Zone1 What Is Christian Nationalism?

It’s not an opinion.

The best place for you to go to realize that would be to visit the following link:


While Jefferson was a firm theist, the God in which he believed was not the traditional Christian divinity. Jefferson rejected the notion of the Trinity and Jesus’ divinity. He rejected Biblical miracles, the resurrection, the atonement, and original sin (believing that God could not fault or condemn all humanity for the sins of others, a gross injustice).10 In neither the eighteenth century nor today would most people consider a person with those views a “Christian.”
Jefferson's Religious Beliefs | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Sounds like a Christian to me. He believed God is his creator. Christianity isn't as rigid as some believe nor as immoral as others believe.
Saint Ding when you lie that Jefferson was a part of our Christian Heritage.
Thomas Jefferson affirmed the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights.

Just like ever other Christian believes. So yeah, he's a great example of America's Christian heritage, dipshit.
Is You. Saint Ding when you lie that Jefferson was a part of our Christian Heritage. Can you be a Christian if you believe that God could not fault or condemn all humanity for the sins of the first man he created
Seeing how you have accused me - multiple times - of being a "white" Christian Nationalist when are you going to fill out my questionnaire you made so I can know why you believe I'm a "white" Christian Nationalist? It's the least you can do, right?

do you think that America's Christian heritage is without sin, error or without man’s inhumanity to non/Christian man woman and the children thereof

are you a white-grievance Republican God sanctified Americsn “go back” voter - a Saint

do you the only true Americans who live according to the teachings of Jesus.are those who vote for Republicans.

can a Democrat live according to the teachings of Jesus

do you want state government to force full term gestation on all women having an unwanted pregnancy.

do you want to define America as a Christian nation

do you think a fertilized egg is a person with the same right to life as a person who is born.

do you repeat the myth that America was founded as a Christian Nation

do you think books should be burned if they contain language about white Christian inhumanity to non/white, non/Christian men, women and their progeny because they did it in service to the Cross of Christ and the Kings and Queens of Europe,

do you want the government to promote a specific cultural template as the official culture of the country.

do you want an amendment to the Constitution to recognize America’s Christian heritage, Ssint @ding

do you want to reinstitute prayer in public schools.

do you want to enshrine a Christian nationalist interpretation of American history in school curricula,

do you believe that as Saint @ding does that America has a special relationship with God or has been “chosen” by him to carry out a special mission on earth.

do you want immigration restrictions specifically to prevent a change to American religious and ethnic demographics or a change to American culture.

do you want to empower the government to take stronger action to circumscribe immoral behavior.

are you homophobic

do you think the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy.

do you have an attitude that Christians are entitled to primacy of place in the public square because they are heirs of the true or essential heritage of American culture,

do you believe Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.

do you think there should never be “freedom from religion” in America

do you think the “persons” of centuries 15 16 17 18 & 19th who lived on three continents apart from Europe should have welcomed white Christian nationalism to their shores and handed over their minds, land snd material abundant wealth to the invaders and gleefully and immediately accept the peaceful Cross of Christ organized religion and the Kings of Europe out of respect for white supremacy as Jesus and Saint @ding would have wanted them to do
Sounds like a Christian to me. He believed God is his creator. Christianity isn't as rigid as some believe nor as immoral as others believe.
How can anyone who affirmed the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights not be a great example of a Christian heritage, right?
Thomas Jefferson affirmed the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights.

Just like ever other Christian believes. So yeah, he's a great example of America's Christian heritage, dipshit.

You are a liar. Every Christian believer must believe the fundamental tenet unique to Christianity that God faults or condemns all humanity for the sin of the first man he created.,

Jefferson rejects the whole shebang rebated to original sin and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
You are a liar. Every Christian believer must believe the fundamental tenet unique to Christianity that God faults or condemns all humanity for the sin of the first man he created.,

Jefferson rejects the whole shebang rebated to original sin and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
They all affirmed the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights just like every other Christian believed. That's Christianity in a nutshell.

Thomas Jefferson, Nature’s God, and the Theological Foundations of Natural-Rights Repub

You are a liar. Every Christian believer must believe the fundamental tenet unique to Christianity that God faults or condemns all humanity for the sin of the first man he created.,

Jefferson rejects the whole shebang rebated to original sin and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
When are you going to fill out that questionnaire? You keep accusing me of being a "white" Christian Nationalist, right? Back it up. Don't be a coward about it. Lean into it.
10 Posts Deleted as Off-Topic of Christian Nationalism. Members are reminded the thread topic is:

What Is Christian Nationalism?​

It's a hoax invented to demonize American citizens.
Apparently the test for a white Christian Nationalist is anyone who dares admit America has a Christian heritage.


I mean why else would that be relevant in this thread, right?
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do you believe that as Saint @ding does that America has a special relationship with God or has been “chosen” by him to carry out a special mission on earth.
I'm going to need you to link to that post because I don't recall ever saying that.
I know. I agree. I don't think he thought he was asking that question and that you shouldn't have made it look like he did. Maybe.
It was deleted because I answered a post about moderation. My mistake.
How can anyone who affirmed the existence of the God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights not be a great example of a Christian heritage, right?

That’s not a description of the Christian Religion as practiced. There just is insufficient blood sacrifice, virgin birth, original sin, and organization that sells salvation in exchange for faith until death that this organization has truth and all other organizations don’t have it.

Aquinas was a custodian of the organization Saint Ding. . His mind was great but his mind was stuck. Not his fault

Jefferson’s mind was not stuck in the Anglican Organization. He was free, not by Divine intervention . It was the material world being what it was at that time. Organized Christianity was not at the scene.

Founded as a Christian Nation is a lie.
That’s not a description of the Christian Religion as practiced. There just is insufficient blood sacrifice, virgin birth, original sin, and organization that sells salvation in exchange for faith until death that this organization has truth and all other organizations don’t have it.

Aquinas was a custodian of the organization Saint Ding. . His mind was great but his mind was stuck. Not his fault

Jefferson’s mind was not stuck in the Anglican Organization. He was free, not by Divine intervention . It was the material world being what it was at that time. Organized Christianity was not at the scene.

Founded as a Christian Nation is a lie.
You don't have to believe that America was founded by Christians. You can believe whatever you want. So can others.

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