What is lawfare

I've asked several times what the term lawfare means. No coherant definition yet. After many conversations, it seems to mean using existing laws to punish criminals, as the laws are intended to do. Can somebody please tell which laws shouldn't be used? How do you determine who receives amnesty from which laws? Lawfare seems to indicate using existing laws to charge and try Trump for crimes against our country. Which laws do you think he, and only he should be allowed to ignore?

This is a good example.

I had never seen clips of Letitia James actually actually using this rhetoric, and then lying about not having used it.

When Trump had used rhetoric like, "lock her up," to get his base riled, he never actually made his DoJ act on it. OTH? It now does seem, now that the shoe is on the other foot. . . well.. .. I just can't believe what we are seeing.

. . . . folks that know Dore, know his politics, know he wouldn't even vote for Trump, he is just pointing out the hypocrisy of the system. :confused:

SHOCKING VIDEO Of Trump's Prosecutor Being Racist & Sexist!​


This is a good example.

I had never seen clips of Letitia James actually actually using this rhetoric, and then lying about not having used it.

When Trump had used rhetoric like, "lock her up," to get his base riled, he never actually made his DoJ act on it. OTH? It now does seem, now that the shoe is on the other foot. . . well.. .. I just can't believe what we are seeing.

. . . . folks that know Dore, know his politics, know he wouldn't even vote for Trump, he is just pointing out the hypocrisy of the system. :confused:

SHOCKING VIDEO Of Trump's Prosecutor Being Racist & Sexist!​

Oh My God! She is one of the cleverest and most powerful women in history.

Because she traveled back in time to create crimes through the legislature of the era knowing that Trump would one day violate them.

As the election in 2020 ended. James was there whispering in his ear.

Pick fake electors and give them forged documentation. We will make it right and legal later. After we win.

She told him to get tough and don’t say or else exactly in the phone call. But to make sure and communicate that message.

Somehow Letitia talked Trump into sending people down to harass two elections workers like those two women as if they could single handedly create fifty thousand fake ballots.

This woman is amazing. She is really unbelievable in her ability to trick Trump into committing these crimes. Trump, the smartest man in the world, somehow tricked into doing all these illegal things. By a Black Woman.
Oh My God! She is one of the cleverest and most powerful women in history.

Because she traveled back in time to create crimes through the legislature of the era knowing that Trump would one day violate them.

As the election in 2020 ended. James was there whispering in his ear.

Pick fake electors and give them forged documentation. We will make it right and legal later. After we win.

She told him to get tough and don’t say or else exactly in the phone call. But to make sure and communicate that message.

Somehow Letitia talked Trump into sending people down to harass two elections workers like those two women as if they could single handedly create fifty thousand fake ballots.

This woman is amazing. She is really unbelievable in her ability to trick Trump into committing these crimes. Trump, the smartest man in the world, somehow tricked into doing all these illegal things. By a Black Woman.
I know, crimes he didn't even commit! Incredible!
Lawfare for the Trumper is just another word for your candidate getting caught with a crime and the Trumper being pissed off about it.
I've asked several times what the term lawfare means. No coherant definition yet. After many conversations, it seems to mean using existing laws to punish criminals, as the laws are intended to do. Can somebody please tell which laws shouldn't be used? How do you determine who receives amnesty from which laws? Lawfare seems to indicate using existing laws to charge and try Trump for crimes against our country. Which laws do you think he, and only he should be allowed to ignore?

It’s MAGA whining for when the rule of law applies to them and their Orange Jesus
I've asked several times what the term lawfare means. No coherant definition yet. After many conversations, it seems to mean using existing laws to punish criminals, as the laws are intended to do. Can somebody please tell which laws shouldn't be used? How do you determine who receives amnesty from which laws? Lawfare seems to indicate using existing laws to charge and try Trump for crimes against our country. Which laws do you think he, and only he should be allowed to ignore?
Lawfare is where libs selectively enforce the law for their political advantage
I know, crimes he didn't even commit! Incredible!

I keep hearing he didn’t do it. But oddly it isn’t from Trump. Trump keeps claiming he has immunity because the actions that he is charged with were in the scope of the presidency.

Then Trump argues that even if the actions were totally illegal, it should still be covered by heretofore unimagined Presidential Immunity because. Um. Because America. That’s why.

So you say he didn’t do it. Trump says he did. And Trump admits they were crimes. So is Trump lying about what Trump did? It’s so confusing sometimes to keep up with the current talking points.
Amazes me how incapable leftists are at informing themselves. They seem to expect others to do that for them. I suspect that's exactly why being a lemming comes so naturally to them.

Trump-haters live in a fantasy world where Trump is an evil cult leader and MAGA is a monolithic monster who serves the evil Trump. Yes they really are that delusional.
I keep hearing he didn’t do it. But oddly it isn’t from Trump. Trump keeps claiming he has immunity because the actions that he is charged with were in the scope of the presidency.

Then Trump argues that even if the actions were totally illegal, it should still be covered by heretofore unimagined Presidential Immunity because. Um. Because America. That’s why.

So you say he didn’t do it. Trump says he did. And Trump admits they were crimes. So is Trump lying about what Trump did? It’s so confusing sometimes to keep up with the current talking points.
I know that it's confusing for you. Totally understandable. Education and Common Sense is the key here. Do you think this would be happening to a Democrat? Ever?
I know that it's confusing for you. Totally understandable. Education and Common Sense is the key here. Do you think this would be happening to a Democrat? Ever?

Clinton thought it would, and was wise enough to negotiate a plea deal before he left office to insure it never got this far. I guess he hadn’t heard about this immunity that nobody imagined until now.

I keep getting confused from Trump saying he’s guilty but should be given a pass anyway. That’s what keeps throwing me off.
Clinton thought it would, and was wise enough to negotiate a plea deal before he left office to insure it never got this far. I guess he hadn’t heard about this immunity that nobody imagined until now.

I keep getting confused from Trump saying he’s guilty but should be given a pass anyway. That’s what keeps throwing me off.
Tell me about all the charges leveled at Clinton after he left office. You know the rapes and pedophile activities. Enlighten us how the doj went after the clintons.
Tell me about all the charges leveled at Clinton after he left office. You know the rapes and pedophile activities. Enlighten us how the doj went after the clintons.

Well most didn’t have evidence. That which did was waiting for him to leave office for the indictment. Clinton’s plea bargain covered it.

The crimes they did have evidence on, all occurred on Federal Property in Washington DC. So there were no other jurisdictions involved.

It wasn’t some wild secret in the margins immunity. It was a plea bargain.

Nixon got a full pardon from Ford. That ended the indictment before it could be filed. The DOJ was putting a Grand Jury together when the Lardon came through. Even then some lawyers argued the Pardon was too broad. But again, all crimes that Nixon was involved in took place on Federal Property and would be covered by the Pardon.

This is Trump’s problem. He appears to have committed crimes in multiple jurisdictions.

The Secret Files he stole were at Mar A Lago, and according to the Constitution he has to be tried in the county the crime took place in

Conspiring to create false electors in Georgia caused falsified documents to be created in. Wait for it. Georgia.

Now here is the reality. People who commit crimes in multiple jurisdictions most often face charges in those multiple jurisdictions. Facing state and federal charges. Facing charges in multiple states.

Derek Chauvin after being convicted in State Court on State Charges, pled guilty to Federal Charges to serve his time in a Federal Prison instead of a State Prison. As one example of multiple overlapping charges.

Trump for example is facing charges in DC for the crimes he committed there. And in Georgia for the crimes that were committed in the state of Georgia either by Trump or at his orders.

None of this is new. It has been done to many people in the past. The Courts long ago ruled it did not violate Double Jeopardy prohibitions. If we have Supreme Court decisions on a question, you know it came up before.

In fact. There is only one issue which is a “first” in these prosecutions. That issue is the person charged is a former President. And as we covered before, the possibility of a Former President being charged for actions in office was well known. Again. Nixon and Clinton.

So what is outrageous in this? What hasn’t been considered before? Nixon and Clinton and the people of the time believed they could, and should, be charged with their criminal activity. Nixon’s asinine argument was that if a President did it and because he was President it was legal. That argument was rejected by everyone.

Trump is the first time the obvious threat has moved forward. That’s it. He was too smart to work out a plea deal. He was too clever to figure out a way to get a Pardon. He is too dumb to let his lawyers manage the case and keeps making moronic arguments.
No, its much older than Trump's political career.

Perhaps the first use of the term "lawfare" was in the 1975 manuscript Whither Goeth the Law, which argues that the Western legal system has become overly contentious and utilitarian as compared to the more humanitarian, norm-based Eastern system.[clarification needed][5]

A more frequently cited use of the term was Charles J. Dunlap, Jr.'s 2001 essay authored for Harvard's Carr Center.[5] In that essay, Dunlap defines lawfare as "the use of law as a weapon of war".[6] He later expanded on the definition, explaining lawfare was "the exploitation of real, perceived, or even orchestrated incidents of law-of-war violations being employed as an unconventional means of confronting" a superior military power.[7]

Colonel Charles Dunlap describes lawfare as "a method of warfare where law is used as a means of realizing a military objective".[8] In this sense lawfare may be a more humane substitute for military conflict. Colonel Dunlap considers lawfare overall a "cynical manipulation of the rule of law and the humanitarian values it represents".[8]

Benjamin Wittes, Robert Chesney, and Jack Goldsmith employed the word in the name of the Lawfare website, which focuses on national security law and which has explored the term and the debate over what lawfare means and whether it should be considered exclusively a pejorative.

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