What Is the Price of Free Speech?

TK gave an EXAMPLE...ONE group WAS charged...when NO others had before...and guess what? THEY were NOT a PC group...Guess what that means?

No, that's not what he gave. I'm simply asking for the source of there "no others had been charged before comes from", it's not from the OP link.


You're being facetious.

No, I was asking for you to substantiate your claim - if you can't that's OK.


Did the university have to provide extra security officers to protect the participants, then it strikes me the fees were reasonable.

Newsflash, it is irrelevant if the university had to hire security unless they apply those fees to everyone.

I already said that, multiple times. JoeB is just an idiot that loves to see the government trample on people, and then pretend that it doesn't matter cause it wasn't him.

This wasn't a government issue.

This was a bunch of Christian Douchebags insisting on their right to be douchebags.

Again, it goes back to what Mike Royko's suggestion about the Nazis who wanted to March In Skokie.

Let them, and let them take the consequences.

But the university thought, "meh, we don't want these guys to take the asskicking that they deserve." And they laid on extra security that really, the frat party probbly didn't need.

One of these days JoeB might get enough brains to prove me wrong, today is not that day.

Did the university have to provide extra security officers to protect the participants, then it strikes me the fees were reasonable.

Newsflash, it is irrelevant if the university had to hire security unless they apply those fees to everyone.

I already said that, multiple times. JoeB is just an idiot that loves to see the government trample on people, and then pretend that it doesn't matter cause it wasn't him.

This wasn't a government issue.

This was a bunch of Christian Douchebags insisting on their right to be douchebags.

Again, it goes back to what Mike Royko's suggestion about the Nazis who wanted to March In Skokie.

Let them, and let them take the consequences.

But the university thought, "meh, we don't want these guys to take the asskicking that they deserve." And they laid on extra security that really, the frat party probbly didn't need.

No, junior, yer LYING again! It was an attempt to muzzle speech they didn't like, no more and no less.

Holy crap. I hope this isn't a trend.

Twice now in the last two days I've seen a liberal claim that the reason they shut down a conservative from speaking freely is that they were just trying to protect the conservatives from getting their asses kicked.

Please tell me this was just a coincidence. Please tell me this isn't going to be an argument.


Holy crap. I hope this isn't a trend.

Twice now in the last two days I've seen a liberal claim that the reason they shut down a conservative from speaking freely is that they were just trying to protect the conservatives from getting their asses kicked.

Please tell me this was just a coincidence. Please tell me this isn't going to be an argument.


In neither case was free speech shut down. A smart guy like you should realize that.

Holy crap. I hope this isn't a trend.

Twice now in the last two days I've seen a liberal claim that the reason they shut down a conservative from speaking freely is that they were just trying to protect the conservatives from getting their asses kicked.

Please tell me this was just a coincidence. Please tell me this isn't going to be an argument.


Can you name the abortion doctor who was murdered in Buffalo some years ago?
Newsflash, it is irrelevant if the university had to hire security unless they apply those fees to everyone.

I already said that, multiple times. JoeB is just an idiot that loves to see the government trample on people, and then pretend that it doesn't matter cause it wasn't him.

This wasn't a government issue.

This was a bunch of Christian Douchebags insisting on their right to be douchebags.

Again, it goes back to what Mike Royko's suggestion about the Nazis who wanted to March In Skokie.

Let them, and let them take the consequences.

But the university thought, "meh, we don't want these guys to take the asskicking that they deserve." And they laid on extra security that really, the frat party probbly didn't need.

No, junior, yer LYING again! It was an attempt to muzzle speech they didn't like, no more and no less.

Given the propesity of anti-Choice nutters for violence, security was kind of called for...
You can administer the fee to 999 out of 1000 groups. If you are only charging those 999 and not the one, that's wrong.

You can give free access to 999 out of 1000 groups, but if you give free access to the 999 and not the one, that's also wrong.

Simple point here is: it doesn't matter. Either way, it's discriminatory, either way it abridges someone's right to free speech.

As I read through the tread you made the claim multiple times that no other group had been charged the fee - I simply asked where you got that information. Is it based on fact? A misunderstanding of the OP?

I didn't comment at all about 999 or 1000 groups. I was trying to establish if what you said was true or if it was made-up.

TK gave an EXAMPLE...ONE group WAS charged...when NO others had before...and guess what? THEY were NOT a PC group...Guess what that means?

No TK did not prove that. He claimed it as fact without a shred of evidence to support it. Even if, by coincidence, he turned out to be right,

that in no way makes his claim fact in this conversation at this point.

Holy crap. I hope this isn't a trend.

Twice now in the last two days I've seen a liberal claim that the reason they shut down a conservative from speaking freely is that they were just trying to protect the conservatives from getting their asses kicked.

Please tell me this was just a coincidence. Please tell me this isn't going to be an argument.


Can you name the abortion doctor who was murdered in Buffalo some years ago?



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If the University were on some mission to suppress those with anti-abortion opinions,

why did they allow the Students for Life to bring in the anti-abortion extremist group Genocide Awareness Project that same week?

Holy crap. I hope this isn't a trend.

Twice now in the last two days I've seen a liberal claim that the reason they shut down a conservative from speaking freely is that they were just trying to protect the conservatives from getting their asses kicked.

Please tell me this was just a coincidence. Please tell me this isn't going to be an argument.


Can you name the abortion doctor who was murdered in Buffalo some years ago?




And who is the last person you can recall who was ever murdered over the issue of the flat tax vs. the progressive tax?

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