What if white America just said no...

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

I'll let Alexis de Toqueville stomp on your crank for me:

"It is important to make an accurate distinction between slavery itself and its consequences. The immediate evils produced by slavery were very nearly the same in antiquity as they are among the moderns, but the consequences of these evils were different. The slave among the ancients belonged to the same race as his master, and was often the superior of the two in education and intelligence. Freedom was the only distinction between them; and when freedom was conferred, they were easily confounded together. The ancients, then, had a very simple means of ridding themselves of slavery and its consequences: that of enfranchisement; and they succeeded as soon as they adopted this measure generally. Not but that in ancient states the vestiges of servitude subsisted for some time after servitude itself was abolished. There is a natural prejudice that prompts men to despise whoever has been their inferior long after he has become their equal; and the real inequality that is produced by fortune or by law is always succeeded by an imaginary inequality that is implanted in the manners of the people. But among the ancients this secondary consequence of slavery had a natural limit; for the freedman bore so entire a resemblance to those born free that it soon became impossible to distinguish him from them.

"The greatest difficulty in antiquity was that of altering the law; among the moderns it is that of altering the customs, and as far as we are concerned, the real obstacles begin where those of the ancients left off. This arises from the circumstance that among the moderns the abstract and transient fact of slavery is fatally united with the physical and permanent fact of color. The tradition of slavery dishonors the race, and the peculiarity of the race perpetuates the tradition of slavery. No African has ever voluntarily emigrated to the shores of the New World, whence it follows that all the blacks who are now found there are either slaves or freedmen Thus the Negro transmits the eternal mark of his ignominy to all his descendants; and although the law may abolish slavery, God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence.

"The modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. You may set the Negro free, but you cannot make him otherwise than an alien to the European. Nor is this all we scarcely acknowledge the common features of humanity in this stranger whom slavery has brought among us. His physiog- nomy is to our eyes hideous, his understanding weak, his tastes low; and we are almost inclined to look upon him as a being intermediate between man and the brutes. The moderns, then, after they have abolished slavery, have three prejudices to contend against, which are less easy to attack and far less easy to conquer than the mere fact of servitude: the prejudice of the master, the prejudice of the race, and the prejudice of color."

Tocqueville Book I Chapter 18
…I thank God that He saw fit for me to get here. Never mind that, you know, (my ancestors) were sold… by Arabs and blacks to white folks… The ride over was pretty tough but you know, it’s like riding on a crowded airplane when you’re not in First Class. It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your desitination… I thank God that he got me here and to show my appreciation to the blacks who suffered as the result of coming here, and Arabs and blacks who sold us to the white man, the white man for going there and ge...

Jesse Lee: Slave Ships were just like riding coach

Sweet ride...

You have to give those Europeans credit for efficiency.

Wasn't slavery a European thing? With cooperation from Black warlords?

If blacks hadn't sold their black brothers, would there have been a slave trade?

If blacks had been less willing to become slaves there wouldn't have been many slaves to sell.

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

It was actually the most humane form of slavery that ever existed. But what do liberals care about facts.
Just happy *******, singin' songs down on the old totally humane plantation eh? Why, that's what the ******* need now, right Adolf?

hahahahahahahaha you calling someone Adolf. I didn't say it was pleasant, I'm sure it was not, but it was the most humane form of slavery in world history.
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Destroying other people's private property is how you say no to justice?

Luddley isn't talking about destroying property. You're confusing peaceful protesting with the looters. You've just created a straw man.

This thread is not about peaceful protesting, so no, I am not creating a straw man.
Sweet ride...

You have to give those Europeans credit for efficiency.

Wasn't slavery a European thing? With cooperation from Black warlords?

If blacks hadn't sold their black brothers, would there have been a slave trade?

If blacks had been less willing to become slaves there wouldn't have been many slaves to sell.

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

It was actually the most humane form of slavery that ever existed. But what do liberals care about facts.
Just happy *******, singin' songs down on the old totally humane plantation eh? Why, that's what the ******* need now, right Adolf?

hahahahahahahaha you calling someone Adolf. I didn't say it was pleasant, I'm sure it was not not, but it was the most humane form of slavery in world history.

He's actually right and his links prove it!! All those links
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.
Those uppity niggas are burning down a city you stupid fuck. What they "say" is COMPLETELY erased by their self defeating actions.

Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Destroying other people's private property is how you say no to justice?

Luddley isn't talking about destroying property. You're confusing peaceful protesting with the looters. You've just created a straw man.


Is nitwit trying to say something?

I can never post gifs when I'm on my laptop.
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Destroying other people's private property is how you say no to justice?

Luddley isn't talking about destroying property. You're confusing peaceful protesting with the looters. You've just created a straw man.

This thread is not about peaceful protesting, so no, I am not creating a straw man.

Yes you did. You damn sure did. You equated saying no to injustice and inequality as destroying private property.
You have to give those Europeans credit for efficiency.

Wasn't slavery a European thing? With cooperation from Black warlords?

If blacks hadn't sold their black brothers, would there have been a slave trade?

If blacks had been less willing to become slaves there wouldn't have been many slaves to sell.

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

It was actually the most humane form of slavery that ever existed. But what do liberals care about facts.
Just happy *******, singin' songs down on the old totally humane plantation eh? Why, that's what the ******* need now, right Adolf?

hahahahahahahaha you calling someone Adolf. I didn't say it was pleasant, I'm sure it was not not, but it was the most humane form of slavery in world history.

He's actually right and his links prove it!! All those links

what are you babbling about?
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral
Your boy Jesse Peterson believes you should not have the right to vote, Sass. After reading many of your posts, I am inclined to agree...
Sweet ride...

You have to give those Europeans credit for efficiency.

Wasn't slavery a European thing? With cooperation from Black warlords?

If blacks hadn't sold their black brothers, would there have been a slave trade?

If blacks had been less willing to become slaves there wouldn't have been many slaves to sell.

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

It was actually the most humane form of slavery that ever existed. But what do liberals care about facts.
Just happy *******, singin' songs down on the old totally humane plantation eh? Why, that's what the ******* need now, right Adolf?

hahahahahahahaha you calling someone Adolf. I didn't say it was pleasant, I'm sure it was not, but it was the most humane form of slavery in world history.
Well, that makes it perfectly alright then. I have no idea why those stupid ******* were upset, they got free food, and jewelry?

A dream life.
Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.

It was actually the most humane form of slavery that ever existed. But what do liberals care about facts.
Just happy *******, singin' songs down on the old totally humane plantation eh? Why, that's what the ******* need now, right Adolf?

hahahahahahahaha you calling someone Adolf. I didn't say it was pleasant, I'm sure it was not not, but it was the most humane form of slavery in world history.

He's actually right and his links prove it!! All those links

what are you babbling about?

All the evidence you provided
No one is trying to down play slavery. It was cruel and horrific, Glad no one alive in America today has ever experienced such a thing.
No one is trying to down play slavery. It was cruel and horrific, Glad no one alive in America today has ever experienced such a thing.

The OP's new hero sure doesnt agree. He says it was like flying Coach.
No one is trying to down play slavery. It was cruel and horrific, Glad no one alive in America today has ever experienced such a thing.
Untrue. Modern slavery still exists, it's just not institutionalized.

And hey, look at that, you actually denounced something. Next time just stick with that and you won't sound like an apologist for evil.
…I thank God that He saw fit for me to get here. Never mind that, you know, (my ancestors) were sold… by Arabs and blacks to white folks… The ride over was pretty tough but you know, it’s like riding on a crowded airplane when you’re not in First Class. It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your desitination… I thank God that he got me here and to show my appreciation to the blacks who suffered as the result of coming here, and Arabs and blacks who sold us to the white man, the white man for going there and ge...

Jesse Lee: Slave Ships were just like riding coach

Sweet ride...

You have to give those Europeans credit for efficiency.

Wasn't slavery a European thing? With cooperation from Black warlords?

If blacks hadn't sold their black brothers, would there have been a slave trade?

If blacks had been less willing to become slaves there wouldn't have been many slaves to sell.

Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.
What if blacks said no....and they didn't come here to be sold into slavery? Oh...right...we didn't give them that right.

Yes, being slaves gives people 150 years later who don't even know the names of the long-dead slaves the right to loot and burn the property of people who never owned a slave in their lives, and probably never had a slaveowner in their family history.

As an intellectual, you have a bright future ahead of you in the janitorial arts.
No one is trying to down play slavery. It was cruel and horrific, Glad no one alive in America today has ever experienced such a thing.

The OP's new hero sure doesnt agree. He says it was like flying Coach.

Who is the OP's hero? And why should I give a fuck what he or she thinks?

Jesse Lee Peterson aka the white peoples favorite black guy. You should care because that is the guy that the OP is basing her argument on.

Also on Stormfront...the article she posted is on StormFront. They are known as intellectual people dont you know
Slavery is a human thing, sadly. Blacks and liberals like to pretend antebellum black slavery is the only slavery in the history of the world, but it's not even the worst.
It could have been the happiest most fun version of slavery around, but it's still slavery and to make such a statement without at the same time denouncing it in all forms makes you an apologist for evil.

Example: Hey, the rape wasn't so bad, we just held her down, we didn't beat her first or anything, and she was like 12, and we used lubricated condoms so she wouldn't get preggers or an STD! Yeah, doesn't work, just skip it.

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