What is a "Progressive"?

On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?

I consider a Progressive to be someone who does the right thing/solution regardless of social mores that may be ruffled. Thats why I'm not a Democrat because they have narrow guidelines for their party plank. I take the right solution, wherever it comes from, and implement it. Therefore, there are no "central ideas" as in the :up: two major corrupt parties.

does that help?

So you're Tea Party.......

uh no :eusa_eh: Many tea partiers are SOCONs :eusa_pray:
A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.
It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.
Like calling a "HOMO" a 'gay'.
Like calling a "RETARD" 'learning challenged'.

If the true name of something is too revealing, too descriptively accurate or spot on for the liberals to advance their sick agenda, they cutesie it up, call it something else, and then bully the masses into using their new labels by intimidation, shouting down, name calling, personal attacks and insults, and then they call the whole scheme "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS," which of course itself is just another bull shit term conjured up by liberals.

FUCK political correctness, and FUCK liberals. Their stupid little name games don't change jack shit with me, and shouldn't with anyone else that has an independent, functioning brain.
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A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.
It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.
Like calling a "HOMO" a 'gay'.
Like calling a "RETARD" 'learning challenged'.

If the true name something is too revealing or spot on for the liberals to advance their sick agenda, they cutesie it up, call it something else, and then bully the masses into using their new labels by intimidation, shouting down, name calling, personal attacks and insults, and they say then call the whole scheme "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS."

FUCK political correctness, and FUCK liberals. Their stupid little name games don't change jack shit with me, and shouldn't with anyone else that has an independent, functioning brain.

It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling a RICH GUY a "job creator"
Like calling a GUN a "tool"
Like calling a RETARD a "Conservative"
A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.
It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.
Like calling a "HOMO" a 'gay'.
Like calling a "RETARD" 'learning challenged'.

If the true name something is too revealing or spot on for the liberals to advance their sick agenda, they cutesie it up, call it something else, and then bully the masses into using their new labels by intimidation, shouting down, name calling, personal attacks and insults, and they say then call the whole scheme "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS."

FUCK political correctness, and FUCK liberals. Their stupid little name games don't change jack shit with me, and shouldn't with anyone else that has an independent, functioning brain.

It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling a RICH GUY a "job creator"
Like calling a GUN a "tool"
Like calling a RETARD a "Conservative"
See... they're not even smart enough to be original. They have to copy true originality and bastardize it with their twisted garbage to DEFLECT AWAY from the truth.

Congratulations, moron, you get the mouth breather award for the day.

I know, libtard, what you'd REALLY like to do is be able to DELETE MY POST, because you leftards HATE IT when the light of truth is shined on what kind of real shit stains you fuckers are. So you do the next best thing, TRY AND DEFLECT AWAY FROM IT AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

We get it, troll.
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A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.
It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.
Like calling a "HOMO" a 'gay'.
Like calling a "RETARD" 'learning challenged'.

If the true name something is too revealing or spot on for the liberals to advance their sick agenda, they cutesie it up, call it something else, and then bully the masses into using their new labels by intimidation, shouting down, name calling, personal attacks and insults, and they say then call the whole scheme "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS."

FUCK political correctness, and FUCK liberals. Their stupid little name games don't change jack shit with me, and shouldn't with anyone else that has an independent, functioning brain.

It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling a RICH GUY a "job creator"
Like calling a GUN a "tool"
Like calling a RETARD a "Conservative"

Speaking of the easily influenced, low information crowd, what he gave examples of were "euphemisms." What you gave example of was "partisanship." They are entirely different things. Thanks for playing but you were worse at this than Wolf Blitzer was on Jeopardy, so no door prize for you!

Seriously, you don't think the "rich" create jobs, you think schleps like you who live paycheck to paycheck do. How many people did you ever hire? LOL.
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I consider a Progressive to be someone who does the right thing/solution regardless of social mores that may be ruffled. Thats why I'm not a Democrat because they have narrow guidelines for their party plank. I take the right solution, wherever it comes from, and implement it. Therefore, there are no "central ideas" as in the :up: two major corrupt parties.

does that help?

So you're Tea Party.......

uh no :eusa_eh: Many tea partiers are SOCONs :eusa_pray:

The point of the tea party is that our country's biggest issue is that we're taxing and spending ourself into the ground. Socons think that our biggest issue is that government doesn't own our bodies. So no, tea partiers are not socons, that contradicts being a tea partier. You can't have contradictory #1 issues.
A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.
It's one of their favorite tricks for the weak minded, easily influenced, low information crowd.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.
Like calling a "HOMO" a 'gay'.
Like calling a "RETARD" 'learning challenged'.

If the true name of something is too revealing, too descriptively accurate or spot on for the liberals to advance their sick agenda, they cutesie it up, call it something else, and then bully the masses into using their new labels by intimidation, shouting down, name calling, personal attacks and insults, and then they call the whole scheme "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS," which of course itself is just another bull shit term conjured up by liberals.

FUCK political correctness, and FUCK liberals. Their stupid little name games don't change jack shit with me, and shouldn't with anyone else that has an independent, functioning brain.

Like calling an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" an 'undocumented immigrant'.

Like calling a "RETARD" 'Mr. Vice President'
So you're Tea Party.......

uh no :eusa_eh: Many tea partiers are SOCONs :eusa_pray:

The point of the tea party is that our country's biggest issue is that we're taxing and spending ourself into the ground. Socons think that our biggest issue is that government doesn't own our bodies. So no, tea partiers are not socons, that contradicts being a tea partier. You can't have contradictory #1 issues.

Wrong again...we are borrowing ourselves into the ground
uh no :eusa_eh: Many tea partiers are SOCONs :eusa_pray:

The point of the tea party is that our country's biggest issue is that we're taxing and spending ourself into the ground. Socons think that our biggest issue is that government doesn't own our bodies. So no, tea partiers are not socons, that contradicts being a tea partier. You can't have contradictory #1 issues.

Wrong again...we are borrowing ourselves into the ground

Cause and effect not being your forte (then again, so far you haven't shown any forte), that's a distinction without a difference.

Spending has to be paid for, taxes reduce economic activity, both of which drive up deficits, and causes us to need to ... wait for it ... borrow ...
The point of the tea party is that our country's biggest issue is that we're taxing and spending ourself into the ground. Socons think that our biggest issue is that government doesn't own our bodies. So no, tea partiers are not socons, that contradicts being a tea partier. You can't have contradictory #1 issues.

Wrong again...we are borrowing ourselves into the ground

Cause and effect not being your forte (then again, so far you haven't shown any forte), that's a distinction without a difference.

Spending has to be paid for, taxes reduce economic activity, both of which drive up deficits, and causes us to need to ... wait for it ... borrow ...

A balanced budget includes both revenue and spending

Ignoring half the equation is not a solution
Guy, you really think the Koch Brothers don't look at you in your Double Wide and think that you are the "dumb Masses"?

i believe a double wide is preferable to a freezer crate under a bridge somewhere, like so many "progressives" occupy. :up:

Not by much.

Either or is a sad commentary on wealth disparity in this country.

But you are pretty much too dumb to realize that.

Your post pretty well demonstrates your major weakness. You are not the brightest bulb in the string. Wealth disparity has about as much to do with double wides and freezer crates, as ocean depth has to do with wave size.

Double wides are very comfortable homes, that suit a large portion of the population, and the people who find it necessary to disparage those who live in them, are the same intolerant asses that disparage rednecks, Christians, and just about every other faction that does not buy into their idiotology. Mostly, the useful idiots that inhabit the left wing of the Democrat party.
When progressives gain power, for example in the Soviet Union, they may may put you in a labour camp for 10 years , if you survive that long, but only for your OWN GOOD. You see they really CARE which entitles them to strut around basking in a self-generated glow of moral superiority.

I do not much care for them.

That was russia, and stalin was a brutal dictator. Now take USA. FDR was a progressive and the labor camps he put people in was the WPA. Free stuff, today's so called conservatives would say, but back then they'd probably say, sign me up, I'm tired of mixing sawdust with my hamburger and let's send these republicans to hell. They did too, at least for a couple of decades.

FDR was quite happy to consign millions of Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians to the 'brutal dictator' and his labour camps and execution cellars. Indeed he conspired with Stalin against Churchill to achieve that end. I doubt if those millions took such a benevolent view of your progressive President as you do now.
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Liberals, Progressives if you will, drive history. We make the changes in our American society that are responsible for American progress.

Think about it. Each and every time we change for the better, it is due to Liberals and Liberal policy. Who provided the resistance to change? Conservatives. Did Conservatives rally in support of child labor laws? How about Civil Rights? The movement to save our ecology? Worker place safety issues? Worker's rights? Women's rights? Marriage equality? The end of Jim Crow and before that slavery? All these changes are part and parcel of Liberal ideology. No Conservative lifted as finger to make these necessary changes. In fact, they resisted these changes and made what should have been common sense reform into a struggle for fairness and equality.

Name the Conservative who ever did anything to further the aspirations of equal treatment under the law and egalitarianism.

Could you provide a few examples? Liberals love to claim credit for everything they think is good but not so much the bad. I can't think of one thing that can be credited to progressives.

Lincoln would be my answer to your question. Yes liberal/progressives love to take credit for Lincoln but he CONSERVED the union and freed the slaves a very conservative thing to do. Democrats/liberals/progressives, actually did put them all in chains.
While the contemporary Conservative wants to shrink the size and influence of the federal government, Lincoln fought a war to preserve the power of the federal government! Conservatives cannot claim Lincoln.

If that were actually true you would be on to something. Lincoln repeatedly said he was fighting the war to preserve the Union and end slavery. Lost causers keep wanting to make the war about states rights but in reality it was all about democrats keep men in chains.

But, as for examples, let's look at women's rights. Do you think Phyllis Schlafly was a Liberal? She provided a good part of the resistance to the women's movement. Gloria Steinhem, Helen Gurlie Brown and other Liberals were at the vanguard of the movement.

Again, liberals/progressives try and take credit for everything they think turned out well regardless of their influence. Yes, these women went against the establishment and to form a more perfect union but that does not in and of itself make them progressive/liberals or conservatives. They were what they were correcting a wrong.

Civil rights? Do you think that George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox and David Duke were/are tree hugging Liberals? Any of those rogues would be welcomed like old lodge brothers at any Conservative rally.

So writes the history as told by progressives. The scenario is always the same. The liberal/progressive laws down their version of conservatives then proceed to argue to that presupposition.

I've answered some of your questions. Now reciprocate if you please. Name one Conservative who has ever championed any societal change that resulted in equal justice, egalitarianism or personal liberties.

Lincoln was more conservative then liberal. You didn't name one thing a progressive did. You name generalities and accused, as do all liberals, conservatives of everything bad and liberals of everything you think end up good.

The thing is if I name 100 people you will just claim they were liberals because something changed for a positive outcome. Nixon started the EPA, are you going to claim him as a conservative or liberal? Lincoln preserved he union yet somehow you claim him to be a liberal. I might even agree with you if it were not for boards like this where I get to see liberals in action and how they treat minorities not in the democrat camp.
Wrong again...we are borrowing ourselves into the ground

Cause and effect not being your forte (then again, so far you haven't shown any forte), that's a distinction without a difference.

Spending has to be paid for, taxes reduce economic activity, both of which drive up deficits, and causes us to need to ... wait for it ... borrow ...

A balanced budget includes both revenue and spending

Ignoring half the equation is not a solution


Um...no duh. That doesn't contradict anything I said.
Cause and effect not being your forte (then again, so far you haven't shown any forte), that's a distinction without a difference.

Spending has to be paid for, taxes reduce economic activity, both of which drive up deficits, and causes us to need to ... wait for it ... borrow ...

A balanced budget includes both revenue and spending

Ignoring half the equation is not a solution


Um...no duh. That doesn't contradict anything I said.

You mean your bullshit about how tax cuts pay for themselves?

Why do you think they call ya TeaTards?
A balanced budget includes both revenue and spending

Ignoring half the equation is not a solution


Um...no duh. That doesn't contradict anything I said.

You mean your bullshit about how tax cuts pay for themselves?

Why do you think they call ya TeaTards?

I'm not a tea partier, I'm a libertarian. You're a progressive, a liberal, a Democrat and a moron. But I repeat myself.

Let's start with the part we do agree on, cuts. Where do you suppose we should start cutting federal spending?
On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?


collectivist marxist disguised as a dimocrap.
The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.[11] It also caused the development to progressive education.

Political parties such as the Progressive Party were organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson"


Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"
collectivist marxist.

it can be of a nazi type, of a soviet type, of a mao type, of a pol-pot type, or of a American democrat party type - but the base, the fundament is THE SAME - collectivist marxism.

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