What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

The congress' legislative powers are clearly listed in art I, sec 8. Nowhere in there does it say "to do what needs doing in the interests in the general welfare of our country."

Are you aware that when the states formed their union they only gave it a small set of legislative powers. Are you aware that they didn't give it plenary power?

Liberals don't even know what "general welfare" means. It means it benefits everyone equally. National parks, police, military, roads, they are available equally to all. They are "general" welfare. Taking money from one citizen by force and giving it to another isn't "general" welfare, it's a crime. It's called armed robbery. And government benefiting some citizens at the expense of others is a pure abuse of power and morally bankrupt

Nor do they realize that "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States" is a limitation on congress' power to tax. It may only raise taxes towards those ends.
Can't really provide programs for We the People without the money to do it can you?

Not everyone can benefit equally from any Federal Program. That was never the intent and was never achievable

Article I, section 8 contains no legislative power to "provide programs".

I have the stupid bitch on ignore, so I only see him when he's quoted.

That people "benefit equally" is an inane standard. It's not government's job to go out and make you use for example the roads as much as someone else or not more than other people.

Roads are available to all equally. Government doesn't say some citizens have more access to it than others. That people choose to use them differently is just liberty
What communities get roads, bridges, modern power and communications has always been a political decision and is not distributed equally
That's a state by state issue and it makes no sense to talk about it here which is why I tens to only talk about federal taxes as that is consistent across the country

But tell me this why not treat a dollar like everything else we tax?

Federal taxes are also much higher, particularly for higher income people. Federal taxes also include taxes for many State services which should be removed and put into State taxes so States could decide how they want their money spent
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% of income, dupe.

So what? That still doesn't explain why so many people pay no federal income tax
Because Reaganists set it up that way DUH. Pure propaganda scheme at this point. So you don't care what people actually pay in taxes? Perfect chump.

It makes no sense to discuss state taxes here as we are all in different states federal taxes are the only things we have in common

I am talking about one particular tax, the federal income tax that is all I'm talking about
All taxes are interrelated

If the federal government stops paying for something, the states must pick up the slack.......same thing happens when the state cuts funding
You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Actually a 10% flat tax would not raise anyone's taxes as that is already the lowest bracket

If we are going to have an income tax then everyone with an income should pay it the fact that so many have not had to pay for so many years is of no concern
You have already admitted that many poor working families do not pay federal taxes. So, they would lose ten percent of their badly needed income.
Meanwhile, our wealthy would see their rate drop from 39% to 10% and we would add a trillion a year to our debt

No we wouldn't

A lower rate on ALL income from dollar one can bring in as much or more revenue than a higher rate on some income
A percentage can be chosen that would make the flat tax revenue neutral bringing in exactly the same as it does now and not just rich people would see their taxes drop anyone who pays a net income tax above 10% would see their taxes drop

What do you think people will do with the money they will save by paying less in taxes? Spend, save invest and what do those things do to a consumer economy?

When people spend save and invest more it's better for the "poor"
Federal taxes are also much higher, particularly for higher income people. Federal taxes also include taxes for many State services which should be removed and put into State taxes so States could decide how they want their money spent
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% of income, dupe.

So what? That still doesn't explain why so many people pay no federal income tax
Because Reaganists set it up that way DUH. Pure propaganda scheme at this point. So you don't care what people actually pay in taxes? Perfect chump.

It makes no sense to discuss state taxes here as we are all in different states federal taxes are the only things we have in common

I am talking about one particular tax, the federal income tax that is all I'm talking about
All taxes are interrelated

If the federal government stops paying for something, the states must pick up the slack.......same thing happens when the state cuts funding

That's if you assume everything the government spends money on is a necessity and we all know that's not true
That's a state by state issue and it makes no sense to talk about it here which is why I tens to only talk about federal taxes as that is consistent across the country

But tell me this why not treat a dollar like everything else we tax?

Federal taxes are also much higher, particularly for higher income people. Federal taxes also include taxes for many State services which should be removed and put into State taxes so States could decide how they want their money spent
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% of income, dupe.

So what? That still doesn't explain why so many people pay no federal income tax
Because Reaganists set it up that way DUH. Pure propaganda scheme at this point. So you don't care what people actually pay in taxes? Perfect chump.

It makes no sense to discuss state taxes here as we are all in different states federal taxes are the only things we have in common

I am talking about one particular tax, the federal income tax that is all I'm talking about
In fact, that's all dupes CAN talk about lol...
We're not talking about "property." He can moor his yacht wherever he's willing to pay the moorage fees. See the difference there?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

As long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Incredible. Enjoy being robbed blind by the greedy idiot rich GOP? Read something.
Federal taxes are also much higher, particularly for higher income people. Federal taxes also include taxes for many State services which should be removed and put into State taxes so States could decide how they want their money spent
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% of income, dupe.

So what? That still doesn't explain why so many people pay no federal income tax
Because Reaganists set it up that way DUH. Pure propaganda scheme at this point. So you don't care what people actually pay in taxes? Perfect chump.

It makes no sense to discuss state taxes here as we are all in different states federal taxes are the only things we have in common

I am talking about one particular tax, the federal income tax that is all I'm talking about
In fact, that's all dupes CAN talk about lol...

No I just won't fall you you changing the subject
If u have a problem on how the gov spends , address that instead of this shell game of a new tax scheme.
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Do I amuse you?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

No one is starving in this country

And FYI people in the 39% bracket probably pay over 20% net income taxes and I can say that with some confidence

And no one is stopping you from increasing your net worth (wealth)
Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Incredible. Enjoy being robbed blind by the greedy idiot rich GOP? Read something.

Robbed? Can you read?

I said AS LONG AS IT'S NOT STOLEN, why should I care how much wealth a person has?

If a person is a robber, the things he has stolen are not his legitimate property.

Who, in your mind, is stealing what from whom?
Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Incredible. Enjoy being robbed blind by the greedy idiot rich GOP? Read something.

No rich guy ever stole anything from me
Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.

If what you say is true then shouldn't everyone pay income taxes?

And why should some dollars get taxed at 39% and others at 0%
Because the 0% people are starving and the 39% ACTUALLY PAY 17% AND ARE GETTING all THE NEW WEALTH?

I said, as long as it's not stolen, why should I care how much wealth a person has? You marked that as funny. What's funny about it?
Do I amuse you?

No, not really. Why do you ask?
I love how my share of taxes get spent on things that either I don't want, or don't benefit me. Hate to sound selfish, but a lion's share goes to what?. Military, welfare and a piddly amount of my money trickles down to me, infrastructure...whatever. They don't even have a cafeteria anymore for jurists at Denver's City hall anymore. I am surprised Denver doesn't tax panhandlers. Jees Louise.
I love how my share of taxes get spent on things that either I don't want, or don't benefit me. Hate to sound selfish, but a lion's share goes to what?. Military, welfare and a piddly amount of my money trickles down to me, infrastructure...whatever. They don't even have a cafeteria anymore for jurists at Denver's City hall anymore. I am surprised Denver doesn't tax panhandlers. Jees Louise.
So you support ala carte taxes?
You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Yeah, because if you wealthy you can borrow as much money as you want to borrow.

People like you terrify me.

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