What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Your whole argument is baseless and made from your own comfort bubble. You are just sitting high up there and telling low income people: "hey people, why dont you make more money... problem solved....." You are just anothet clueless person expressing his opinion.
Except that I haven't "argued" or "expressed my opinion", stupid. I've provided facts. like the fact that businesses shop for the best deal just like a consumer does. And the fact that other nations are providing those best deals because they don't have ignorant progressives destroying their economy like we do here in the U.S. And I noticed you ignored those facts and changed the subject. Typical progressive.

There isn't a corporation in the world that would rather have their manufacturing plants in China rather than the U.S. (which has a more stable government). We could almost have 100% of the world's manufacturing right here if we didn't have ignorant progressives burdening business with the highest corporate taxes in the world, with the costly labor laws, with devastating regulations, and with greedy unions.
Remember, rich people who got rich off of the labour of this country, the same people you argue here that they should be paying less taxes, already moved their good paying factories overseas...
First of all, wealthy people became wealthy off of the ideas they came up with and the risks they took. Not from the labor in this country.

Second, factories have been pushed overseas because Dumbocrats are ignorant of economics, favor ideology over reality, and are greedy.

Hey ideologue - when you purchase something, you shop for the best price. You're not going to pay $60 for the same football you can purchase for $35. Well, businesses do the exact same thing. They are not going to endure labor costs of $180,000 per employee on the assembly line in the U.S. when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line.

It was Dumbocrats who drove all of the jobs overseas with their ignorant minimum wage, ignorant taxes, ignorant regulations, and ignorant unions - all of which drove up costs for businesses. Other nations gave them a better deal, so that's where they went.

"when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line."

And who is this lucky guy gettin paid 40k in China working at a assembly line?
Because i know 1 billion other Chinese who would be rushing to apply...
Um....hey stupid....labor costs are not the salary you pay an employee. The generals rule of thumb is 3x's the employees salary is your total labor cost for that employee. You have training costs, regulatory and safety costs, healthcare costs, tuition reimbursement costs, pensions, etc. That's why I cited $180,000 for assembly line workers in the U.S. (you do know that they don't make a $180k salary, don't you dumb ass?).

You have once again illustrated your extraordinary ignorance about the topic at hand.

And once again, you failed to do the math, multiplying 4 by 3, and finding 12, rather than 40 as you claimed.

Thats what happens when you google your degree...

And thats a whole another reason we need free college.
Because that way, we will have the smarter kids making their way to college therefore produce more for this country, rather than imbeciles who cant even do simple math but have the money to pay for it, like you...
Thats why people dont vote for your ideology, if you ever wondered. Because it comprehends no leadership what so ever. It is as passive, as useless, as ineffective as it gets....
Wow...where to start with that ignorant comment. First of all - please grab a dictionary and look up the word "comprehends". Because that's not even a coherent sentence.

Second - in case you didn't notice (and you clearly haven't) - the American people have overwhelmingly rejected your bat-shit crazy ideology. The House was turned over to conservatives. The Senate was turned over to conservatives. And something like 75% of that states where turned over to conservatives - including traditionally left-wing states like Wisconsin (Scott Walker) and Michigan (Rick Snyder). That's 63% of the current states are Republican-controlled (with one being Independent). That leaves a laughable 18 out of 50 states still supporting idiotic progressive ideology.

Third - your final sentence really illustrates the stupidity of progressives. You think "passive" is a bad thing?!? LMAO! You're a typical little obedient progressive lap-dog who is ignorant of history and government. Looking for someone to tell you what to do like a small, scared child. Representatives are supposed to answer to the people, stupid. They are supposed to be "passive". They are servants of the people you moron. Not the dictators you crave.
Your whole argument is baseless and made from your own comfort bubble. You are just sitting high up there and telling low income people: "hey people, why dont you make more money... problem solved....." You are just anothet clueless person expressing his opinion.
Except that I haven't "argued" or "expressed my opinion", stupid. I've provided facts. like the fact that businesses shop for the best deal just like a consumer does. And the fact that other nations are providing those best deals because they don't have ignorant progressives destroying their economy like we do here in the U.S. And I noticed you ignored those facts and changed the subject. Typical progressive.

There isn't a corporation in the world that would rather have their manufacturing plants in China rather than the U.S. (which has a more stable government). We could almost have 100% of the world's manufacturing right here if we didn't have ignorant progressives burdening business with the highest corporate taxes in the world, with the costly labor laws, with devastating regulations, and with greedy unions.

You are clueless on this subject.
You have no idea what the problem is here, and yet you have all the bullshit advice to give...

The problem is how to get your population educated, therefore they are capable of producing what worth more. That would get the production output of this country up, as well as the prosperity.

And the way to do this is to educate your people so they are more skillful, therefore can output more.

You are too shallow to understand any of that...

Your whole argument here is; google your degree, if you cant afford it...

That doesnt hold any water with any sensible and intelligent creature, as you might have realized by now....
And once again, you failed to do the math, multiplying 4 by 3, and finding 12, rather than 40 as you claimed.

Thats what happens when you google your degree...
Says the "genius" who thought salaries were the entire labor costs of a business :lmao:
Your whole argument is baseless and made from your own comfort bubble. You are just sitting high up there and telling low income people: "hey people, why dont you make more money... problem solved....." You are just anothet clueless person expressing his opinion.
Except that I haven't "argued" or "expressed my opinion", stupid. I've provided facts. like the fact that businesses shop for the best deal just like a consumer does. And the fact that other nations are providing those best deals because they don't have ignorant progressives destroying their economy like we do here in the U.S. And I noticed you ignored those facts and changed the subject. Typical progressive.

There isn't a corporation in the world that would rather have their manufacturing plants in China rather than the U.S. (which has a more stable government). We could almost have 100% of the world's manufacturing right here if we didn't have ignorant progressives burdening business with the highest corporate taxes in the world, with the costly labor laws, with devastating regulations, and with greedy unions.

You are clueless on this subject. You have no idea what the problem is here, and yet you have all the bullshit advice to give... The problem is how to get your population educated, therefore they are capable of producing what worth more. That would get the production output of this country up, as well as the prosperity. And the way to do this is to educate your people so they are more skillful, therefore can output more.

You are too shallow to understand any of that...

Your whole argument here is; google your degree, if you cant afford it...

That doesnt hold any water with any sensible and intelligent creature, as you might have realized by now....
Again moron...all you are doing is regurgitating ignorant progressive propaganda. For starters, people on assembly lines don't require higher education. And...even they did - what good would that higher education do when the manufacturing jobs are overseas because Dumbocrats have driven up the cost of doing business in the U.S. to the point where it makes more sense to do it in foreign nations?

How dumb are you exactly?
And once again, you failed to do the math, multiplying 4 by 3, and finding 12, rather than 40 as you claimed.

Thats what happens when you google your degree...
Says the "genius" who thought salaries were the entire labor costs of a business :lmao:

Ya, 40.000 US dollars, Chinese labour cost.....

Where? In Mars?
You're so dumb that you're making my point for me. If it really is a total of $4,000 for labor costs in China then it makes even less sense to keep jobs in the U.S. Way to go, stupid.
Your whole argument is baseless and made from your own comfort bubble. You are just sitting high up there and telling low income people: "hey people, why dont you make more money... problem solved....." You are just anothet clueless person expressing his opinion.
Except that I haven't "argued" or "expressed my opinion", stupid. I've provided facts. like the fact that businesses shop for the best deal just like a consumer does. And the fact that other nations are providing those best deals because they don't have ignorant progressives destroying their economy like we do here in the U.S. And I noticed you ignored those facts and changed the subject. Typical progressive.

There isn't a corporation in the world that would rather have their manufacturing plants in China rather than the U.S. (which has a more stable government). We could almost have 100% of the world's manufacturing right here if we didn't have ignorant progressives burdening business with the highest corporate taxes in the world, with the costly labor laws, with devastating regulations, and with greedy unions.

You are clueless on this subject. You have no idea what the problem is here, and yet you have all the bullshit advice to give... The problem is how to get your population educated, therefore they are capable of producing what worth more. That would get the production output of this country up, as well as the prosperity. And the way to do this is to educate your people so they are more skillful, therefore can output more.

You are too shallow to understand any of that...

Your whole argument here is; google your degree, if you cant afford it...

That doesnt hold any water with any sensible and intelligent creature, as you might have realized by now....
Again moron...all you are doing is regurgitating ignorant progressive propaganda. For starters, people on assembly lines don't require higher education. And...even they did - what good would that higher education do when the manufacturing jobs are overseas because Dumbocrats have driven up the cost of doing business in the U.S. to the point where it makes more sense to do it in foreign nations?

How dumb are you exactly?

We are not trying to make American people just some assembly workers, idiot.
Thats where your ideology fucks it up.
Offer nothing more than an assembly line, and yet question the active leadership...

You have nothing to offer American people.... Absolutely nothing.....
You are too shallow to understand any of that...
And there it is.... the entire problem with the progressive ideology. Everything is emotion with them. No logic at all. No reason. Just emotion. It's "shallow" to reject emotion and recognize economics when building economic policy. :eusa_doh:
You have nothing to offer American people.... Absolutely nothing.....
Sure I do....freedom. The freedom to do and be whatever they want. Meanwhile, you want to trap people in perpetual poverty by promising to confiscate their earnings and apply them to what you deem to be "for the good of society".

You are too shallow to understand any of that...
And there it is.... the entire problem with the progressive ideology. Everything is emotion with them. No logic at all. No reason. Just emotion. It's "shallow" to reject emotion and recognize economics when building economic policy. :eusa_doh:

You think you understand economics ha...
What did you do, google it?
Or I bet you did learn it at a library ha....
You have nothing to offer American people.... Absolutely nothing.....
Sure I do....freedom. The freedom to do and be whatever they want. Meanwhile, you want to trap people in perpetual poverty by promising to confiscate their earnings and apply them to what you deem to be "for the good of society".

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Ya, your freedom goes just as far as an assembly line.

Any children in this country will have the freedom to choose what they want to be. And be best at it.
Imbeciles like you will not have the privilege to buy out the seats in a college just because you had the money to do so, but smart American children will have the opportunity to shine and become the best at whatever they want to pursue...

This is the real American dream, which you and your shitty selfish ideology turned into a nightmare for the majority of this country.
We are not trying to make American people just some assembly workers, idiot. Thats where your ideology fucks it up. Offer nothing more than an assembly line, and yet question the active leadership... You have nothing to offer American people.... Absolutely nothing.....
You are the perfect illustration of why progressivism is such a monumental failure. First you cry about manufacturing jobs going overseas because you're ignorant about basic business and economics. Then you cry about how we need education to "correct" it (again ignoring the problem is due to progressive policy making business costs unsustainable in the U.S.). Then I point out how education is 100% free in the U.S. and you freak the fuck out because you don't want to have to actually hold a job and earn your own way through life.

In a nutshell - you ignore facts, reality, logic, reason, and economics in favor of emotion. Namely your emotional attachment to your emotional ideology.
We are not trying to make American people just some assembly workers, idiot. Thats where your ideology fucks it up. Offer nothing more than an assembly line, and yet question the active leadership... You have nothing to offer American people.... Absolutely nothing.....
You are the perfect illustration of why progressivism is such a monumental failure. First you cry about manufacturing jobs going overseas because you're ignorant about basic business and economics. Then you cry about how we need education to "correct" it (again ignoring the problem is due to progressive policy making business costs unsustainable in the U.S.). Then I point out how education is 100% free in the U.S. and you freak the fuck out because you don't want to have to actually hold a job and earn your own way through life.

In a nutshell - you ignore facts, reality, logic, reason, and economics in favor of emotion. Namely your emotional attachment to your emotional ideology.

Your claim is that, mc donalds will pay for the college tuition... if you flip burgers for em.

I do suggest you start flipping burgers at mc donalds, i bet they will pay for your brain surgery too...
Free, or at least affordable, college education for every human being that proved they could suceed is not an option, is a must to have for the people of this country... if we want to live in a much more productive and prosperous society.
Oh yeah....and why have college educations far outpaced inflation? Because progressives got the government involved and as usual - their only "solution" was to throw money at the problem.

It's basic supply and demand, stupid. Since progressives have insisted on an unlimited river of money, colleges are cashing in on it big time. Guess what would happen if there were no student loans and nobody could afford to attend college? Prices would plummet. When Harvard looked out and saw nothing but empty classrooms, they would lower their prices until their classrooms were filled again. Idiot.
Your claim is that, mc donalds will pay for the college tuition... if you flip burgers for em. I do suggest you start flipping burgers at mc donalds, i bet they will pay for your brain surgery too...
It's not a "claim". It's a fact you monumental moron. They have tuition reimbursement. You're so ignorant it's scary. No wonder you feel helpless. You kind of are.
Free, or at least affordable, college education for every human being that proved they could suceed is not an option, is a must to have for the people of this country... if we want to live in a much more productive and prosperous society.
Oh yeah....and why have college educations far outpaced inflation? Because progressives got the government involved and as usual - their only "solution" was to throw money at the problem.

It's basic supply and demand, stupid. Since progressives have insisted on an unlimited river of money, colleges are cashing in on it big time. Guess what would happen if there were no student loans and nobody could afford to attend college? Prices would plummet. When Harvard looked out and saw nothing but empty classrooms, they would lower their prices until their classrooms were filled again. Idiot.

With your logic, low income families would never afford it. Which you dont give a shit anyways...
Your claim is that, mc donalds will pay for the college tuition... if you flip burgers for em. I do suggest you start flipping burgers at mc donalds, i bet they will pay for your brain surgery too...
It's not a "claim". It's a fact you monumental moron. They have tuition reimbursement. You're so ignorant it's scary. No wonder you feel helpless. You kind of are.

Ahhh, how nice.... Another corporation who thinks "free" college education is actually a good idea....
Makes 2 of us, against you idiot...

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