What if white America just said no...

We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral
this is the same asshole that thinks women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Nice hero you picked.
The same pastor said SassyIrishLass shouldn't be allowed to vote. :lol:

People have views on topics, unlike a loon (such as yourself) I don't follow lockstep, I am capable of agreeing with someone's view and I am capable of disagreeing with the same individual's other views. Try it and you won't be viewed as a zombie

My point is that his saying women shouldn't vote calls his entire character into question.

By the way, I agree and disagree with both sides of the political spectrum all the time on this forum. Try reading a person's posts before forming an opinion and maybe you won't be viewed as a zombie. :thup:

Again, I agree and disagree with the man, it's not difficult to grasp...even for you
LMAO! Hitler hated commies, liberals, gays, Jews, and black people. I guess you have quite a few agreements with him.

Hitler wasn't quoted, why don't you stop embarrassing yourself, really
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

The Justice Department's investigation of Ferguson uncovered a long history of institutionalized racism.
Of course it did. What they probably dont tell you is the racist jokes were likely told by black cops.
What's the excuse in Baltimore? Racism?
And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.
Luddley said no such thing.

Ah Cruella, if only you were literate, how different your life would be...

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Again, Luddly said no such thing. Luddley was simply commenting on injustice and inequality. Idiot.

Puddly said exactly that.

This is what Puddly calls saying no to injustice;

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.
Luddley said no such thing.

Ah Cruella, if only you were literate, how different your life would be...

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Again, Luddly said no such thing. Luddley was simply commenting on injustice and inequality. Idiot.

Puddly said exactly that.

This is what Puddly calls saying no to injustice;


We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

The Justice Department's investigation of Ferguson uncovered a long history of institutionalized racism.
Of course it did. What they probably dont tell you is the racist jokes were likely told by black cops.
What's the excuse in Baltimore? Racism?

Why is Baltimore important?
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

Right... let's see...
What has been done to you has been done by your liberal "compassionate" progressives who see you as poor ignorant people that must be taken care of by the state.
It sounds like you approve of Planned Parenthood for example and the "help" in abortions.

Are you aware that this organization's founder said the following:

The entire operation [Sanger's 1939 Negro Project] then was a ruse--a manipulative attempt to get Blacks to cooperate in their own elimination.
The project was quite successful. Its genocidal intentions were carefully camouflaged beneath several layers of condescending social-service rhetoric and organizational expertise. . . Soon clinics throughout the South were distributing contraceptives to Blacks and Margaret's dream of discouraging "the defective and diseased elements of humanity' from their 'reckless and irresponsible swarming and spawning" was at last being fulfilled.

Tonight, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) proudly honored reproductive health and rights advocates who have made significant contributions to the advancement of women’s health care through their work promoting prevention and family planning, and presented its highest honor, the PPFA Margaret Sanger Award, to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Secretary Clinton received this award for her unwavering support of women’s health and rights throughout her public service career. Actor America Ferrera co-hosted the event with PPFA President Cecile Richards. - Planned Parenthood Honors Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for Her Commitment to Women s Health Care Planned Parenthood

Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints."
She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which was renamed "Planned Parenthood" in 1942.
In 1952 she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), serving as its first president until 1959.
Even today, Planned Parenthood proudly proclaims Margaret Sanger as its "visionary" founder.
The Nuremberg Files Abortion Birth Control Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood Lancaster PA Pa Abortion Clinic Birth Control Holocaust Murder Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler German Eugenics Murder Nazi Germany
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

Right... let's see...
What has been done to you has been done by your liberal "compassionate" progressives who see you as poor ignorant people that must be taken care of by the state.

I dont know how those racist voted but I know for sure they were white people. You do too, you just want to make this about "those" white people
:rofl: 100% black run? :rofl:

Racism went away? I thought it went away when Obama was elected?

Now you tell me 6 years later that was a lie?


Are you claiming that those in charge in Baltimore are NOT black? The city is 100% black run, and you know it. So what is the excuse?

Oh and racism was on the decline and fading, UNTIL fuckwad Obama started his race pimping shuck and jive. The pile of shit set race relations back at LEAST 50 years.
:rofl: 100% black run? :rofl:

Racism went away? I thought it went away when Obama was elected?

Now you tell me 6 years later that was a lie?


Are you claiming that those in charge in Baltimore are NOT black? The city is 100% black run, and you know it. So what is the excuse?

Oh and racism was on the decline and fading, UNTIL fuckwad Obama started his race pimping shuck and jive. The pile of shit set race relations back at LEAST 50 years.

Baltimore was a shit hole before 1 black person was nominated to anything. You think the shit hole disappears, the racism disappears once a black person gets in office?

The same racism still exists. Wells Fargo didnt suddenly unshark those loans that raped the city. The police dont suddenly wake up the next day realizing they should treat people fairly.

Stop being stupid.
Baltimore was a shit hole before 1 black person was nominated to anything. You think the shit hole disappears, the racism disappears once a black person gets in office?

The same racism still exists. Wells Fargo didnt suddenly unshark those loans that raped the city. The police dont suddenly wake up the next day realizing they should treat people fairly.

Stop being stupid.

You claim that all your problems, and all the problems of other blacks are because whitey is oppressing you. Yet in a black Mecca, where black people have complete control, it's worse, not better.

So obviously your excuses are complete bullshit.

Oh and, who was it that bailed all the corrupt banks out? Whitey? Or fuckwad Obama? (or both?)
Baltimore was a shit hole before 1 black person was nominated to anything. You think the shit hole disappears, the racism disappears once a black person gets in office?

The same racism still exists. Wells Fargo didnt suddenly unshark those loans that raped the city. The police dont suddenly wake up the next day realizing they should treat people fairly.

Stop being stupid.

You claim that all your problems, and all the problems of other blacks are because whitey is oppressing you. Yet in a black Mecca, where black people have complete control, it's worse, not better.

So obviously your excuses are complete bullshit.

Oh and, who was it that bailed all the corrupt banks out? Whitey? Or fuckwad Obama? (or both?)

Bush wrote them a blank check.
Bush wrote them a blank check.

Bush wrote it, but it was signed by fuckwad in Chief Obama?

Bush was a pile of shit who was more than willing to pilfer the treasury on behalf of the well connected, but no one beats that fucking puke Obama:

{Investor George Soros opposed the original Paulson plan: "Mr Paulson's proposal to purchase distressed mortgage-related securities poses a classic problem of asymmetric information. The securities are hard to value but the sellers know more about them than the buyer: in any auction process the Treasury would end up with the dregs. The proposal is also rife with latent conflict of interest issues. Unless the Treasury overpays for the securities, the scheme would not bring relief." – but calls Barack Obama's list of conditions for the plan "the right principles".[94]}

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yep, that's our Obammy - openly stealing billions from the American public to give to the owner of the democratic party, George Soros.
so you are agreeing with me?

No, English slavery had a set term and the indentured slave retained civil rights. European slavery in general was vastly more humane, It was the contact with the Muslims that changed the nature of slavery, the idea that the slave was an animal with no rights and no soul, and the ghastly idea that children were born into slavery. Christendom had long since ended chattel slavery, but that age of sale brought contact with the Arab traders who held out captured black slaves as nothing more than animals.

Slavery is a stain on our history - one which there is no excuse for, the Europeans knew better.

Indentured servants were not slaves.
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

I think I will let Clementine speak for us all about Jesse Peterson:
Good grief. Where did you find this whacko? Liberals will do their best to find some idiot and then pretend that he speaks for the entire party.

Desperation from the left on display here.

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