What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Executives have that same freedom. Of course, since they generally work within the old boy network, they seldom need it.

SO what?
So the executives can settle for less just like they expect their employees to do.

WHy should they it's none of yours or anyone else's business what employees of any business make for a salary

and besides no CEO salary has any effect on your pay or your ability to get a higher paying job
What world do you live in where there's not a finite amount of money available for employee salaries?

So If my income goes up then someone else's has to go down?

Tell me when has that ever happened to you?
It happens every year at raise time. There's always a reason that the raises can't be better. The economy is down, this is a 'rebuilding' year, we've had to update our infrastructure... Yet somehow, the top brass always come out ok.

It might be alright if our leaders really did think strategically and/or made a big difference in the success of the company (as I'll admit CAN happen). But we haven't had that flavor of leader since the company founder called it quits.
So the executives can settle for less just like they expect their employees to do.

WHy should they it's none of yours or anyone else's business what employees of any business make for a salary

and besides no CEO salary has any effect on your pay or your ability to get a higher paying job
What world do you live in where there's not a finite amount of money available for employee salaries?

So If my income goes up then someone else's has to go down?

Tell me when has that ever happened to you?
It happens every year at raise time. There's always a reason that the raises can't be better. The economy is down, this is a 'rebuilding' year, we've had to update our infrastructure... Yet somehow, the top brass always come out ok.

It might be alright if our leaders really did think strategically and/or made a big difference in the success of the company (as I'll admit CAN happen). But we haven't had that flavor of leader since the company founder called it quits.

So wait you got a raise AND someone else got a raise? That can't happen if there is a finite amount of money to go around

So who got a cut in pay?
I hate to tell you this but I belong to no political party

It's you sheep that are the dupes

Tell me why should any business that has the means not relocate to a place that is more welcoming and allows them to make more and keep more of their money?

If the US wanted businesses to stay they would show it by making it easier for businesses to operate here that would also result in more businesses starting and relocating here

But as usual we are too fucking shortsighted because of envious pricks like you
Heck, even many Dems believe some of the Pubcrappe hate- see anti-Hillary Dems...Not envious at all, dupe, just want the best for the whole country, not just the greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps that run the GOP.

If you want what's best for the country then you should want to make it easier for companies from this country and all over the world to set up shop here and not drive them out with taxes and regulatory policies
We can't compete with the 3rd world on manual labor manufacturing, so we need the GOVERNMENT to invest in training/ed. for tech jobs (3 million going begging). More mindless GOP obstruction...That's what's wrong with NAFTA etc etc. Great job! letting Germany and China get them...AND letting our infrastructure go to hell. All to protect the bloated rich and giant corps low tax rates.

We don't "need" government to invest in training that's the job of the company to train its employees or it's the individuals responsibility to improve his own skills
The shortsighted idiot shareholders, the incredibly overpaid CEOs, and the Pubs who set up the shortsighted tax regs don't believe in intelligence.
They don't need to believe in it, they live it.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
So wait you got a raise AND someone else got a raise? That can't happen if there is a finite amount of money to go around

So who got a cut in pay?

The American Middle Class after tax income and adjusted for inflation is now lower than it was in 1973.

So the answer should be obvious to anyone willing to be honest about the whole issue.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Flat tax.... i don't care if you are rich or poor. Everyone should pay the same.

I agree - 100%

I don't. The rich should pay a little more to take care of the poor. But what do I know? I'm just a godless liberal.

And this is the way it has always been. Why change now? Rich people decided this a long time ago. When did you guys turn greedy? Ayn Rand I believe.

Why is it appropriate for you to demand that anyone give up their private property to support someone else?
So the executives can settle for less just like they expect their employees to do.

WHy should they it's none of yours or anyone else's business what employees of any business make for a salary

and besides no CEO salary has any effect on your pay or your ability to get a higher paying job
What world do you live in where there's not a finite amount of money available for employee salaries?

So If my income goes up then someone else's has to go down?

Tell me when has that ever happened to you?
It happens every year at raise time. There's always a reason that the raises can't be better. The economy is down, this is a 'rebuilding' year, we've had to update our infrastructure... Yet somehow, the top brass always come out ok.

It might be alright if our leaders really did think strategically and/or made a big difference in the success of the company (as I'll admit CAN happen). But we haven't had that flavor of leader since the company founder called it quits.

So wait you got a raise AND someone else got a raise? That can't happen if there is a finite amount of money to go around

So who got a cut in pay?
Ok, so now I know you're just trying to be stupid. Overall revenue increased (it didn't become infinite). Of that increase, raises were apportioned heavily in favor of the guys at the top. Does that help?
WHy should they it's none of yours or anyone else's business what employees of any business make for a salary

and besides no CEO salary has any effect on your pay or your ability to get a higher paying job
What world do you live in where there's not a finite amount of money available for employee salaries?

So If my income goes up then someone else's has to go down?

Tell me when has that ever happened to you?
It happens every year at raise time. There's always a reason that the raises can't be better. The economy is down, this is a 'rebuilding' year, we've had to update our infrastructure... Yet somehow, the top brass always come out ok.

It might be alright if our leaders really did think strategically and/or made a big difference in the success of the company (as I'll admit CAN happen). But we haven't had that flavor of leader since the company founder called it quits.

So wait you got a raise AND someone else got a raise? That can't happen if there is a finite amount of money to go around

So who got a cut in pay?
Ok, so now I know you're just trying to be stupid. Overall revenue increased (it didn't become infinite). Of that increase, raises were apportioned heavily in favor of the guys at the top. Does that help?

You asked me and I quote

"What world do you live in where there's not a finite amount of money available for employee salaries?"

I don't live in that world and FYI neither do you

So what if the guys at the top got more? If you want a bigger raise then move up in the company. That's the way it has always worked
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair.

Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary? Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary?

All of them.

Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.

Do you know how to do math?

I am speaking of INCOME TAX, not capital gains taxes.

Most secretaries are not paying capital gain rates, doofus, but they all pay INCOME TAXES. And INCOME TAXES for the wealthy are at lower rates because of the FICA tax cap, not capital gains.

Flat tax.... i don't care if you are rich or poor. Everyone should pay the same.

I agree - 100%

I don't. The rich should pay a little more to take care of the poor. But what do I know? I'm just a godless liberal.

And this is the way it has always been. Why change now? Rich people decided this a long time ago. When did you guys turn greedy? Ayn Rand I believe.

Why is it appropriate for you to demand that anyone give up their private property to support someone else?
Because we as a society decided a long time ago this is what is fair and this is what works.
Bullshit. It is blatantly obviously unfair for a billionaire to have an effective lower tax rate than his secretary because of the cap in FICA taxes.

Jeebus, things are getting mighty stupid these days.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary? Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.
The top 20% ON AVERAGE pay less %wise than the middle class in all taxes and fees. And get all the new wealth. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes like you.
That's not why Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, who apparently earns 6 figures. He does because he takes most of his income as capital gains, which is why his whinging about raising income tax rates is a ruse. It wouldn't hit him very hard to do so.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary? Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.
The top 20% ON AVERAGE pay less %wise than the middle class in all taxes and fees. And get all the new wealth. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes like you.
And guess what? They're not going to stand idly by and let you take it away from them, no matter how upset you get or how unfair you think it is. They still carry most of the tax burden, and you don't think it's enough. Tell you what, let's just eliminate the whole thing and charge everyone 10% on all money earned and just be done with the whinging.
I am not talking about Warren Buffet specifically.

The way our federal taxes work is that there is a top bracket for income tax, but not a cap. There is a flat tax on Social Security (FICA tax) that is capped.

So if a billionaires taxes are compared to someone who makes around $150k annually, the lower income pays a higher share of taxes because the FICA tax is a much larger share of that persons income than it is for the billionaire.

Get it? Got it? Great.
You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary? Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.
The top 20% ON AVERAGE pay less %wise than the middle class in all taxes and fees. And get all the new wealth. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes like you.
And guess what? They're not going to stand idly by and let you take it away from them, no matter how upset you get or how unfair you think it is. They still carry most of the tax burden, and you don't think it's enough. Tell you what, let's just eliminate the whole thing and charge everyone 10% on all money earned and just be done with the whinging.
Vote for the party that wants fairness and justice then, dupe. And that's not the New BS GOP that's brainwashed you with bs and fear.

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