What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Here ya go skull. Why Pfizer moved.

At the centre of Pfizer’s decision to move its tax base is the distinctive US system of worldwide taxation, which means that companies pay extra tax when they repatriate foreign profits, giving them an incentive to leave them offshore. The inversion will help Pfizer unlock offshore profits of at least $128bn, potentially saving tens of billions of dollars of tax.

Ireland’s system — where tax is due only on business conducted in the country — means Pfizer would not face any extra tax bills on its foreign profits in the future. Any extra tax paid at Ireland’s 12.5 per cent rate would depend on whether the tie-up resulted in extra activity in Ireland, where Pfizer will have its principal executive office. Its global operational headquarters will be in New York.

The company has $74bn of foreign profits that are deemed to be “permanently reinvested” overseas, on which it has not earmarked deferred tax. It has another pot of profits — worth at least $54bn — on which it has earmarked $21bn of “deferred” tax in case it needed to bring the money back to the US.

The merger with Allergan will allow Pfizer to scrap this $21bn deferred tax liability, creating a one-off boost to its earnings. Kevin Phillips of Moore Stephens, a professional services firm, said: “The challenge would be to secure this benefit without also crystallising a taxable gain in the US as Pfizer transferred its foreign subsidiaries into the ownership of its new holding company.”

So they pay less in taxes

Just what I thought
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Here ya go skull. Why Pfizer moved.

At the centre of Pfizer’s decision to move its tax base is the distinctive US system of worldwide taxation, which means that companies pay extra tax when they repatriate foreign profits, giving them an incentive to leave them offshore. The inversion will help Pfizer unlock offshore profits of at least $128bn, potentially saving tens of billions of dollars of tax.

Ireland’s system — where tax is due only on business conducted in the country — means Pfizer would not face any extra tax bills on its foreign profits in the future. Any extra tax paid at Ireland’s 12.5 per cent rate would depend on whether the tie-up resulted in extra activity in Ireland, where Pfizer will have its principal executive office. Its global operational headquarters will be in New York.

The company has $74bn of foreign profits that are deemed to be “permanently reinvested” overseas, on which it has not earmarked deferred tax. It has another pot of profits — worth at least $54bn — on which it has earmarked $21bn of “deferred” tax in case it needed to bring the money back to the US.

The merger with Allergan will allow Pfizer to scrap this $21bn deferred tax liability, creating a one-off boost to its earnings. Kevin Phillips of Moore Stephens, a professional services firm, said: “The challenge would be to secure this benefit without also crystallising a taxable gain in the US as Pfizer transferred its foreign subsidiaries into the ownership of its new holding company.”

So they pay less in taxes

Just what I thought
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.
So they pay less in taxes

Just what I thought
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Let's see if we have this straight. A company wants to make a move that would increase value to its shareholders, many of whom are seeking to build a retirement nest egg or living off of one, and it's a bad thing because the greedy government doesn't get as much to waste? I guess Obama really does own us all.
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Let's see if we have this straight. A company wants to make a move that would increase value to its shareholders, many of whom are seeking to build a retirement nest egg or living off of one, and it's a bad thing because the greedy government doesn't get as much to waste? I guess Obama really does own us all.
Giant corps and corrupt billionaires own you, dupe. It's called fascism, fascist.
So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Let's see if we have this straight. A company wants to make a move that would increase value to its shareholders, many of whom are seeking to build a retirement nest egg or living off of one, and it's a bad thing because the greedy government doesn't get as much to waste? I guess Obama really does own us all.
Giant corps and corrupt billionaires own you, dupe. It's called fascism, fascist.
Aww, look at you, trying to deflect and insult all at the same time! Not very good at it, are you?
So they pay less in taxes

Just what I thought
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Let's see if we have this straight. A company wants to make a move that would increase value to its shareholders, many of whom are seeking to build a retirement nest egg or living off of one, and it's a bad thing because the greedy government doesn't get as much to waste? I guess Obama really does own us all.
Giant corps and corrupt billionaires own you, dupe. It's called fascism, fascist.
Aww, look at you, trying to deflect and insult all at the same time! Not very good at it, are you?
Just the facts, M'am.
And screw over the country that made their company possible....

So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
We can't compete with the 3rd world on manual labor manufacturing, so we need the GOVERNMENT to invest in training/ed. for tech jobs (3 million going begging). More mindless GOP obstruction...That's what's wrong with NAFTA etc etc. Great job! letting Germany and China get them...AND letting our infrastructure go to hell. All to protect the bloated rich and giant corps low tax rates.
So what?

A company has no obligation to any country
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
We can't compete with the 3rd world on manual labor manufacturing, so we need the GOVERNMENT to invest in training/ed. for tech jobs (3 million going begging). More mindless GOP obstruction...That's what's wrong with NAFTA etc etc. Great job! letting Germany and China get them...AND letting our infrastructure go to hell. All to protect the bloated rich and giant corps low tax rates.

We don't "need" government to invest in training that's the job of the company to train its employees or it's the individuals responsibility to improve his own skills
I agree.

As long as you keep pushing a tax scheme where some people pay for more than they get from govt, and others pay for less than what they get, you will never find agreement that it's "fair".

Legitimate government takes in taxes to pay for the legitimate functions of government - in our case, the functions specified in the Constitution. And no more.

Wealth transfer, health insurance, environmental "protection", workplace standards etc. aren't among them.
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
We can't compete with the 3rd world on manual labor manufacturing, so we need the GOVERNMENT to invest in training/ed. for tech jobs (3 million going begging). More mindless GOP obstruction...That's what's wrong with NAFTA etc etc. Great job! letting Germany and China get them...AND letting our infrastructure go to hell. All to protect the bloated rich and giant corps low tax rates.

We don't "need" government to invest in training that's the job of the company to train its employees or it's the individuals responsibility to improve his own skills

The government trains our workforce

Companies are relieved from the burden of teaching employees to read, write, do math and have a basic core of knowledge
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .

I never said it did. Do try and keep up.
I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
All they would relocate is part of their offices- A SCAM that the GOP loves- bought off shyttes...And yet you vote GOP, dupe.
Let's see if we have this straight. A company wants to make a move that would increase value to its shareholders, many of whom are seeking to build a retirement nest egg or living off of one, and it's a bad thing because the greedy government doesn't get as much to waste? I guess Obama really does own us all.
Giant corps and corrupt billionaires own you, dupe. It's called fascism, fascist.
Aww, look at you, trying to deflect and insult all at the same time! Not very good at it, are you?
Just the facts, M'am.
If the shoe fits...
So easy to be a dupe lol....

I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
We can't compete with the 3rd world on manual labor manufacturing, so we need the GOVERNMENT to invest in training/ed. for tech jobs (3 million going begging). More mindless GOP obstruction...That's what's wrong with NAFTA etc etc. Great job! letting Germany and China get them...AND letting our infrastructure go to hell. All to protect the bloated rich and giant corps low tax rates.

We don't "need" government to invest in training that's the job of the company to train its employees or it's the individuals responsibility to improve his own skills
The shortsighted idiot shareholders, the incredibly overpaid CEOs, and the Pubs who set up the shortsighted tax regs don't believe in intelligence.
Pubs don't allow corps tax breaks for training either. Won't do a gd thing in fact. lol. Things are going GREAT for their billionaire masters. Feq the the people and the country...
It's pretty complicated...so much easier to just say it's not our business, right, dupe? One things for sure, the lying, thieving, bought off New BS GOP and the dupes are on the wrong side. Like every other issue. See sig.

It's not complicated, franco hater dupe bot, you're greedy. Those who programmed you are filled with envy and want what others produce.

Your entire premise boils down to a shriek of "I WANT.'

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