What is the minimum wage for an illegal immigrant?????????????

I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.
There is no reason to have any immigration, as long as there are unemployed Americans. Furthermore just because Democrats are looking the other way, and letting illegals get treated as slave labor, does not make it acceptable to moral Americans, like Trump
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.
There is no reason to have any immigration, as long as there are unemployed Americans. Furthermore just because Democrats are looking the other way, and letting illegals get treated as slave labor, does not make it acceptable to moral Americans, like Trump
He fucking hired illegals you God damn fool! Omg how dumb are you?

You suggesting Republicans haven't looked the other way tells me you really don't get it
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.


But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs

Companies aren't in charge. If they were, Hillary would have won.

When the companies lie, we tell them to STFU.
a wall is not going to fix that. anything more than nationalism and socialism?

A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
you can't even control substances.

People are easier to track. Bigger and with more of a footprint.

My point stands.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
we don't have a border security problem. we have imbalance in market forces. how much is your national and social program going to cost? only the right eschews capitalism and capital plans, for their national and social plans.

a market friendly work visa solves our border security and our illegal problem, and generates revenue in a market recognizable manner.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.
A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
you can't even control substances.

People are easier to track. Bigger and with more of a footprint.

My point stands.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
we don't have a border security problem.

The millions and millions of foreign citizens living here against our laws says otherwise.

we have imbalance in market forces.

Not enough, as shown by the stagnation of us wages.

how much is your national and social program going to cost? only the right eschews capitalism and capital plans, for their national and social plans.

No one supports unfettered capitalism, outside of some drunk college kid anarchists.

a market friendly work visa solves our border security and our illegal problem, and generates revenue in a market recognizable manner.

At the cost of permanent wage stagnation for the American citizens.
By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.

There is no reason to have any immigration, as long as there are unemployed Americans. Furthermore just because Democrats are looking the other way, and letting illegals get treated as slave labor, does not make it acceptable to moral Americans, like Trump

He fucking hired illegals you God damn fool! Omg how dumb are you?

You suggesting Republicans haven't looked the other way tells me you really don't get it

Does that make a difference to an unemployed African American parent who has children to feed?

The USA has NO responsibility to feed and provide medical insurance to Mexicans, just because they are Mexicans.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.


But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs

Companies aren't in charge. If they were, Hillary would have won.

When the companies lie, we tell them to STFU.

Stop being stupid. These corporations have invested heavily in the Republicans. You only mind when they bribe Democrats and you ignore they own your party too. You hold Democrats to a higher standard.

Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them. They built a model of who owns what and what their revenues are and mapped the whole edifice of economic power.

They discovered that global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out from the middle. Each of these 147 own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.


But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs

Companies aren't in charge. If they were, Hillary would have won.

When the companies lie, we tell them to STFU.

Report: Dark Money Surges in State and Local Elections

If corporations wanted illegals gone they'd be gone.
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.

There is no reason to have any immigration, as long as there are unemployed Americans. Furthermore just because Democrats are looking the other way, and letting illegals get treated as slave labor, does not make it acceptable to moral Americans, like Trump

He fucking hired illegals you God damn fool! Omg how dumb are you?

You suggesting Republicans haven't looked the other way tells me you really don't get it

Does that make a difference to an unemployed African American parent who has children to feed?

The USA has NO responsibility to feed and provide medical insurance to Mexicans, just because they are Mexicans.

Why are you making a statement that everyone agrees with and then pretending like I don't agree with that?
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.
Why do you think we have immigration? I mean we have all told them we don't want more people coming in so what is the official reason(s) we take in so many immigrants every year. We must want or need them. What is the official reason we bring in 500,000 immigrants every year after year.

And if we get rid of illegals expect that number to go up. More legal Arabs and Hispanics and Asians oh yes.

There is no reason to have any immigration, as long as there are unemployed Americans. Furthermore just because Democrats are looking the other way, and letting illegals get treated as slave labor, does not make it acceptable to moral Americans, like Trump

He fucking hired illegals you God damn fool! Omg how dumb are you?

You suggesting Republicans haven't looked the other way tells me you really don't get it

Does that make a difference to an unemployed African American parent who has children to feed?

The USA has NO responsibility to feed and provide medical insurance to Mexicans, just because they are Mexicans.

Why are you making a statement that everyone agrees with and then pretending like I don't agree with that?

This is why, and there is nothing you can do about it but stomp up and down

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Now go jerk off again
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
you can't even control substances.

People are easier to track. Bigger and with more of a footprint.

My point stands.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
we don't have a border security problem.

The millions and millions of foreign citizens living here against our laws says otherwise.

we have imbalance in market forces.

Not enough, as shown by the stagnation of us wages.

how much is your national and social program going to cost? only the right eschews capitalism and capital plans, for their national and social plans.

No one supports unfettered capitalism, outside of some drunk college kid anarchists.

a market friendly work visa solves our border security and our illegal problem, and generates revenue in a market recognizable manner.

At the cost of permanent wage stagnation for the American citizens.
That isn't a border security problem but a market inspection problem. The several States merely need our federal Congress to be more ambitious and proactive regarding a market friendly visa, that includes a federal ID, for the market ease, and market convenience, of the several, United States. The general government should be generating revenue not merely dictating unfunded mandates.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
We have a Statue of Liberty and our Founding Fathers subscribed to the concept of natural rights, not merely, American (exceptionalism) Rights.
SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
We have a Statue of Liberty and our Founding Fathers subscribed to the concept of natural rights, not merely, American (exceptionalism) Rights.
Retard, no one passed thru Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty illegally. Grow up
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
We have a Statue of Liberty and our Founding Fathers subscribed to the concept of natural rights, not merely, American (exceptionalism) Rights.
Retard, no one passed thru Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty illegally. Grow up
i am not fantastical enough to believe, all immigrants Only came through that port. Our militia laws reflect our reality; not, right wing fantasy.
That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
We have a Statue of Liberty and our Founding Fathers subscribed to the concept of natural rights, not merely, American (exceptionalism) Rights.
Retard, no one passed thru Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty illegally. Grow up
i am not fantastical enough to believe, all immigrants Only came through that port. Our militia laws reflect our reality; not, right wing fantasy.
No matter, Ellis Island was considered the gateway to America, so if America really needed immigrants in 1954, the facility would have been renovated as the statue eventually was. So you are saying that you enjoy paying for the health insurance of 12 million illegal Mexicans?
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

have you ever read or even heard of, our Declaration of Independence?

In any case, you may not have enough social worth, to take the blame for giving our Statue of Liberty back to the French, regardless of how rich in lucre you may be.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
We have a Statue of Liberty and our Founding Fathers subscribed to the concept of natural rights, not merely, American (exceptionalism) Rights.
Retard, no one passed thru Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty illegally. Grow up
i am not fantastical enough to believe, all immigrants Only came through that port. Our militia laws reflect our reality; not, right wing fantasy.
No matter, Ellis Island was considered the gateway to America, so if America really needed immigrants in 1954, the facility would have been renovated as the statue eventually was. So you are saying that you enjoy paying for the health insurance of 12 million illegal Mexicans?
For some; it is Only one port of entry, specifically to "bailout" some, but not others.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.


But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs

Companies aren't in charge. If they were, Hillary would have won.

When the companies lie, we tell them to STFU.

Stop being stupid. These corporations have invested heavily in the Republicans. You only mind when they bribe Democrats and you ignore they own your party too. You hold Democrats to a higher standard.

Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them. They built a model of who owns what and what their revenues are and mapped the whole edifice of economic power.

They discovered that global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out from the middle. Each of these 147 own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all.

My point was not to complain that corporations gave to HIllary, but to point out that Hillary lost despite their support.

The corporations are not in charge.

When the corporations lie and claim their are no Americans to do the jobs, we will tell them to STFU.

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