What if she didn't have a gun?

Guy, if you bring intelligent arguments to the table, I'll be happy to address them.

If you are going to spew a lot of NRA propaganda because you are compensating for a tiny penis, not so much.

All I have presented is logic.

Stricter gun regulation beyond what we have now is illogical because it simply does not work. You can't disappear all of the guns in the United States - they're here to stay. Criminals - time and time again - have demonstrated themselves to be criminals (crazy, isn't it?) and have illegally gotten their hands on guns.

If they have guns, I want guns too. It's that simple.

And I want to add that your insults are childish and further strengthen my case that you lack a great deal of basic intelligence. If you want to debate with the big boys, then grow up.


GUy, it's hard tot ake you seriously when you regurgitate stuff from Gun Nut Websites and then think you've made an argument.

Most murder victims KNOW their killers. "Criminals" aren't really the problem. Easy access to guns turning that argument over who ate the last breakfast sausage into a tragedy is.
Guy, if you bring intelligent arguments to the table, I'll be happy to address them.

If you are going to spew a lot of NRA propaganda because you are compensating for a tiny penis, not so much.

All I have presented is logic.

Stricter gun regulation beyond what we have now is illogical because it simply does not work. You can't disappear all of the guns in the United States - they're here to stay. Criminals - time and time again - have demonstrated themselves to be criminals (crazy, isn't it?) and have illegally gotten their hands on guns.

If they have guns, I want guns too. It's that simple.

And I want to add that your insults are childish and further strengthen my case that you lack a great deal of basic intelligence. If you want to debate with the big boys, then grow up.


GUy, it's hard tot ake you seriously when you regurgitate stuff from Gun Nut Websites and then think you've made an argument.

Most murder victims KNOW their killers. "Criminals" aren't really the problem. Easy access to guns turning that argument over who ate the last breakfast sausage into a tragedy is.

Yeah, know them meaning they met them at least once.

Try buying a gun tomorrow and tell me how easy it was.

Do it.

Chicken Shit.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnKIDyg7GjA]GA State Sen - More murders with hammers than guns - YouTube[/ame]
GUy, it's hard tot ake you seriously when you regurgitate stuff from Gun Nut Websites and then think you've made an argument.

Most murder victims KNOW their killers. "Criminals" aren't really the problem. Easy access to guns turning that argument over who ate the last breakfast sausage into a tragedy is.

Anyone who shoots anyone in a way that is not self defense IS a criminal. Criminals ARE most definitely the problem, guy.
GUy, it's hard tot ake you seriously when you regurgitate stuff from Gun Nut Websites and then think you've made an argument.

Most murder victims KNOW their killers. "Criminals" aren't really the problem. Easy access to guns turning that argument over who ate the last breakfast sausage into a tragedy is.

Anyone who shoots anyone in a way that is not self defense IS a criminal. Criminals ARE most definitely the problem, guy.

Wow, that's fucking retarded reasoning.

So Scenario A.

Bob gets into a fight with his brother in law Mike over who ate the last breakfast sausage. Mike smacks Bob in the mouth. Bob punches Mike back. Cooler heads prevail.

Scenario B.

Bob gets into a fight with his brother in law Mike over who ate the last breakfast sausage. Mike smacks Bob in the mouth. Bob Pulls out his gun and shoots Mike a couple times.


Okay, I'm guess a Scenario where Bob didn't have a gun wouldn't have made BOb a criminal, then.

Let's take away all the guns. Problem solved.
Yes, but are they prevalent in murders? You'd have to show the stats.

Well most handguns are hi cap so it's easy to figure. I'm sure I could get stats if you insist.

But I mean, here are the problems:

1.) What do you define as "high capacity", and is the capacity the reason the gun is successfully murdering people?
2.) How are you going to "pull" all of the high capacity handguns out of circulation?
3.) Will the ban have any effect on criminals?

Unfortunately, I don't think you could just straight ban them. I think you'd have to ban the sale and manufacture of them. It will take years for it to really be effective, but it's a step in the right direction. I think 6 should be the maximum capacity. Given studies show defense involves 2-3 shots, that would be plenty. That said it might have to go back to 10 since that is what it was limited to before, so we know it can be done. Either would be much better than what we have now. This would save lives. Criminals would have less shots to fire before reloading. This would save lives including those they aren't aiming at. All the time you hear about some child in their bed getting hit by a stray bullet during a drive by. Less shots fired mean fewer stray bullets. Also the mass shooters would be slowed.
It's a simple fact that more people are killed with bare hands than rifles.

You can deny it all you want but less than 1% of all gun murders are mass shootings.

So why do you waste your time on less than 1% when 80% of gun murders are shown to be gang related?

That's why guns should be registered and all sales require a background check.

All sales do.

I think doing something about the causes of hate in this country would bear more fruit than registering a gun. It still could go off in somebody's general direction.

No they don't. If I sell you a gun there is no background check. That's a huge loophole.
No, but that's the only one that counts for this discussion.

INcidently, if murder is down, probably everything else is, too.

Yeah it doesn't matter if people get beaten or raped as long as they're not killed right?

Better to have people be defenseless as it makes more work for the cops and that's good for the economy.

NO, it shouldn't count because different countries have different definitions of "assault' and "rape". THis is how your Gun Nut websites come up with laughable statistics about how there's more "crime" in other countries in the Anglosphere, when really, their crime rates are lower.

Murder, on the other hand, is a nice easy one to define. Someone's dead.

Funny how you say that when the UK defines a death as murder only if there is a conviction.

Seems to me there are different definitions of murder in other countries too.

I wonder what the US murder rate would be if we only counted convictions as murders.

The simple reality is that people are violent. People always will be violent. There will always be murder. There will always be criminals.

Denial of these simple facts is fine as long as you live with the consequences but that is your choice to make for yourself you have no right to make choices for anyone else.

Funny how you say that when the UK defines a death as murder only if there is a conviction.

No, it doesn't. It only removes statistics from murder if there is a finding of self-defense. Unsolved murders and murders cases that end without a conviction (because they didn't prove the accussed did it) are still counted as "murder".

The simple reality is that people are violent. People always will be violent. There will always be murder. There will always be criminals.

Denial of these simple facts is fine as long as you live with the consequences but that is your choice to make for yourself you have no right to make choices for anyone else.

If I had gotten hit by a bullet fired into the Condo Parking Lot, when my idiot neighbor was trying his "dry run" for his suicide, exactly how is that "my choice".

If I send my kids off to Sandy Hook and some lunatic breaks into the school and starts randomly shooting people because his mother decided to arm the house like the fucking Zombie Apocolypse is coming, how is that "my choice"?

I'm still living with the "consequences" ofa gun industry intent on selling fear and taking no "consequences" when they sell guns to people who have no business having them.

Funny how you say that when the UK defines a death as murder only if there is a conviction.

No, it doesn't. It only removes statistics from murder if there is a finding of self-defense. Unsolved murders and murders cases that end without a conviction (because they didn't prove the accussed did it) are still counted as "murder".
House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction

The simple reality is that people are violent. People always will be violent. There will always be murder. There will always be criminals.

Denial of these simple facts is fine as long as you live with the consequences but that is your choice to make for yourself you have no right to make choices for anyone else.

If I had gotten hit by a bullet fired into the Condo Parking Lot, when my idiot neighbor was trying his "dry run" for his suicide, exactly how is that "my choice".

If I send my kids off to Sandy Hook and some lunatic breaks into the school and starts randomly shooting people because his mother decided to arm the house like the fucking Zombie Apocolypse is coming, how is that "my choice"?

I'm still living with the "consequences" ofa gun industry intent on selling fear and taking no "consequences" when they sell guns to people who have no business having them.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

And sorry but you're the one living in fear not me. People owning guns doesn't scare me like it does you..
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If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

And sorry but you're the one living in fear not me. People owning gins doesn't scare me like it does you..

NO, guy, it isn't fear. It's valid concern. WHen a bunch of guys with small peckers are talking constantly about how they want to shoot minorities, government officials and people who disagree with them, we should all be concerned about these nuts.

On the UK, and how they count murders...

Dispelling The Myth | Why The United Kingdom IS NOT More Violent Than The United States

A common point raised in the debate is the assumption the UK reports homicides only after court findings, and thus does not include unsolved murders, while the US reports homicides before court findings. This assumption is incorrect. Statistical data recorded in the UK in the form of PRC (police recorded crime) includes homicides as reported by the police and also takes into account unsolved homicides. (HFOIV, page 16, paragraph 5 and 6.)

Also, not that many murders in the UK are "unsolved".

Rate of unsolved murders doubles in decade - Telegraph

There have been 564 unsolved murders across the country in the past 10 years, with the majority occurring in urban areas. The Metropolitan Police Force area covering London accounts for 269. Greater Manchester Police is next with 41 unsolved murders, followed by the West Midlands with 30 and West Yorkshire with 20.

By way of comparison...

Report Shows High Number of Unsolved Murders in U.S. - 8 News NOW

LAS VEGAS- Each year 6,000 killers get away with murder in America. That's according to a study of FBI records. The study found the rate of solved homicides since 1980 nationwide is 63%. In Clark County, the rate is 57%.

Hmmm...6000 unsolved murders a year vs. an average of 56 unsolved murders a year?


Naw, we don't have a crime problem.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

And sorry but you're the one living in fear not me. People owning gins doesn't scare me like it does you..

NO, guy, it isn't fear. It's valid concern. WHen a bunch of guys with small peckers are talking constantly about how they want to shoot minorities, government officials and people who disagree with them, we should all be concerned about these nuts.

On the UK, and how they count murders...

Dispelling The Myth | Why The United Kingdom IS NOT More Violent Than The United States

A common point raised in the debate is the assumption the UK reports homicides only after court findings, and thus does not include unsolved murders, while the US reports homicides before court findings. This assumption is incorrect. Statistical data recorded in the UK in the form of PRC (police recorded crime) includes homicides as reported by the police and also takes into account unsolved homicides. (HFOIV, page 16, paragraph 5 and 6.)

Also, not that many murders in the UK are "unsolved".

Rate of unsolved murders doubles in decade - Telegraph

There have been 564 unsolved murders across the country in the past 10 years, with the majority occurring in urban areas. The Metropolitan Police Force area covering London accounts for 269. Greater Manchester Police is next with 41 unsolved murders, followed by the West Midlands with 30 and West Yorkshire with 20.

By way of comparison...

Report Shows High Number of Unsolved Murders in U.S. - 8 News NOW

LAS VEGAS- Each year 6,000 killers get away with murder in America. That's according to a study of FBI records. The study found the rate of solved homicides since 1980 nationwide is 63%. In Clark County, the rate is 57%.

Hmmm...6000 unsolved murders a year vs. an average of 56 unsolved murders a year?


Naw, we don't have a crime problem.

Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

And sorry but you're the one living in fear not me. People owning gins doesn't scare me like it does you..

NO, guy, it isn't fear. It's valid concern. WHen a bunch of guys with small peckers are talking constantly about how they want to shoot minorities, government officials and people who disagree with them, we should all be concerned about these nuts.

On the UK, and how they count murders...

Dispelling The Myth | Why The United Kingdom IS NOT More Violent Than The United States

Also, not that many murders in the UK are "unsolved".

Rate of unsolved murders doubles in decade - Telegraph

By way of comparison...

Report Shows High Number of Unsolved Murders in U.S. - 8 News NOW

LAS VEGAS- Each year 6,000 killers get away with murder in America. That's according to a study of FBI records. The study found the rate of solved homicides since 1980 nationwide is 63%. In Clark County, the rate is 57%.

Hmmm...6000 unsolved murders a year vs. an average of 56 unsolved murders a year?


Naw, we don't have a crime problem.

Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

But it does happen. Lots of people are shot. Most the gun nut arguments do not. We need to defend ourselves from tyranny? A gang of 10 thugs breaks into your house? What if the world collapses? Zombie apocalypse? This paranoia of things that will never happen keeps us from having laws that would actually save lives.
NO, guy, it isn't fear. It's valid concern. WHen a bunch of guys with small peckers are talking constantly about how they want to shoot minorities, government officials and people who disagree with them, we should all be concerned about these nuts.

On the UK, and how they count murders...

Dispelling The Myth | Why The United Kingdom IS NOT More Violent Than The United States

Also, not that many murders in the UK are "unsolved".

Rate of unsolved murders doubles in decade - Telegraph

By way of comparison...

Report Shows High Number of Unsolved Murders in U.S. - 8 News NOW

Hmmm...6000 unsolved murders a year vs. an average of 56 unsolved murders a year?


Naw, we don't have a crime problem.

Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

But it does happen. Lots of people are shot. Most the gun nut arguments do not. We need to defend ourselves from tyranny? A gang of 10 thugs breaks into your house? What if the world collapses? Zombie apocalypse? This paranoia of things that will never happen keeps us from having laws that would actually save lives.

I own quite a # of firearms. Not one single one of them do I own for protection. I love firearms, I love shooting them, taking them apart, displaying them.

However, I have no problem with anyone purchasing firearms for protection. Just like the woman in the story I posted. She is quite happy this morning that she bought her gun and took the time to be trained.

If up to many liberals like Joey, she would not have been allowed to own it in the first place.
Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

But it does happen. Lots of people are shot. Most the gun nut arguments do not. We need to defend ourselves from tyranny? A gang of 10 thugs breaks into your house? What if the world collapses? Zombie apocalypse? This paranoia of things that will never happen keeps us from having laws that would actually save lives.

I own quite a # of firearms. Not one single one of them do I own for protection. I love firearms, I love shooting them, taking them apart, displaying them.

However, I have no problem with anyone purchasing firearms for protection. Just like the woman in the story I posted. She is quite happy this morning that she bought her gun and took the time to be trained.

If up to many liberals like Joey, she would not have been allowed to own it in the first place.

Well why fight things like gun registration, background checks for all sales, and magazine capacity limits? None of those would keep her from having her gun. We need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people. All our shootings are proof of that.

Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

The odds of being involved in a violent situation with a lot of things are rare, but we still take sensible precautions against them.

Only 7 people died of poisoning in the Tylanol Incident back in the 1980's, but now ALL over the counter medications have tamper-proof packaging on them. That's right. They identified a potential risk (crazy people poisoning medicine) and took precautions. Imagine that!!!!

Not the gun industry, though. Nope, the Gun Industry blocks research into gun violence and opposes a Surgeon General nominee because he thinks guns are a health issue when they cause 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries a year!

I own quite a # of firearms. Not one single one of them do I own for protection. I love firearms, I love shooting them, taking them apart, displaying them.

However, I have no problem with anyone purchasing firearms for protection. Just like the woman in the story I posted. She is quite happy this morning that she bought her gun and took the time to be trained.

If up to many liberals like Joey, she would not have been allowed to own it in the first place.

Yes, clearly being able to threaten your jilted boyfriend is a good reason to have 300 million murder machines all over hte country. More than makes up for the 100K deaths and injuries they cause every year.
But it does happen. Lots of people are shot. Most the gun nut arguments do not. We need to defend ourselves from tyranny? A gang of 10 thugs breaks into your house? What if the world collapses? Zombie apocalypse? This paranoia of things that will never happen keeps us from having laws that would actually save lives.

I own quite a # of firearms. Not one single one of them do I own for protection. I love firearms, I love shooting them, taking them apart, displaying them.

However, I have no problem with anyone purchasing firearms for protection. Just like the woman in the story I posted. She is quite happy this morning that she bought her gun and took the time to be trained.

If up to many liberals like Joey, she would not have been allowed to own it in the first place.

Well why fight things like gun registration, background checks for all sales, and magazine capacity limits? None of those would keep her from having her gun. We need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people. All our shootings are proof of that.

It's the same thing with abortion. The pro-side is afraid to allow any restrictions for fear that their rights will eventually be eroded away.
NO, guy, it isn't fear. It's valid concern. WHen a bunch of guys with small peckers are talking constantly about how they want to shoot minorities, government officials and people who disagree with them, we should all be concerned about these nuts.

On the UK, and how they count murders...

Dispelling The Myth | Why The United Kingdom IS NOT More Violent Than The United States

Also, not that many murders in the UK are "unsolved".

Rate of unsolved murders doubles in decade - Telegraph

By way of comparison...

Report Shows High Number of Unsolved Murders in U.S. - 8 News NOW

Hmmm...6000 unsolved murders a year vs. an average of 56 unsolved murders a year?


Naw, we don't have a crime problem.

Yeah it is fear. Your odds of being involved in a violent situation with a gun is very rare.
It is irrational and illogical fear. Grow a pair.

But it does happen. Lots of people are shot. Most the gun nut arguments do not. We need to defend ourselves from tyranny? A gang of 10 thugs breaks into your house? What if the world collapses? Zombie apocalypse? This paranoia of things that will never happen keeps us from having laws that would actually save lives.
Lots of people protect themselves and their families with guns as well.

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