What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

You said you want to give companies tax breaks for not having US workers because you want only the ones with onshore workers to pay those taxes. You automate, not only does your employees salary go away, but so do their taxes. You move jobs offshore, you drop the income taxes the onshore employees paid too. Cash non-payers don't pay, they would have to pay the Fair Tax when they spend the money.

You're lecturing me about not getting payrolls? How did you not get that?

You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education
You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.

All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.
Well, not everyone. You don't care about taxing people who work in cash industries and evade them. You want to give companies tax breaks for moving jobs offshore, but not for keeping them here. Companies that automate and foreign companies who import products should pay lower taxes.

But great American companies who honestly hire onshore workers, they should carry the load! I mean they should have a flat tax rate ...

Where did I say I want to give anyone a tax break?

I don't care what private companies do where they go or who they hire

If we are going to have an income tax and we will have an income tax for ever then it should be a flat tax from dollar one and everyone should pay

You said you want to give companies tax breaks for not having US workers because you want only the ones with onshore workers to pay those taxes. You automate, not only does your employees salary go away, but so do their taxes. You move jobs offshore, you drop the income taxes the onshore employees paid too. Cash non-payers don't pay, they would have to pay the Fair Tax when they spend the money.

You're lecturing me about not getting payrolls? How did you not get that?

You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Work at what ? I think people underestimate the complex ways people earn income . How would u measure Donald Trumps income? How would a guy like that just fill out a postcard tax return .
Where did I say I want to give anyone a tax break?

I don't care what private companies do where they go or who they hire

If we are going to have an income tax and we will have an income tax for ever then it should be a flat tax from dollar one and everyone should pay

You said you want to give companies tax breaks for not having US workers because you want only the ones with onshore workers to pay those taxes. You automate, not only does your employees salary go away, but so do their taxes. You move jobs offshore, you drop the income taxes the onshore employees paid too. Cash non-payers don't pay, they would have to pay the Fair Tax when they spend the money.

You're lecturing me about not getting payrolls? How did you not get that?

You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Work at what ? I think people underestimate the complex ways people earn income . How would u measure Donald Trumps income? How would a guy like that just fill out a postcard tax return .

Donald Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and I have ate a peck of dirt.
there have been numerous posts from our Libs here going off on this for years now...
They have been demanding that the rich pay their "Fair share"....
What's interesting is whenever they are asked for more details as to who are the rich?
Is a professional couple working in NYC making over $200k considered rich?.....

And what exactly is the "Fair share"?

The Libs never respond....
And if they do they mumble something about Halliburton,Bush...then they disappear.....

If anyone follows the current tax code and the IRS accepts the tax return then
that person has paid their "Fair share".....

So let's put this rest once and for all....


Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.

All taxes are "spending taxes" since they are all embedded in the price of products and services that we buy now.

But let's ignore that for a second. You want to tax only the things you DON'T want people to do? How does that make sense?

Raise import taxes where it is no longer profitable for foreign countries to make a pile of money in the US. We have more than enough low educated people in the US and no need to import more.

That's exactly why I will never vote for Trump. He's not a free market capitalist either
there have been numerous posts from our Libs here going off on this for years now...
They have been demanding that the rich pay their "Fair share"....
What's interesting is whenever they are asked for more details as to who are the rich?
Is a professional couple working in NYC making over $200k considered rich?.....

And what exactly is the "Fair share"?

The Libs never respond....
And if they do they mumble something about Halliburton,Bush...then they disappear.....

If anyone follows the current tax code and the IRS accepts the tax return then
that person has paid their "Fair share".....

So let's put this rest once and for all....

I never went to college but still graduated high school when skipping 12th grade with a 2.7 GPA. I made a small fortune in the stock market by only reading the newspaper and started with nothing. Life is a long row to hoe but I suffered the trials and tribulations and came out on top. When at that bottom of a deep hole there is only one way out and that is up.
You find the quote where I said I want to give tax breaks to anyone

All I have ever been talking about is the federal income tax

We will never get rid of the income tax and the fair tax is too complicated and expensive to administrate as I have said before
It is beyond stupid to cut a check to ever single person every month



Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Infrastructure (other than post offices and post roads), healthcare, and education are not federal responsibilities. Go check out article I, section 8 of the constitution. All of those will be missing from the legislative powers given by the states to congress.
The 'free' in 'free market' is ambiguous to say the least. Free to manipulate and exploit is often the case. Free of morality and fairness goes along with that. We've all heard 'greed is good'. It is not good, but it is all too human. That it dominates 'free markets' excludes that system from the possibility of being fair. Fairness demands human scale morals, not survival of the vicious.
The 'free' in 'free market' is ambiguous to say the least. Free to manipulate and exploit is often the case. Free of morality and fairness goes along with that. We've all heard 'greed is good'. It is not good, but it is all too human. That it dominates 'free markets' excludes that system from the possibility of being fair. Fairness demands human scale morals, not survival of the vicious.

To those who advocate a free market, "free" means that you are free to do what you want with your body and property, but not with other people's bodies and property.
The 'free' in 'free market' is ambiguous to say the least. Free to manipulate and exploit is often the case

Non-sequitur. You can't "manipulate and exploit" in a free market without committing a crime, like fraud, which is illegal.

Only government can manipulate and exploit because only government can remove competitors with force and not go to jail
The 'free' in 'free market' is ambiguous to say the least. Free to manipulate and exploit is often the case. Free of morality and fairness goes along with that. We've all heard 'greed is good'. It is not good, but it is all too human. That it dominates 'free markets' excludes that system from the possibility of being fair. Fairness demands human scale morals, not survival of the vicious.

To those who advocate a free market, "free" means that you are free to do what you want with your body and property, but not with other people's bodies and property.

Liberals don't grasp the concept of firing your employer and hiring a better one
there have been numerous posts from our Libs here going off on this for years now...
They have been demanding that the rich pay their "Fair share"....
What's interesting is whenever they are asked for more details as to who are the rich?
Is a professional couple working in NYC making over $200k considered rich?.....

And what exactly is the "Fair share"?

The Libs never respond....
And if they do they mumble something about Halliburton,Bush...then they disappear.....

If anyone follows the current tax code and the IRS accepts the tax return then
that person has paid their "Fair share".....

So let's put this rest once and for all....
From what I posted in 167

Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?


Taxing sales once is "complicated?" We need income taxes, corporate taxes, corporate debt, capital gains taxes, payroll taxes, repatriation of money taxes, ... and

sales taxes

to be LESS complicated than just sales taxes?



That's all I've got ...

Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Infrastructure (other than post offices and post roads), healthcare, and education are not federal responsibilities. Go check out article I, section 8 of the constitution. All of those will be missing from the legislative powers given by the states to congress.

It is the Governments responsibility to do what needs doing in the interests of the general welfare of our country

Whether it gets done at the Federal, state or local level depends on where it is most efficiently performed
Let's give flat tax a try, it might work.

Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Infrastructure (other than post offices and post roads), healthcare, and education are not federal responsibilities. Go check out article I, section 8 of the constitution. All of those will be missing from the legislative powers given by the states to congress.

It is the Governments responsibility to do what needs doing in the interests of the general welfare of our country

Whether it gets done at the Federal, state or local level depends on where it is most efficiently performed

The congress' legislative powers are clearly listed in art I, sec 8. Nowhere in there does it say "to do what needs doing in the interests in the general welfare of our country."

Are you aware that when the states formed their union they only gave it a small set of legislative powers. Are you aware that they didn't give it plenary power?
Show me a flat tax that doesn't cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working poor

Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Infrastructure (other than post offices and post roads), healthcare, and education are not federal responsibilities. Go check out article I, section 8 of the constitution. All of those will be missing from the legislative powers given by the states to congress.

It is the Governments responsibility to do what needs doing in the interests of the general welfare of our country

Whether it gets done at the Federal, state or local level depends on where it is most efficiently performed

The congress' legislative powers are clearly listed in art I, sec 8. Nowhere in there does it say "to do what needs doing in the interests in the general welfare of our country."

Are you aware that when the states formed their union they only gave it a small set of legislative powers. Are you aware that they didn't give it plenary power?

Liberals don't even know what "general welfare" means. It means it benefits everyone equally. National parks, police, military, roads, they are available equally to all. They are "general" welfare. Taking money from one citizen by force and giving it to another isn't "general" welfare, it's a crime. It's called armed robbery. And government benefiting some citizens at the expense of others is a pure abuse of power and morally bankrupt
What is your fair share of taxes?

Depends on who you ask!

To a libertarian--whatever you decide to give

To a liberal--depends on how much you make!

To a leftist nutjob--everything you own!
Flat Tax is a spending tax and we need a lot less spending in the US.
Why does the wealthiest nation on earth need less spending. We need better infrastructure, access to healthcare, education

Infrastructure (other than post offices and post roads), healthcare, and education are not federal responsibilities. Go check out article I, section 8 of the constitution. All of those will be missing from the legislative powers given by the states to congress.

It is the Governments responsibility to do what needs doing in the interests of the general welfare of our country

Whether it gets done at the Federal, state or local level depends on where it is most efficiently performed

The congress' legislative powers are clearly listed in art I, sec 8. Nowhere in there does it say "to do what needs doing in the interests in the general welfare of our country."

Are you aware that when the states formed their union they only gave it a small set of legislative powers. Are you aware that they didn't give it plenary power?

Liberals don't even know what "general welfare" means. It means it benefits everyone equally. National parks, police, military, roads, they are available equally to all. They are "general" welfare. Taking money from one citizen by force and giving it to another isn't "general" welfare, it's a crime. It's called armed robbery. And government benefiting some citizens at the expense of others is a pure abuse of power and morally bankrupt

Nor do they realize that "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States" is a limitation on congress' power to tax. It may only raise taxes towards those ends.

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