What if Obama was crude?

The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.

Maybe if he was he wouldn't draw red lines in crayon.
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.


You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ...
Obama was (and still is) ignorant and infantile, along with a lot of the other undesirable traits that the hack author of this piece lays on Cheeto Jesus.

But it's always (D)ifferent when the worthless fuck politician is from your team, isn't it?

Obama always displayed dignity and class. A skill Trump wishes he had.

Yah like when he called a bunch of Mourning Police Officers at a funeral for one of their fallen brethren Racists and lectured them while they buried their brother and friend.
Yah classy.

If Obama had a son, he'd look like Obama Bin Lying.
original??? are you kellyanne conway the inventor of alternative facts???

Obama Bin Lying is a liar, and so are his fanatical followers.

He had a chance to be a great president and a Uniter, but he chose the low road and chose to become part of the Dimscum Hoard instead of choosing to be his own man.

He also openly criticized Christians and Jews, and his party insulted and slammed just about every kind of American you can imagine.

From Taco Bowls, to 'Predators' to Uneducated Rednecks in Flyover States, to Basement Dwellers, and Irredeemable Deplorables, to Deniers and Coal Miners, your party demonstrated to America that you only cared about Special Interests, and your rabid whacked out Leftist Globalist Jihadis.

And that is why you had the door slammed in your face on Election Day.
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.


Instead, Obama was just clueless, arrogant, elitist and anti-American..
far from clueless No 9/11 attack like with last repub president DOW soared during his term ,consumer confidence returned,,,76 straight months of job gains ,,4.7% unemployment .....inherited the greatest recession in your lifetime from another moron republican gwb,, AND handed off a not great BUT GOOD economy to the incoming repub moron chump....Now I'm going to the beach so digest all the good about obama while I'm gone

The best of Special Ed.
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.

Well dammit Trump's one of us! What's your point? (-:
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.


You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ...
on the repub side is where they all hang out Repubs aren't all racists just about 50%
Obama was (and still is) ignorant and infantile, along with a lot of the other undesirable traits that the hack author of this piece lays on Cheeto Jesus.

But it's always (D)ifferent when the worthless fuck politician is from your team, isn't it?

Obama always displayed dignity and class. A skill Trump wishes he had.

Yah like when he called a bunch of Mourning Police Officers at a funeral for one of their fallen brethren Racists and lectured them while they buried their brother and friend.
Yah classy.

If Obama had a son, he'd look like Obama Bin Lying.
original??? are you kellyanne conway the inventor of alternative facts???

Obama Bin Lying is a liar, and so are his fanatical followers.

He had a chance to be a great president and a Uniter, but he chose the low road and chose to become part of the Dimscum Hoard instead of choosing to be his own man.

He also openly criticized Christians and Jews, and his party insulted and slammed just about every kind of American you can imagine.

From Taco Bowls, to 'Predators' to Uneducated Rednecks in Flyover States, to Basement Dwellers, and Irredeemable Deplorables, to Deniers and Coal Miners, your party demonstrated to America that you only cared about Special Interests, and your rabid whacked out Leftist Globalist Jihadis.

And that is why you had the door slammed in your face on Election Day.
Had a chance to be a uniter???? lol lol Not when it's the repub haters he was trying to unite with ....they spit on him the moment he entered the wh
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.


Instead, Obama was just clueless, arrogant, elitist and anti-American..
far from clueless No 9/11 attack like with last repub president DOW soared during his term ,consumer confidence returned,,,76 straight months of job gains ,,4.7% unemployment .....inherited the greatest recession in your lifetime from another moron republican gwb,, AND handed off a not great BUT GOOD economy to the incoming repub moron chump....Now I'm going to the beach so digest all the good about obama while I'm gone

The best of Special Ed.
VH you still here?
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.

Well dammit Trump's one of us! What's your point? (-:
rough crowd here ben,,,,,,,tougher than the other place we were at
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.


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on the repub side is where they all hang out Repubs aren't all racists just about 50%

You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ... You're a racist! ...
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.

Well dammit Trump's one of us! What's your point? (-:
rough crowd here ben,,,,,,,tougher than the other place we were at
Not tougher, but far fewer "thinkers" of both conservative and liberals views.

Still, Donald Trump is standing up fior us White Men. Finally, someone for us. Even that W was namby pamby in telling us Musloms aren't our enemies. Deport em all, I say. (-:
The White Double Standard,,,,,,,,,What if Obama was crude, vulgar and a sexual predator? What if he was dangerously ignorant and infantile? What if he showed Putin more love and respect than his wife? What if he used the Constitution to wipe his assets? What if he said America was just as bad as Russia? What if these were just some of his nicer qualities?

Asking The Question: What If Obama Did That?
Let's play a fascinating game called "what if (the black man) Obama, did that? Exploring the behaviors displayed by Trump, we are left with little doubt.

Well dammit Trump's one of us! What's your point? (-:
rough crowd here ben,,,,,,,tougher than the other place we were at
Not tougher, but far fewer "thinkers" of both conservative and liberals views.

Still, Donald Trump is standing up fior us White Men. Finally, someone for us. Even that W was namby pamby in telling us Musloms aren't our enemies. Deport em all, I say. (-:
YEAH us white guys been getting the shitty end of the stick Now maybe we can take over .....lol

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