Zone1 What Is Christian Nationalism?

“The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights is a Christian belief” Saint Ding​

All participants here need to ask Saint Ding how belief in “Nature’s God” gets Washington Adam’s Jefferson Madison into God’s Kingdom on Earth where all HIS subjects are to find eternal life as long as they believe with their heart mind and soul that Jesus Christ died on the Cross as the only begotten Son of the God of Abraham who lived in the desert of Northern Africa 5000 years ago.

Saint Ding fails to mention Divinity of Christ where it matters most in the white Christian nationalist propaganda he is promoting nit so well -intellectually that is.

Here is some For the Record stuff to be used in future engagement of public discourse, There is a lot to unwrap here and thanks for all your participation

Porter Rockwell said:
If you had read this thread, I proved, unequivocally, that Jefferson was a Christian. I am not going to argue what has been established as fact..

Why does it matter so much to white Christian nationalists and the Republican political propaganda machine that advances white Christian Nationalism as their ideal if our first four Presidents did not believe in the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Saint Ding at least on Jefferson’s behalf is attempting to convert Jefferson to Catholic Christianity almost 2 centuries after his death on the same day as John Adams. July 4 1826, fifty years after ‘Nature’s God’ was cited in the Declaration of Independence preparing to yank the yoke of the Catholic God of European World Order off the neck of common man. An ideal not put well into practice in its early days.

 › thomas-jefferson-and-john-adams-dieThomas Jefferson and John Adams die | July 4, 1826 | HISTORY

Nov 16, 2009 · On July 4, 1826, former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were once fellow Patriots and then adversaries, die on the same Day….

I see color because black Christian church goers practice their Christian religion without concern that our first four presidents did not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Only Adam’s did not own slaves and strongly opposed slavery. He was a Unitarian. He was aghast at the belief in the Holy Trinity which includes how the Catholic Church intellectually gets to the Divinity of Jesus Christ and God Communicating His Word.

It Makes sense that our founding generation did not believe in the Divinity of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ being Divine must have never dwelling in the heart of a slave holder.

Founders Claimed A Subversive Right To 'Nature's God'​

JULY 13, 20149:51 AM ET

The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation, says historian Matthew Stewart. He tells NPR's Arun Rath about his book Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic

nobody read it.

The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights is a Christian belief. Deal with it.

People will read that.
nobody read it.

The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights is a Christian belief. Deal with it.

People will read that.
You have to deal with many people disagree with you.
I still respect jefferson

People will read that.

nobody read it.
White Christian nationalists like Ssint Ding think all good people support white Christian nationalism and all who oppose it are evil.

Nature’s God when not associated with tHE ONLY TRUE GOOD revealed religion - white European Christianity / is EVIL.

The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world

Jefferson goes directly to the God of Nature thriugh human reason - humanism.

Aquinas went indirectly to
the God of Nature by way of God’s revealed religion to the Catholic Church. Human reason must be suspended on Moral Matters because of reason is encumbered with sin.

RATH: So can you tell us - back in 1776, what did nature's God refer to?

STEWART: So nature's God is one - a deity that operates entirely through laws - natural laws - that are explicable. And we have to approach this god through the study of nature and also evidence and experience. So it's a dramatically different kind of deity from that you find in most revealed religions.
White Christian nationalists like Ssint Ding think all good people support white Christian nationalism and all who oppose it are evil.
“Evil” may be too strong

It certainly does not fit everyone

And you would have to define what nationalism means to you before I comment on that
surada , NotfooledbyW , John Edgar Slow Horses , Lakhota , berg80 , ect:

I think this qualifies as an example of the liberal attack on Christians

Do the Bidenistas have nothing better to do than harass a Christian charity hospital?
White Christian nationalists like Ssint Ding think all good people support white Christian nationalism and all who oppose it are evil.

Nature’s God when not associated with tHE ONLY TRUE GOOD revealed religion - white European Christianity / is EVIL.

Jefferson goes directly to the God of Nature thriugh human reason - humanism.

Aquinas went indirectly to
the God of Nature by way of God’s revealed religion to the Catholic Church. Human reason must be suspended on Moral Matters because of reason is encumbered with sin.

RATH: So can you tell us - back in 1776, what did nature's God refer to?

STEWART: So nature's God is one - a deity that operates entirely through laws - natural laws - that are explicable. And we have to approach this god through the study of nature and also evidence and experience. So it's a dramatically different kind of deity from that you find in most revealed religions.

The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights is a Christian belief. Deal with it.
“Evil” may be too strong
Listen to James Dobson AFR American Family Radio when they Compare Buden to Trump . Trump is Good and Biden is Evil.

Dark to Light Stop the Steal

In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil. Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!”
Listen to James Dobson AFR American Family Radio when they Compare Buden to Trump . Trump is Good and Biden is Evil.

Dark to Light Stop the Steal

In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil. Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!”
I was careful not to say that all libs are evil, because they arent

But some are
Listen to James Dobson AFR American Family Radio when they Compare Buden to Trump . Trump is Good and Biden is Evil.

Dark to Light Stop the Steal

In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil. Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!”

So sad. The poor woman was gung ho for Trump's lies and provocations.
The existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights is a Christian belief. Deal with it.
The US government is still secular, so that must have been what the God of Nature wanted, knowing that mortal man is sinful, even Christian nationalists.
The US government is still secular,
Yes because people who believe the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world which is essential to the foundations of natural-rights made it so.
All are sinners, so I leave it that God's will was done in 1787 with the creation of a secular government.

Organized religion has no role in secular government.
that must have been what the God of Nature wanted, knowing that mortal man is sinful, even Christian nationalists.
No, it's what logic and reason told them was the right thing to do. If one wants to discover and know God then they must always seek the truth as God is truth.

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