What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

I love how my share of taxes get spent on things that either I don't want, or don't benefit me. Hate to sound selfish, but a lion's share goes to what?. Military, welfare and a piddly amount of my money trickles down to me, infrastructure...whatever. They don't even have a cafeteria anymore for jurists at Denver's City hall anymore. I am surprised Denver doesn't tax panhandlers. Jees Louise.
So you support ala carte taxes?

I do.

You mean you don't believe in choice?
The question was what is fair. Those who benefit more than others from the effort of others fairly pay more.

How much you benefit has never been a criteria for demanding payment. I benefit from having a grocery store down the street. Is the store entitled to make me pay a tax to it? Trying to use benefit as a criteria is a sure sign that you're a douche bag.
Where did I say I want to give anyone a tax break?

I don't care what private companies do where they go or who they hire

If we are going to have an income tax and we will have an income tax for ever then it should be a flat tax from dollar one and everyone should pay

You said you want to give companies tax breaks for not having US workers because you want only the ones with onshore workers to pay those taxes. You automate, not only does your employees salary go away, but so do their taxes. You move jobs offshore, you drop the income taxes the onshore employees paid too. Cash non-payers don't pay, they would have to pay the Fair Tax when they spend the money.

You're lecturing me about not getting payrolls? How did you not get that?

You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Work at what ? I think people underestimate the complex ways people earn income . How would u measure Donald Trumps income? How would a guy like that just fill out a postcard tax return .

Any talk of simplifying taxes or eliminating the IRS without abolishing the income taxes is pure moonshine.


Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Yeah, because if you wealthy you can borrow as much money as you want to borrow.

People like you terrify me.
Another mindless reply on your part
Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.

All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either

No, but he isn't actively hostile to capitalism like Hillary and Bernie are.
Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Yeah, because if you wealthy you can borrow as much money as you want to borrow.

People like you terrify me.
Another mindless reply on your part

How ironic.
Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.

All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either

No, but he isn't actively hostile to capitalism like Hillary and Bernie are.

I disagree, free trade is central to capitalism
I love how my share of taxes get spent on things that either I don't want, or don't benefit me. Hate to sound selfish, but a lion's share goes to what?. Military, welfare and a piddly amount of my money trickles down to me, infrastructure...whatever. They don't even have a cafeteria anymore for jurists at Denver's City hall anymore. I am surprised Denver doesn't tax panhandlers. Jees Louise.
So you support ala carte taxes?
Taxation should reflect the needs of the community. In Denver, despite the huge tax base, and we have to pay for OTHER things that cost buku $ that benefits realtors, contractors, politicians and benefit fewer and fewer citizens under the guise of public good. This country is becoming a kleptocracy more and more.
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.

All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either

No, but he isn't actively hostile to capitalism like Hillary and Bernie are.

I disagree, free trade is central to capitalism

Being against these huge deals like TPP doesn't mean you are against free trade. If the government wants to lower trade barriers, all it has to do is lower ours unilaterally. There's all manner of sleazy provisions hidden in the 5000 pages of TPP
All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either

No, but he isn't actively hostile to capitalism like Hillary and Bernie are.

I disagree, free trade is central to capitalism

Being against these huge deals like TPP doesn't mean you are against free trade. If the government wants to lower trade barriers, all it has to do is lower ours unilaterally. There's all manner of sleazy provisions hidden in the 5000 pages of TPP

He's saying a lot more against Free Trade than the TPP
Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either

No, but he isn't actively hostile to capitalism like Hillary and Bernie are.

I disagree, free trade is central to capitalism

Being against these huge deals like TPP doesn't mean you are against free trade. If the government wants to lower trade barriers, all it has to do is lower ours unilaterally. There's all manner of sleazy provisions hidden in the 5000 pages of TPP

He's saying a lot more against Free Trade than the TPP

Such as?
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

No one is starving in this country

And FYI people in the 39% bracket probably pay over 20% net income taxes and I can say that with some confidence

And no one is stopping you from increasing your net worth (wealth)
35% of children are hungry...The richest pay 28% in ALL taxes and fees, less than the middle class. You are clueless.
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
I love how my share of taxes get spent on things that either I don't want, or don't benefit me. Hate to sound selfish, but a lion's share goes to what?. Military, welfare and a piddly amount of my money trickles down to me, infrastructure...whatever. They don't even have a cafeteria anymore for jurists at Denver's City hall anymore. I am surprised Denver doesn't tax panhandlers. Jees Louise.
So you support ala carte taxes?
Taxation should reflect the needs of the community. In Denver, despite the huge tax base, and we have to pay for OTHER things that cost buku $ that benefits realtors, contractors, politicians and benefit fewer and fewer citizens under the guise of public good. This country is becoming a kleptocracy more and more.
Or the GOP COULD allow fair taxes on the rich and giant corps duh...
I don't know the answer to that question (or actually I do, but prefer not to always bring up that round number that regressives represent), but I can tell you that according to leftists 70 % is not even nearly enough. Actually, the state should own you completely 100 %.
Not you but billionaires, fool. Only way to cut ridiculous CEO pay. Ay caramba.
What is funny is that CEOs make much less overseas....you don't see them shipping out those jobs
What is it that a CEO does that merits the income? Trump is/was a CEO, he and you expect the same pay grade? The people should decide who gets what and how much they merit, or if they deserve it. If this is still a democracy. I have my doubts.
What is it that a CEO does that merits the income? Trump is/was a CEO, he and you expect the same pay grade? The people should decide who gets what and how much they merit, or if they deserve it. If this is still a democracy. I have my doubts.
No. the only people that get to decide who gets what and how much they merit, or if they deserve it. are the shareholders.
Funny how CEO pay went from 40X that of workers to over 300x today, after top tax rates were slashed under Raygun. Also funny how state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) have sky rocketed in reaction to fed aid cuts. All defended to the death by greedy a-hole Pub billionaires, bought off GOP pols and pundits, and brainwashed GOP functional MORONS.

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