What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

You referenced Buffet's complaint that he paid a lower rate than his secretary did. SS taxation, moreover, is a separate issue from income taxes.
Read it again. I nowhere mention Buffet.

And FICA taxes are not a separate issue from the tax rates we pay to the government as it is a tax.
Who else is a billionaire that pays a lower rate than his secretary? Buffet is the only one who is known for saying that. And, it is not FICA that makes his rate lower than hers, it's capital gains.
The top 20% ON AVERAGE pay less %wise than the middle class in all taxes and fees. And get all the new wealth. Great job, a-hole Pubs and silly dupes like you.
And guess what? They're not going to stand idly by and let you take it away from them, no matter how upset you get or how unfair you think it is. They still carry most of the tax burden, and you don't think it's enough. Tell you what, let's just eliminate the whole thing and charge everyone 10% on all money earned and just be done with the whinging.
Vote for the party that wants fairness and justice then, dupe. And that's not the New BS GOP that's brainwashed you with bs and fear.
Right, because that GOP doesn't exist. And we certainly are NOT going to vote for the party of the greedy, rich and the white, aka democrats.
Flat tax.... i don't care if you are rich or poor. Everyone should pay the same.

I agree - 100%

I don't. The rich should pay a little more to take care of the poor. But what do I know? I'm just a godless liberal.

And this is the way it has always been. Why change now? Rich people decided this a long time ago. When did you guys turn greedy? Ayn Rand I believe.

Why is it appropriate for you to demand that anyone give up their private property to support someone else?
Because we as a society decided a long time ago this is what is fair and this is what works.

No, it's what thieves and socialists thought was fair and what works.
Flat tax.... i don't care if you are rich or poor. Everyone should pay the same.

I agree - 100%

I don't. The rich should pay a little more to take care of the poor. But what do I know? I'm just a godless liberal.

And this is the way it has always been. Why change now? Rich people decided this a long time ago. When did you guys turn greedy? Ayn Rand I believe.

Why is it appropriate for you to demand that anyone give up their private property to support someone else?
Because we as a society decided a long time ago this is what is fair and this is what works.

No, we never decided that....
The income tax has been a scam from the beginning to pay interest on credit extended by nothing for a group of international bankers. It was never the wish of our founding fathers for us to be taxed for bartering our sweat equity for something that we could exchange in order to exist. "Income" as defined by Black's Law dictionary says nothing about wages paid for labor. The SCOTUS ruled on 4 different occasions that the income tax was unconstitutional.
The income tax has been a scam from the beginning to pay interest on credit extended by nothing for a group of international bankers. It was never the wish of our founding fathers for us to be taxed for bartering our sweat equity for something that we could exchange in order to exist. "Income" as defined by Black's Law dictionary says nothing about wages paid for labor. The SCOTUS ruled on 4 different occasions that the income tax was unconstitutional.

That's why the Constitutional Amendment was passed to legalize income tax.
The income tax has been a scam from the beginning to pay interest on credit extended by nothing for a group of international bankers. It was never the wish of our founding fathers for us to be taxed for bartering our sweat equity for something that we could exchange in order to exist. "Income" as defined by Black's Law dictionary says nothing about wages paid for labor. The SCOTUS ruled on 4 different occasions that the income tax was unconstitutional.

Home run Dale! Abolishment of the 16th and 17th amendment and dissolution of the Federal Reserve are the first steps to restoring the constitution to what it was designed to be. This will force the US gov to be more fiscally responsible, and re-empower the states to provide the functions that the framers intended.
The income tax has been a scam from the beginning to pay interest on credit extended by nothing for a group of international bankers. It was never the wish of our founding fathers for us to be taxed for bartering our sweat equity for something that we could exchange in order to exist. "Income" as defined by Black's Law dictionary says nothing about wages paid for labor. The SCOTUS ruled on 4 different occasions that the income tax was unconstitutional.

That's why the Constitutional Amendment was passed to legalize income tax.

Never ratified by enough states and the SCOTUS said that it did not give "da gubermint any new taxing powers anyway.
The income tax has been a scam from the beginning to pay interest on credit extended by nothing for a group of international bankers. It was never the wish of our founding fathers for us to be taxed for bartering our sweat equity for something that we could exchange in order to exist. "Income" as defined by Black's Law dictionary says nothing about wages paid for labor. The SCOTUS ruled on 4 different occasions that the income tax was unconstitutional.

That's why the Constitutional Amendment was passed to legalize income tax.

Never ratified by enough states and the SCOTUS said that it did not give "da gubermint any new taxing powers anyway.

The 16th Amendment was ratified by 42 of the 49 states in the USA at that time. I'm not sure your second statement is accurate at all.
You conservatives aren't going to LIKE this very much.

I. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state.

Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations.

Let me know when you have a more definitive source than the father of modern economics.
Exactly Ravage! Which is why percentages (and more specifically - a 10% flat tax) flawlessly fulfills Adam Smith's position.

A person making $1 million per year will pay $100,000 in taxes while a person making $30,000 per year will pay a measly $3,000 per year. See how each one pays in proportion to their respective abilities?
"It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves."

How is that gonna happen when a college education cost a fortune to begin with?
How do you climb up the income ladder?
By flipping burgers for 7 bucks an hour?

Remember, rich people who got rich off of the labour of this country, the same people you argue here that they should be paying less taxes, already moved their good paying factories overseas...

This country, as it is right now, offer absolutely no opportunity for a lower class family to rise, except very few exceptions...
How is that gonna happen when a college education cost a fortune to begin with? By flipping burgers for 7 bucks an hour?
Why do you progressives insist on ignorant, false narratives? Education in this country is completely free. In fact, it's not only free, it's actually freaking mandatory (which is appalling in and of itself, but I digress).

After high school - it remains free. Anyone can walk into a public library and learn anything they want to learn. Not only are there free books - but there is also free internet

And here is the real bombshell. Are you ready for this, Mr. False Narrative? The person (and I quote) "flipping burgers for $7 an hour" gets an entire college education for free. Even entry level jobs at McDonald's include tuition reimbursement. An entire college education for free. Even post-graduate education for free.

Do you see a pattern here? Free. Completely, totally free education. The problem is, lazy progressives don't want to earn anything. God forbid they work a job to earn that education or go to the library to earn that knowledge. Nope. So much easier to create a false narrative like alpine here.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Fair share is no income tax
Remember, rich people who got rich off of the labour of this country, the same people you argue here that they should be paying less taxes, already moved their good paying factories overseas...
First of all, wealthy people became wealthy off of the ideas they came up with and the risks they took. Not from the labor in this country.

Second, factories have been pushed overseas because Dumbocrats are ignorant of economics, favor ideology over reality, and are greedy.

Hey ideologue - when you purchase something, you shop for the best price. You're not going to pay $60 for the same football you can purchase for $35. Well, businesses do the exact same thing. They are not going to endure labor costs of $180,000 per employee on the assembly line in the U.S. when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line.

It was Dumbocrats who drove all of the jobs overseas with their ignorant minimum wage, ignorant taxes, ignorant regulations, and ignorant unions - all of which drove up costs for businesses. Other nations gave them a better deal, so that's where they went.
How is that gonna happen when a college education cost a fortune to begin with? By flipping burgers for 7 bucks an hour?
Why do you progressives insist on ignorant, false narratives? Education in this country is completely free. In fact, it's not only free, it's actually freaking mandatory (which is appalling in and of itself, but I digress).

After high school - it remains free. Anyone can walk into a public library and learn anything they want to learn. Not only are there free books - but there is also free internet

And here is the real bombshell. Are you ready for this, Mr. False Narrative? The person (and I quote) "flipping burgers for $7 an hour" gets an entire college education for free. Even entry level jobs at McDonald's include tuition reimbursement. An entire college education for free. Even post-graduate education for free.

Do you see a pattern here? Free. Completely, totally free education. The problem is, lazy progressives don't want to earn anything. God forbid they work a job to earn that education or go to the library to earn that knowledge. Nope. So much easier to create a false narrative like alpine here.

So thats your suggestion to the children of low income families in this country; go to the library... or google it...

I bet they have better idea on what to do here...

Free, or at least affordable, college education for every human being that proved they could suceed is not an option, is a must to have for the people of this country... if we want to live in a much more productive and prosperous society.
Remember, rich people who got rich off of the labour of this country, the same people you argue here that they should be paying less taxes, already moved their good paying factories overseas...
First of all, wealthy people became wealthy off of the ideas they came up with and the risks they took. Not from the labor in this country.

Second, factories have been pushed overseas because Dumbocrats are ignorant of economics, favor ideology over reality, and are greedy.

Hey ideologue - when you purchase something, you shop for the best price. You're not going to pay $60 for the same football you can purchase for $35. Well, businesses do the exact same thing. They are not going to endure labor costs of $180,000 per employee on the assembly line in the U.S. when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line.

It was Dumbocrats who drove all of the jobs overseas with their ignorant minimum wage, ignorant taxes, ignorant regulations, and ignorant unions - all of which drove up costs for businesses. Other nations gave them a better deal, so that's where they went.

"when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line."

And who is this lucky guy gettin paid 40k in China working at a assembly line?
Because i know 1 billion other Chinese who would be rushing to apply...

Avg annual salary in China is 4k, fyi...

Your whole argument is baseless and made from your own comfort bubble.

You are just sitting high up there and telling low income people: "hey people, why dont you make more money... problem solved....."

You are just anothet clueless person expressing his opinion.

Thats why people dont vote for your ideology, if you ever wondered.
Because it comprehends no leadership what so ever. It is as passive, as useless, as ineffective as it gets....
How is that gonna happen when a college education cost a fortune to begin with? By flipping burgers for 7 bucks an hour?
Why do you progressives insist on ignorant, false narratives? Education in this country is completely free. In fact, it's not only free, it's actually freaking mandatory (which is appalling in and of itself, but I digress).

After high school - it remains free. Anyone can walk into a public library and learn anything they want to learn. Not only are there free books - but there is also free internet

And here is the real bombshell. Are you ready for this, Mr. False Narrative? The person (and I quote) "flipping burgers for $7 an hour" gets an entire college education for free. Even entry level jobs at McDonald's include tuition reimbursement. An entire college education for free. Even post-graduate education for free.

Do you see a pattern here? Free. Completely, totally free education. The problem is, lazy progressives don't want to earn anything. God forbid they work a job to earn that education or go to the library to earn that knowledge. Nope. So much easier to create a false narrative like alpine here.

So thats your suggestion to the children of low income families in this country; go to the library... or google it...
Once again you conveniently leave it out the option of free tuition reimbursement. You really love your false narratives, uh?

By the way - were you aware that one of the Ivy League institutions put their entire curriculum online for anyone to learn for free? Of course not. All you know is progressive propaganda.
I bet they have better idea on what to do here...

Free, or at least affordable, college education for every human being that proved they could suceed is not an option, is a must to have for the people of this country... if we want to live in a much more productive and prosperous society.
I'm so tired of listening to progressives set themselves up as the ultimate arbiters for all of humanity and declare what is and what is not "a must". Nothing except oxygen, food, and water is a "must". Not even shelter is a "must". Millions live homeless every day.

I already provided you with the "better idea on what to do here"... go fucking earn it. College is free to anyone who isn't a whiny progressive buying into propaganda.
Remember, rich people who got rich off of the labour of this country, the same people you argue here that they should be paying less taxes, already moved their good paying factories overseas...
First of all, wealthy people became wealthy off of the ideas they came up with and the risks they took. Not from the labor in this country.

Second, factories have been pushed overseas because Dumbocrats are ignorant of economics, favor ideology over reality, and are greedy.

Hey ideologue - when you purchase something, you shop for the best price. You're not going to pay $60 for the same football you can purchase for $35. Well, businesses do the exact same thing. They are not going to endure labor costs of $180,000 per employee on the assembly line in the U.S. when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line.

It was Dumbocrats who drove all of the jobs overseas with their ignorant minimum wage, ignorant taxes, ignorant regulations, and ignorant unions - all of which drove up costs for businesses. Other nations gave them a better deal, so that's where they went.

"when they can go to China and pay $40,000 per employee on the assembly line."

And who is this lucky guy gettin paid 40k in China working at a assembly line?
Because i know 1 billion other Chinese who would be rushing to apply...
Um....hey stupid....labor costs are not the salary you pay an employee. The generals rule of thumb is 3x's the employees salary is your total labor cost for that employee. You have training costs, regulatory and safety costs, healthcare costs, tuition reimbursement costs, pensions, etc. That's why I cited $180,000 for assembly line workers in the U.S. (you do know that they don't make a $180k salary, don't you dumb ass?).

You have once again illustrated your extraordinary ignorance about the topic at hand.

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