What is the cause of kids commiting mass shootings in school ?

I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

Lack of two parent families, fathers missing from the household. Kids being doped with Ritalin for acting like kids.
Not sure about Ritalin, but you're absolutely right about the lost of the two parent family. Trying to work and raise 3 or 4 kids by yourself is a receipt for disaster. Everyday is a new adventures in self-sacrifice. No wonder so many parent make a mess of it. It is so damn hard.
you may be right,but if that were the only cause why were California schools not being shot up 30 yrs ago ??

Not so. The kind of randomly targeted violence we are seeing today is a relatively recent phenomenon. There occasionally were spectacular killings in past decades but they involved one or two victims and with very few exceptions there was some comprehensible motivation for the killer's action. Not so now.

Many behaviorists believe some suicides are homicides turned inward and some homicides are suicides turned outward. That makes a lot of sense to me. Life in America can be tough in a very strange way. An increasingly strange way.
To say there wasn't mass shootings before is asinine . It was just criminals or mobsters doing it. The only real difference is the regressive attitude to not blame the criminal doing the act.... Oh and the stupidity of gun free zones
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

The one variable in the equation is our culture itself. By that I mean both society, the schools which have vastly changed, and the children which are the outcome of all of this. Society has become degenerate, the schools are dehumanized and uncaring (read: zero tolerance), and children as a biological organism respond to this as only they can, in revolt. Revolt can only take two forms: inward withdraw/obsequiousness or outward hostility/resistance. Children are becoming cruel, unfeeling, self-centered, depersonalized, particularly as their world is increasingly all on their smartphone and computer, not with real people (including their parents). And we must ask what "zero tolerance" is? You're not allowed to make a mistake anymore? No second chances? No consideration of the situation? Just the robotic execution of rules, saying "it's not me, I'm just following THE RULES?"

No one has authority anymore, everything is decided by committee. Parents are being phased out of their childrten's lives as the schools push more and more to do the raising themselves and instill the State's set of values. No one WANTS authority anymore because with it comes responsibility. Children come into this now dysfunctional, conflicted world helpless and feel the victim of a system they cannot fathom as fair. Take your hat off to the great social experiment: Progressivism-- -- -- -- we have "progressed" from the traditional family, we have progressed from morality, ethics, patriotism and spiritual / religious values, we have "progressed" from where now, kids are even confused about their country, its history, its rightness, and even their own sexual identity, and we are trying to turn our kids into little Stepford machines--------- unfortunately, they still just want to be little kids. And you wonder why some of them are pulling out a gun and shooting everyone? It is a CRY FOR HELP---- ---- PLEASE, someone, please fix the insanity that Liberals call "progress."

TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO SAID THERE WERE NO STUDIES, DATA or RESEARCH linking cellphone use, video games and other social factors in affecting children's minds inducing depression and other mental factors leading to school shootings and dared me to provide such, I have a great awakening for you. Can't be sure if it was on this thread or one of the hundred other threads on the topic where several people claimed there was absolutely NO studies supporting such, but, while I generally don't watch local news, I was dozing with the TV on and the local CBS affiliate came on and one of their top stories was EXACTLY THAT: a number of studies including one they specifically mentioned out of the Massachusetts's Clay Center, where they had come to the exact conclusions I had earlier outlined. I've included a few links on the Clay Center and cellphone topics that I found doing a quick, cursory search. Considering this is the effect of just normal cellphone usage for communication, and that many video games are played via cellphone, it boggles the mind how some of the people here close their minds totally to the possibility and connections between cellphones, video games, isolation, depression and the rise in aberrant behavior, violence and shootings in school children.

But I took the matter one step further, and for the people who said there was absolutely no research connecting depression and other mental factors with video games, again, just a quick, cursory search, I found THIS:

Cretin Credentialism

An expert is a liar for hire.
you may be right,but if that were the only cause why were California schools not being shot up 30 yrs ago ??

Not so. The kind of randomly targeted violence we are seeing today is a relatively recent phenomenon. There occasionally were spectacular killings in past decades but they involved one or two victims and with very few exceptions there was some comprehensible motivation for the killer's action. Not so now.

Many behaviorists believe some suicides are homicides turned inward and some homicides are suicides turned outward. That makes a lot of sense to me. Life in America can be tough in a very strange way. An increasingly strange way.
To say there wasn't mass shootings before is asinine . It was just criminals or mobsters doing it. The only real difference is the regressive attitude to not blame the criminal doing the act.... Oh and the stupidity of gun free zones
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

All these explanations we are offered by conceited clowns hired to tell us what to think would, to be logical, imply that most kids are potential schoolshooters. But the truth is that there are extremely few egomaniacal thrill-killers, so the dim-witted experts are refuted and the answer must be in whatever we are never told to think.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?


1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
you may be right,but if that were the only cause why were California schools not being shot up 30 yrs ago ??

Not so. The kind of randomly targeted violence we are seeing today is a relatively recent phenomenon. There occasionally were spectacular killings in past decades but they involved one or two victims and with very few exceptions there was some comprehensible motivation for the killer's action. Not so now.

Many behaviorists believe some suicides are homicides turned inward and some homicides are suicides turned outward. That makes a lot of sense to me. Life in America can be tough in a very strange way. An increasingly strange way.
To say there wasn't mass shootings before is asinine . It was just criminals or mobsters doing it. The only real difference is the regressive attitude to not blame the criminal doing the act.... Oh and the stupidity of gun free zones

Gun free zones don't create mass shootings. People with military style weapons do.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?


1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
That would be the view of someone who has an external locus of control.

The problem is us. Collectively, WE have lowered our standards. The signs of a deteriorating society are all around us.

We have been granted well-being to the extent previous generations could not even dream about to an almost unlimited freedom in the choice of pleasures. Even biology tells us that a high degree of habitual well-being is not advantageous to a living organism. We are starting to see the cracks in the veneer that have been building for two generations.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?


1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
That would be the view of someone who has an external locus of control.

The problem is us. Collectively, WE have lowered our standards. The signs of a deteriorating society are all around us.

We have been granted well-being to the extent previous generations could not even dream about to an almost unlimited freedom in the choice of pleasures. Even biology tells us that a high degree of habitual well-being is not advantageous to a living organism. We are starting to see the cracks in the veneer that have been building for two generations.

Navel gaze much?
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?


1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
That would be the view of someone who has an external locus of control.

The problem is us. Collectively, WE have lowered our standards. The signs of a deteriorating society are all around us.

We have been granted well-being to the extent previous generations could not even dream about to an almost unlimited freedom in the choice of pleasures. Even biology tells us that a high degree of habitual well-being is not advantageous to a living organism. We are starting to see the cracks in the veneer that have been building for two generations.

Navel gaze much?
No. I study history and behaviors.

Do you believe that the rise and fall of societies are a new phenomena?

Do you believe that societies succeed and fail because of blind luck?

Things don't happen on accident, there is a reason for everything.
It takes two generations to forget suffering and successful behaviors.

It take two generations for failed behaviors to result in suffering.

It takes suffering for people to remember successful behaviors.

And the cycle goes on.

1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
That would be the view of someone who has an external locus of control.

The problem is us. Collectively, WE have lowered our standards. The signs of a deteriorating society are all around us.

We have been granted well-being to the extent previous generations could not even dream about to an almost unlimited freedom in the choice of pleasures. Even biology tells us that a high degree of habitual well-being is not advantageous to a living organism. We are starting to see the cracks in the veneer that have been building for two generations.

Navel gaze much?
No. I study history and behaviors.

Do you believe that the rise and fall of societies are a new phenomena?

Do you believe that societies succeed and fail because of blind luck?

Things don't happen on accident, there is a reason for everything.

Yes, there is a reason for everything. You stated the results of changes, not the causes. But thanks for playing.
you may be right,but if that were the only cause why were California schools not being shot up 30 yrs ago ??

Not so. The kind of randomly targeted violence we are seeing today is a relatively recent phenomenon. There occasionally were spectacular killings in past decades but they involved one or two victims and with very few exceptions there was some comprehensible motivation for the killer's action. Not so now.

Many behaviorists believe some suicides are homicides turned inward and some homicides are suicides turned outward. That makes a lot of sense to me. Life in America can be tough in a very strange way. An increasingly strange way.
To say there wasn't mass shootings before is asinine . It was just criminals or mobsters doing it. The only real difference is the regressive attitude to not blame the criminal doing the act.... Oh and the stupidity of gun free zones
How about linking to one or two. The only one I can think of is the notorious St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, which, as I did mention, was a mob reprisal and not at all the kind of random killings we're seeing today. So if you disagree, show us some evidence to support your position.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

In case you don't know:

The removal of God from schools
The removal of discipline from schools

No God + no discipline= a bunch of degenerate heathens with no respect for anything.

Who could have known? :dunno:

Anybody with half a brain.

God does not belong in public schools. God belongs at home and in parochial schools and church.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

That is THE question we need to ask if we really want to stop that kind of thing. Why are we so violent? Why do we value life so little, why are we raising kids who are willing to kill?

Until we spend time and money trying to get answers, people will continue to die.

The politicians on the left say to ban guns, the politicians on the right say to arm teachers, no one is looking for answers.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

The one variable in the equation is our culture itself. By that I mean both society, the schools which have vastly changed, and the children which are the outcome of all of this. Society has become degenerate, the schools are dehumanized and uncaring (read: zero tolerance), and children as a biological organism respond to this as only they can, in revolt. Revolt can only take two forms: inward withdraw/obsequiousness or outward hostility/resistance. Children are becoming cruel, unfeeling, self-centered, depersonalized, particularly as their world is increasingly all on their smartphone and computer, not with real people (including their parents). And we must ask what "zero tolerance" is? You're not allowed to make a mistake anymore? No second chances? No consideration of the situation? Just the robotic execution of rules, saying "it's not me, I'm just following THE RULES?"

No one has authority anymore, everything is decided by committee. Parents are being phased out of their childrten's lives as the schools push more and more to do the raising themselves and instill the State's set of values. No one WANTS authority anymore because with it comes responsibility. Children come into this now dysfunctional, conflicted world helpless and feel the victim of a system they cannot fathom as fair. Take your hat off to the great social experiment: Progressivism-- -- -- -- we have "progressed" from the traditional family, we have progressed from morality, ethics, patriotism and spiritual / religious values, we have "progressed" from where now, kids are even confused about their country, its history, its rightness, and even their own sexual identity, and we are trying to turn our kids into little Stepford machines--------- unfortunately, they still just want to be little kids. And you wonder why some of them are pulling out a gun and shooting everyone? It is a CRY FOR HELP---- ---- PLEASE, someone, please fix the insanity that Liberals call "progress."

You had me till the end when you blamed it on liberals.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?


1. Destruction of the nuclear family structure in which boys had dads at home to teach them how to become responsible men.
2. The Great Society programs that encouraged #1 by paying teenage girls to be unwed mothers.
3. Prog takeover of public schools and the ensuing transformation of education programs into Prog indoctrination.
4. Identity politics that have enabled #3 to eliminate proper discipline in schools.
5. The demonization of men which has resulted in treating little boys like deformed girls and drugging them with ADHDs.
6. Social Media which is fucking up children's minds.

For starters.
Most of this was due to cultural changes in society brought about by increased personal income, automation, demand for higher education, better employment opportunities for women, falling demand for manual labor, increased mobility of the population, falling influence of the unions, competition from abroad as the world recovered from WWII, increased disparity in income, demand for equality in the work place, etc. The reasons for cultural changes are complex and can't be controlled in free society.

IOW: Big government meddling in free markets and civil society.
Blaming everything on government is just as dumb as kids blaming their problems on schools, their teachers, and fellow students. Most of what government provides is in response to what the majority wants at the time. As situations change so do opinions. However, the major "Great Society" programs, Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act and federal education funding were popular at the time and still are today.

Today, the nation is hot on protecting our school children from mad killers, seeking to arm the teachers, restrict gun sales, pour more money into mental health. If there's no major school shootings in 6 months, the public will turn cold on school violence and will be attracted to other issues at least until the next massacre occurs.
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I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

That is THE question we need to ask if we really want to stop that kind of thing. Why are we so violent? Why do we value life so little, why are we raising kids who are willing to kill?

Until we spend time and money trying to get answers, people will continue to die.

The politicians on the left say to ban guns, the politicians on the right say to arm teachers, no one is looking for answers.
People have been asking those questions for decades. The answers have very little to do with government and lot to do with how we raise children, how we treat each other, and our personal sense of value.
PBIS.org Home Page

Quit suspension and expulsion . Alternative ed and mental health classes and schools should be in every community. Students need to report and schools need to punish bullies and teach empathy.
I don't want to talk politics or guns on this subject because guns have been around for hundreds of yrs and politics even longer ......when I was in high school kids would drive to school with rifles and shot guns hanging on gun racks and you never heard about someone getting shot much less dozens being injured or killed ......so instead of arguing over the weapons used or not used in these mass killings I would like opinions on what motivates todays kids to commit acts of evil that was unheard of 30yrs ago ? what has changed ? what is different about the way kids think today ?

The one variable in the equation is our culture itself. By that I mean both society, the schools which have vastly changed, and the children which are the outcome of all of this. Society has become degenerate, the schools are dehumanized and uncaring (read: zero tolerance), and children as a biological organism respond to this as only they can, in revolt. Revolt can only take two forms: inward withdraw/obsequiousness or outward hostility/resistance. Children are becoming cruel, unfeeling, self-centered, depersonalized, particularly as their world is increasingly all on their smartphone and computer, not with real people (including their parents). And we must ask what "zero tolerance" is? You're not allowed to make a mistake anymore? No second chances? No consideration of the situation? Just the robotic execution of rules, saying "it's not me, I'm just following THE RULES?"

No one has authority anymore, everything is decided by committee. Parents are being phased out of their childrten's lives as the schools push more and more to do the raising themselves and instill the State's set of values. No one WANTS authority anymore because with it comes responsibility. Children come into this now dysfunctional, conflicted world helpless and feel the victim of a system they cannot fathom as fair. Take your hat off to the great social experiment: Progressivism-- -- -- -- we have "progressed" from the traditional family, we have progressed from morality, ethics, patriotism and spiritual / religious values, we have "progressed" from where now, kids are even confused about their country, its history, its rightness, and even their own sexual identity, and we are trying to turn our kids into little Stepford machines--------- unfortunately, they still just want to be little kids. And you wonder why some of them are pulling out a gun and shooting everyone? It is a CRY FOR HELP---- ---- PLEASE, someone, please fix the insanity that Liberals call "progress."

You had me till the end when you blamed it on liberals.

Well just who did you think is trying to implement all of the changes that progressivism dictates?

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