What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

  • Free healthcare.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Free college.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Free housing.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Dont have to work and still get paid.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Can smoke dope and still get paid.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Have the government to take care of me from cradle to grave.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Socialism has never worked and never will work, it is failure of misery and poverty.

    Votes: 21 72.4%

  • Total voters
only in that we elect our representatives,,,
Except in Florida?

100% of the time democracies end in death,,and its creeping into our country and its killing us
I don't think that I understand what you are referring to. What I can say is what is killing you (the U.S.) is the 'nose dive' American Democracy has been taking, not 'an upswing'. So, according to my estimation, it is the lack of democracy that is your problem. This should be very clear.
We are a Republic, not a democracy. True, the Dems wish to make us a democracy.

The Dems only wish us to be a Democracy as a stepping stone to their Socialist-Feudalism (with the Dem Party being the Rulers, of course).
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

The poll choices are inadequate. Those who want Socialism in the U.S. want POWER over others. Period. End of Story.
I don't believe you said that. That is ridiculous. EACH AND EVERY person who seeks leadership wants "POWER over others". Where do you get the idea it only applies to those wanting Socialism in the U.S? Exchanging one person (or party) of power for another one is the game of politics since time immortal.
The poll choices are inadequate. Those who want Socialism in the U.S. want POWER over others. Period. End of Story.
I don't believe you said that. That is ridiculous. EACH AND EVERY person who seeks leadership wants "POWER over others". Where do you get the idea it only applies to those wanting Socialism in the U.S? Exchanging one person (or party) of power for another one is the game of politics since time immortal.

What a bunch of morally relativistic poppycock.

Politicians who respect the Constitutional limits on their power and who are committed to protecting the liberty of individual Americans are not the same as Power-Mongering Socialists who wish to enslave us.

Get a grip.
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

View attachment 269933
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

View attachment 269933
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.

those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it,,,
Those who want socialism understand that it would put them in endless positions of power.
Well that explains the ruling class. Not the dumbasses at the bottom of the food chain.

The old Finns talked about a great and high ruling class and they were so proper and correct with their grammar only until they could get off the property before getting arrested.
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

View attachment 269933
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.
Only to those that don’t learn from history or have an agenda...
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?
You forgot the all of above button.. :)

We've always had socialism light, but due to what has happened over the long years leading back to the 60's and the Vietnam war, it has created years of generation's who are totally rebellious young folks that are easily courted by the powers to be, that want to be, and have been over the years.

Breaking the cycle is a very tough thing as we are seeing in the Trump presidency that has taken the task head on.

Anyone who is focused on fixing the problems of this nation, will be met with some serious backlash. Just ask Trump these days.

Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
Giving up your VA, SS Medicare?
Still worshiping our ww11 draft dodger?
And the 5 deferment con I guess?
Those who want socialism understand that it would put them in endless positions of power.
Ah a zero college trumpie.
As they say, "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great indoctrination and socialist benefits"
Those who want socialism understand that it would put them in endless positions of power.
Ah a zero college trumpie.
As they say, "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great indoctrination and socialist benefits"
Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth and destroying your own faux outrage...
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?
It destroys nations, which is why the Left want it here.
Gawd, the constitution.
A piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists?
Think I prefer all the rest of educated countries
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Here, if you blacked out, more than likely you would have received it in a matter of days, if you agreed.
It took one week. That is days. Seven of them.
Glad you are ok.
Thank you very much.
Here it would be less. If needed immediately, you would receive it immediately, a case of just that-
Here too. Had I gone to the hospital emergy or arrived in an ambulance I am sure they would have inserted the pacemaker ASAP.
I'm ten weeks post pacemaker implant, and doing well. I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation several years ago. First indication of a problem was that I passed out while walking on my treadmill. I recovered within a few minutes and told my wife (we thought it was a fluke). It happened again just 90 minutes later while getting a bite to eat. My wife got me to the emergency room. I was scheduled for pacemaker implant less than 6 hours later. I went home the following day. Restriction is not to lift left arm (elbow) above shoulder level for 30 days. I returned to most normal activities after 30 days. I had reduced heavy yard work; added that back after a while as well.
Happy to still be here.
That is amazing. I was thinking I'm the only person in the world with a pacemaker. So you're 8 weeks ahead of me. I was released about 3 hours after the implant but I was told to lift my left arm as much as I could to flex my muscles out of the soreness. A blood vessel was giving me trouble during the operation and no amount of pain-killing injections seemed to help so it was very sore. Careful showering, no baths for ten days then remove the bandage (gauze) and then let the band-aids fall off on their own. I still have those. The stitches are internal so I won't need to return to the hospital until the scheduled control after two months. I feel good but I do get light-headed now and then and I don't know if that has anything to do with the heart or the operation.
Happy to still be here.
I am also happy you are still here.
The poll choices are inadequate. Those who want Socialism in the U.S. want POWER over others. Period. End of Story.
I don't believe you said that. That is ridiculous. EACH AND EVERY person who seeks leadership wants "POWER over others". Where do you get the idea it only applies to those wanting Socialism in the U.S? Exchanging one person (or party) of power for another one is the game of politics since time immortal.

What a bunch of morally relativistic poppycock.

Politicians who respect the Constitutional limits on their power and who are committed to protecting the liberty of individual Americans are not the same as Power-Mongering Socialists who wish to enslave us.

Get a grip.
I am guessing that you have neither a political education nor much practical, world experience.
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

View attachment 269933
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.

those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it,,,
those who follow primitive and outdated notions are doomed to fall through the cracks of life in "real-time". In any case, John Adams isn't history, He was only there when he was spinning political philosophy to boost his own personal goals.
We are a Republic, not a democracy..
That doesn't mean anything. Some level of Democracy is found in every country on earth. What your country calls itself is irrelevant. Here in Sweden we are officially a monarchy and yet until recently we were the top number one Democracy in the world .... and we are still right up there. Titles mean nothing and being a Republic does not mean there is no democratic principles in use.
Might want to take heed-

View attachment 269933
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.
Only to those that don’t learn from history or have an agenda...
History told us the world was flat. I guess Cristobal Columbo sailed off the edge. It's his own fault for not learning from history. The U.S. was the "cat's meow" and unbeatable in two world wars but Ho Chi Minh didn't take history very seriously when he beat up "the good guys" and threw them out of his country.

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