What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?

I am disagreeing because the sources you use are not reliable or accepted by historians and academics. What you call facts are speculations and opinions, not facts. When I give specifics about why your sources are dubious you ignore my specifics and evade defending them.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

You are evading answering the challenges again. Note, you are deflecting by changing the subject and attempting to defer into a different topic rather than address the rebukes of you OP.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

No answer?
I answered you. You have not answered questions asked of you by myself or other posters. You have refused to address rebukes made by myself and other posters.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

What's the answer?

Kinda says it all, huh?

And verifies everything I've posted about your demigod.
Your desperation to avoid answering the rebukes and questions that have destroyed the thesis of your OP are obvious. Quit now before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

You are evading answering the challenges again. Note, you are deflecting by changing the subject and attempting to defer into a different topic rather than address the rebukes of you OP.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

No answer?
I answered you. You have not answered questions asked of you by myself or other posters. You have refused to address rebukes made by myself and other posters.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

What's the answer?

Kinda says it all, huh?

And verifies everything I've posted about your demigod.
Your desperation to avoid answering the rebukes and questions that have destroyed the thesis of your OP are obvious. Quit now before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Last chance.....3 strikes and you're out!

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Maybe I'll answer it for you if you can't.....seems obvious.
You are evading answering the challenges again. Note, you are deflecting by changing the subject and attempting to defer into a different topic rather than address the rebukes of you OP.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

No answer?
I answered you. You have not answered questions asked of you by myself or other posters. You have refused to address rebukes made by myself and other posters.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

What's the answer?

Kinda says it all, huh?

And verifies everything I've posted about your demigod.
Your desperation to avoid answering the rebukes and questions that have destroyed the thesis of your OP are obvious. Quit now before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Last chance.....3 strikes and you're out!

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Maybe I'll answer it for you if you can't.....seems obvious.
Just post the cut and paste you are holding onto. I am not taking the bait because your game is so childish. Point is, you keep refusing to defend the rebukes and challenges put to you. You have neither the courage or intellect to debate on your own. Now go ahead and post that cut and paste that you think will convince folks America elected a communist for VP.
I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

No answer?
I answered you. You have not answered questions asked of you by myself or other posters. You have refused to address rebukes made by myself and other posters.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

What's the answer?

Kinda says it all, huh?

And verifies everything I've posted about your demigod.
Your desperation to avoid answering the rebukes and questions that have destroyed the thesis of your OP are obvious. Quit now before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Last chance.....3 strikes and you're out!

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Maybe I'll answer it for you if you can't.....seems obvious.
Just post the cut and paste you are holding onto. I am not taking the bait because your game is so childish. Point is, you keep refusing to defend the rebukes and challenges put to you. You have neither the courage or intellect to debate on your own. Now go ahead and post that cut and paste that you think will convince folks America elected a communist for VP.

So sorry......your time's up.

Clearly, answering the question about FDR's demand.......demand!......that communist Henry Wallace replace Garner would destoy your attempted defense of Roosevelt.

Roosevelt insisted on Henry Wallace, communist, to replace John Nance Garner...

Really need an explanation??

Not clear as day?

Roosevelt was in the thrall of dictators in general, and Stalin, specifically.
He felt that Stalin was the strongest .....and envied him.

A bro-mance....you know, like you with Roosevelt.

Facts, experience nor logic inform any of your beliefs.....that's what makes you a Liberal.

Watch this:

In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'
He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

FDR replied:
"Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Either he was mentally challenged.......or in love with 'Uncle Joe.'

Or both.

I have sooooo much fun destroying you......don't ever change.
2. Let's end any excuse that America needed Communist Russia, possibly as an ally against Hitler: Roosevelt was pals with Hitler....and, he embraced the USSR in 1933, with no WWII on the horizon.

The OP is full of distortions and subjectivity. Roosevelt's decision to return to diplomatic relations with the USSR was a pragmatic one. He came into office four years into the Great Depression and business people were insisting that trade agreements with the USSR were needed for economic reasons. Being pals with Stalin had nothing to do with it. The Soviets owed huge debts that would not be repaid and trade could not resume unless relations were reestablished.
The statement that indicates no one saw a war on the horizon shows a lack of historical knowledge. There were those that saw a future war coming immediately after the Armistice was signed following WWI. War had been predicted in published works of the 1920's, particularly with Japan. Japan and Russia had a history of warfare and it was being predicted that USSR would be a key in defeating Japan in the predicted war.

Adolph and Franklin, sittin' in a tree.....

5. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far in the Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, p. 27.Edgar B. Nixon(Editor)

Of course, his greatest warmth was reserved for Joseph Stalin
Distort all you want, there is one fact you can not escape from. The USSR spent 10 million lives of Soviet troops destroying a huge portion of the Nazi war machine, including millions of German troops before America landed troops at Normandy June 6,1944. FDR was a genius for manipulating and supporting Stalin and the USSR into fighting the hardest and most costly part of WWII.
That is why Frau Braun wanted FDR to let the Nazis win

And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known
The OP is full of distortions and subjectivity. Roosevelt's decision to return to diplomatic relations with the USSR was a pragmatic one. He came into office four years into the Great Depression and business people were insisting that trade agreements with the USSR were needed for economic reasons. Being pals with Stalin had nothing to do with it. The Soviets owed huge debts that would not be repaid and trade could not resume unless relations were reestablished.
The statement that indicates no one saw a war on the horizon shows a lack of historical knowledge. There were those that saw a future war coming immediately after the Armistice was signed following WWI. War had been predicted in published works of the 1920's, particularly with Japan. Japan and Russia had a history of warfare and it was being predicted that USSR would be a key in defeating Japan in the predicted war.

Adolph and Franklin, sittin' in a tree.....

5. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far in the Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, p. 27.Edgar B. Nixon(Editor)

Of course, his greatest warmth was reserved for Joseph Stalin
Distort all you want, there is one fact you can not escape from. The USSR spent 10 million lives of Soviet troops destroying a huge portion of the Nazi war machine, including millions of German troops before America landed troops at Normandy June 6,1944. FDR was a genius for manipulating and supporting Stalin and the USSR into fighting the hardest and most costly part of WWII.
That is why Frau Braun wanted FDR to let the Nazis win

And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
'Dictatorship' on his wishlist?

You betcha'!

6. And FDR yearned to lord it over the businessmen of America, whose success he was never able to emulate......or even approach.

Franklin Roosevelt came from a very wealthy family, so one may puzzle at the vituperation he leveled at similar folks. Perhaps that very background is the reason, as he never learned how business worked, or how to earn money.

His mother Sara reported: "Money was never discussed at home....All his books and toys were provided for him. We never subjected the boy to a lot of don'ts."
"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward, p.125-126

a. Then again...how could they teach him about finance, after all, his father, James, inherited his fortune...and almost lost it by way of poor investments. His mother's father, Warren Delano, made his money selling opium illegally to Chinese addicts. When he retired to legitimate business, he didn't do much better than Franklin's father. Delano went back to the Opium trade, which is why Sara spent early years in China.
Ward, Op. Cit., p. 71.

Medial summary?

Franklin Roosevelt had a visceral hatred of capitalism and successful capitalists.
On the obverse, a fondness, and acceptance of the acts....no matter how homicidal.....of dictators.

Next.....how the above resulted in his foreign policy.
Your knowledge and understanding of FDR is beyond shallow. Roosevelt did not hate or even object to capitalism. He objected to welfare and special privileges given to the upper classes, which he was born into. The point of the NEW DEAL was that specific areas of the wealth in an economy should and could be shared with the masses and that simply being born into wealth was not an excuse for obscene manipulation of the economy to allow the undeserving to live those lives of obscene lives luxury at the cost of shoeless starving children and the masses living in poverty. FDR believed the wealthy should earn their money without the use of government support and resources and believed the nation's wealth could be shared at the same time deserving business owners and industry could profit.

You're not just a fool....you're a lying fool.

1. Franklin Roosevelt had a visceral animosity toward businessmen, entrepreneurs, successful capitalists. And he had a way with words, in describing them. "unscrupulousmoney changers..." the greed and shortsightedness of bankers and businessmen," "..rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence" "we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit." "there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing."

Wow! What the heck was that about? He was besmirching his fellow Americans, many of whom were responsible for the progress of society.

Then he had to suck up to them....

2. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

a. “…we are calling upon the resources, the efficiency and the ingenuity of the American manufacturers of war material of all kinds -- airplanes and tanks and guns and ships, and all the hundreds of products that go into this material. The Government of the United States itself manufactures few of the implements of war. Private industry will continue to be the source of most of this material, and private industry will have to be speeded up to produce it at the rate and efficiency called for by the needs of the times….Private industry will have the responsibility of providing the best, speediest and most efficient mass production of which it is capable.” On National Defense - May 26, 1940

And all the while.....throwing kisses to Joseph Stalin.

Time for you to admit that I know the subject inside and out....
...and you, simply full of unrequited love for FDR, and hot air.
FDR was not sucking up to American industry, he was giving them their marching orders.
FDR was a socialist dictator telling them what they could produce, who they could hire, what raw materials they were allowed to have

It was his finest hour....building an arsenal of Democracy
Adolph and Franklin, sittin' in a tree.....

5. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far in the Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, p. 27.Edgar B. Nixon(Editor)

Of course, his greatest warmth was reserved for Joseph Stalin
Distort all you want, there is one fact you can not escape from. The USSR spent 10 million lives of Soviet troops destroying a huge portion of the Nazi war machine, including millions of German troops before America landed troops at Normandy June 6,1944. FDR was a genius for manipulating and supporting Stalin and the USSR into fighting the hardest and most costly part of WWII.
That is why Frau Braun wanted FDR to let the Nazis win

And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Yes.....America will still accept nazi sympathizers
Distort all you want, there is one fact you can not escape from. The USSR spent 10 million lives of Soviet troops destroying a huge portion of the Nazi war machine, including millions of German troops before America landed troops at Normandy June 6,1944. FDR was a genius for manipulating and supporting Stalin and the USSR into fighting the hardest and most costly part of WWII.
That is why Frau Braun wanted FDR to let the Nazis win

And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Yes.....America will still accept nazi sympathizers

Nazis were Leftists....you know, like you.

Here.....let me help:
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der NationalsozialistischeDeutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands."
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

Don't you wish you had the education that I have?

See....that lack is why you have to lie.
That is why Frau Braun wanted FDR to let the Nazis win

And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Yes.....America will still accept nazi sympathizers

Nazis were Leftists....you know, like you.

Here.....let me help:
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der NationalsozialistischeDeutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands."
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

Don't you wish you had the education that I have?

See....that lack is why you have to lie.
I thought the commies were leftists

Now you have both sides of the political spectrum being left?
I answered you. You have not answered questions asked of you by myself or other posters. You have refused to address rebukes made by myself and other posters.

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

What's the answer?

Kinda says it all, huh?

And verifies everything I've posted about your demigod.
Your desperation to avoid answering the rebukes and questions that have destroyed the thesis of your OP are obvious. Quit now before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Last chance.....3 strikes and you're out!

I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Maybe I'll answer it for you if you can't.....seems obvious.
Just post the cut and paste you are holding onto. I am not taking the bait because your game is so childish. Point is, you keep refusing to defend the rebukes and challenges put to you. You have neither the courage or intellect to debate on your own. Now go ahead and post that cut and paste that you think will convince folks America elected a communist for VP.

So sorry......your time's up.

Clearly, answering the question about FDR's demand.......demand!......that communist Henry Wallace replace Garner would destoy your attempted defense of Roosevelt.

Roosevelt insisted on Henry Wallace, communist, to replace John Nance Garner...

Really need an explanation??

Not clear as day?

Roosevelt was in the thrall of dictators in general, and Stalin, specifically.
He felt that Stalin was the strongest .....and envied him.

A bro-mance....you know, like you with Roosevelt.

Facts, experience nor logic inform any of your beliefs.....that's what makes you a Liberal.

Watch this:

In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'
He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

FDR replied:
"Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Either he was mentally challenged.......or in love with 'Uncle Joe.'

Or both.

I have sooooo much fun destroying you......don't ever change.
Note that nowhere in this mess of cut and paste is there any evidence, not a speck, that Wallace was a communist. He was a liberal and progressive, too liberal and progressive for rank and file Democrats, but communist, never. He left the Democratic party to run for President in '48 and received the communist party endorsement, but that did not make him a communist. What he was was an integrationist long before integration was considered feasible. He campaigned in the south with negros on his staff and that is what brought him his unpopularity.
Again, note that the OP has not shown a shred of evidence that Wallace was an actual communist.
Also of note, FDR did not live long enough to see the end of the war or enter into negotiations and terms with Stalin about Eastern Europe. There is no way to predict how he would have negotiated with Stalin or how the end result of WWII would have looked if FDR had lived.
In the end, the OP has nothing more than a biased opinion based on speculation. All that challenge about FDR's VP being a communist amounts to nothing.
I wonder if Chic really believes her own posts? Seems she just writes to rile people up, so she politically labels people and creates her own history and because its so easy to refute her posts, we respond.
I thought the commies were leftists

Now you have both sides of the political spectrum being left?

In the alternative reality of the walking braindead everyone who doesn't worship Ann Coulter/Ayn Rand and their warped ideology is a commie/nazi/liberal. Socialism was popular so Hitler thought it was a good idea to put "socialist" in the name of his party to fool the people into thinking he had the same ideas. That means he was a leftie, just like North Korea is actually a peoples republic.

Doesn't matter that the nazis killed communists and threw union leaders, socialists and other assorted lefties into concentration camps or that all the rich capitalists supported him (Thyssen, Krupp, Ford etc.), Adolph was still a socialist.

I wonder if Chic really believes her own posts? Seems she just writes to rile people up, so she politically labels people and creates her own history and because its so easy to refute her posts, we respond.
That is the essence of PC

Watch me piss off the liberals today....giggle.....giggle
That is the essence of PC

Watch me piss off the liberals today....giggle.....giggle

Well, she certainly makes me giggle....

I discovered years ago that rightwing cultists are mentally challenged but the PC variant is in a class of her own

No need to get upset, just relax and enjoy the show


That is the essence of PC

Watch me piss off the liberals today....giggle.....giggle

Well, she certainly makes me giggle....

I discovered years ago that rightwing cultists are mentally challenged but the PC variant is in a class of her own

No need to get upset, just relax and enjoy the show


The problem with PC is not that she tries to piss off liberals, but she bores them to death with tedious cut and pastes
And again.....more proof that I have wounded you......terminally?.....with the truth that I have provided.


Stalin taught Leftist to claim any who speak the truth about Leftists, like you, scream that they are fascists and Nazis.

And sure enough......your post.

"More broadly, fascism may be defined as any totalitarian regime which does not aim at the nationalization of industry but preserves at least nominal private property.The term can even be extended to any dictatorship that has become unfashionable among intellectuals.....

" Middle-class Americans,educated enough to understand that it's uncouth to say anything against Communism, call if "fascism."]

When the Soviet Union and People's China had a falling out in the 1960s, they each promptly discovered that the other fraternal socialist country was not merely capitalist but "fascist."

At the most vulgar level,"fascist" is a handy swear-word for such hated figures as Rush Limbaugh or John Ashcroft who, whatever their faults, are as remote from historical Fascism as anyone in public life today."


The Mystery of Fascism

by David Ramsay Steele
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Gotcha again, huh?

Hence, your slander "Frau Braun"
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Yes.....America will still accept nazi sympathizers

Nazis were Leftists....you know, like you.

Here.....let me help:
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der NationalsozialistischeDeutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands."
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

Don't you wish you had the education that I have?

See....that lack is why you have to lie.
I thought the commies were leftists

Now you have both sides of the political spectrum being left?

1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459 against (chiefly) Speaker William Bankhead (actress Tallulah Bankhead’s father). Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech.

It is fair to say that the nomination of Wallace was rivaled only by the appointments of Stalin-bootlicker Joseph Davies as ambassador to Moscow; of fascist sympathizer, appeaser, and defeatist Joseph P. Kennedy to the London embassy; and of anti-Semite Breckinridge Long as under secretary of state for immigration and refugees, as the most disastrous appointment of Roosevelt’s four terms as president.

J. Edgar Hoover warned Roosevelt that Wallace was friendly with Communists in Hollywood and had inappropriate connections with overseas Communists, including in the Soviet Union.

He was reviled as a Communist dupe by H. L. Mencken, Dorothy Parker, and even perennial Socialist-party presidential candidate Norman Thomas. He won only 2.4 percent of the vote and did not influence the outcome of the election, a narrow victory by President Truman and Kentucky senator (and Senate majority leader) Alben W. Barkley over Republicans Thomas E. Dewey, governor of New York, and Governor Earl Warren of California."
Read more at: The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Soooooo........I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?
Frau Braun....your Nazi sympathies are well known

Second lie?
Unlike you....I'm an American.

First lie is your avi, of course, Leftwinger.

When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....you sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Yes.....America will still accept nazi sympathizers

Nazis were Leftists....you know, like you.

Here.....let me help:
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der NationalsozialistischeDeutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands."
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

Don't you wish you had the education that I have?

See....that lack is why you have to lie.
I thought the commies were leftists

Now you have both sides of the political spectrum being left?

1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459 against (chiefly) Speaker William Bankhead (actress Tallulah Bankhead’s father). Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech.

It is fair to say that the nomination of Wallace was rivaled only by the appointments of Stalin-bootlicker Joseph Davies as ambassador to Moscow; of fascist sympathizer, appeaser, and defeatist Joseph P. Kennedy to the London embassy; and of anti-Semite Breckinridge Long as under secretary of state for immigration and refugees, as the most disastrous appointment of Roosevelt’s four terms as president.

J. Edgar Hoover warned Roosevelt that Wallace was friendly with Communists in Hollywood and had inappropriate connections with overseas Communists, including in the Soviet Union.

He was reviled as a Communist dupe by H. L. Mencken, Dorothy Parker, and even perennial Socialist-party presidential candidate Norman Thomas. He won only 2.4 percent of the vote and did not influence the outcome of the election, a narrow victory by President Truman and Kentucky senator (and Senate majority leader) Alben W. Barkley over Republicans Thomas E. Dewey, governor of New York, and Governor Earl Warren of California."
Read more at: The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Soooooo........I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Again you fail to explain how both Nazis and Commies can both be on the left
Soooooo........I wonder if you'd care to explain why Franklin Roosevelt demanded that the Democrat Party put a communists on as his vice-president, or he would refuse to run for a second term?

Why are you so upset about that, is it illegal to be a communist in the homeland?


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