What if the economy recovers

So the Housing experts are predicting a better hosuing market, consumers are starting to spend and the CEOs are talking of hiring.

You have all said it wont change your vote one way or the other.

You now have no reason to hope our country has economic failure.

Can we all get on board for not trashing the economy to keep consumer confidence down?

I find it funny how you ignore reality and do and believe as your told.

Then when you finally have a moment of clarity you blame it all on racism.

Progressiveism is certainly a mental disorder.
"Between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, homes are projected to increase by an average of 2.7 percent, with gains in 365 out of 384 metro areas," Fiserv said in a press release.

will it change who you vote for?

I heard housing prices will fall to 1998 levels, so, live in hope, die in despair.

It would be very easy to get this economy growing at 5 or even up to 9%

Just end the war on capitalism, screw the debt, its the regulations OBama is enacting that are killing the recovery.

How can you have a war on capitalism and expect the economy to do well?

Please explain thank you in advance.

There is no war on caplitalism, that is just right wing talking points
So the Housing experts are predicting a better hosuing market, consumers are starting to spend and the CEOs are talking of hiring.

You have all said it wont change your vote one way or the other.

You now have no reason to hope our country has economic failure.

Can we all get on board for not trashing the economy to keep consumer confidence down?

I find it funny how you ignore reality and do and believe as your told.

Then when you finally have a moment of clarity you blame it all on racism.

Progressiveism is certainly a mental disorder.

You are so filled with hate of your fellow Americans you are not even making any sense
"Between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, homes are projected to increase by an average of 2.7 percent, with gains in 365 out of 384 metro areas," Fiserv said in a press release.

will it change who you vote for?

I heard housing prices will fall to 1998 levels, so, live in hope, die in despair.

It would be very easy to get this economy growing at 5 or even up to 9%

Just end the war on capitalism, screw the debt, its the regulations OBama is enacting that are killing the recovery.

How can you have a war on capitalism and expect the economy to do well?

Please explain thank you in advance.

There is no war on caplitalism, that is just right wing talking points
Tell that to the people out of work due to policies of Statists trying to control everything and run companies out of business.

Oh? And put down that bong already?
Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

"Between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, homes are projected to increase by an average of 2.7 percent, with gains in 365 out of 384 metro areas," Fiserv said in a press release.

will it change who you vote for?

I heard housing prices will fall to 1998 levels, so, live in hope, die in despair.

It would be very easy to get this economy growing at 5 or even up to 9%

Just end the war on capitalism, screw the debt, its the regulations OBama is enacting that are killing the recovery.

How can you have a war on capitalism and expect the economy to do well?

Please explain thank you in advance.

There is no war on caplitalism, that is just right wing talking points

And there are no Americans hoping for the demise of America. Those are only left wing talking points, idiot.

Would it change who you vote for?

If it in stead, gets worse, will it change who you vote for?

As for me, no, but that has little to do with housing prices.

Is that a serious question?


It's a serious question, but I did not expect a serious, or even coherent answer. She is without a doubt, the most partisan poster here. Her hero could rape Michelle Bachmann and TDM would still vote for him and blame Bachmann to boot.
Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

Now Americans want our economy destroyed?

Hey dummy - 5 years ago I said democrats were going to destroy the economy with their policies....

Everyone called me a nut then... Even these "good republicans" told me to put my tinfoil hat back on.....
If it in stead, gets worse, will it change who you vote for?

As for me, no, but that has little to do with housing prices.

Is that a serious question?


It's a serious question, but I did not expect a serious, or even coherent answer. She is without a doubt, the most partisan poster here. Her hero could rape Michelle Bachmann and TDM would still vote for him and blame Bachmann to boot.

I think she would much prefer rape and murder.

Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

Now Americans want our economy destroyed?

Hey dummy - 5 years ago I said democrats were going to destroy the economy with their policies....

Everyone called me a nut then... Even these "good republicans" told me to put my tinfoil hat back on.....

You're still a nut. ;) Even nuts are sometimes correct. :eusa_whistle:

Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

No one is wishing any such thing. Sane people can see that obama and the Democrats as the reason for our piss poor economy and will see that any improvement didn't happen until the adults took back the House.
funny how I am producing fact after fact and you are merely calling me names.

Can you accept the fact that this economy is on the verge of a recovery and the main element missing is consumer confidence?
You have all been trashing any of these facts I have been posting about it for at least a month now.

At what point will you stop pretending things are not getting better?
Yes it does horty.

I am tired of hearing Americans wish for our economic demise.

I have not heard one person wish for our economic demise! What people wanted was for obama to STOP SPENDING! And the only way that was going to be done was for the republicans to put a stop to it. Most people i know did not want the debt ceiling raised! It was a huge waste of time for congress and O to argue for as long as they did about it, since O wasn't going to agree to anything anyway. The right wanted a larger cut in spending, and so did S & P, and S & P are the ones that count.

I don't see there being any big improvement in anything between now and November 2012. We will need to get our credit rating back to AAA, and that's going to be a tough job for obama. Things are not going to get better until that happens.

If miraculously everything starts getting better (that means housing, gas prices, food prices, jobs...) I'd be thrilled, but i still wouldn't vote for Obama. He will not be the one that makes it happen.
funny how I am producing fact after fact and you are merely calling me names.

Can you accept the fact that this economy is on the verge of a recovery and the main element missing is consumer confidence?

You are regurgitating talking points and hypotheticals. Consumer confidence is a reaction to a healthy economy. It is low because the economy is being manages by barack obama.
funny how I am producing fact after fact and you are merely calling me names.

Can you accept the fact that this economy is on the verge of a recovery and the main element missing is consumer confidence?

We've been hearing this for 2 years, why should we believe it now?

You are not telling the truth.

You have never heard these numbers until they came out which is recently

Did you read the article even the first paragraph?:

Industrial production increased by 0.2% in June after edging down by a revised 0.1% in May. Initially, May output had been estimated to have gained 0.1%. Also, April's figure, which had originally been estimated as being unchanged, was also revised downward to show a drop of 0.1%. These back-to-back downward revisions clearly take some of the luster off of the latest month's slightly-better-than-expected industrial performance.

Here is an idea, maybe you should try reading your articles first!

Why should we trust the .2% numbers when the track record shows downward revisions at every step of the way?

More from your article:

Importantly, and perhaps most telling, there was just a flat reading in manufacturing output. This is the largest of the three categories and the most critical by far.

Further, there was no increase in capacity utilization at the nation's factories in June, with such usage holding steady at 76.7%. Actually, capacity use has gone nowhere this year, having started 2011 out at a rate of 76.9% in January.

Perhaps reading more than the article title will serve you well?

Expect TDM to disappear soon.

funny how I am producing fact after fact and you are merely calling me names.

Can you accept the fact that this economy is on the verge of a recovery and the main element missing is consumer confidence?

I can accept that there is no consumer confidence in your leader.

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