What if the elites are wrong, and Trump represents good piece of the electorate?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
That's basically the topic of this op ed.

What Donald Trump gets about the electorate

"By my count of National Election Studies (NES) data, 24 percent of the US population holds this position (increase Social Security, decrease immigration). If we add in the folks who want to maintain (not cut) Social Security and decrease immigration, we are now at 40 percent of the total electorate, which I'll call "populist." No wonder folks are flocking to Trump — and to Bernie Sanders, who holds similar positions, though with more emphasis on the expanding Social Security part and less aggression on immigration."

If that's true, then "traditional" gop policies are losers. Not to mention that a supermajority believe the econ system is rigged to favor the very wealthy.
I believe it has more to do with how americans are tired of the lies spewed by the politicos. That's why we're seeing record numbers watching the sanders and trump show.
I believe it has more to do with how americans are tired of the lies spewed by the politicos. That's why we're seeing record numbers watching the sanders and trump show.

That might be it. Or maybe people realize on a subconscious level that it is way way to early for all this, and are just selecting "whoever" when asked by pollsters.
I believe it has more to do with how americans are tired of the lies spewed by the politicos. That's why we're seeing record numbers watching the sanders and trump show.

That might be it. Or maybe people realize on a subconscious level that it is way way to early for all this, and are just selecting "whoever" when asked by pollsters.

You're probably right. Eventually, we'll probably see the worst: jeb vs the hil, as we always do. People flirt and then go back.
I believe it has more to do with how americans are tired of the lies spewed by the politicos. That's why we're seeing record numbers watching the sanders and trump show.

That might be it. Or maybe people realize on a subconscious level that it is way way to early for all this, and are just selecting "whoever" when asked by pollsters.

You're probably right. Eventually, we'll probably see the worst: jeb vs the hil, as we always do. People flirt and then go back.

God I hope not. What sucks is the mid range Republicans are being swept over by all the TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP stuff going on.

I started off as a Walker guy, and haven't seen anything to make me change, but he is getting zero exposure, and that isn't good for a guy from the midwest.
Certainly the dems are further left than they were when Slick first ran. So, I think that partially explains Sanders.

But, the gop seems a little different to me. Until I read the Vox piece, I'd never considered the social security angle, but it's true that more people support expanding soc sec than support cutting it. I just never tied Trump into that. But, there isn't any popular support for more supply side tax cuts. And, I'm hard pressed to think of any potus who so disappointed the people who voted for him more so than W. I certainly was. His best defense is "Obama's worse." That's not very effective when people who voted for W certainly didn't vote for Obama. For the GOP, that's still the elephant (-: in the room.

I'm ok with Kasich, but nobody else running wants to benefit my interests. I'm all for limiting immigration, though I think there's a hateful element to Trump's rhetoric. But his five point plan doesn't look bad to me.

I fixed the thread title for you, The elites are wrong, and Trump represents good piece of the electorate!
The NWO puppet Elites will do everything in their power to destroy Trump. Him and Rand Paul don't toe the NWO Globalist Elite line. That makes them targets. So look for some stupid Media hack-jobs like how one time he said some very 'mean things' to a woman or minority. They're planning all the set-ups right now. But hopefully Trump will persevere. He's the only one facing the issues head-on. He's a leader.
I believe it has more to do with how americans are tired of the lies spewed by the politicos. That's why we're seeing record numbers watching the sanders and trump show.

Agreed, their lies and their incompetence. $18 trillion in debt. Illegals pour across our borders by the millions and we have to foot the bill. Trade deals that screw over American workers. Our representatives are bought and paid for by lobbyist. Thousands of insane regulations that destroy jobs.

DC is a corrupt pile of steaming shit.
Next phase for the Elites, plant some smear stories in the corrupt Government/Corporate Media to hit Trump. The old 'One time Trump was mean to a woman and minority' stories should be popping any day now. Or how he just hates cute lil puppy dogs and sweet ole Grandmas. They'll try anything to end Trump's run. We'll see if Trump can take the hits and keep on rolling. Stay tuned.
The Clinton/Trump plan is for Trump to represent a good part of the electorate. The Clinton's and the Trump's have been long time friends for Decades. Their daughters are BEST FRIENDS. That was all over Politico yesterday. Bill Clinton calls Trump just prior to him announcing--Com on---get a CLUE. Perot took away from Bush 19% of the electorate or 19 million votes--and Bill Clinton walked into the oval office. This is just round 2 of what happened in the Bush 1 versus Clinton election cycle
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Trump has no intention of becoming the next President, he's just here to help Hillary get elected. They're good friends--and he'll do everything he can to make certain that happens, including pissing off the millions of legal voting Latino's in this country--making certain that they go in Hillary's column.

Then he'll drop out of the race very close to the election--say--bye-bye--typically after the ballots have been written to insure that Hillary is elected, just like Ross Perot did.

But he has become real popular in Mexico. This is the #1 Pinanta sale:


This one is full of candy--not B.S.
I don't know if Trump represent that much of the electorate of America.
He's turned off most women according to every poll. Also, his historical approach to the working class wouldn't give comfort to the working class as he is part of the problem when it comes to inequality.
I think the inequality thing is going to be a mAjor issue in 2016, thanks to Sanders (look at the crowds he is getting, even in Red States).
The Clinton/Trump plan is for Trump to represent a good part of the electorate. The Clinton's and the Trump's have been long time friends for Decades. Their daughters are BEST FRIENDS. That was all over Politico yesterday. Bill Clinton calls Trump just prior to him announcing--Com on---get a CLUE. Perot took away from Bush 19% of the electorate or 19 million votes--and Bill Clinton walked into the oval office. This is just round 2 of what happened in the Bush 1 versus Clinton election cycle
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Trump has no intention of becoming the next President, he's just here to help Hillary get elected. They're good friends--and he'll do everything he can to make certain that happens, including pissing off the millions of legal voting Latino's in this country--making certain that they go in Hillary's column.

Then he'll drop out of the race very close to the election--say--bye-bye--typically after the ballots have been written to insure that Hillary is elected, just like Ross Perot did.

But he has become real popular in Mexico. This is the #1 Pinanta sale:


This one is full of candy--not B.S.

What's wrong with him being unpopular in Mexico? I see that as a good thing. Mexico has been fucking Americans over for decades. It's opened its prisons and flooded our streets with brutal criminals.

Mexico is half-responsible for this awful immigration mess. It should be held accountable. It owes Americans bigtime. Kudos to Donald Trump for speaking the truth.
they are not wrong, they are right and fear that Trump diminishes the importance Fox News has on the electorate and by proxy the direction the RNC expects for the nomination as their choice Bush for victory in November.

I don't know if Trump represent that much of the electorate of America.
He's turned off most women according to every poll. Also, his historical approach to the working class wouldn't give comfort to the working class as he is part of the problem when it comes to inequality.
I think the inequality thing is going to be a mAjor issue in 2016, thanks to Sanders (look at the crowds he is getting, even in Red States).

How you guys like all the somalians that are being dumped up there to colonize?...Are they fitting in well?

All working and becoming productive citizens? LMAO...and the jewish socialist sanders will bring you some more.maybe he'll start a black lies matter chapter up there for you.....enjoy.
Oh, I'm big on limiting immargration.
You seem to one of those folks who don't believe just about every economist that uses historical facts that, yes there in inequality and it's hurting the U.S. economy.
Try to find one who disagrees with that notion and good luck!

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