What is More Annoying?

Which of the Folowing Is MOST Annoying?

  • Loud Music

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Partner Snoring

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dead Stop Traffic

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Slow Fast Lane Drivers

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Forgetting Your Password

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow Walkers/People that Stop in the Walkway

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Bicyclists on the Road

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
how about...

People that do disgusting things while you are eating?
Or TALK about disgusting things while you are eating?

this actually doesn't bother me that much (I can bloc it out) but I know several people that go nuts over it.
how about...

People that do disgusting things while you are eating?
Or TALK about disgusting things while you are eating?

this actually doesn't bother me that much (I can bloc it out) but I know several people that go nuts over it.
Shall I describe dog poop textures?
I picked the one about driving because I hate it when people just creep along the road as if they have no where to be when every one else on the road still does.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I could have picked more than one, I would have gone with the one about slow walking people who stop in the walk ways.

I got some of those people yesterday, honking at me. I was driving slowly on a rural highway.
What they didn't know, or didn't slow down long enough to find out, was that the reason I was slow was that I was tracking a stray dog that was obviously lost and had already aimlessly crossed that highway several times. I was hoping to find a place to pull over where I could coax the dog to come near so I could read its tags and get it home. I was trying to keep it from getting run over and maimed or killed.

But it was more important to them to get home in time so they wouldn't miss the introduction of this week's guests on Wheel of Fortune or whatever.
To me its commendable what your intention was, but at the same time its rather presumptuous to think that they are in a hurry for a trivial reason when you really do not know why they were in a hurry.

God bless you and that dog always!!!


P.S. I once got to the hospital only to find out that I was too late. My uncle had already died.
how about...

People that do disgusting things while you are eating?
Or TALK about disgusting things while you are eating?

this actually doesn't bother me that much (I can bloc it out) but I know several people that go nuts over it.

I hate that. I hate when people blow their noses at restaurants. :cheeky-smiley-018: Ewww. Or when they snort in their boogers. Or smack really loud while they chew. Some people make some really weird sounds when they eat. :lol:
Granny got ya'll beat...

... she says dey's nothin' more aggravatin'...

... dan havin' a bug fall down the back o' yo pants...

... an' bite ya onna butt.
how about...

People that do disgusting things while you are eating?
Or TALK about disgusting things while you are eating?

this actually doesn't bother me that much (I can bloc it out) but I know several people that go nuts over it.

I hate that. I hate when people blow their noses at restaurants. :cheeky-smiley-018: Ewww. Or when they snort in their boogers. Or smack really loud while they chew. Some people make some really weird sounds when they eat. :lol:

I don't like people to blow their noses around me at ANY TIME.
ANY I hate when people blow their noses then LOOK! So so gross....
how about...

People that do disgusting things while you are eating?
Or TALK about disgusting things while you are eating?

this actually doesn't bother me that much (I can bloc it out) but I know several people that go nuts over it.
Shall I describe dog poop textures?

You joke but I have known people that will talk about size and shape... it's like NOT INTERESTED!
For driving, it's people who don't know how to merge onto the highway, people who travel in the high speed lane at the same rate of speed as everyone and they aren't passing anybody. That is annoying! Move over dumbass!!! Or people, when you are trying to merge, who have the entire other two lanes empty but insist on staying in the lane you are trying to come out on and almost try to beat you or race you. I think I just really hate people in general. :lol:
You know, I've reached a point in my life where I'm like "fuck off and die." Seriously. I don't go out of my way to be kind or pleasant anymore when I used to. I don't even want to get to know most people. I'm like, why should I? Is there anything in it for me besides a headache and aggravation? Probably not.

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