What is the minimum wage for an illegal immigrant?????????????

No one not an American Citizens has a natural right to come here.
should we give our Statue of Liberty back to the French, and blame You?

Yes. My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
natural rights do not only belong to Americans.

Never said they did.

My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
A market friendly work visa will solve that problem via capitalism; only the fantastical, right wing, wants a Southern Wall via nationalism and socialism in our public policies.

Bringing in large amounts of cheap labor to drive down wages might be market friendly but it is not in the interests of the American citizens.

Nor is the crime the comes with large amounts of third world immigration.
and a Wall is the Only solution that the right wing is capable of understanding?


My point about the wages and crime stands.
a wall is not going to fix that. anything more than nationalism and socialism?

A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.
should we give our Statue of Liberty back to the French, and blame You?

Yes. My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
natural rights do not only belong to Americans.

Never said they did.

My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.
Republicans are not racist.................Racism knows no political affiliation, race or color. all racism knows is the ignorance that breeds it
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.

Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens

You are the racist. Why should I care that she's black? Why should blacks care? Are you suggesting blacks should all go along with her just because she's black?

See you funny little fool you're using race to divide us.

It should matter more to blacks that she's a rich greedy sell out bitch. Also she may be a one issue idiot. That issue being abortion.

Lots of blacks joined bush over that issue but realized they were duped

Face it Martin Luther Kings niece and the leader of the black panthers voted the same as I did.............We all voted for Trump, so that we can work together to make America great again and wipe the floor with racist like you................

Keep babbling kid, you can lie until the Sun goes down, just like Clinton did, but you can not change the truth.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.

Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens

You are the racist. Why should I care that she's black? Why should blacks care? Are you suggesting blacks should all go along with her just because she's black?

See you funny little fool you're using race to divide us.

It should matter more to blacks that she's a rich greedy sell out bitch. Also she may be a one issue idiot. That issue being abortion.

Lots of blacks joined bush over that issue but realized they were duped

Face it Martin Luther Kings niece and the leader of the black panthers voted the same as I did.............We all voted for Trump, so that we can work together to make America great again and wipe the floor with racist like you................

Keep babbling kid, you can lie until the Sun goes down, just like Clinton did, but you can not change the truth.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.

Congrats. A couple of ultra rich and ultra religious black people voted for Trump. Bravo. By the way, no one cares what Mr. Luther Kings 2nd cousin twice removed believes. Who cares really?

Oh, and I want to point out what an idiot you are. I did a quick search and found one of your first threads

Kirstie Alley endorsing DONALD TRUMP..........Women are for Trump

Guess what?

Kirstie Alley Just Pulled Her Endorsement From This Presidential Candidate

So since you care so much about what Kirstie Alley thinks, read all about how she changed her mind and thinks Hillary was a better choice.

Or are you going to change your mind about the value of Kirstie's opinion? Fuckin idiot! LOL

Bringing in large amounts of cheap labor to drive down wages might be market friendly but it is not in the interests of the American citizens.

Nor is the crime the comes with large amounts of third world immigration.
and a Wall is the Only solution that the right wing is capable of understanding?


My point about the wages and crime stands.
a wall is not going to fix that. anything more than nationalism and socialism?

A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
Yes. My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
natural rights do not only belong to Americans.

Never said they did.

My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.

Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens

You are the racist. Why should I care that she's black? Why should blacks care? Are you suggesting blacks should all go along with her just because she's black?

See you funny little fool you're using race to divide us.

It should matter more to blacks that she's a rich greedy sell out bitch. Also she may be a one issue idiot. That issue being abortion.

Lots of blacks joined bush over that issue but realized they were duped

Face it Martin Luther Kings niece and the leader of the black panthers voted the same as I did.............We all voted for Trump, so that we can work together to make America great again and wipe the floor with racist like you................

Keep babbling kid, you can lie until the Sun goes down, just like Clinton did, but you can not change the truth.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.

Congrats. A couple of ultra rich and ultra religious black people voted for Trump. Bravo. By the way, no one cares what Mr. Luther Kings 2nd cousin twice removed believes. Who cares really?

Oh, and I want to point out what an idiot you are. I did a quick search and found one of your first threads

Kirstie Alley endorsing DONALD TRUMP..........Women are for Trump

Guess what?

Kirstie Alley Just Pulled Her Endorsement From This Presidential Candidate

So since you care so much about what Kirstie Alley thinks, read all about how she changed her mind and thinks Hillary was a better choice.

Or are you going to change your mind about the value of Kirstie's opinion? Fuckin idiot! LOL

Neither of the two is ultra rich, so stop lying and bragging about your racism and hate.......................

A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.

Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens

You are the racist. Why should I care that she's black? Why should blacks care? Are you suggesting blacks should all go along with her just because she's black?

See you funny little fool you're using race to divide us.

It should matter more to blacks that she's a rich greedy sell out bitch. Also she may be a one issue idiot. That issue being abortion.

Lots of blacks joined bush over that issue but realized they were duped

Face it Martin Luther Kings niece and the leader of the black panthers voted the same as I did.............We all voted for Trump, so that we can work together to make America great again and wipe the floor with racist like you................

Keep babbling kid, you can lie until the Sun goes down, just like Clinton did, but you can not change the truth.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.

Congrats. A couple of ultra rich and ultra religious black people voted for Trump. Bravo. By the way, no one cares what Mr. Luther Kings 2nd cousin twice removed believes. Who cares really?

Oh, and I want to point out what an idiot you are. I did a quick search and found one of your first threads

Kirstie Alley endorsing DONALD TRUMP..........Women are for Trump

Guess what?

Kirstie Alley Just Pulled Her Endorsement From This Presidential Candidate

So since you care so much about what Kirstie Alley thinks, read all about how she changed her mind and thinks Hillary was a better choice.

Or are you going to change your mind about the value of Kirstie's opinion? Fuckin idiot! LOL

Neither of the two is ultra rich, so stop lying and bragging about your racism and hate.......................


I said ultra conservative.

And you are right. Kirstie doesn't qualify as being ultra rich.

Kirstie Alley's net worth is reportedly only $30 million

Nothing huh?
Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens

You are the racist. Why should I care that she's black? Why should blacks care? Are you suggesting blacks should all go along with her just because she's black?

See you funny little fool you're using race to divide us.

It should matter more to blacks that she's a rich greedy sell out bitch. Also she may be a one issue idiot. That issue being abortion.

Lots of blacks joined bush over that issue but realized they were duped

Face it Martin Luther Kings niece and the leader of the black panthers voted the same as I did.............We all voted for Trump, so that we can work together to make America great again and wipe the floor with racist like you................

Keep babbling kid, you can lie until the Sun goes down, just like Clinton did, but you can not change the truth.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.

Congrats. A couple of ultra rich and ultra religious black people voted for Trump. Bravo. By the way, no one cares what Mr. Luther Kings 2nd cousin twice removed believes. Who cares really?

Oh, and I want to point out what an idiot you are. I did a quick search and found one of your first threads

Kirstie Alley endorsing DONALD TRUMP..........Women are for Trump

Guess what?

Kirstie Alley Just Pulled Her Endorsement From This Presidential Candidate

So since you care so much about what Kirstie Alley thinks, read all about how she changed her mind and thinks Hillary was a better choice.

Or are you going to change your mind about the value of Kirstie's opinion? Fuckin idiot! LOL

Neither of the two is ultra rich, so stop lying and bragging about your racism and hate.......................


I said ultra conservative.

And you are right. Kirstie doesn't qualify as being ultra rich.

Kirstie Alley's net worth is reportedly only $30 million

Nothing huh?

You said ultra rich...............Seriously are you retarded? I quote
Congrats. A couple of ultra rich and ultra religious black people voted for Trump. Bravo. By the way, no one cares what Mr. Luther Kings 2nd cousin twice removed believes. Who cares really?

Oh, and I want to point out what an idiot you are. I did a quick search and found one of your first threads
and a Wall is the Only solution that the right wing is capable of understanding?


My point about the wages and crime stands.
a wall is not going to fix that. anything more than nationalism and socialism?

A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
you can't even control substances.
natural rights do not only belong to Americans.

Never said they did.

My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

My point about the wages and crime stands.
a wall is not going to fix that. anything more than nationalism and socialism?

A wall is certainly going to help. There have been many cases of high profile illegal criminals who have been deported multiple times.
Prohibition only increases corruption which increases costs. Only the right, never gets it.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
you can't even control substances.

People are easier to track. Bigger and with more of a footprint.

My point stands.

I do not accept that this nation is incapable of securing our borders.
Never said they did.

My point stands. No one not an American citizen has a natural right to come here.
why do you believe that? have you read, 10USC311.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
10USC311 makes that distinction.

SO, what is your confusion on this subject?

Non US citizens do not have a right to come here.
natural rights are not Only American. we simply need a market friendly work visa.

That was a meaningless statement that did not address my point.

By definition a citizen of a nation state has the right to live there and a non-citizen does NOT.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I can just imagine an office full of hard-working INS officials trying to go about their impossible jobs when in comes some crazy old broad jumping up-and-down and screaming at them about some racist rant that has muddled her senses yet again.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
As one black coloumnist pointed out: "they simply moved the plantation"...how true and how disturbing

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.
Who's hiring them?
Years ago I visited a local INS office to voice my anger over illegal aliens. WOW, was that ever an eye opener. Apparently Hispanic illegal aliens are not held to the same standards as legal immigrants from else where. Because Hispanic illegal aliens are in this moral/ethical twilight zone as they are exploited for cheap labor, which seems to be a saving grace. Hispanic illegal aliens allow themselves to be victimized by unethical employers, and unethical employers use "humanitarianism" as a hedge to exploit illegal aliens. What a mixed up mess. We don't need to build walls or raise the minimum wage, for that matter. No lectures, just use common sense and play fair. Then things will work out.
Someone here on this board actually said do you want higher prices for food when I pressed the slave labor point
I'll allow migrants to come pick fruit. We always have. But don't come and cut grass, do construction or maid work. Not illegally.

But do you want to know the truth? Legal immigration will just go up if they crack down on illegal immigrants and illegal employers. Companies want the flood of labor. They will tell you companies can't find american people qualified to do those jobs
All illegal aliens are CRIMINALS, even the nice mommies. You can not tell CRIMINALS what to do, that is just how it is.

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