What is the difference between Birthers and Russiagate?

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
You are so stupid that you can't see the difference between manufactured bullshit about a birth certificate and an actual conspiracy which has resulted in 5 guilty pleas and, what, 19 indictments? Really?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

None. Except there actually IS several items to make us believe Obama WAS born in Kenya, no less him and his wife's own words, themselves! People didn't just pull this stuff out of their hats!

You must have forgotten that Trump stood in front of a mic in September 2016 and said that Obama was born in America.

Now since you are one of those idiots who inhales everything Trump says as Gospel, you have to admit there are NO items to make anyone believe Obama is from Kenya because your Lord and Master has said so.

Sit, stay, roll over.
...In fact, does it show proof that the evidence that Obama was born in Kenya I've posted is not real?

And what proof do we have that Trump colluded?


I see what you're doing and it really isn't nice

But if they don't realize it.. who cares...


What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
You are so stupid that you can't see the difference between manufactured bullshit about a birth certificate and an actual conspiracy which has resulted in 5 guilty pleas and, what, 19 indictments? Really?

Really. They seem to have some sort of an anti-reality filter where those kinds of FACTS can't permeate.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not
How is it racist to think he was born in kenya?

Never said that it was. But, thanks for playing.
Ugh semantics..
How is it based on racism

Being anti-semantic?
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
The difference is this: Every birther claim has been thoroughly debunked by fact checking.

By contrast, the trump-russia ties are re-enforced nearly every day by evidence and Trump's own behavior.

Fact checker?



So does the fact checker show the proof that Obama's birth certificate is real? Let me guess, the "experts" that examined it say it's real, right?

In fact, does it show proof that the evidence that Obama was born in Kenya I've posted is not real?

And what proof do we have that Trump colluded?

You can read the birther fact checking site to get your answers.

For Russia, its indisputable that Russia helped Trump. We have video of attempted collusion, lots of indictments. And just evidence.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
None. Except there actually IS several items to make us believe Obama WAS born in Kenya, no less him and his wife's own words, themselves! People didn't just pull this stuff out of their hats!

You must have forgotten that Trump stood in front of a mic in September 2016 and said that Obama was born in America.

Now since you are one of those idiots who inhales everything Trump says as Gospel, you have to admit there are NO items to make anyone believe Obama is from Kenya.

Ah, ya,---- NO.

I do remember Trump saying that, and having seen him discuss the matter many times, realized that he was forced into saying that by his handlers strictly for the purpose of getting that monkey off of his back so that it couldn't be used during the campaign. I'd bet you anything that if asked, Trump is still certain as I am that Obama was an illegal president and proven so, would make his EVERY presidential action null and void.

But unfortunately, you have it all quite backwards, I follow Trump because tested, he passes the litmus test of being a better leader for this country than Hillary, Bernie or anyone else that ran. I don't inhale anything he says because he said it, I inhale it because it makes good sense.

As to items and Obama being from Kenya, that's already been gone over many times and there are almost a dozen solid reasons for believing there's something to it that you are apparently content to both ignore and deny: everything from his and Michelle's own word, to that of the people in his home town to the altered birth document. Either Obama is from Kenya or he has gone OUT OF HIS WAY to make others believe so.

EASY WAY to prove us wrong: let Obama produce his original paper BIRTH CERTIFICATE signed by the attending physician. Too bad Barry has always fought tooth and nail SPENDING MILLIONS to conceal it. If he has one at all.
Zero evidence exists that Obama was born outside the USA.

As a famous war criminal once said, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence

All 17 Kenyan intelligence agencies agree it's possible or even likely that the great messiah was born there

What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
The difference is this: Every birther claim has been thoroughly debunked by fact checking.

By contrast, the trump-russia ties are re-enforced nearly every day by evidence and Trump's own behavior.

Fact checker?



So does the fact checker show the proof that Obama's birth certificate is real? Let me guess, the "experts" that examined it say it's real, right?

In fact, does it show proof that the evidence that Obama was born in Kenya I've posted is not real?

And what proof do we have that Trump colluded?

You can read the birther fact checking site to get your answers.

For Russia, its indisputable that Russia helped Trump. We have video of attempted collusion, lots of indictments. And just evidence.

DUDE, are you for REAL?
Your indisputable evidence is a couple of newspaper articles from an obscure source, which includes, get this, that Trump once said that he loves WikiLeaks? Video of attempted collusion? Where? For the 9,000th time, "collusion" ain't even a crime. Even if Russia did do something which helped Trump get a few votes, there is nothing to say Trump was in on it! And indictments for what? Any of them pertain to the immediate 2016 campaign and Trump? No! Take all your "evidence" and blow it out your ass---- you got NOTHING. You desperate fucks with your endless need for denial is THE BEST. So long as you still think you were cheated in 2016, you'll just keep making the same mistakes again and again. THANK YOU.

Oh wait. Yes, you were cheated. By Hillary and the DNC.
Oh wait. Yes, you were cheated. By Hillary and the DNC.

He wasn't cheated by the psycho princess and the DNC, it was her turn after all

The Russians were the ones who cheated by stealing Hillary's rightful crown and giving it to the orange clown instead

And unlike the illegal Kenyan, Trump won't get away with it

Any day now...

Oh wait. Yes, you were cheated. By Hillary and the DNC.

He wasn't cheated by the psycho princess and the DNC, it was her turn after all

The Russians were the ones who cheated by stealing Hillary's rightful crown and giving it to the orange clown instead

And unlike the illegal Kenyan, Trump won't get away with it

Any day now...

It is the Russians fault because they taped into Hillary's private server and showed us some of the things she was doing and saying.

How are Dims suppose to win on the up and up?

Then Trump colluded by talking to a Russian.

It's just that simple.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?

In at least 1 instance, Trump's campaign did attempt to collude. Far right extremists are pushing the Kenya story.
...It's just that simple.

Indeed, but when you apply that same simple logic to the to illigal Kenyan messiah with his fake birth certificate it's suddenly a nutty conspiracy theory without any proof....


The former is based upon racism and the latter is not


So everyone that opposed Obama or thought maybe he might have pulled a fast one and born in Kenya is a racist?

Thanks for that dingleberry.

You know, it's people like yourself that has so belittled the term racist that it has now become meaningless.
The difference is this: Every birther claim has been thoroughly debunked by fact checking.

By contrast, the trump-russia ties are re-enforced nearly every day by evidence and Trump's own behavior.

Fact checker?



So does the fact checker show the proof that Obama's birth certificate is real? Let me guess, the "experts" that examined it say it's real, right?

In fact, does it show proof that the evidence that Obama was born in Kenya I've posted is not real?

And what proof do we have that Trump colluded?

You can read the birther fact checking site to get your answers.

For Russia, its indisputable that Russia helped Trump. We have video of attempted collusion, lots of indictments. And just evidence.

DUDE, are you for REAL?
Your indisputable evidence is a couple of newspaper articles from an obscure source, which includes, get this, that Trump once said that he loves WikiLeaks? Video of attempted collusion? Where? For the 9,000th time, "collusion" ain't even a crime. Even if Russia did do something which helped Trump get a few votes, there is nothing to say Trump was in on it! And indictments for what? Any of them pertain to the immediate 2016 campaign and Trump? No! Take all your "evidence" and blow it out your ass---- you got NOTHING. You desperate fucks with your endless need for denial is THE BEST. So long as you still think you were cheated in 2016, you'll just keep making the same mistakes again and again. THANK YOU.

Oh wait. Yes, you were cheated. By Hillary and the DNC.
Rick Gates knowingly in contact with Kremlin spy.

Russia got Hillary's emails a day after Trump asked them to.

Panama money laundering.

Nunes asking for Russia bot help.

Trump tower meeting is already proof of collusion; but of course we know thats not a crime. know the difference.
What makes those who think Obama was born in Kenya any different than those who insist that Trump colluded with Russia?
There's an actual investigation into Russian interference not a fake one.

Trump sends investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama

An investigation based upon documents Hillary paid for?

Then they create a FISA warrant to go after Carter Page, but then end up attacking everyone around Trump instead?

Then the lead investigator tweets that he will stop Trump before the investigation begins?

That investigation?

Nope. Based on the “coffee boy” spouting his mouth off to an Australian diplomat. The Mueller investigation started when Trump fired Comey over “the Rusher thing”.

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