What is the minimum wage for an illegal immigrant?????????????

Easy now tuff guy...remember how stupid I made you look before?
I'd suggest you follow someone else around and drop your retarded, desperate one-liners somewhere else.
And remember..it is not a mandatory requirement that you post.
Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?

I was talking to this clown: Unkotare
I knew it! He's the one asshole I have blocked. Every once in awhile I notice someone makes a comment that doesn't make sense and it's usually a reply to unkotard.

I absolutely can not stand him. He refuses to have a conversation. I suspect he isn't smart enough to put into words why you are wrong so unless you're going to tell me what you think I don't want to know your opinion on my comments.

I have asked him to explain, he won't. So he's also purposely being a dick. I'm soooo glad to not be seeing his posts. I wish he weren't able to reply to my posts or even see them but I hope it bothers him I don't see what he says.

And I'm glad to see someone else notices what a lame poster he is. We aren't the only ones but he also has a little click in here. He can't explain himself but we know he agrees with them.

He's a inner city wrestling coach who doesn't believe Republicans are racist. He won't answer any questions because he knows his racism would come out

Republicans are not racist.................Racism knows no political affiliation, race or color. all racism knows is the ignorance that breeds it
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?

I was talking to this clown: Unkotare
I knew it! He's the one asshole I have blocked. Every once in awhile I notice someone makes a comment that doesn't make sense and it's usually a reply to unkotard.

I absolutely can not stand him. He refuses to have a conversation. I suspect he isn't smart enough to put into words why you are wrong so unless you're going to tell me what you think I don't want to know your opinion on my comments.

I have asked him to explain, he won't. So he's also purposely being a dick. I'm soooo glad to not be seeing his posts. I wish he weren't able to reply to my posts or even see them but I hope it bothers him I don't see what he says.

And I'm glad to see someone else notices what a lame poster he is. We aren't the only ones but he also has a little click in here. He can't explain himself but we know he agrees with them.

He's a inner city wrestling coach who doesn't believe Republicans are racist. He won't answer any questions because he knows his racism would come out

Republicans are not racist.................Racism knows no political affiliation, race or color. all racism knows is the ignorance that breeds it
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
civil offenses are not real crimes; it is jaywalking across a State line. only the right wing, is that fantastical.

A common belief system on the left, that does not define reality, nor address the real cost to society of the failure of doing that task.
yes, it does; only the right, never gets it.

A belief about the role of government(s) only defines reality if everyone plays by that belief system.

NO ONE out side of First World lefties are playing by that belief system.

AND the harm from NOT doing that is still real, regardless of your opinion.
the right wing only has fantasy, not real world logic and reason. there are more serious crimes, that cost society more.
So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

Trump is coming? You buddy Trump wants to hire more foreign workers for his vineyard that are taking American jobs.

Trump vineyard seeks Labor Department approval to hire foreign workers

Federal ethics experts for former Democratic and Republican administrations warned Thursday that President-elect Donald Trump is creating a major conflict of interest by allowing his Virginia vineyard to seek special temporary visas for foreign workers.

Trump, who is president of the Charlottesville vineyard that applied this month for H2 visas for six foreign workers, will soon run the U.S. government, which determines whether to grant those visas.

“This is a powerful example of why Donald Trump needs to make a definitive break, not just with his operational interests but his ownership interests, by appointing an independent trustee to liquidate all that,” said Norm Eisen, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution who was chief White House ethics lawyer for President Obama from 2009 to 2011.

He called the situation “a classic conflict of interest.”
An H2 Visa is not a wall, either.
Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?

I was talking to this clown: Unkotare
I knew it! He's the one asshole I have blocked. Every once in awhile I notice someone makes a comment that doesn't make sense and it's usually a reply to unkotard.

I absolutely can not stand him. He refuses to have a conversation. I suspect he isn't smart enough to put into words why you are wrong so unless you're going to tell me what you think I don't want to know your opinion on my comments.

I have asked him to explain, he won't. So he's also purposely being a dick. I'm soooo glad to not be seeing his posts. I wish he weren't able to reply to my posts or even see them but I hope it bothers him I don't see what he says.

And I'm glad to see someone else notices what a lame poster he is. We aren't the only ones but he also has a little click in here. He can't explain himself but we know he agrees with them.

He's a inner city wrestling coach who doesn't believe Republicans are racist. He won't answer any questions because he knows his racism would come out

Republicans are not racist.................Racism knows no political affiliation, race or color. all racism knows is the ignorance that breeds it
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
Was there a question who she was going to vote for? I am glad trump put Ben carson in charge of black people
We need a permanent solution that generates revenue from potential foreign labor.

No, we don't. We need a solution that protects our labor pool from cheap third world competition.
Increasing the cost of foreign labor does that; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps.

Not as well as deporting their asses.
Prohibition doesn't doesn't work, and costs money. You cannot lower taxes by increasing government spending; only the right prefers to spend and finance.

And yet we prohibit all sort of things and will continue to do so.

I want to add illegal labor to the list, to the betterment of the American Working Class and Middle Class.
not enough guns involved? why trample natural rights.
1. Please don't lie.
2. Women king for vineyard is not a shitty job. Keep that in mind.

Can you translate that into English please?

2. I mean to say..... Working for vineyard is not a shitty job.
Then quit yours and go pick grapes, you fucking hypocrite

Dude you are good example of ignorant. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
So tell us why picking grapes is such a great job? And add in exactly how many weeks a year a grape picker actually has employment? LOL, you have no clue, go ahead prove me wrong instead of just mumbling

I never said it's a great job. Picking grapes compared to other farming is a far easier than working in the farms like picking strawberries, apple, lettuce etc. Picking grapes can be done by high school kids or younger.
I've been to NAPA valley and I've seen these process several times.
Americans are complaining about foreigners taking American jobs........ so why is this suddenly it's acceptable that foreigners are taking jobs? You keep bitchin about illegals dude.
And I don't have to prove you anything.
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

All 20 millions? Most Drug dealers are Americans and most of the drug users. So stop being dumb.

Please explain this babble

"All 20 millions?"

Did you learn English in Tijuana

You used illegals in GENERAL are selling drugs. Some maybe but in general Americans are drug dealers and user. Cartels used Americans to do these jobs stupid.
Okay I will lower the number for you. 12 millions.
I was talking to this clown: Unkotare
I knew it! He's the one asshole I have blocked. Every once in awhile I notice someone makes a comment that doesn't make sense and it's usually a reply to unkotard.

I absolutely can not stand him. He refuses to have a conversation. I suspect he isn't smart enough to put into words why you are wrong so unless you're going to tell me what you think I don't want to know your opinion on my comments.

I have asked him to explain, he won't. So he's also purposely being a dick. I'm soooo glad to not be seeing his posts. I wish he weren't able to reply to my posts or even see them but I hope it bothers him I don't see what he says.

And I'm glad to see someone else notices what a lame poster he is. We aren't the only ones but he also has a little click in here. He can't explain himself but we know he agrees with them.

He's a inner city wrestling coach who doesn't believe Republicans are racist. He won't answer any questions because he knows his racism would come out

Republicans are not racist.................Racism knows no political affiliation, race or color. all racism knows is the ignorance that breeds it
You know what I mean. For example Republicans have ignored the unfair conditions blacks have lived under for the past 200 years and want to pretend racism doesn't exist today.

Anyways, I'm done arguing all that. I now agree with you. The past doesn't matter. What matters is moving forward and anyone poor chooses to be stay poor.

We can't mandate parents teach their kids to be ambitious. And if a poor person chooses to have a kid when they are poor that's their choice.

If you are single and have no children you can get out of poverty. Nothing we can do about the people who are already here now but the people here now each have a decision to make. Am I ready to be a parent. Every person needs to ask themselves that question.

But idiots like unkotard would suggest I want black genocide when I suggest people on welfare get fixed.

Wrong, Democrats have ignored the poor conditions of African Americans, which is why Alveda King the niece of MLK voted for Donald Trump. seriously you need to get your head together and stop championing planned parenthood who's main function is killing African American children.

Get a grip already idiot.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP - "I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He's Saying"

Alveda King on how President-elect Trump can heal the U.S.
A quick Google search shows she's a minister, fox news contributor and conservative.

You said that like it was a normal black person. Not someone who's already on the band waggon. She's an opportunistic republican. They come in all colors.

Anyways I think Republicans are going to be good for the poor. Republicans will purge people who shouldn't be on the Dole. They won't make it free money. Enough excuses.

Yes Alveda King is a minister just like her uncle Martin Luther King, and Alveda King the niece of the most famous and influential African American leader voted for Donald Trump, just like the leader of the black panthers voted for Donald Trump. You are a sad sack of racist shit, LOL.

The realty is that the Democrats treat African Americans like tokens
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

No shit, .... selling drugs doesn't have to do with prevailing wages. i was simply commenting on what I see in MY area where I live in relation to the title of this thread. when the Thread is about importing tar heroin or whatever, thats another subject.
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

No shit, .... selling drugs doesn't have to do with prevailing wages. i was simply commenting on what I see in MY area where I live in relation to the title of this thread. when the Thread is about importing tar heroin or whatever, thats another subject.
There are no prevailing wages for criminal illegal immigrants. Try again kid
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

All 20 millions? Most Drug dealers are Americans and most of the drug users. So stop being dumb.

Please explain this babble

"All 20 millions?"

Did you learn English in Tijuana

You used illegals in GENERAL are selling drugs. Some maybe but in general Americans are drug dealers and user. Cartels used Americans to do these jobs stupid.
Okay I will lower the number for you. 12 millions.

I had a girlfriend in Reno once who later was involved with a gangbanger from mexico who liked to make a living selling heroin and walking around with guns under his jacket. I got to know about these guys a little too closely because of my x but anyway, this guy and his whole group were all illegal, and a gang. There are so many of these types in the US and they set up a network so they can smuggle drugs and their fellow gang members have a place to stay when they get here. It's a lot more than you think but they come and go and they just don't bother to fill out the census reports. Of course they move their families up here too so they can be half way legit.
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

No shit, .... selling drugs doesn't have to do with prevailing wages. i was simply commenting on what I see in MY area where I live in relation to the title of this thread. when the Thread is about importing tar heroin or whatever, thats another subject.
There are no prevailing wages for criminal illegal immigrants. Try again kid

Whatever dude, but 15 bucks an hour is about what an illegal can make here in the SF bay area in construction . I was making a simple statement on what I've observed. If you want to mince words, i guess that makes you the smart one, ok fine, you win. Not sure why you are so combative and Anal about everything though.
In the SF bay area we have a lot of construction right now, lot of the guys are making 15 buck hr or more and if they know how to operate equipment or have experience they are making more than that easily here. Unless they are just doing day jobs then more like $10.
Dude you have no idea how much money illegal aliens that have to hide in the shadows are making. \

PS. The illegals selling and importing heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are making a lot more than you......DUMBASS

No shit, .... selling drugs doesn't have to do with prevailing wages. i was simply commenting on what I see in MY area where I live in relation to the title of this thread. when the Thread is about importing tar heroin or whatever, thats another subject.
There are no prevailing wages for criminal illegal immigrants. Try again kid

Whatever dude, but 15 bucks an hour is about what an illegal can make here in the SF bay area in construction . I was making a simple statement on what I've observed. If you want to mince words, i guess that makes you the smart one, ok fine, you win. Not sure why you are so combative and Anal about everything though.
Why do you only want to refer to construction workers and ignore the pickers in 100 degree temps getting paid a quarter a bushel or the dishwashers that get paid 5 dollars a day and three bowls of wonton soup? You do know that not all illegals do construction right? or you just want to ignore the slave labor
I knew it! He's the one asshole I have blocked....

I absolutely can not stand him.... I'm soooo glad to not be seeing his posts....

Captured illegals need to be treated like the criminals they are and not hugged and coddled all the way back to their shit-hole.
We need to use them after capture...make them build our wall...say...a 120 day sentence to "the wall" working 16 hours a day, sleeping in tents and fed rice, bread and water.
This is so simple...someone just needs to grab their balls and sack up.

stop wasting time with childish, emotive, nonsense.

There is no minimum wage for illegals...in fact their labor can be FREE!
Simply pick up a truck load at your local Home Depot, have them pull weeds and do brainless work then drop them off at your local INS office. Like this:

Give it a try big mouth

Easy now tuff guy...remember how stupid I made you look before?
I'd suggest you follow someone else around and drop your retarded, desperate one-liners somewhere else.
And remember..it is not a mandatory requirement that you post.

Who you talking to? Me or the one guy I blocked?

I was talking to this clown: Unkotare

Best day of my usmb life was day I blocked him. He's the only person I ever blocked and I've been here long time

When America was Great, the great you all want to have AGAIN, we had a baby boom that made us great....and then the boomers all having kids....

Most ALL of the increases in GDP and what's in our wallets, came from the growth in our population.... more people equals more purchases, equals more workers needed....

It's like a Ponzi scheme, as long as more people come in to the game, everything seems fine...

When our population growth came to a near halt and the writing was on the wall that our economy was going to hit that wall....a blind eye by our government to undocumented immigrants began....

so to keep our economy at least moving somewhat in the North direction with the population increases the immigrants and undocumented immigrants gave us....is why I think our govt let it go for so long.... Not JUST for cheap labor for their business buddies...
That is not what Democrats say though.
When America was Great, the great you all want to have AGAIN, we had a baby boom that made us great....and then the boomers all having kids....

Most ALL of the increases in GDP and what's in our wallets, came from the growth in our population.... more people equals more purchases, equals more workers needed....

It's like a Ponzi scheme, as long as more people come in to the game, everything seems fine...

When our population growth came to a near halt and the writing was on the wall that our economy was going to hit that wall....a blind eye by our government to undocumented immigrants began....

so to keep our economy at least moving somewhat in the North direction with the population increases the immigrants and undocumented immigrants gave us....is why I think our govt let it go for so long.... Not JUST for cheap labor for their business buddies...
That is not what Democrats say though.
I know, you are right...No one ever says that and I am just speculating....

But it's not like either side of the aisle representatives would come out and say we need this ponzi scheme to keep going...?

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