What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

No one is starving in this country

And FYI people in the 39% bracket probably pay over 20% net income taxes and I can say that with some confidence

And no one is stopping you from increasing your net worth (wealth)
35% of children are hungry...The richest pay 28% in ALL taxes and fees, less than the middle class. You are clueless.

INCOME TAXES you thick fuck

And there is no way 35% of all kids are starving
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%
I thought you believed that people should pay according to the benefit they receive?
It makes no sense to do that
Funny how CEO pay went from 40X that of workers to over 300x today, after top tax rates were slashed under Raygun. Also funny how state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) have sky rocketed in reaction to fed aid cuts. All defended to the death by greedy a-hole Pub billionaires, bought off GOP pols and pundits, and brainwashed GOP functional MORONS.

Tell me how CEO pay effects your salary
If some rich guy gets a million dollar raise your paycheck does not decrease and he pays more in income taxes because of his higher salary
Teah it
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
What is funny is that CEOs make much less overseas....you don't see them shipping out those jobs
has nothing to do with the fact that almost every other country has a lower corporate tax rate

Tell how does some CEOs salary effect your paycheck?

Do you really think that if every CEO was forced to get a pay cut by the government that you would magically make more money?
Trying to sell that lie again?

No, we do not have the highest corporate tax rate. Our effective tax rate which is after all deductions are taken, puts our corporations at less than the average rate of industrialized countries

Same pot of money. Corporations tell employees times are tough and they will have to make do with less......meanwhile, they jack up executive pay
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.
Teah it
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
What is funny is that CEOs make much less overseas....you don't see them shipping out those jobs
has nothing to do with the fact that almost every other country has a lower corporate tax rate

Tell how does some CEOs salary effect your paycheck?

Do you really think that if every CEO was forced to get a pay cut by the government that you would magically make more money?
Trying to sell that lie again?

No, we do not have the highest corporate tax rate. Our effective tax rate which is after all deductions are taken, puts our corporations at less than the average rate of industrialized countries

Same pot of money. Corporations tell employees times are tough and they will have to make do with less......meanwhile, they jack up executive pay

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015

The United States Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 173 Nations

And what private companies pay their employees is not your concern. If any employee doesn't like the way the company they work for is run they are free to work elsewhere
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%
I thought you believed that people should pay according to the benefit they receive?
It makes no sense to do that

Then what's your justification for making the wealthy pay a higher rate, pure envy?
It seems ridiculous that the federal government should require such revenue. It really has the legitimate power to do very little, and much of it, they could fund by assessing fees for the users.

For example, coining money and operating post offices. These could be funded by those who choose to use these services.

Other than that, we have the army and navy. Since we are not in a state of war, we don't need a standing army. Which leaves the navy. So, our federal taxes need to provide for a navy to defend our shores. I can't see how that would be any more than 2-5% of income.

The federal government skirts the letter of law laid down in the Constitution by taking billions of dollars out of the tax revenue every year and handing it out to states with all kinds of strings attached

For example they will say to a state here's 10 million for your school system but if you want it you have to use 9.9 million of it to make the changes we tell you to make.

This is how the federal government dictates policy for things like education even though it has no legal right to do so

Just think of the mony we could save if we put an end to this bullshit
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Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.

Of course it makes sense

What doesn't make sense is making the first dollars a billionaire earns tax free
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%
I thought you believed that people should pay according to the benefit they receive?
It makes no sense to do that

Then what's your justification for making the wealthy pay a higher rate, pure envy?
You go where the money is.......and it isn't with the working poor
If you like paved roads
Work place regulations protecting the workers
clean air, water and food

Well, we have to pay for our first world country!!! It is called reality!

We're talking about federal taxes, right? Well when the states established their union, they gave it a small set of powers. They never gave congress the power to pave roads (except post roads) or to control workshops, or to control air, water, or food.

The federal interstate highway system was a military project meant for moving troops and equipment through the country in the event of war on our homeland

THAT was a legit expenditure the expansion of the interstate federal highway system to include what were state and local routes is an overstep and an expensive one at that
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Teah it
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
What is funny is that CEOs make much less overseas....you don't see them shipping out those jobs
has nothing to do with the fact that almost every other country has a lower corporate tax rate

Tell how does some CEOs salary effect your paycheck?

Do you really think that if every CEO was forced to get a pay cut by the government that you would magically make more money?
Trying to sell that lie again?

No, we do not have the highest corporate tax rate. Our effective tax rate which is after all deductions are taken, puts our corporations at less than the average rate of industrialized countries

Same pot of money. Corporations tell employees times are tough and they will have to make do with less......meanwhile, they jack up executive pay

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015

The United States Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 173 Nations

And what private companies pay their employees is not your concern. If any employee doesn't like the way the company they work for is run they are free to work elsewhere

Still don't understand what the effective tax rate is do you? The statutory rate is the absolute worst rate you can pay.....the effective rate is what you end up actually paying

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Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.

Of course it makes sense

What doesn't make sense is making the first dollars a billionaire earns tax free

It makes no sense unless you want to tax everything on an increasing rate scale

You pay more taxes on your second third etc pair of shoes, cars, TVs, etc

After all you don't "need" those things as much as you do the first right?
Teah it
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
What is funny is that CEOs make much less overseas....you don't see them shipping out those jobs
has nothing to do with the fact that almost every other country has a lower corporate tax rate

Tell how does some CEOs salary effect your paycheck?

Do you really think that if every CEO was forced to get a pay cut by the government that you would magically make more money?
Trying to sell that lie again?

No, we do not have the highest corporate tax rate. Our effective tax rate which is after all deductions are taken, puts our corporations at less than the average rate of industrialized countries

Same pot of money. Corporations tell employees times are tough and they will have to make do with less......meanwhile, they jack up executive pay

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015

The United States Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 173 Nations

And what private companies pay their employees is not your concern. If any employee doesn't like the way the company they work for is run they are free to work elsewhere

Still don't understand what the effective tax rate is do you? The statutory rate is the absolute worst rate you can pay.....the effective rate is wha you end up actually paying

Of course I do but you have't proven that have you?
There has to be some reason companies move their corporate headquarters to places like Ireland

According to you it's not the fact that Ireland's corporate tax rate is 12% so what is it then?
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I asked the military contract civilian manager at the giant base when working as a military contractor, "Why do you give me all of these unnecessary contracts near the end of the fiscal year?" She said we have to spend all of the budget so we get more money the next fiscal year. She was a nice lady who talked plain sense and I kept local people working.
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.

Of course it makes sense

What doesn't make sense is making the first dollars a billionaire earns tax free

It makes no sense unless you want to tax everything on an increasing rate scale

You pay more taxes on your second third etc pair of shoes, cars, TVs, etc

After all you don't "need" those things as much as you do the first right?

Why would it have to apply to every possible tax?

Why do conservatives always think in absolutes?
Fair tax is where everyone pays the same percentage - No Deductions
Even if you only make $10 you pay $1
Why should anyone not have to pay to live in the USA

Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.

Of course it makes sense

What doesn't make sense is making the first dollars a billionaire earns tax free

It makes no sense unless you want to tax everything on an increasing rate scale

You pay more taxes on your second third etc pair of shoes, cars, TVs, etc

After all you don't "need" those things as much as you do the first right?

Why would it have to apply to every possible tax?

Why do conservatives always think in absolutes?

Because the entire basis of the increasing tax scale is that you don't "need" the last dollar as much as the first

If that is a legit assumption then apply it to everything
Some people envy the super rich but I don't. All I need is food in my belly, a roof over my head and a car to get around in; everything else is gravy.
Because their entire income goes to pay to live

Why should someone struggling to survive lose 15% of their income while someone who has thousands of times what they need to survive sees their taxes drop from 39% to 15%

It makes no sense to tax a dollar differently than a gallon of gas. You don't pay more taxes on the millionth gallon on gas you buy you pay the same amount as on the first

A dollar should be exactly the same.

Of course it makes sense

What doesn't make sense is making the first dollars a billionaire earns tax free

It makes no sense unless you want to tax everything on an increasing rate scale

You pay more taxes on your second third etc pair of shoes, cars, TVs, etc

After all you don't "need" those things as much as you do the first right?

Why would it have to apply to every possible tax?

Why do conservatives always think in absolutes?

Because the entire basis of the increasing tax scale is that you don't "need" the last dollar as much as the first

If that is a legit assumption then apply it to everything
It is not practical to apply it to everything as your example proved....doesn't mean you shouldn't apply it to anything

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