What is the cause of kids commiting mass shootings in school ?

I know it seems like a worn out argument, but I honestly believe the primary cause is an insidious progressivism that has slowly but relentless come to dominate our media, our education system, scientific institutions, and yes, our government.

Not all of it has emerged from bad intentions, but a lot of it has, namely that which seeks to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth along with an unhealthy motive to control what others are allowed to do, think, speak, believe.

And while there are always anecdotal exceptions to any trend the big picture shows results of:

Destruction or dilution of traditional values and the traditional home. An unacceptable number of children who grow up without a biological father in the home and children overall do not do as well personally, socially, academically, or economically as children from responsible traditional homes. Again a stunning fact: 26 of 27 of the most violent mass killers in American history grew up without their biological father in the home.

Increased hostility to religious faith that once tempered hatred and promoted peaceful solutions in both individuals and groups, but is now increasingly unwelcome in our institutions and in the public sphere in general.

Schools that no longer arm students with useful information and encourage critical thinking in how to use that information, but that indoctrinate with ideology as much as or more than they educate.

Scientific institutions that promote an agenda more than pure science .

A media that seeks to control what information is available to the people and no longer makes much attempt to report fairly, honestly, and with respect for their readers/viewers and that gives excessive coverage to violence and the militantly politically incorrect while giving short shrift to what is positive or constructive.

An entertainment industry--books, television, movies, video games--that promotes the anti-hero, gratuitous sex and violence, and generates sympathy for the criminal and social deviant or promotes doing socially unacceptable things for fun. At the same time it has almost eliminated the noble and normal hero and heroine or plots that emphasize traditional values and/or the best that we can be.

Government comprised of a permanent political class whose primary, perhaps sole focus is achieving and retaining ability to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and the personal wealth of those in it. It only throws enough bones to its constituencies to keep them voting and gives little more than lip service to actually solving problems.

Indeed. I'll paraphrase that substituting Government Secular God for a Universal Life Affirming Creator/Presence hasn't worked out to well. When Raw Power wielded by fallible humans takes the place of a shared universal concept of inalienable human rights, we're doomed.

Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
PBIS.org Home Page

Quit suspension and expulsion . Alternative ed and mental health classes and schools should be in every community. Students need to report and schools need to punish bullies and teach empathy.
Social brainwashing is good.

However it is also bad, but to a lesser degree.

So the ends of this kind of brainwashing justifies the means, at least until the kids grow their own empathy and conscience.

School security is the only practical workable solution.

But until you have Uzi's on every street corner like in Israel you will not stop school shooters.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?
Brainwashing is brainwashing.

Part of the reason that the ancient Greeks invented Philosophy was to overcome their superstitions and brainwashed religion.

So you are now advocating more religion ?? That is just more brainwashing.

Let's start at the beginning. Give me a specific example of what you say qualifies as brainwashing. For example, is everyone who believes in God brainwashed? Are some brainwashed, but others not? Is everyone brainwashed to some degree? To what degree are you brainwashed?
When you meet your maker and he questions you, are you going to blame someone else for your failures?
Indeed. I'll paraphrase that substituting Government Secular God for a Universal Life Affirming Creator/Presence hasn't worked out to well. When Raw Power wielded by fallible humans takes the place of a shared universal concept of inalienable human rights, we're doomed.

Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

I don't care if Socialism Denies Examination. That doesn't obligate me not to examine.

You are posting things don't understand. There is a Dogma to Socialism: the primacy of power if you can seize control. Then you can write the Dogma to suit your totalitarian objectives.

Also, when you posted quoted passages, it is bad form not to provide attribution to the source.
Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

I don't care if Socialism Denies Examination. That doesn't obligate me not to examine.

You are posting things don't understand. There is a Dogma to Socialism: the primacy of power if you can seize control. Then you can write the Dogma to suit your totalitarian objectives.

Also, when you posted quoted passages, it is bad form not to provide attribution to the source.
Good Lord, now you want me to make it longer?
The good thing about Catholic and Protestant brainwashing is that it gives you fear of infinite punishment for evil deeds.

The bad thing about Catholic and Protestant brainwashing is that like any other brainwashing it deprives people of reasoning and choice.

The first thing to get past is the notion of "brainwashing" so that we are able to focus on what is effective and what is not effective in teaching Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, etcetera. Children are not being "brainwashed" but how effectively are they being taught? It is not even effective enough to rise to the level of brainwashing.

Part of the reason for this in Christianity is because Protestants are so focused on the afterlife, that it seems (to someone who is not Protestant) that this life takes second place. Students cannot just read stories like Noah's Ark; they need someone to teach them the universal lessons inherent to all of mankind that are contained in Noah's Ark. Children are not going to see these lessons in the story unless they are specifically pointed out. "God flooded the entire planet" is not one of those lessons--it entirely misses the point of the story and the lessons about the flood. That is ineffective teaching.
Brainwashing is brainwashing.

Part of the reason that the ancient Greeks invented Philosophy was to overcome their superstitions and brainwashed religion.

So you are now advocating more religion ?? That is just more brainwashing.
You want to talk about brainwashing? We've had four generations of it starting back in the 1930's. We did it to ourselves. And since you are propagandizing that religion is responsible for brainwashing, you are playing right into their hands.

2. destabilize
3. crisis
4. normalize

The ex-KGB agent in the video has a lot to offer, but due to his rather pedantic academic style presentation, few will probably stay with him to get the whole message. But the demoralization part is the first and most important factor in the process and it is achieved, IMO, by a kind of militant political correctness that has pervaded our society if not our entire culture.

A demoralized society is then fairly easy to destabilize with extreme and fanatical partisanship, victimization of certain groups that can then be enlisted as allies for the 'cause' which involves demonization of those that most be neutralized, until the divisions within it, and a society turned against itself cause its collapse.

The resulting chaos then is so frightening and threatening to the people that they allow the government to take total power over them to restore order and normalize things. And voila you have a totalitarian government with total control over the people. Lenin accomplished it in the Soviet Empire. Hitler accomplished it in the Third Reich. Mao accomplished it in China.

In every case the people thought the dictators were their saviors, the way to an enlightened and better world and life. Until it was too late.

And there is no faster way to demoralize a people than by making their religious beliefs and convictions politically incorrect, unacceptable, even evil in their institutions and normal activities. Is the correlation of removing JudeoChristian religious symbols, holidays, emphasis, and practices from the schools and the increased youth violence in and out of the schools a pure coincidence? I don't think so. It certainly isn't the only cause but it is almost certainly a factor.
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The reason it is important to say that socialism denies examination is because socialism relies on the cover of darkness much like evil does. Anything which is good and true has no problem being examined or stating what they are about.
Social brainwashing is good.

However it is also bad, but to a lesser degree.

So the ends of this kind of brainwashing justifies the means, at least until the kids grow their own empathy and conscience.

School security is the only practical workable solution.

But until you have Uzi's on every street corner like in Israel you will not stop school shooters.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

Absolutely non sequitur of a response.
The good thing about Catholic and Protestant brainwashing is that it gives you fear of infinite punishment for evil deeds.

The bad thing about Catholic and Protestant brainwashing is that like any other brainwashing it deprives people of reasoning and choice.

The first thing to get past is the notion of "brainwashing" so that we are able to focus on what is effective and what is not effective in teaching Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, etcetera. Children are not being "brainwashed" but how effectively are they being taught? It is not even effective enough to rise to the level of brainwashing.

Part of the reason for this in Christianity is because Protestants are so focused on the afterlife, that it seems (to someone who is not Protestant) that this life takes second place. Students cannot just read stories like Noah's Ark; they need someone to teach them the universal lessons inherent to all of mankind that are contained in Noah's Ark. Children are not going to see these lessons in the story unless they are specifically pointed out. "God flooded the entire planet" is not one of those lessons--it entirely misses the point of the story and the lessons about the flood. That is ineffective teaching.
Brainwashing is brainwashing.

Part of the reason that the ancient Greeks invented Philosophy was to overcome their superstitions and brainwashed religion.

So you are now advocating more religion ?? That is just more brainwashing.
You want to talk about brainwashing? We've had four generations of it starting back in the 1930's. We did it to ourselves. And since you are propagandizing that religion is responsible for brainwashing, you are playing right into their hands.

2. destabilize
3. crisis
4. normalize

The ex-KGB agent in the video has a lot to offer, but due to his academic style presentation, few will probably stay with him to get the whole message. But the demoralization part is the first and most important factor in the process and it is achieved, IMO, by a kind of militant political correctness that has pervaded our society if not our entire culture.

A demoralized society is then fairly easy to destabilize with extreme and fanatical partisanship, victimization of certain groups that can then be enlisted as allies for the 'cause' which involves demonization of those that most be neutralized, until the divisions within it, and a society turned against itself cause its collapse. The resulting chaos then is so frightening and threatening to the people that they allow the government to take total power over them to restore order and normalize things. And voila you have a totalitarian government with total control over the people. Lenin accomplished it in the Soviet Empire. Hitler accomplished it in the Third Reich. Mao accomplished it in China.

In every case the people thought the dictators were their saviors. Until it was too late.

And there is no faster way to demoralize a people than by making their religious beliefs and convictions politically incorrect, unacceptable, even evil in their institutions and normal activities. Is the correlation of removing JudeoChristian religious symbols, holidays, emphasis, and practices from the schools and the increased youth violence in and out of the schools a pure coincidence? I don't think so.

I agree. FYI, the full interview is on youtube and is an hour and 20 minutes long or so.

I'm not sure if he mentioned it in the 8 minute version but he says we did it to ourselves. They didn't need to do a thing. And he is right too. It started back in the 1930's when Cultural Marxists (from the Frankfort School) fled Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia and other American universities where they met John Dewey, the father of modern American education.
That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

I don't care if Socialism Denies Examination. That doesn't obligate me not to examine.

You are posting things don't understand. There is a Dogma to Socialism: the primacy of power if you can seize control. Then you can write the Dogma to suit your totalitarian objectives.

Also, when you posted quoted passages, it is bad form not to provide attribution to the source.
Good Lord, now you want me to make it longer?

I want you to follow proper posting etiquette by providing the source of the posts you are copying and pasting.

Without that, you are engaging in plagiarism.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

Absolutely non sequitur of a response.
It seems that your pride is getting in the way of you seeing objective truth. That is usually the case BTW.

Was the root cause you stealing (i.e. violating the standard) or me convincing you to steal (i.e. to violate the standard)?
PBIS.org Home Page

Quit suspension and expulsion . Alternative ed and mental health classes and schools should be in every community. Students need to report and schools need to punish bullies and teach empathy.
Social brainwashing is good.

However it is also bad, but to a lesser degree.

So the ends of this kind of brainwashing justifies the means, at least until the kids grow their own empathy and conscience.

School security is the only practical workable solution.

But until you have Uzi's on every street corner like in Israel you will not stop school shooters.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
Indeed. I'll paraphrase that substituting Government Secular God for a Universal Life Affirming Creator/Presence hasn't worked out to well. When Raw Power wielded by fallible humans takes the place of a shared universal concept of inalienable human rights, we're doomed.

Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that none of the key messages are lost. I believe each and everyone of the key messages are important. I am sorry that it is too long for those who can't be bothered by 20 sentences. All in all, I think this is pretty short considering the number of sources this was condensed from.

I don't want to take the time to rewrite your signature even if I could improve on it. I am just pointing out that it won't have as much impact when you present such a large uniform unbroken block of text regardless of the importance of its content. It does not inspire people to take note of it.

And when you show me what standards you are thinking of that have been lowered, I'm pretty sure both Boedicca and I and probably others can show you how that fits into nihilism and/or moral relativism.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

I don't care if Socialism Denies Examination. That doesn't obligate me not to examine.

You are posting things don't understand. There is a Dogma to Socialism: the primacy of power if you can seize control. Then you can write the Dogma to suit your totalitarian objectives.

Also, when you posted quoted passages, it is bad form not to provide attribution to the source.
Good Lord, now you want me to make it longer?

I want you to follow proper posting etiquette by providing the source of the posts you are copying and pasting.

Without that, you are engaging in plagiarism.
Go ahead and report me. You will find that you are in excellent company.
Social brainwashing is good.

However it is also bad, but to a lesser degree.

So the ends of this kind of brainwashing justifies the means, at least until the kids grow their own empathy and conscience.

School security is the only practical workable solution.

But until you have Uzi's on every street corner like in Israel you will not stop school shooters.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

What does what you just described have to do with lowering standards?
PBIS.org Home Page

Quit suspension and expulsion . Alternative ed and mental health classes and schools should be in every community. Students need to report and schools need to punish bullies and teach empathy.
Social brainwashing is good.

However it is also bad, but to a lesser degree.

So the ends of this kind of brainwashing justifies the means, at least until the kids grow their own empathy and conscience.

School security is the only practical workable solution.

But until you have Uzi's on every street corner like in Israel you will not stop school shooters.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
Amen. People do not have to believe in a Supreme Being to benefit from a core belief in unalienable natural rights and the capacity of a free people to govern themselves far better and to the benefit of society than any government entity will do that for them.

That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that none of the key messages are lost. I believe each and everyone of the key messages are important. I am sorry that it is too long for those who can't be bothered by 20 sentences. All in all, I think this is pretty short considering the number of sources this was condensed from.

I don't want to take the time to rewrite your signature even if I could improve on it. I am just pointing out that it won't have as much impact when you present such a uniform unbroken block of text regardless of the importance of its content. It does not inspire people to take note of it.

And when you show me what standards you are thinking of that have been lowered, I'm pretty sure both Boedicca and I and probably others can show you how that fits into nihilism and/or moral relativism.
I don't care what impact it has. I use it all the time. In fact I could use it right now to describe what Boedicca is doing. I get compliments on my siggie from freedom loving people all the time.
That is the root cause I have been encouraging dinq to identify. Our societal decline is due to certain factions promoting nihilism and moral relativism instead of basic universal truths.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

About as much as you pay to mine, apparently.

Your sig is TLTR. I'd be more impressed if you could explain the root cause in a post in your own words.
I see. Ignorance and apathy. Bravo.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

I don't care if Socialism Denies Examination. That doesn't obligate me not to examine.

You are posting things don't understand. There is a Dogma to Socialism: the primacy of power if you can seize control. Then you can write the Dogma to suit your totalitarian objectives.

Also, when you posted quoted passages, it is bad form not to provide attribution to the source.
Good Lord, now you want me to make it longer?

School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

What does what you just described have to do with lowering standards?

He's describing symptoms again.
School mass killings need to be put in perspective. They are terrible but they are rare. Excluding suicides we have averaged only 3 school mass killings a year over the last 10 years out of more than 150,000 schools in the US. The chance of a mass killing occurring in a school is less than 1 in 50,000 and the chance of a student dying in one is less likely than dying in a plane crash.

Look at the things that are being proposed such as arming our teachers, putting metal detectors and armed personnel in every school, spending tens of billions of dollars on mental healthcare for school children, and of course a battery of new gun control laws. How effective any of these proposals might be is unknown. And we talk about the people that perpetrate these terrible crimes being crazy.

On the other hand 17 dead people, mostly kids, and a host of others injured at Parkland didn't have to happen. And if it is your child that is dead or injured or put at risk, the broader statistics don't count for anything.

There have always been instances of violence and some have occurred in the schools, but somebody specific was almost always the target of the violence and/or it was triggered by some offense at the time or in gang activity or mob violence and involved the National Guard or police.

The first instance of a planned and executed indiscrimate mass school shooting with random targets I believe was in 1966 when a sniper on a roof at the University of Texas killed I'm think 17 people and wounded others.

There wasn't another until Columbine in 1999 and since then they have been happening with uncommon frequency.

And as long as school remain extremely soft targets and the media insists on giving exessive coverage to such events--actually suspending regular programming and devoting non stop coverage for hours or day--plus it stirs up a frenzy of national debate on gun control--it is reasonable that those bordering on or who are full fledged sociopathic personalities will be inspired to go after their own time in the spotlight and fame.
So you never paid any attention to the signature under any of my posts?

As an aside, IMO the readership of your signature would be much higher and the impact much more effective if you would condense it into its key message with a notation of the source. I've never read it because the wall of text is offputting.

Boedicca is spot on with her comment.
I appreciate your opinion, Firefox, but I disagree with both points. The root cause of our problem is lowering our standards. Blaming this on an external source such as progressivism transfers our control to progressivism. No one forced us to lower our standards. We did it all on our own as a society.

As for my signature. Tell me what to eliminate. Tell me what is redundant. Show me how to re-write it such that all of the key messages are not lost.

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

What does what you just described have to do with lowering standards?
If the standard is to not steal and SHE personally breaks that standard she has in effect lowered the standard for herself. And if she gets away with it, which is what usually happens, and continues to do it over and over again, then she will have normalized her deviance to the standard and eventually it will lead to the predictable surprise of getting caught and going to jail.

Are you guys always this argumentative?

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