What Is A True Conservative And Why Don't They Ever Get Elected President

Pro-choice and pro-gay marriage candidates win all the time in the Republican primaries.

Pro-life Democrats who reject gay marriage literally can’t even run for office without Antifa coming after them.

Name me the last pro-choice to win the GOP presidential primary.

I rest my case. 5 years before RvW was the last time.
And pro-life Democrats can’t even win primaries in red states like Missouri.

You have no “case”.

So, both sides are equally tied to one issue, how does that change why fiscal conservatives cannot make it through primaries?

Actually your point about Missouri strengthens my case that primary voters tend to be the more extreme of the parties
No, pro-life Democrats are just pretty much extinct. The Missouri Democrat party chairman literally said that pro-life Democrats weren’t welcome in the party.
Meanwhile pro-choice Republicans are in abundance all over the country.

Pro-life Democrats will literally have Antifa knocking on their door now for being “sexist”.

Republicans are an extremely moderate party now. Contrary to the bullshit Democrats spout about the party moving to the right(as they move to the absolute outer edges of the left).
Why not address the facts of the matter rather than deflecting?

What Americans Mean When They Say They're Conservative - The Atlantic

I remember when Bush got elected and how we were told that he is a "true conservative" -- then after 8 years of Bush, we were told that he was never really a "true conservative"

When McCain ran for office, he wasn't considered a "true conservative" but his running mate Sarah Palin was not only considered a "true conservative" -- but she was destined to be the greatest political figure since Ronald Reagan -- it took McCain dying for most republicans to remember Sarah Palin still existed.

When Mitt Romney ran for office, we were told that he wasn't exactly a "true conservative" -- but since he was a businessman, he would be a great president -- but now, outside of Mormons in Utah, not many people are willing to admit they were huge Romney supporters.

So I ask, since for the past 40 years, the GOP hasn't ever nominated what they would proudly admit is a "true conservative" -- is Trump now that "true conservative" -- or will republicans years from now also opine about how Trump wasn't really a "true conservative"

A true conservative couldn’t get elected today, and being a true conservative has nothing to do with being opposed to abortion. It means smaller central government with social spending done primarily by the states, strong military, and personal freedom and responsibility.

IOW, it's hard to beat Santa Claus. When you run on a platform that translates into "I'm not going to give you stuff that other people worked hard to earn", and your opponent runs on one that translates into "I'm going to give you lots of stuff that other people worked hard to earn", it's a tough battle.
What Americans Mean When They Say They're Conservative - The Atlantic

I remember when Bush got elected and how we were told that he is a "true conservative" -- then after 8 years of Bush, we were told that he was never really a "true conservative"

When McCain ran for office, he wasn't considered a "true conservative" but his running mate Sarah Palin was not only considered a "true conservative" -- but she was destined to be the greatest political figure since Ronald Reagan -- it took McCain dying for most republicans to remember Sarah Palin still existed.

When Mitt Romney ran for office, we were told that he wasn't exactly a "true conservative" -- but since he was a businessman, he would be a great president -- but now, outside of Mormons in Utah, not many people are willing to admit they were huge Romney supporters.

So I ask, since for the past 40 years, the GOP hasn't ever nominated what they would proudly admit is a "true conservative" -- is Trump now that "true conservative" -- or will republicans years from now also opine about how Trump wasn't really a "true conservative"

The truth of it is this, nobody really wants to know the answer. Unless one steps out of the charade they'll never see it. The "system" is an illusion. Are there really Dems, Pubs, Libertarians, Democratic Socialists et al.
Yes, just not in the Political Class. The "system" is there to keep us divided and at each others throats, it works very well.
What Americans Mean When They Say They're Conservative - The Atlantic

I remember when Bush got elected and how we were told that he is a "true conservative" -- then after 8 years of Bush, we were told that he was never really a "true conservative"

When McCain ran for office, he wasn't considered a "true conservative" but his running mate Sarah Palin was not only considered a "true conservative" -- but she was destined to be the greatest political figure since Ronald Reagan -- it took McCain dying for most republicans to remember Sarah Palin still existed.

When Mitt Romney ran for office, we were told that he wasn't exactly a "true conservative" -- but since he was a businessman, he would be a great president -- but now, outside of Mormons in Utah, not many people are willing to admit they were huge Romney supporters.

So I ask, since for the past 40 years, the GOP hasn't ever nominated what they would proudly admit is a "true conservative" -- is Trump now that "true conservative" -- or will republicans years from now also opine about how Trump wasn't really a "true conservative"

A conservative's arch enemy isn't liberals; it's evolution. A "true conservative" who would have to be against Social Security's very existence is not going to get elected to major public office.
Why not?

How is that any more extreme than wanting single payer health care and the absolute destruction of private health insurance companies?
Why would single payer destroy private health companies? You just provide a public option -- obviously the overwhelming majority will prefer to remain in the for profit insurance market and reject Medicare style health insurance, wouldn't they?
What Americans Mean When They Say They're Conservative - The Atlantic

I remember when Bush got elected and how we were told that he is a "true conservative" -- then after 8 years of Bush, we were told that he was never really a "true conservative"

When McCain ran for office, he wasn't considered a "true conservative" but his running mate Sarah Palin was not only considered a "true conservative" -- but she was destined to be the greatest political figure since Ronald Reagan -- it took McCain dying for most republicans to remember Sarah Palin still existed.

When Mitt Romney ran for office, we were told that he wasn't exactly a "true conservative" -- but since he was a businessman, he would be a great president -- but now, outside of Mormons in Utah, not many people are willing to admit they were huge Romney supporters.

So I ask, since for the past 40 years, the GOP hasn't ever nominated what they would proudly admit is a "true conservative" -- is Trump now that "true conservative" -- or will republicans years from now also opine about how Trump wasn't really a "true conservative"

A true conservative couldn’t get elected today, and being a true conservative has nothing to do with being opposed to abortion. It means smaller central government with social spending done primarily by the states, strong military, and personal freedom and responsibility.

IOW, it's hard to beat Santa Claus. When you run on a platform that translates into "I'm not going to give you stuff that other people worked hard to earn", and your opponent runs on one that translates into "I'm going to give you lots of stuff that other people worked hard to earn", it's a tough battle.
It worked for corporate tax cuts -- why can't those who are not in the top 10% of the country not expect similar benefits for stuff THEY THEMSELVES worked hard to earn -- especially when those programs work better than the BS those top 10% feels we deserve
Populism is a left leaning philosophy.

Only if the majority of the populous leans left
No, what I mean is that it automatically moves your position on the spectrum leftward.

Perhaps you do not understand what Populism is. Populism is an appeal to the masses, so if the masses lean right, Populism will lean right. If the masses lean left, Populism will lean left. Populism in and of itself has no internal lean either left or right.
Obama had his radical hard core base, and Trump has his.

So what?? ... :cool:
Lol @ Obama's radical hard core base

Look up the meaning of 'radical.'

It applies to the Left....but not the Right.

I'd suggest you stick to words you can define.....but, then you'd be mute.
Obama didn't have a radical base -- he had a leftist opposition because Obama WAS NOT a progressive ....

you simply calling anything to the left of Ayn Rand radical, doesn't make it true...
Populism is a left leaning philosophy.

Only if the majority of the populous leans left
No, what I mean is that it automatically moves your position on the spectrum leftward.

Perhaps you do not understand what Populism is. Populism is an appeal to the masses, so if the masses lean right, Populism will lean right. If the masses lean left, Populism will lean left. Populism in and of itself has no internal lean either left or right.
An appeal to the masses on the right currently means that you go to the leftmost position on the right.

While an appeal to the masses on the left also means you go to the leftmost position on the left.
Populism is a left leaning philosophy.

Only if the majority of the populous leans left
No, what I mean is that it automatically moves your position on the spectrum leftward.

Perhaps you do not understand what Populism is. Populism is an appeal to the masses, so if the masses lean right, Populism will lean right. If the masses lean left, Populism will lean left. Populism in and of itself has no internal lean either left or right.
An appeal to the masses on the right currently means that you go to the leftmost position on the right.

While an appeal to the masses on the left also means you go to the leftmost position on the left.
I don’t think that’s true. Let’s take the immigration issue and Trump as an example. He has taken a very strong position by proposing to build a border wall and by using very harsh rhetoric around that issue. I’d say that it is a far “right” position on the spectrum. I think many people who support national security and border protection supported Trumps stance but didn’t necessarily agree that a wall was needed or feel that the rhetoric was reflective of their views. I think they supported him none the less because they believed that he would get something done or because his views were closer to theirs than Clinton.
Populism is a left leaning philosophy.

Only if the majority of the populous leans left
No, what I mean is that it automatically moves your position on the spectrum leftward.

Perhaps you do not understand what Populism is. Populism is an appeal to the masses, so if the masses lean right, Populism will lean right. If the masses lean left, Populism will lean left. Populism in and of itself has no internal lean either left or right.
An appeal to the masses on the right currently means that you go to the leftmost position on the right.

While an appeal to the masses on the left also means you go to the leftmost position on the left.

Now you are just making shit up.

Just stop while you are behind.
Populism is a left leaning philosophy.

Only if the majority of the populous leans left
No, what I mean is that it automatically moves your position on the spectrum leftward.

Perhaps you do not understand what Populism is. Populism is an appeal to the masses, so if the masses lean right, Populism will lean right. If the masses lean left, Populism will lean left. Populism in and of itself has no internal lean either left or right.
An appeal to the masses on the right currently means that you go to the leftmost position on the right.

While an appeal to the masses on the left also means you go to the leftmost position on the left.
I don’t think that’s true. Let’s take the immigration issue and Trump as an example. He has taken a very strong position by proposing to build a border wall and by using very harsh rhetoric around that issue. I’d say that it is a far “right” position on the spectrum. I think many people who support national security and border protection supported Trumps stance but didn’t necessarily agree that a wall was needed or feel that the rhetoric was reflective of their views. I think they supported him none the less because they believed that he would get something done or because his views were closer to theirs than Clinton.

He is not even close to correct. Populism by its very nature has no internal leaning left or right.

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