must see TV next year.

Which is going to be hard for dotard to get any tweets in, because he's going to be to busy trying to figure out how to continue funding his administration after the Democrats cut all of the money off.

Better stock up on tissues.

Damn child, you are simply pathetic. You're showing your true colors by acting like a vindictive 3 year old, you just wait till my dad gets home!!!!!!! ROFLMAO

If the reasoning is legitimately privilege or national security then I’m fine with not releasing them. If they were withheld amoungst other like documents that were released then there is an issue. If they were withhheld because they have potentially political damning information then I have a problem with that. You should too.

What person or persons would have been damaged by the "potentially political damning information"?
Not Trump. GWB? So then what? NONE of the documents had anything to do with Kavanaugh's qualifications.
Hey the Democrats created the word "Borked" so will they be responsible for a new word..".Caving Kavanaugh"?
Of course the division in the country is certainly getting worse. Just too bad most Democrat/ANTIFA/Socialists don't understand they are the party of "DESTRUCTION"?

Statement: "NONE of the documents had anything to do with Kavanaugh's qualifications"

Response: He's qualified. But that is not the issue. Let's assume Kavanaugh assured the President, that he would be loyal to him. His background on supporting an "Imperial Presidency" is sufficient to discredit him, and necessary for Trump to have nominated him, and the Senate to reject him.

No one is above the law!

“Looking back to the late 1990s, for example, the nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and its criminal investigation offshoots,” mused Kavanaugh in his law-review article, which proposed that “Congress might consider a law exempting a President—while in office—from criminal prosecution and investigation.”
Brett Kavanaugh Once Argued That a Sitting President Should Be Above the Law

So Kavanaugh with retrospect regarding Clinton's distractions agrees that some issues like Mueller trying to show Trump had direct collusion with the Russians ARE inappropriate.

Now let's ask one simple question regarding the Mueller investigation.
If Trump personally set up a meeting with officials of the Russian government with the idea of having the Russians help find information about Hillary, is that illegal?

Legal experts have pointed to a possible violation of federal election laws, which ban taking anything of value – which could include information on a political opponent – from a foreign government trying to influence a U.S. election. The Russian attorney at that meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has close ties to the Kremlin.
The Latest US and World News - USATODAY.com

A) legal experts ..."possible violation"... possible..
B) ban taking anything of value...what information about Hillary was taken? Any proof that the meeting had exchange of "valuable information about Hillary"... NOPE
C) Was there ANY foreign government officials in the meeting? NOPE "close ties" but no foreign officials.

So the point you make is no one is above the law.
  • OK What law was broken personally by President Trump?
  • Did he attend the meeting with a NON-Foreign official and
  • was there valuable information exchanged?
I’ll save some time by saying if he did arrange for the exchange of information with the Russians it really doesn’t matter if there is a law that was broken. It would prove that Trump has been lying for almost 2 years and because of those lies and cover ups the American Tax payers have spent millions of dollars in investigations to uncover those lies. It should end his presidency.

Were there any eyewitnesses that saw Trump with the people that are NOT members of Russian government? Again prove that Trump was in any meetings.

B) If LIEs are the criteria for ending a Presidency... Please explain why Obama's presidency wasn't ended?
Didn't you believe there were shovel ready jobs?
OBAMA: “The problem is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects,
Obama said in a 2010 interview with the New York Times.

Most of these LIES affected people's lives. Literally. "If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor."
View attachment 214737
I’ve argued these points with you in the past and it is curious to me that you still bring them up. I guess you really don’t understand the different between policy plans and bold faced lies. I’m not going to waste my time explaining the difference to you AGAIN. Agree to disagree I guess
Baby need a tissue???? They've released more documents on Kavanaugh than they did Sotomayor and Kagan COMBINED plus his more than 300 judicial opinions. Commiecrats couldn't be bothered to read the 2000 pages of maobamacare, you really think they're going the read the more than half a million pages released on Kavanaugh? You freaking cry babies need to get a fucking grip.


Doesn't matter. Only 10% of his records have been submitted, and 42,000 of them didn't show up until the night before.

Which will make him illegitimate appointee number two of the Trump administration.

But when the Democrats win the House this November, they will be able to subpoena everything, and it will be made public in a very ugly way.

Which may not be as interesting as Trumps children being forced to testify in front of different committees next year, followed by Don Jr., which is going to make for must see TV next year.

Which is going to be hard for dotard to get any tweets in, because he's going to be to busy trying to figure out how to continue funding his administration after the Democrats cut all of the money off.

Better stock up on tissues.
actually, 1 million pages have been submitted, making your 42k 4% of the overall documents.

Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

this is the left being as stupid and immature as they can possibly be. nothing more. if this is you, be proud. it's quite the accomplishment to get this stupid. even these days.

way to go.

Illogical in action ^^^

Example: A man lives a stellar life, and one day murders his wife. Do we judge him by the 99.9% of his life, or the murder?
ok - so we're going to cite the very most extreme example as if it's even remotely possible.

what you and the left are saying is that moving forward it will require 1 million + documents. period. cause the more you push this the more you set a standard by which THE LEFT will have to live with when it's their turn.

you're being an ass cause you hate trump and this is making you do stupid shit you'll have to live with later; only you and left won't, you'll cry foul and dig in deeper. all this bullshit you're not propagating is the reason we're mired in shit right now and trump is president.


Grow up. Admit your comments are illogical, and learn from my observation. Adding the logical fallacy (Slippery Slope) is more evidence you emote and don't think.

Can't muster up the balls to answer the question in post 137 I see. It's probably better that way.

None of what someone else cited said her server was illegally placed as you claimed. There was nothing illegal in her use or placement of a private server.
and that is the core flaw that needs to be addressed. no one should be allowed to send gov e-mail through a private server, then we don't have these "misunderstandings".

It was after her tenure as SOS. She didn’t break any rules by using a private server. Nor did Rice when she did it or Powell when he did it.
powell nor rice had their own server.

they have a private account on gmail. HUGE difference that if you don't understand, are simply not qualified to speak to this.
No, it's not a huge difference. She used a private email to conduct state business just like they did. Gmail is not more secure than a private server.

If You Aren’t Secretary of State, It’s Actually Really Smart to Run Your Own Email Server
thank you for proving you're too stupid to understand this problem.

gmail - private account, google owns/runs the server.
clinton - private account, she owns and ran the server.

and given the # of times she was hacked, it would appear you are incorrect here.


as usual.

Oh, and how many times was her server hacked? The FBI says it was never successfully broken into. Can Google say the same?
Why are Republicans pushing through a nominee less popular than Harriet Myers in an election year? Trump needs lower approval ratings?

Wow, if that's the biggest complaint you are left with.....

Hardly. It was a question...one you obviously can't answer. Why choose such an unpopular candidate with such an extensive paper trail when any other cookie cutter conservative would have sailed through? What sets this candidate apart from the others in Trump's eyes and why would Republicans be willing to throw all their support behind him? Because they know they've lost the House so they might as well crowbar him in? Could they be risking the Senate too? Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski gotta be thinking hard...
Why are Republicans pushing through a nominee less popular than Harriet Myers in an election year? Trump needs lower approval ratings?

Wow, if that's the biggest complaint you are left with.....

Hardly. It was a question...one you obviously can't answer. Why choose such an unpopular candidate with such an extensive paper trail when any other cookie cutter conservative would have sailed through? What sets this candidate apart from the others in Trump's eyes and why would Republicans be willing to throw all their support behind him? Because they know they've lost the House so they might as well crowbar him in? Could they be risking the Senate too? Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski gotta be thinking hard...

Would any candidate Trump picked be "popular"?

He is qualified, and he is going to get appointed despite the current Dem Dog and Pony show.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

Have documents like this ever been asked for with regards to another candidate? How many of them?

Kavenaugh has an extensive case history that should be more than enough to figure out his competence.
I’m not going to presume to know what’s actually is happening with these documents but your response is comical. If Trump is withholding docs then that is messed up, doesn’t matter if they were asked for in the past.

Can I use your response when you ask for Hillary’s 30k emails? Well they got plenty of others so that should be fine... right?

That's not quite true in either scenario.

Kagan's work as Solicitor General was withheld. She never served on the
Bench, thus the only opportunity to see her "opinion" would have been
thru her work as Solicitor General.

With Clinton even though she was under subpoena she destroyed her
Why are Republicans pushing through a nominee less popular than Harriet Myers in an election year? Trump needs lower approval ratings?

Wow, if that's the biggest complaint you are left with.....

Hardly. It was a question...one you obviously can't answer. Why choose such an unpopular candidate with such an extensive paper trail when any other cookie cutter conservative would have sailed through? What sets this candidate apart from the others in Trump's eyes and why would Republicans be willing to throw all their support behind him? Because they know they've lost the House so they might as well crowbar him in? Could they be risking the Senate too? Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski gotta be thinking hard...
No candidate Trump picked would have sailed through............Dems would block any nomination if they could..........Hope for picking up seats in November and force a more moderate pick..............

They can't stop this.......
Why are Republicans pushing through a nominee less popular than Harriet Myers in an election year? Trump needs lower approval ratings?

Wow, if that's the biggest complaint you are left with.....

Hardly. It was a question...one you obviously can't answer. Why choose such an unpopular candidate with such an extensive paper trail when any other cookie cutter conservative would have sailed through? What sets this candidate apart from the others in Trump's eyes and why would Republicans be willing to throw all their support behind him? Because they know they've lost the House so they might as well crowbar him in? Could they be risking the Senate too? Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski gotta be thinking hard...

Would any candidate Trump picked be "popular"?

He is qualified, and he is going to get appointed despite the current Dem Dog and Pony show.

Did Trump’s last pick experience the same resistance? No. There are hundreds of equally qualified, equally conservative justices. Why pick the guy with the biggest paper trail who is also the least popular choice in recent history? Did Republicans really need the fight?
Why are Republicans pushing through a nominee less popular than Harriet Myers in an election year? Trump needs lower approval ratings?

Wow, if that's the biggest complaint you are left with.....

Hardly. It was a question...one you obviously can't answer. Why choose such an unpopular candidate with such an extensive paper trail when any other cookie cutter conservative would have sailed through? What sets this candidate apart from the others in Trump's eyes and why would Republicans be willing to throw all their support behind him? Because they know they've lost the House so they might as well crowbar him in? Could they be risking the Senate too? Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski gotta be thinking hard...

Would any candidate Trump picked be "popular"?

He is qualified, and he is going to get appointed despite the current Dem Dog and Pony show.

Did Trump’s last pick experience the same resistance? No. There are hundreds of equally qualified, equally conservative justices. Why pick the guy with the biggest paper trail who is also the least popular choice in recent history? Did Republicans really need the fight?

that was because it was a red on red replacement, and you know it.

Any of Trump's choices right now would be the "least popular", the MSM would see to that with their surveys.
What person or persons would have been damaged by the "potentially political damning information"?
Not Trump. GWB? So then what? NONE of the documents had anything to do with Kavanaugh's qualifications.
Hey the Democrats created the word "Borked" so will they be responsible for a new word..".Caving Kavanaugh"?
Of course the division in the country is certainly getting worse. Just too bad most Democrat/ANTIFA/Socialists don't understand they are the party of "DESTRUCTION"?

Statement: "NONE of the documents had anything to do with Kavanaugh's qualifications"

Response: He's qualified. But that is not the issue. Let's assume Kavanaugh assured the President, that he would be loyal to him. His background on supporting an "Imperial Presidency" is sufficient to discredit him, and necessary for Trump to have nominated him, and the Senate to reject him.

No one is above the law!

“Looking back to the late 1990s, for example, the nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and its criminal investigation offshoots,” mused Kavanaugh in his law-review article, which proposed that “Congress might consider a law exempting a President—while in office—from criminal prosecution and investigation.”
Brett Kavanaugh Once Argued That a Sitting President Should Be Above the Law

So Kavanaugh with retrospect regarding Clinton's distractions agrees that some issues like Mueller trying to show Trump had direct collusion with the Russians ARE inappropriate.

Now let's ask one simple question regarding the Mueller investigation.
If Trump personally set up a meeting with officials of the Russian government with the idea of having the Russians help find information about Hillary, is that illegal?

Legal experts have pointed to a possible violation of federal election laws, which ban taking anything of value – which could include information on a political opponent – from a foreign government trying to influence a U.S. election. The Russian attorney at that meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has close ties to the Kremlin.
The Latest US and World News - USATODAY.com

A) legal experts ..."possible violation"... possible..
B) ban taking anything of value...what information about Hillary was taken? Any proof that the meeting had exchange of "valuable information about Hillary"... NOPE
C) Was there ANY foreign government officials in the meeting? NOPE "close ties" but no foreign officials.

So the point you make is no one is above the law.
  • OK What law was broken personally by President Trump?
  • Did he attend the meeting with a NON-Foreign official and
  • was there valuable information exchanged?
I’ll save some time by saying if he did arrange for the exchange of information with the Russians it really doesn’t matter if there is a law that was broken. It would prove that Trump has been lying for almost 2 years and because of those lies and cover ups the American Tax payers have spent millions of dollars in investigations to uncover those lies. It should end his presidency.

Were there any eyewitnesses that saw Trump with the people that are NOT members of Russian government? Again prove that Trump was in any meetings.

B) If LIEs are the criteria for ending a Presidency... Please explain why Obama's presidency wasn't ended?
Didn't you believe there were shovel ready jobs?
OBAMA: “The problem is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects,
Obama said in a 2010 interview with the New York Times.

Most of these LIES affected people's lives. Literally. "If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor."
View attachment 214737
I’ve argued these points with you in the past and it is curious to me that you still bring them up. I guess you really don’t understand the different between policy plans and bold faced lies. I’m not going to waste my time explaining the difference to you AGAIN. Agree to disagree I guess

Well the problem is that other people considered these a LIE... For example...

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

And here are the 37 times Obama repeated the lie of the YEAR...
Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

This one certainly didn't sound like a "POLICY PLAN"!

Or this LIE that Obama admitted was a LIE.
When the president campaigned for the stimulus package at the start of his presidency, he and others in his administration repeatedly insisted the investments would go to "shovel-ready" projects -- projects that would put people to work right away.

Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects"
Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

Is this a "Policy Plan" failure or a LIE?
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

We know that Sonai Sotomayor was a fucking liar who claimed she supported 2A because her "brother was a hunter" or some stupid stuff like that.

We know the only reason Kagan got on SCOTUS was because she called the White House and said that she wanted to talk to her favorite foreign born Harvard Law graduate about that opening on SCOTUS.

Kavanaugh has hundreds of thousands of pages of opinions. Are you looking for his USMB posts?
Doesn't matter. Only 10% of his records have been submitted, and 42,000 of them didn't show up until the night before.

Which will make him illegitimate appointee number two of the Trump administration.

But when the Democrats win the House this November, they will be able to subpoena everything, and it will be made public in a very ugly way.

Which may not be as interesting as Trumps children being forced to testify in front of different committees next year, followed by Don Jr., which is going to make for must see TV next year.

Which is going to be hard for dotard to get any tweets in, because he's going to be to busy trying to figure out how to continue funding his administration after the Democrats cut all of the money off.

Better stock up on tissues.
actually, 1 million pages have been submitted, making your 42k 4% of the overall documents.

Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

this is the left being as stupid and immature as they can possibly be. nothing more. if this is you, be proud. it's quite the accomplishment to get this stupid. even these days.

way to go.

Illogical in action ^^^

Example: A man lives a stellar life, and one day murders his wife. Do we judge him by the 99.9% of his life, or the murder?
ok - so we're going to cite the very most extreme example as if it's even remotely possible.

what you and the left are saying is that moving forward it will require 1 million + documents. period. cause the more you push this the more you set a standard by which THE LEFT will have to live with when it's their turn.

you're being an ass cause you hate trump and this is making you do stupid shit you'll have to live with later; only you and left won't, you'll cry foul and dig in deeper. all this bullshit you're not propagating is the reason we're mired in shit right now and trump is president.


Grow up. Admit your comments are illogical, and learn from my observation. Adding the logical fallacy (Slippery Slope) is more evidence you emote and don't think.
so, you're just as fucked up as people say.


Don't let the dog door hit you in the ass as you crawl away, defeated and dejected.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

We know that Sonai Sotomayor was a fucking liar who claimed she supported 2A because her "brother was a hunter" or some stupid stuff like that.

We know the only reason Kagan got on SCOTUS was because she called the White House and said that she wanted to talk to her favorite foreign born Harvard Law graduate about that opening on SCOTUS.

Kavanaugh has hundreds of thousands of pages of opinions. Are you looking for his USMB posts?

The issue is Kavanaugh and no other nominee in the past. The issue is more pressing since Trump appointed him, and many of us believe Trump knows he's dirty and fears being held accountable on a number of issues.

Thus he might have spoken to Kavanaugh and asked him for his loyalty, after having learned Kavanaugh had written that the President is effectively above the law while in office, decided Trump to nominate Kavanaugh.

Of course we cannot know for sure, but given the amount of time Trump spends on claiming he has done no wrong, common sense suggests otherwise.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

We know that Sonai Sotomayor was a fucking liar who claimed she supported 2A because her "brother was a hunter" or some stupid stuff like that.

We know the only reason Kagan got on SCOTUS was because she called the White House and said that she wanted to talk to her favorite foreign born Harvard Law graduate about that opening on SCOTUS.

Kavanaugh has hundreds of thousands of pages of opinions. Are you looking for his USMB posts?

The issue is Kavanaugh and no other nominee in the past. The issue is more pressing since Trump appointed him, and many of us believe Trump knows he's dirty and fears being held accountable on a number of issues.

Thus he might have spoken to Kavanaugh and asked him for his loyalty, after having learned Kavanaugh had written that the President is effectively above the law while in office, decided Trump to nominate Kavanaugh.

Of course we cannot know for sure, but given the amount of time Trump spends on claiming he has done no wrong, common sense suggests otherwise.
Everything is about Trump these days..........You say it's only about Kavanaugh and then launch the standard I HATE TRUMP rant.............

They have all the information they need to do this.........they dig dirt on everything.....

This is nothing more than pandering to the voters before election...........attempting to stall and prevent any nomination until after the election.

It will fail.......
Statement: "NONE of the documents had anything to do with Kavanaugh's qualifications"

Response: He's qualified. But that is not the issue. Let's assume Kavanaugh assured the President, that he would be loyal to him. His background on supporting an "Imperial Presidency" is sufficient to discredit him, and necessary for Trump to have nominated him, and the Senate to reject him.

No one is above the law!

“Looking back to the late 1990s, for example, the nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and its criminal investigation offshoots,” mused Kavanaugh in his law-review article, which proposed that “Congress might consider a law exempting a President—while in office—from criminal prosecution and investigation.”
Brett Kavanaugh Once Argued That a Sitting President Should Be Above the Law

So Kavanaugh with retrospect regarding Clinton's distractions agrees that some issues like Mueller trying to show Trump had direct collusion with the Russians ARE inappropriate.

Now let's ask one simple question regarding the Mueller investigation.
If Trump personally set up a meeting with officials of the Russian government with the idea of having the Russians help find information about Hillary, is that illegal?

Legal experts have pointed to a possible violation of federal election laws, which ban taking anything of value – which could include information on a political opponent – from a foreign government trying to influence a U.S. election. The Russian attorney at that meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has close ties to the Kremlin.
The Latest US and World News - USATODAY.com

A) legal experts ..."possible violation"... possible..
B) ban taking anything of value...what information about Hillary was taken? Any proof that the meeting had exchange of "valuable information about Hillary"... NOPE
C) Was there ANY foreign government officials in the meeting? NOPE "close ties" but no foreign officials.

So the point you make is no one is above the law.
  • OK What law was broken personally by President Trump?
  • Did he attend the meeting with a NON-Foreign official and
  • was there valuable information exchanged?
I’ll save some time by saying if he did arrange for the exchange of information with the Russians it really doesn’t matter if there is a law that was broken. It would prove that Trump has been lying for almost 2 years and because of those lies and cover ups the American Tax payers have spent millions of dollars in investigations to uncover those lies. It should end his presidency.

Were there any eyewitnesses that saw Trump with the people that are NOT members of Russian government? Again prove that Trump was in any meetings.

B) If LIEs are the criteria for ending a Presidency... Please explain why Obama's presidency wasn't ended?
Didn't you believe there were shovel ready jobs?
OBAMA: “The problem is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects,
Obama said in a 2010 interview with the New York Times.

Most of these LIES affected people's lives. Literally. "If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor."
View attachment 214737
I’ve argued these points with you in the past and it is curious to me that you still bring them up. I guess you really don’t understand the different between policy plans and bold faced lies. I’m not going to waste my time explaining the difference to you AGAIN. Agree to disagree I guess

Well the problem is that other people considered these a LIE... For example...

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

And here are the 37 times Obama repeated the lie of the YEAR...
Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

This one certainly didn't sound like a "POLICY PLAN"!

Or this LIE that Obama admitted was a LIE.
When the president campaigned for the stimulus package at the start of his presidency, he and others in his administration repeatedly insisted the investments would go to "shovel-ready" projects -- projects that would put people to work right away.

Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects"
Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

Is this a "Policy Plan" failure or a LIE?
Making a promise or projection about a policy initiative is quite different than lying about something that you have actually done or said. It’s not that hard to know he difference and it amazes me that you think you are fooling anybody when you conflate the two.

“Keep your doctor” and “I never had sexual relations with that woman” are fundamentally different. Do you really not understand that?
“Looking back to the late 1990s, for example, the nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and its criminal investigation offshoots,” mused Kavanaugh in his law-review article, which proposed that “Congress might consider a law exempting a President—while in office—from criminal prosecution and investigation.”
Brett Kavanaugh Once Argued That a Sitting President Should Be Above the Law

So Kavanaugh with retrospect regarding Clinton's distractions agrees that some issues like Mueller trying to show Trump had direct collusion with the Russians ARE inappropriate.

Now let's ask one simple question regarding the Mueller investigation.
If Trump personally set up a meeting with officials of the Russian government with the idea of having the Russians help find information about Hillary, is that illegal?

Legal experts have pointed to a possible violation of federal election laws, which ban taking anything of value – which could include information on a political opponent – from a foreign government trying to influence a U.S. election. The Russian attorney at that meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has close ties to the Kremlin.
The Latest US and World News - USATODAY.com

A) legal experts ..."possible violation"... possible..
B) ban taking anything of value...what information about Hillary was taken? Any proof that the meeting had exchange of "valuable information about Hillary"... NOPE
C) Was there ANY foreign government officials in the meeting? NOPE "close ties" but no foreign officials.

So the point you make is no one is above the law.
  • OK What law was broken personally by President Trump?
  • Did he attend the meeting with a NON-Foreign official and
  • was there valuable information exchanged?
I’ll save some time by saying if he did arrange for the exchange of information with the Russians it really doesn’t matter if there is a law that was broken. It would prove that Trump has been lying for almost 2 years and because of those lies and cover ups the American Tax payers have spent millions of dollars in investigations to uncover those lies. It should end his presidency.

Were there any eyewitnesses that saw Trump with the people that are NOT members of Russian government? Again prove that Trump was in any meetings.

B) If LIEs are the criteria for ending a Presidency... Please explain why Obama's presidency wasn't ended?
Didn't you believe there were shovel ready jobs?
OBAMA: “The problem is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects,
Obama said in a 2010 interview with the New York Times.

Most of these LIES affected people's lives. Literally. "If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor."
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I’ve argued these points with you in the past and it is curious to me that you still bring them up. I guess you really don’t understand the different between policy plans and bold faced lies. I’m not going to waste my time explaining the difference to you AGAIN. Agree to disagree I guess

Well the problem is that other people considered these a LIE... For example...

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

And here are the 37 times Obama repeated the lie of the YEAR...
Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

This one certainly didn't sound like a "POLICY PLAN"!

Or this LIE that Obama admitted was a LIE.
When the president campaigned for the stimulus package at the start of his presidency, he and others in his administration repeatedly insisted the investments would go to "shovel-ready" projects -- projects that would put people to work right away.

Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects"
Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

Is this a "Policy Plan" failure or a LIE?
Making a promise or projection about a policy initiative is quite different than lying about something that you have actually done or said. It’s not that hard to know he difference and it amazes me that you think you are fooling anybody when you conflate the two.

“Keep your doctor” and “I never had sexual relations with that woman” are fundamentally different. Do you really not understand that?

Well you may want to to advise Politifact.org that they were wrong. They are the supposedly experts in "FACT" Finding and they declared it the "LIE OF THE YEAR".
Whatever you say is "Trumped" by that simple reality. IT was a LIE. Told at least 37 documented times.
If Obama hid the records of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan before they were to be vetted by the senate, what would the Republicans and their fellow travelers do?

Trump admin withholds 100,000-plus pages of Kavanaugh docs - CNNPolitics

We all know what they would do!

We know that Sonai Sotomayor was a fucking liar who claimed she supported 2A because her "brother was a hunter" or some stupid stuff like that.

We know the only reason Kagan got on SCOTUS was because she called the White House and said that she wanted to talk to her favorite foreign born Harvard Law graduate about that opening on SCOTUS.

Kavanaugh has hundreds of thousands of pages of opinions. Are you looking for his USMB posts?

The issue is Kavanaugh and no other nominee in the past. The issue is more pressing since Trump appointed him, and many of us believe Trump knows he's dirty and fears being held accountable on a number of issues.

Thus he might have spoken to Kavanaugh and asked him for his loyalty, after having learned Kavanaugh had written that the President is effectively above the law while in office, decided Trump to nominate Kavanaugh.

Of course we cannot know for sure, but given the amount of time Trump spends on claiming he has done no wrong, common sense suggests otherwise.
Everything is about Trump these days..........You say it's only about Kavanaugh and then launch the standard I HATE TRUMP rant.............

They have all the information they need to do this.........they dig dirt on everything.....

This is nothing more than pandering to the voters before election...........attempting to stall and prevent any nomination until after the election.

It will fail.......

A...N...D....why....do...YOU......have.........to.........put.........."............." in every.....post? You can't write a simple sentence?

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